Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2155

“It seems that your trick was seen through by a little child!”

Split at both ends of the dining table, sitting in this way for several days It was the first time that Zhou Yi saw Smith Zhou on the opposite side with an obscure look in his eyes. From his current eyes, he can of course see that this is a manifestation of evil arising from the heart and anger arising from the heart. And thinking of everything they have observed through magic so far, it is not difficult for him to guess the truth.

It’s nothing more than a kind of murderous idea that a conspirator will inevitably have after a conspiracy is exposed. Of course, with him watching over here, even if Smith Zhou has great abilities, it is absolutely impossible to choke Frank there across half of the Earth. He can only stare at him, and this is why Zhou Yi mocks him.

After all, it is not so easy to see this wily old fox bastard eaten up. Especially, it is still planted on such a child.

“hmph, it’s just a little clever.” Coldly snorted, Smith Zhou’s expression was a little snoring, and he returned to the previous appearance of no joy and no sadness. “Even if you can see what my plan is. The layout of my plan to this day has already had everything in place, and it only owes the wind. Just because of a little cleverness, he believes that oneself infallible can turn the current situation. I’m too underestimated.”

“Are you really not worried at all? Or, is this also in your plot against?”

Smith. Zhou’s words It was not convincing, but he was inevitably a little surprised. Because no matter it was after Frank told the plan, or he mobilized Heaven Realm’s army to attack Hydra’s headquarters, Smith Zhou did not see much reaction.

This is not in line with common sense. Because if this is really related to his big plan, then there is no reason to say that he would be so indifferent to such a blow, after all, this is completely trampling on his efforts. But he just happened to be like this, completely a matter of no concern to oneself. This makes it inevitable that Zhou Yi, who knows a little bit about him, will inevitably have a guess as to whether he has another plot.

“Do you think I have another trump card?” In the face of Zhou Yi’s doubts, Smith Zhou didn’t cover it much. After all, they have reached the point where they are confronted directly, and it is meaningless to continue to cover up to this degree. So it might as well just make a frank announcement.

“This is not wrong. The so-called “unexpected victory and pre-expected defeat”, the military thought of the pre-Qin era is still very desirable in terms of planning.”

” Like what this brat said, I do have the backbone to interrupt the rebels of the entire world, so that all those who dare not to resist me are forced to submit to me, and finally under my will The plan of fuse together. However, this is only the result that can be achieved under the most smooth situation, and for me, no matter how smooth the situation develops, even if everything can’t escape my hands, I I will definitely not put all hope on this.”

Speaking of this, Smith Zhou raised the corner of his mouth and revealed an expression that seemed to be smiling. “I’ve said it many times. I know the human race too well. In the past few thousand years, how many times have humans experienced such powerful suppression and terror oppression? It is really hard to say clearly. The problem. The fact that human beings can reach today is enough to explain their resilience.”

“This resilience is not reflected in a single individual. It is the entire race, facing danger. Circumstances, the universal characteristics erupted under a certain person. Just like me, Human Sovereign, and also the tens of thousands of soldiers and braves under our command.”

“In that era, we played such a role. In the era after this, another group of people played the same role. Humans, the potential of this race is so immeasurable. So I never doubted. , Even today, when the world’s major events are all in my hand, there will be such a group of people jumping out to challenge me!”

“Maybe their strength is not mentioned , Maybe they are not my enemy at all. But who can say that there will be no accidents at that time? I need to take this into consideration, because commands always like to make such jokes with humans. So, I also have to make second consideration for all of this happening!”

“Second consideration?”

Smith. Zhou’s explanation made Zhou Yi an incomprehensible puzzle. He didn’t understand. Since he said that he didn’t pay much attention to the current situation, and even had anticipation of all of it, why didn’t he keep everything in the budding stage, but simply ignore it?

Even if it is not an opponent like the Celestial Court army, you still have to resist if you should resist. Just doing nothing and letting the enemy go straight ahead is really a bit too unreasonable.

“Yes, second consideration!” Smith Zhou also knew that the own arrangement was unreasonable, but since he dared to arrange this, he naturally had his reasons. And one of his first reasons is, “Think about the situation where my purpose and ideas can be preserved in another way even though everything I manage is gone!”

This sentence is even more puzzling, because Zhou Yi couldn’t imagine how Smith Zhou would use to implement the own ideal to such a level. Know that the role he plays is not a hero, but Demon King. If heroes can use own Death to extend their own will and inherit the own will from the ordinary person, then Demon King, his destruction will only delight everyone, and all his thoughts will also be distorted. Destroyed, completely trampled into the dust.

Humans will not accept the idea of ​​a Demon King, especially under the premise that this Demon King is still a loser, so Zhou Yi really doesn’t understand where Smith Zhou is confident. , Dare to say such big things.

He didn’t speak, but his expression was enough to express a lot. In the face of his undisguised confusion, Smith Zhou did not have the meaning of precepts and deeds, and explained to him.

“There is one thing that brat analysis is in place, that is, all my purpose is to destroy the backbone of this World’s resistance. And a deeper point is to make all the patterns that can stabilize the current situation of this World The land fell apart, leaving only the last voice. Don’t be super-strong, and don’t be multi-polar. Even a dual world like the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union is not allowed. What I want is to destroy all of these possibilities. Form, leaving the world with only one pole, only one power with a powerful ruling power.”

“And this power can be me in the plan. Of course, it can also be other What role!”

“I don’t care who is the final victor, because no matter who wins the final battle, he will become the well-deserved ruler of this World. Be the entire The world is fragmented, and when all the previous patterns are crushed into powder, the ruler of the New World will instinctively integrate the entire world in the hands of the owner whether he wants it or not.”

“This is another kind of unification, which is different from what Brat said. It uses Hydra’s corpse as a nutrient to breed unification. Compared with Hydra as the final winner, there is no doubt that such a The victors who step on Hydra’s corpse are more acceptable to the world and can promote the formation of this unification. Because if it is Hydra, then I also need to consider military force suppression, and whether there will be awakenings and resistance, This may take me hundreds of generations to solve. But if this is the case, then everything will only change in the unnoticeable influence. As long as the means are harder, it will not even cause too much commotion. And for such a gap, if you were sitting in my seat, how would you choose?”

“How to choose?”

This question is not difficult to answer , Even Zhou Yi can open his mouth and choose the second result. However, this is nothing serious. If you really sit in the position of Smith Zhou, most people may not make such a choice. There is no other reason, because in any case, it is his painstaking effort. And it is really not the determination that ordinary people can make up to give the own effort as a sacrifice.

In fact, Zhou Yi also doubts whether Smith Zhou really has such a determination. So he can only ask questions in a slightly suspicious tone at this time.

“Do you really think so? You are so…willing to?”

“Why are you not willing? Is it because I have spent my hard work on him?”

Haha smiled, and Smith Zhou’s expression could not help showing a stunned, slightly playful smile.

“If you spend more effort on another thing, or even bet your own life, you will know that there is nothing to be reluctant to bear in it. And let’s talk about it. Just trifling Hydra, do you really think I will take this tool seriously?”

“Look at the composition of Hydra, my child. His composition is worse than you can imagine One point. Murderers, XX criminals, war criminals… metamorphosis, madman, ambitious, human distorted wild beast! Anything you can imagine that belongs to the evil in humans can be found in Hydra that is fresh enough Let’s take an example. If we compare humans to a pond, there is no doubt that these are the roles of the foul-smelling silt at the bottom of the pond.”

“Knowing that a pond is standing still for a long time, Is there a constant result? That is, the water in the entire pond will be contaminated by this foul sludge. With the evaporation day by day, all the clean parts are expelled and disappeared, the final result is, even if you look at it. The cleanest drop of water will also give off the smell of silt.”

“This World of humans is like this. Let these foul silt confuse it, one day humans will The whole will be contaminated by them into an existence like them. And if that time comes, believe me, there is no need or possibility for this human race to exist anymore. At the very least, I will not let humans Become that way, if must develop in this direction, I would rather destroy humans in the hands of the owner while they are still clean.”

“Of course, humans are far from degraded to this point. To a point. So taking advantage of all the leeway to save, I don’t mind taking advantage of these filthy scum and let them contribute to the continuation of this race.”

“Imagine that the beginning of a new era of mankind is based on the sacrifice of a group of scum and villains. Isn’t this dramatic thing very exciting? I would love to see such a situation , Especially when I think that after hundreds or even thousands of years, humans will still engrave their existence in dramas or epics, I will feel that it is me who gave them redemption and gave them the meaning of life.”

“Perhaps after I don’t know how many years, somebody, after understanding my intentions, may Savior who called me a wicked person? That kind of thing is interesting to think of.”

Zhou Yi don’t know how to evaluate Smith Zhou’s idea. Say he is crazy? But who is not? In this chaotic world, people who want to make changes cannot turn oneself into a lunatic. Smith Zhou is not an individual case, just that’s all the most prominent among this group of lunatics.

As for questioning or denying his approach, Zhou Yi has no such idea. Although he cannot agree with Smith Zhou’s actions by fair means or foul, it is difficult for him to deny Smith Zhou’s idea of ​​treating wicked people as nutrients.

After all, a person like him really doesn’t have any extra sympathy for the scum in Hydra. Let them burn a piece of waste heat for the existence of this World, which may be the best result. Regardless of his personal likes and dislikes, or for the future of the human race.

Looking at it this way, it seems that Smith Zhou has a good reason for his indifference. All that happened was only within his plan, it was the inevitable process that’s all to burn the dregs and transform this World. However, Zhou Yi always has such a little doubt, because he thinks that things may not be as Smith Zhou thought.

“You are so sure that things will develop as you expected in the end. Don’t forget Frank’s plan for this child. If you are indifferent to his actions, then maybe he can pull it out for revenge. What a huge power to come. Once the power he has united is enough to match the victor you expected, your plan can proceed as smoothly as impossible. After all…not all humans want to see Oneself became fragments and merged into another whole.”

“I know!” In an understatement, Smith Zhou also suddenly showed a cold expression. “I said, I will always impossible to pin my hope on one thing. So, if you want to do what you said, it depends on whether he has such ability!”

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