Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2156

To unite the power of mankind, this has never been anything serious.

Frank is still young. He just slapped his head to say that, thinking that things can develop smoothly as he imagined. In fact, this thing is not that easy at all.

What is human urine like? This is a question that must be understood and cannot be avoided at all. Relying on a little bit of credit and a little insignificant gratitude, you will tie people to the own war chariot, and accompany oneself to charge and encroach on the battlefield. You can’t help but think too highly of the word guerrilla.

Looking at human history, in fact, not all civilized races have a spirit of confronting invaders and oppressors to the end. The civilization of ancient Egypt is brilliant enough, but it can only bully the surrounding uncivilized natives. When faced with truly powerful opponents, such as Alexander, Rome, Persia, and even the later Arab empires, they were all hung up and beaten. fate.

It is even said that in history, Alexander took the entire Egypt without a single soldier, and the later pharaohs of Egypt competed to name oneself as the descendant of Alexander.

It is beyond imagination that the bones of a civilization soften like this. But this is not an isolated case. It is conceivable that if these people are included in the own camp, and then the narrative that is sweeping down is continued, what kind of hidden dangers will be buried for oneself.

This is only one of the problems. It is a problem between humans. There are still such barriers between different nations, countries and cultures, let alone the friction between humans and Ultron’s psychiatric devices.

Let’s not talk about how Ultron pulls down this army under the gaze of European governments without letting them doubt the own motives and purposes, just how to make the human beings in the saved and liberated regions treat these intellectuals It is a difficult problem to generate gratitude and recognition from the weapon, and make them willing to fight side by side with these intelligence devices.

We must know that whether human beings are willing to accept artificial intelligence like them often depends on their own consciousness. In the final analysis, awareness is affected by many factors such as environment, civilization, and education. A nation that can tell the rise and fall of the world and that everyone is responsible is different from those that only know how to herd sheep and worship gods and whose per capita education level is not up to the standard. In addition, the target area is known for superstition and ignorance, so Ultron really dare not have too much expectations of them.

“Do you think this is feasible?”

There was a big question mark in my heart as to whether this kind of plan would work, Ultron asked the other way around, obviously wanting to know What exactly is Frank’s idea. He didn’t believe that Frank would ignore such obvious loopholes. After all, their knowledge was equivalent, but since he still said that, it naturally meant that he already had the idea of ​​owning.

“Of course it works.” Frank heard the temptation in Ultron’s words, and immediately raised his eyebrows, revealing a playful expression. “I know each step in my plan very well, and I can tell you exactly that those things you worry about will not happen. Because there is a saying called involuntarily……”

involuntarily ? This sentence doesn’t sound like a good word. And if you follow Frank’s general direction at the moment, then Ultron has more reason to be sure that this will not be a good thing for those innocent humans.

The cooperation between him and Frank has premises. It does not mean that he is willing to cooperate unconditionally on everything. Concerning the lives of innocents, he was impossible anyway to sit and watch Frank get them cracking a joke. Based on this premise, he immediately warned Frank.

“Frank, don’t forget your promise to me. I’m reminding you that you cannot involve the innocent. Once any innocent is hurt by your actions, then you and me The cooperation between them will end immediately!”

“Of course I remember this guarantee, and I don’t need to remind you.”

Although I hate this kind of chattering feeling, there are still some Seeking Ultron, Frank also impossible to express this kind of disgust. So he just waved his hand, and then said as if comforting.

“Since I dare to say that, there is naturally my way. You should remember that I used to study with Paragon sorcerer.”

“Of course. Mr. Stark made a bold decision for you. However, despite some negative factors in this decision, overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Because he opened a new door for you and brought you into We have arrived in a world completely outside of science. This is your opportunity, Frank, a very rare opportunity.”

Ultron is not saying anything against his will at this moment. Because even if he is now playing technology with magic tricks, after all, he can only develop on this road. Frank is different, he has already taken another path from the starting point.

Not to mention where the end of this path is, the pioneering it represents is already very meaningful. Moreover, judging from the level of magic displayed by Paragon sorcerer and the technological level of Ultron oneself, there is no reason to say that the sum of the two will be a positive and negative truth. So in summary, Ultron is really optimistic about the opportunities Frank has.

According to his own point of view, he actually does not agree with Frank being so impatient about revenge. Because no matter what you think about it, revenge is now a thankless thing.

The power gap is too big, so no matter what Frank does, he has a rush to bring about one’s own destruction. Even if he changed his mind, he changed from dealing with Smith Zhou to his plan and purpose. However, this is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Hydra itself is not easy to deal with, even more how their current chassis, that is, the status quo of human society is still a mess. Even if everything goes as smoothly as Frank planned, the other party also has a Smith Zhou who can lift the table at any time.

If you don’t say that Zhou Shang saw a shadow behind him, Ultron would not agree with Frank to take such a risky move. Because there is a simple truth, that is, as long as Smith Zhou takes action on him, then they can’t keep him at all.

The impulse to take own life into it just for a short time is really stupid. That is, now that he is covered by someone, Ultron can allow him to break away like this.

But in general, he still feels that this is not sensible. Pinning hopes on others is not the right way. Instead of this, it is better to develop oneself well and make oneself more capable of coping with such threats.

Frank is not without such potential. He is supported by this path where technology and magic are mixed together. As long as he is willing to calm down and delve into it, no matter how bad he is, it will be like the second Paragon sorcerer. The world is as big as possible. It’s just a pity that he was so eager for success that he was unwilling to endure even the time necessary for such a little development. This is simply wasting his opportunity.

Of course, waste is not waste, that is Frank’s own business. Ultron can only sigh with emotion. As for Frank himself, since he has such an idea, he naturally did not take own safety seriously.

He knows exactly what oneself is doing, and he also knows that this moment may be his only chance to operate. If this opportunity is missed, most of Smith Zhou’s momentum will be unstoppable. At that time, it would be unnecessary for him to do anything else, and the only way to get revenge was a word. But what’s the point even if you get out of it?

Even if he killed the enemy with his own hands, he still fulfilled his own ideal and constructed the world he wanted. And on such a basis, even if it is Death, there is nothing to fear for him. The high probability is the result of a smile. For Frank, this result undoubtedly meant that his revenge was not complete, but only a minimal vent of anger.

He didn’t want to endure oneself to the end, enduring countless pain and torture, but in the end he could only get such an unsatisfactory result. Therefore, taking advantage of the moment, doing oneself’s best efforts to destroy Smith Zhou’s plan became his only choice.

He didn’t hesitate to take risks with his own body in order to get the greatest revenge on Smith Zhou. Naturally, every link he envisioned was the result of his hard work. It’s like talking about the present…

“When I was by Paragon sorcerer, I read a lot of sorcerer’s works and manuscripts. Some of them are related to the sanctuary, which is a large How is the exorcism site built.”

“One thing that you and I know very well is that when the Hydra power in front of us, a large part of it actually comes from the devil in hell. They In Central Asia, the gate to hell was opened, making it the first place where the devil wreaks havoc. And even humans have done their best to respond in the most timely manner. But it can only be a temporary cure. It does not cure the root cause, and hides the existence of the devil under an acceptable surface. Therefore, to solve the problem there, the most fundamental point is how to expel and destroy these demons!”

Frank is not false, and in fact, this is indeed the biggest difficulty in this area.

It is the war-prone area before the chaos of the world, coupled with the subsequent Apocalypse and Gate of Hell events, the order of this place has already collapsed to a point where nothing exists.

The state power is just a decoration on the surface. Their political structure, talent and resource reserves, and economic conditions are not enough to support them to rebuild their own order in the face of such disasters. It’s okay when the organization of the Allied Powers was still alive. Using the resources of the Allied Powers and the mutual support, these regimes can barely be said to maintain the stability of a core occupied area and protect some citizens more or less. Safety of life and property.

However, with the advent of Dormammu and the collapse of the space defense system, which represents the intersection of the allies. Obviously, they can’t even hold the own basic disk.

It’s not Broad Daylight, and the people dare not go to the streets. At night, they closed the doors and windows one by one, begging God to worship the Buddha and not be found by the demons and ghosts hiding in the dark.

Their government has been unable to provide them with a sense of security. In fact, even those who govern the regime, their current situation does not necessarily have to be any better than these ordinary persons.

Indeed, compared with those civilians who can’t even solve the problem of food and clothing, and have a meal without a meal, they can still live a luxurious life at the highest level with the national resources at their disposal. However, this kind of life cannot keep those demons who appear and disappear unpredictably out.

Even for many hobby blood-eating demons, they still prefer this kind of upper class character. It’s because I think about it with my buttocks. People who have grown up spoiled and spoiled, both in terms of taste and nutrition, are better than those who have taken a bath in the past few years, and there is no two or two pork belly. The poor are much stronger.

This creates an embarrassing problem. The poor want to leave and escape from this land of demons, but they have nowhere to go. Because in this season, any country is impossible to take over their troubles based on a bunch of shit that oneself has already done.

The lessons of the past are all there, and if you jump into the same pit for a second time, it is really a question of your mind.

The rulers have the ability to go, but they are reluctant to go. Because this going means abandoning everything they have now. While enjoying the welfare brought to them by national resources, they also nailed oneself to this position. If you want to run away, let’s not talk about how you run away with national resources. Just the wishes of the people under your hand are beyond your control.

In short, this is an unsolvable situation. If you leave it alone, then at best it will be three or two generations’ time, and it will become a desert of life, a forbidden place that no one wants to set foot on.

This is still Ultron’s implementation of the thunderous method in Europe, which has deterred most of the demons, so that they dare not blatantly wreak havoc, but can only sneak in secretly. Otherwise, the time to fall here will only be faster.

But now Frank means this, saying that he is ready to open the situation from here. This made Ultron inevitably wonder what he would do.

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