Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2157

“Here, here, also here…”

He called out a map of a large area at his fingertips, and Frank used his fingers to outline it, A large circle was drawn in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and also the Caspian Sea to the east. It encompasses most of Central Asia, and almost encompasses the entire contiguous region of Europe and Asia.

“Following this direction, I can model the Sanctum Sanctum that Kamar-Taj has arranged in the world to create a similar pseudo-sanctuary with exorcism function. As long as it is within this area If you don’t want to be purified by the power of the sanctuary, you can only escape from this area by all means.”

“They can’t go back to the hell. According to current estimates, the Evil Spirit hell is already It was swallowed by Dormammu. Even if Dormammu is now planted in the hands of an unknown being, it is impossible to say that the Evil Spirit hell will be vomited out again. So they are homeless, and in In this case, their only choice is to come to Europe or go to Asia…”

“Of course, this may cause trouble to some people, but if you are prepared, believe in these hells. The dregs left in it won’t make any climate. If you think about a good place, Central Asia can be rescued, isn’t it!”

After a while, Ultron is obviously judging Among the stakes. Of course, he quickly came up with a result.

“On the European side, I can lay out a line of defense to prevent the entry of the demons. As for the Asian side, I can also get in touch with Asian countries by notifying the European Union, so as to provide them with some necessary Help. You are right. As long as these demons are exposed, they really can’t achieve any climate. So specific, how do you plan to build your sanctuary?”

Although I don’t know much about magic, but Ultron also knows that magic of this scale is definitely not casual, and it can be done with just a word. If Frank has the ability to move mountains and seas like the Paragon sorcerer, it would be another matter, but since he doesn’t have such a level and wants to make such a big movement at the same time, the external force required will naturally not be small.

This is probably what he wants to own, and in this regard, he certainly does not want any omissions.

“Specifically? Then too much help is needed.”

It is one of the purposes of asking Ultron for help, so since Ultron has asked questions, he naturally wants Open this mouth.

“Steel, cement…all the infrastructure materials. I need you to use your greatest strength to help me build three cities there. Of course, I won’t let you contribute alone, I have given He ordered Jarvis to take out all the resources that Stark Industries can mobilize to cooperate with this action.”

“From the perspective of the technology we currently have, as long as there is no who can be used to hinder it, the most In just one month, we can build the prototypes of three cities in this area. And as long as the cities are built, the foundation of the sanctuary will be laid down!”

“Is it necessary?” At first hearing Frank’s plan, even Ultron couldn’t help frowning.

He thinks that Frank’s doing this is a bit of a waste of energy and money. Because if it’s just for building a sanctuary, wouldn’t it be enough to just build a few places like military bases or churches? Why must you build a city? This is obviously unreasonable.

Furthermore, even if it is necessary to build a city, this is not something that can be determined with a slap of the head.

A human city, which one cannot have the scale of today after decades or even hundreds of years of accumulation and changes.

The convergence of resources, manpower, and wealth is not a problem that can be solved overnight. And if you want to condense this huge figure into just one month, even if the expenditure is placed on the fiscal expenditure of a few major countries, it will definitely be a headache.

Ultron can’t afford the money either. He holds most of the consortium resources in his hand and the Nanoguard, a golden egg incubation machine. Just bite your teeth and tighten your belt. This money It can still be squeezed out.

The main problem is not this kind of expenditure, but what he has to do to get the EU and even several countries in Central Asia to agree to him.

Under the banner of international humanitarian aid? don’t crack a joke. Now the whole of Europe is in a mess, and all kinds of reconstruction and restoration work need to be solved urgently. At this time, you don’t have to use the resources and ability to restore and build your own site, but go to your neighbor’s house to play who taoist assistance. On the 2nd day when you believe or not, people who are still angry will be able to light up government buildings in various countries.

Tell the truth? The current situation in Europe does not necessarily have that long-term vision.

For European governments, it is definitely more important to stabilize internally than to resolve external threats. Moreover, this threat has not yet fallen on their heads, but has just made the neighbors next door unlucky. And in the spirit of Fellow Daoist undying Poor Daoist, they will mostly watch the excitement.

Ten thousand steps back, even these European countries are willing to take a long-term view and proceed from the overall situation. After agreeing to his assistance to this place, whether the regime that controls this area is willing to accept such assistance is still a questionable issue.

From a rational point of view, they have no reason to refuse. After all, Ultron is also doing this to protect the lives of all people, including them. But from another perspective, the construction of a new city is almost inevitable to absorb the talents, materials and wealth around it. In other words, if this city wants to grow, it has to absorb the blood of this area itself.

And if this city belongs to them, and they have jurisdiction and governance over these cities, then these words are naturally two different things. However, the resources were mobilized from the European side, and the construction was carried out by Ultron. You did nothing but simply moved your ass to claim that oneself owns the sovereignty of these cities. It would be too bad to put other people in the eyes.

In terms of the consistent urinary properties of this area, when the time comes, they might have this idea of ​​doves occupying the nest. It’s just affirmative. The EU will never allow this to happen.

It is estimated that from the very beginning, it will be strictly guarded, and various regulations will be enacted. Even further, it is not impossible to insert the army directly.

Bag? The strength gap lies here, and if you want to wrestle, others may not give you this opportunity. This is not the time when people would still be concerned about how good their faces were before. In the face of real benefits, no one would let you take advantage of this for nothing.

If you don’t have the advantage, it’s better to be out of sight and out of mind. Therefore, it is very likely that the rulers of this area would rather bear the threat of those demons than would like cities that would weaken their power and infringe their interests to appear on their territory.

Of course, you can just ignore them and do your own thing unilaterally. In any case, with their current overwhelming situation, there is no way to prevent this from happening. However, this will inevitably come to fruition. After all, if you really want to say it, this is already an infringement of the sovereignty of a country.

This is a matter of principle. Any country in the world, as long as it is a little bit far-sighted, will not deny this fact. And under the banner of righteousness, the rulers of this area can launch a legitimate war to bring these cities under the command of own.

If it can be played, it is naturally a profitable business. And if you can’t fight it, that’s naturally a matter of making persistent efforts.

In short, once things develop to this step, it is basically a matter of internal conflict between humans. And at this time, whether it is for Hydra’s overall consideration, or from Ultron’s own selfishness. He didn’t want things to turn into this way. Therefore, he obviously showed resistance to Frank’s proposal.

“Of course it is necessary.”

Frank knows exactly what Ultron is worrying about, and what he has to do now is to dispel this worry.

“I know what you think. It’s not surprising that you treat my idea of ​​building a city as extravagance. But I think you need to understand that if there is an easier way, I will I would not choose to do this.”

“Paragon sorcerer was able to shelter the entire Earth with just three Sanctums, that is because her understanding of magic is unparalleled. Look at the United States today The mountain range in the west that stands up because of her spells knows how profound she is in magic, especially in earth vein magic. Everyone can’t match it, including me. At the very least, the current one I can’t do that.”

“And to arrange this level of sanctuary, to some extent, the demand for magical power is not more than that of Paragon sorcerer. The huge mountain range is so low. If you only rely on small squats, then even in a hundred years, you don’t want to build a sanctuary that can shelter such a great territory. And one hundred In the year, we can afford to wait. Can the innocent people in this area also can afford to wait?”

Of course, the answer is no. In a hundred years, it is estimated that at least two or three generations have been gnawed away. Of course, it must not take such a long time, someone will take action to deal with these demons. But that is the uncertain future after all. Instead of throwing this kind of problem into the future to solve it, why not just take advantage of their ability to solve this kind of problem now?

Because of the concerns of these human authorities? Just because of this waste of resources? You know, that is a fresh life. Compared with the lives of innocents, shouldn’t these things be a bit further behind?

Frank doesn’t know what other people’s views are, but he is very clear about Ultron’s views. Ultron is by no means the kind of guy who will recklessly care about life for this kind of thing. So as long as he grasps this, he is not afraid that Ultron will not take the bait.

At this point, he expected it well, because it was Ultron, so knowing that Frank had set a trap inside, he still had to brace oneself to step in.

“Give me a reason to do this. If your reason is sufficient, I will find a way to solve the problems that may arise in the middle.”

“The reason, Very simple! I need enough people to provide spirituality to support these sanctuary.”

Understanding the compromising nature of Ultron’s words, Frank immediately came up with the reasons that oneself had compiled. .

“I don’t have the abilities of Paragon sorcerer. She can mobilize the power of the entire planet and use the planet’s own spirituality to support the framework of the sanctuary. But I can’t. My understanding of the magic is only It’s enough for me to open a few Teleportation Portals in the context of Earth. However, although I can’t achieve the level of Paragon sorcerer, this does not mean that I can’t find another way and use other methods to support the manufacturing sanctuary. The framework is needed. And for this, the method I use is…using people’s willingness.”

“Using the power of propaganda and public opinion, let the conservative devil threaten that area The human beings know that these three cities will be their only refuge on this land, and the only way to protect them from evil. What they will do, presumably if not the kind of character that sits and waits for death, they are bound to be full of hope They are heading towards these cities. And this hope is what I mean by the aspiration, that is, the spirituality foundation that serves as the framework of the sanctuary.”

“They expect to be sheltered here. If only If you are just one person, the power generated by this hope is naturally insignificant. However, if it is thousands of people, tens of millions of people have the same vision, and they all place their hopes on these few people. If the city can become a shelter for them, then the aggregation of this wish will no longer be the insignificant.”

“From the perspective of mysterious studies, this aggregation of wishes has been It is possible for Infinity to extend. By taking advantage of this possibility, coupled with my method of transforming the energy produced by humans into a source of magic power through special means, then all the conditions required to construct the sanctuary are already met. “

“In other words, only when these cities are established, not only on that piece of land, but also in everyone’s heart, can they be regarded as holy It’s possible. And if you can’t even meet this condition, it’s too much to think of them as one thing if you rely on those small means to expel the hidden demons in this land of ten thousand li!”

Speaking of which, Frank also gave a clear explanation for why oneself is obsessed with building cities. Regarding this disassemble explanation, Ultron did not believe it very much, but he could not come up with any counterexamples to reject it. After all, the mysterious of magic is not something that can be justified casually.

He didn’t have a good way, and he didn’t have enough time to demonstrate this thing. So he can only choose to trust Frank.

It’s just that he still doesn’t quite understand.

“What are the benefits of the establishment of these three cities for you? Don’t tell me, you are only thinking about the lives of those innocent people!”

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