Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2162

One thing that is very sad for human beings is that no matter what the situation or background is, it is inevitable that traitors will be born in them.

Even in the most comfortable and comfortable place of human life, it is inevitable that some people will choose to sell oneself to the devil because of the pursuit of excitement or other factors, not to mention that life is difficult and everywhere It’s a terrible place for the devil.

Someone will always think of surrendering in exchange for a chance to survive, and not all demons are so stupid that they only know that humans are seen as food. Just as humans know to control the movements of the entire flock by controlling the first sheep in the flock, the demons naturally know how to use these humans who are willing to surrender to them to seek the greatest benefit.

This is why the devils know the specific position of the refugees in the convoy, and at first is the reason for attacking this position. Someone had already sold relevant information through the connection between oneself and the devil, of course, but he could not imagine how the own intelligence would bring such a result.

This made him feel horrified, but on the surface, he could only smile and make a matter of no concern to oneself. When the crowd dispersed, he had to find a secluded corner alone. This kind of panic broke out that could no longer be restrained.

As if his muscles and bones had been removed, his whole body was almost limp to the ground. Cold sweat ran down on him, and with his pale face, it was as if he was suddenly ill.

Of course, if you understand this way, it is not wrong. Because just as he was suddenly suffering from a serious illness, he was facing life and death threats at the moment.

You must know that in many times in the past, it was he used the magic that the devil had imposed on him to contact the surrounding devil communities and let them grasp the first-hand news from the human side, thus Unfold the feast that humans regard as a nightmare.

The demons are killing them, but they are always careless to let a few humans act as survivors, and he often mixes with these survivors, and then repeats the same thing over and over again.

When I was at first, I was struggling and unbearable. After all, the conscience is something that even a heinous person will have a little bit. But fortunately, some people can take their conscience as the bottom line and obey them, while some people trample their conscience under their feet again and again. As similar things were done over and over again, the traitor’s unbearableness had already disappeared. What followed was that he almost abandoned his identity as a human being and firmly believed that oneself is A member of the devil.

This is normal, after all, once those things he did were exposed, it is estimated that they would be considered light by saying chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades. Human beings are impossible to let go of such a traitor, and he himself knows that oneself has no place among human beings. In comparison, although the devil’s methods are cruel, and treating him is no better than treating a dog, but at the very least, as long as oneself can be used for them, then there is no worry about life. And occasionally, there will be a bone thrown in front of him as a reward.

The power of the devil is enough for him to enjoy a life that very people can enjoy in such a realm. As long as he is careful enough not to be found in any way between him and the devil, he can live well. Of course, this premise is that he must always be useful to the devil. The current situation is that he has lost his own role.

A piece of information that was supposed to be correct has made a whole devil’s settlement completely killed. To say that there is no trap, he himself doesn’t believe it. But the problem was this, he was indeed kind, but he didn’t expect Ultron to be so strong, and the devil was so weak in front of them that’s all.

That is, the identity is wrong. He didn’t have the guts to say it directly, but in his heart, he was already a little unavoidable to curse the devils who had died.

However, the problem that should be solved is still to be solved. But after frantically using his brain, he still made up his mind, intending to report the news truthfully.

Don’t you hide it? This is a stupid idea. As long as he is not stupid, the master behind him will definitely find oneself’s subordinates who lost one ticket overnight, and then think of the recent actions, then oneself will be impossible to pick from it.

If this time is really reached, then it would be the best result for him to be skinned by his master. What’s worse is that the identity of own is leaked out, and after human beings are so angry that oneself is chosen up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, the soul of own will fall into the hands of those demons and suffer untold suffering.

Don’t ask him why he thinks like this. Because the last person who was killed like this was sold by him. He knew how many humans like oneself under oneself’s butt were coveting the position of own, so he would never hope that the same thing would happen to own. Therefore, preemptively confessing the truth and exaggerating Ultron’s strength by the way is his best choice.

The only advantage of doing this is to show loyalty. After a lot of tears, he first stated that it was not that he had set up a trap for the friendly army by selling false information. But the enemy is so powerful that even if oneself gives an intelligence advantage here, the result is that the enemy can easily clean up the friendly forces.

Although it’s hard to escape punishment, but at the very least, as long as you consider the presence of such a powerful opponent as also, and that they really need someone to gather intelligence among such opponents, that many less, his Little life can still be guaranteed.

This can be regarded as the wit that broke out under the desire to survive, and the final result is indeed as he expected. The master behind him gave him a fiercely through the magic planted on him. He was disciplined, but in the end he didn’t take his life, instead he continued to entrust him with important tasks.

It made him feel…kind. Moreover, he is also more and more devoted to the cause of working for the devil. After all, as a traitor, he has no place in human beings. And since he has chosen such a path, why also hesitate for a more complete depravity? It’s better to put on this human skin and continue to fight for the devil’s cause. Then maybe his master will be able to give him a reward one day with great compassion and take him from a low human kind. The level’s form is transformed into an immortal devil.

Continuing the shameless and despicable behavior of oneself, this traitor is like all second and fifth boys, relying on a fictitious possibility to convince oneself, so that oneself can make this betrayal more comfortably The act. This corresponds to the old saying that people don’t kill themselves for their own sake. Probably this is what he said from the mouth of such a young man.

Of course, one thing that probably such a second and fifth boy would never think of, or that he would never want to think about it, is that any betrayer, and such a betrayer to an entire race, There will be no good end.

Humans can’t tolerate him here, can it be with the devil? It’s just a tool, a bargaining chip. Since there are that many similar tools under his hand, and he is ready to replace them at any time, how could he say that because of such a tool, he will consume oneself’s precious power and transform them into the same existence as oneself. Don’t you feel sick?

The shit is the shit, at most it is the shit used to water the crops, and there is no more use. Such a guy is already kind to keep them alive, and it is ridiculous to dare to ask for more.

Holding a magical ball of light in his hand that is related to the life of a traitor, the devil lord in a high position after hesitating, still suppressed the urge to choke to death in his heart. , Decided to temporarily let go of his life.

After all, he does indeed play a role. And compared to leaving him and letting him reveal the intelligence on the omnipotent side, taking his soul away quickly is really not the best choice.

The biggest difference between the devil lord and the ordinary devil besides their strength is that they certainly have a strong desire, but their reason often allows them to control this desire, and thus to a certain extent Make choices that are more in line with their interests.

Be careful to make the Wannian Ship. But any demon lord who can walk from weak to today, can he develop with caution and caution, step by step. And like the kind of arrogant and conceited, even oneself desire can not be controlled, I have not known for a long time that the bones and scum are not left after being eaten how many years ago.

If you want to live to the present and become the overlord of the devil, unless it is said that there is a father in your family called Mephisto or Satan.

Here we are talking about black hearts. Those fools who can live to the catastrophe era can really only be said to be Mephisto, the old ghost is a tiger will not devour its own cubs.

In other words, if there is such a stupid son in the house of these devil lords, I am afraid they will be choked to death. Because I’m not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, the ghost knows what kind of big trouble such a fool can cause.

The devil lord made the wisest choice, and after he put away the ball of light in his hand, he immediately humbled his own spine and sat facing the one not far away. The human female on the oneself throne bowed her head deeply.

“My lord, as expected. The human side really seems to have used some amazing means. None of the demons under me have survived.”

“Is it weird?” Alexia said expressionless, wearing a white doctor coat, sitting on a throne made of white bones. “Don’t forget how your group of stray dogs rushed to the human world. If you really have the ability to fight against humans, then how can you be willing to curl up on such a barren land instead of just occupying the entire world?”

“My lord said…”

Being so bitterly criticized is definitely not good for a demon lord Experience. If ordinary people dare to say something like this in front of him, then he definitely doesn’t mind tearing his body out, taking out his soul, and using the devil’s means to tell such an idiot what it is like to say something wrong. End. But the same thing was placed on Alexia, but he had only one reaction, that is, slightly nodded with a smile, saying yes, and he couldn’t say a word at all.

Like the traitor under his hands to discuss life, this is also a reason for survival. If he doesn’t know what kind of existence the woman in front of him is, he might still act recklessly and act recklessly. It’s just that, in front of him with a warning that could not be more vigilant, even if he was crazy, he would definitely not dare to stroke such a tiger’s beard.

Don’t think that the devil lord will not know fear, but if you have eyes, you can see the mountains of devil’s corpses under the Throne of White Bones, and that entrenched in the unexplorable dimension , Holding the devil’s corpse with the invisible giant hand, as if chewing a biscuit, little by little devoured them all the words of the invisible giant beast. You will definitely know what it is like to be fearful.

There is no shortage of demon lord like him in this corpse. Imagine that even these people gathered together did not cause this woman in front of you, also the invisible giant beast caused the slightest harm, even if he was How to look down on those former opponents, and how to overestimate the power of oneself. Nor will he be so arrogant that oneself will have any different results under the same circumstances.

So, showing enough humbleness and respect, and praying that the woman in front of you won’t have any evil intentions towards oneself. This is his only way to survive.

Fortunately, this woman does not mean to kill to the last one. And he was lucky to be the monkey in the process of killing the chicken to warn the monkey, not the chicken that was killed.

The effect is naturally outstanding, otherwise he would not use the awe-inspiring title of an adult to call Alexia. And Alexia deliberately came to such a killing the chicken to warn the monkey, naturally there is a reason for her own.

Dividing worries and solving problems, this is what she believes that oneself should do the most now by positioning oneself in the position of good internal help. And for Smith Zhou, who wants to be fixed there because of Zhou Yi at this moment, unable to move even a little bit, and at the same time, the expansion of the entire plan is affected to a certain extent, then stop the European forces from intervening in the complex Asia The situation is the most important thing for her right now.

Ultron’s purpose, she has already heard. To prevent Ultron from having an impact on the situation in Asia in this way, then taking over Victor’s legacy and using these demons as pawns is the best choice.

The chess pieces should have been put down on the chessboard to fight, isn’t it common sense?

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