Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2163

Do demons have value to humans? The answer is no. It may be said that a few years later, when mankind once again enters a period of peaceful and rapid development of civilization, mankind will think of reserving one or two demons for the own culture as materials for studying tradition and mythology. But now, when wars and chaos are frequent, and the devils are still watching the human world secretly, the only thing mankind has for the devils is to sweep them into the garbage dump of history.

In Alexia’s eyes, they are also rubbish, just to say that in line with the principle of waste utilization, she also wants to take them before the rubbish is actually cleaned up. Burn the fire that’s all.

To do this, the first step is to completely integrate these guerrillas and brave demons under the command of own.

This is a special situation caused by Victor’s sudden fall. Originally, Smith Zhou helped Victor gain the power of Mephisto and made him the new lord of hell, so that he could use such an identity to control the demons in hell and let them cooperate with the big plan of own. Make a fuss.

It’s just that, I’m afraid that even Smith Zhou oneself never thought that Victor would be planted in Ultron’s hands so dramatically. This dramatic development made it a one-line connection, and he who used Victor to control the actions of the devil also lost control of the devil. And in order to bring these chess pieces into control again, Alexia also had to come forward personally to make such a beating against them.

The so-called beating is killing and fear. Don’t expect any great reasoning or incitement to affect the demons. The devil is a complete self-interested creature. In their eyes, there are no national, ethnic, or collective interests. In their eyes, own interests are above all else.

Like Mephisto, those who are willing to raise a stupid son are few. And the silly son like Blackheart, thinking about usurping the position of Father Oneself every day, and ousting Father Oneself from the stage is the mainstream thought in hell.

So instead of wasting words and thoughts, do this thankless thing. Then it is better to use the most original way, that is, to use violence and terror to achieve their rule.

Maybe it is said that this method original is brutal, and it is very difficult to use. But it is definitely effective. Especially for this selfish race, no matter how greedy and cunning they are, it is impossible to be indifferent to their own lives and even their souls.

Alexia took advantage of such a feature and slayed several demon lords that existed. For her anyway, all she needs is cannon fodder. It doesn’t matter whether there is such a powerful Demon Lord, plus leaving them also may cause certain hidden dangers to the follow-up plan, so naturally, she will not leave them such a possibility.

Only one lucky person was left as a microphone, in order to summon all the demons in this area. After all, the devil lord’s methods in this regard are remarkable, and it is much more convenient for her to do this kind of thing for them than to find her one by one.

For ordinary demons, they actually don’t know that the ruling class above oneself has undergone the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Maybe there are one or two smart-minded guys wondering why the enemy’s lord can cross their boss and summon oneself to oneself, but as long as they think about the open strife and veiled struggle between the lord, they already have it in their hearts. own guess.

It is nothing more than the battle between these lords has had a result. And under the premise that they don’t need these cannon fodder to fight each other, in fact, most demons don’t mind that the lord sitting on oneself’s head is changed.

Who is serving anyway? As long as you can get the shelter of a certain formidable strength, as long as you can rely on his fame and enjoy the pleasure of doing evil unscrupulously. Then don’t say whether the other party is the lord that oneself is familiar with, even if it is a human being, even if it is an angel, what is the difference for them.

This is a very realistic idea, and because of this idea, this makes the demons see the lord creeping in front of Alexia, and Ah sitting high on the throne. When Lexia, he quickly accepted reality.

Anyway, they are not ruled by humans for the first time, and there is nothing at worst when they do it again. As long as this new master can bring them enough benefits, they will not have too much opinion on who is sitting on their heads.

As for what provocative things have been done because of contempt or prejudice? Sorry, this kind of stupid thing can only happen to those fools who don’t have much brains. And fools are not qualified to be called to such a place.

The devil lord is not a fool. It was pure luck to be able to survive before. At this time, to summon that kind of fool to such a place, if someone accidentally provokes this evil female star, isn’t it cracking a joke with his own life?

With the devil lord’s consistent caution, he is of course impossible to make this Low Level mistake. Therefore, the current situation can only be described with a calm sentence.

Of course, this is what Alexia wants. Although she doesn’t mind performing the method of killing the chicken to warn the monkey, repeating the same thing is not at all too much fun for her. In comparison, she prefers the current calm and easy-to-control situation, so after a slight nod, she opened her mouth to the devil’s collar who was crawling at the feet of oneself.

“Are all the people who should be there already?”

“Yes, sir.” Wiping the cold sweat that didn’t exist on his head, the Devil Lord made The appearance of unloading a heavy burden, and then cautiously have to report. “There are a total of two 700,000 people. They are all high-ranking devils commanding large and small forces, ranging from hundreds of people to dozens of numbers. And they all have brains, understand words, and know how to act to cooperate with your adults. Plan, you can rest assured of this, sir.”

“It doesn’t matter, just understand the words.”

He picked his fingers indifferently, Alexia not at all because Suddenly being worshipped by so many people gave birth to the illusion of what fate belongs to me. For her, it doesn’t matter whether the person kneeling in front of her is a devil, a human, or some other creature. Because she would always treat these guys as nothing.

She has no idea of ​​power at all. If it were not for the benefit of Smith Zhou, she would not have come to this muddy water herself. Therefore, the current situation does not change her purpose. From beginning to end, she had only one request for these demons.

“Listen, scum. I have only one purpose for bringing you together, and that is Hydra needs your strength to make sacrifices for our cause.”

” You are released from hell to in this world, in itself hope that you can create enough turbulence and chaos, so as to share part of the pressure for Hydra’s arrangement in the world. But now it seems that Victor’s stupid is simply an incompetent waste I did that many secret hands and feet with my own selfishness, but I didn’t even arrange any follow-up plans. Now I’m tired of coming over to clean up your messy situation. It’s really…pitiful!”

“But it’s all right now, scum. Now that I’m here, I won’t let you continue to toss with such inefficiency like a group of headless flies. Your actions will Under unified management, my will must also be implemented in your body. I declare in advance that I don’t want to see any exceptions at this point. If there are any, then your last prayer is in my hands. Before you go, you can find a decent way to die. Otherwise, I don’t mind letting you enjoy my methods. Understand?”

No one responded. This is also normal. Because Alexia’s words sum up, she wants these demons to voluntarily use as her pawns, that is, to become the kind of cannon fodder that can be sacrificed. And no matter from which point of view, selfish demons should not have the kind of thoughts that readily agree with.

They didn’t speak out against it in public, simply because they knew that there was no meaning in objecting at this time, and instead they would take oneself into it. However, to say that they really have no choice, it is also a matter of cracking a joke.

The legs are on their bodies. Although I dare not say it now, but I can deal with it verbally and find a chance to go off in the future. It is not a matter of them.

The demons of the chicken thieves have already figured out a way out for oneself in their hearts. In the face of their behavior, the Demon Lord who was crawling at the feet of Alexia was also unavoidably convulsed.

Many of those chicken thieves’ demons are dogs he has raised for hundreds of years. To put it bluntly, he is already familiar with this kind of subordinate who has been with oneself for hundreds of years. To the point where they know what shit they are going to do when they poke their ass.

Outward devotion but inner opposition, the idea of ​​running away behind you can be guessed at a glance. In fact, if it wasn’t because he couldn’t run away, he would have the same idea.

It’s just that even if you think about it with your ass, Alexia will not let the role of oneself as a microphone slip out of her eyelids. And if this is the premise, then once the devil’s outward devotion but inner opposition sneaks away, then in the end their fate will not be said, oneself must be the first bad luck.

He doesn’t want to pay for the actions of these idiots. It’s just that in this situation, he couldn’t force Alexia to swallow back what oneself had just said. So after thinking hard, he just raised his head and asked Alexia this way with a generous attitude.

“My lord. I understand what you mean, but is it inappropriate to let us make sacrifices like this?”

“Why, do you have an opinion?”

Alexia raised her brows, and suddenly, a fierce wind blew up in the vast cave hidden underneath.

The rustling sound suddenly sounded, as if thousands of monsters with sharp claws were crawling past their sides. And along with the thought of this voice, a deep chill could not help but enveloped all the devil’s hearts. It was an instinctively violent reaction to danger, as if a monster would lean out from in the sky and swallow them in one bite, making them shudder in the bones.

If it is a human being, this feeling may not make them too aggressive. After all, with the progress of the so-called civilization, the human instinct has been greatly worn out. But the devil is different. The devil’s dependence on instinct is not under those keen wild beasts, so as soon as they feel this terrifying threat that can tear them to pieces, they immediately make a difference to keep quiet out of fear The response came.

Some demons showed their true shape, and roared at them wantonly when they felt threatened: some hided in the shadows, trying to avoid them in this way. This invisible threat; those who also want to take advantage of the present, and hide from this kind of mess as far as possible.

But no matter what they do, the result is roughly the same. That is, as long as the devil that takes action, all the bodies are torn apart by the invisible giant beast, and the soul is torn apart, just like the prey under the prey of the hunter, it is eaten clean. And those who didn’t dare to move very much, but luckily saved a small life. It’s just that they are faced with such a cruel scene, even if they are lucky, it is also full of pressure. After all, no one is sure that what happened to those bad luck eggs will happen to own after a while.

The devil lord naturally saw the tragedy of the people below, but he ignored it. Because of the life and death of these demons, he actually doesn’t take seriously. The reason for saying this aloud is for he himself in the final analysis. So even if Alexia had such a reaction, he still said brace oneself.

“No, my lord. It’s just that I understand the demons under me too much. There is no return, and they are only allowed to make sacrifices. Not to mention the devil, even humans will not necessarily do it. If If you say what you really want to achieve, you might as well promise something. Maybe this will make them sell their lives more thoroughly…”

“Do you want benefits? “

The screaming demons and the silent demons who dare not even fart are naturally unable to answer Alexia’s question, but this does not affect Alexia’s next Actions.

She waved her hand and dissipated the rustling noise and the ubiquitous yin wind. Then he smiled at the devil lord in front of him and the devil who survived, and said such words.

“If this is the case, then I will give you a promise. If you can beautifully complete the mission I gave, then I will be very compassionate and leave you a place in the future world , How?”

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