Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2164

A place? Hearing these words in the ears of the devil who also thought rationally, he immediately felt extremely awkward.

The power of species life in this world is won by oneself, but not by others. If there is a day that needs alms from others to survive in the world, it undoubtedly means that this species has reached things have reached a dead end, and it is not far from being abandoned by the world and heading for extinction. .

So, what kind of self-confidence makes Alexia this woman think that their demons are about to fall to such a tragic point that they have to be sheltered by her and the power behind her in order to survive What?

The clever demons already have the answer in their hearts, and even those guys who don’t understand for a while are wise to shut their mouths at this time. They would rather ask this answer from oneself compatriots than open their mouths to ask Alexia at this time. Because inquiring about my compatriots, at best I was ridiculed. But if you leave the question to Alexia, you don’t know the result.

This temperamental woman used to wield a butcher knife at them because of a problem with the Devil Lord, but now she might not do the same thing because of a similar problem. Even though she had slaughtered nearly half of the demons, from her attitude, she didn’t mean it was the same thing at all.

There is no doubt that this is a Demon King-like woman. And in the face of such a woman, even if she says something that she doesn’t like, the demons can only choose subconsciously to obey.

Don’t look at the devil’s strong and cunning nature, but it is unexpectedly easy to bow to the powerhouse. Especially when they are overwhelmed by fear, they will not have any morals at all. Needless to say, Mephisto, Victor, and now Alexia are so powerful that they cannot resist. Even human sorcerers, as long as they have the ability to defeat them, have the opportunity to tame them into own slaves.

This is a natural shaking M. Because of this, the scene became absolute silence.

“So, are you going to default to what I said?”

Alexia’s sneer has made many demons sneer, and worry that this time even oneself The demon lord who had been guilty of entering, nodded eagerly.

“Yes, my lord. We are willing to accept your kindness. For you, we go through water and tread on fire, and do whatever it takes.”

I don’t know where to hear it. The devil lord of this old saying likes to put such a word on his lips very much. Regardless of whether it was the original Victor or the current Alexia, he said the same thing.

Express own loyalty? Of course, not all humans say that. There is just a special problem. Whether it is hot water or burning flames, it is not a big deal for the devil. Taking a hot bath and steaming a sauna can express own loyalty? The devil lord said that this was a real deal.

Alexia didn’t know what strange thoughts were circulating in the head of the devil lord. Even if she knew it, she wouldn’t care much. After all, this is just a pawn under her big plan, a cannon fodder destined to be sacrificed. She has not had enough time to understand the idea of ​​a cannon fodder.

“Very good.” This is the only promise. And then came the command that was almost cruel to these demons.

“Since your opponent has appeared, I don’t waste any more words. My command to you is very simple. It is to prevent the establishment of those three cities. Do your best. The humans entrenched in the three cities are killing. Every devil has to grab a hundred human souls with his own hands. This is the bottom line, and if someone does not reach this bottom line, then I don’t mind using your souls. To fill this gap. Do you understand what I mean?”

The news is blocked. I don’t know that Ultron has conflicted with them, and the demons who have achieved amazing results think this is a simple mission. , Which is equivalent to letting them go to a banquet, and immediately uttered an excited cry. And those demons who have heard of it, at this time can’t help showing solemn expression.

Of course, it’s just solemnity, not resistance. Because so far, the demons only thought that the army Ultron had brought was only a tricky one, and it would not pose any fatal threat to them at all. Because they oneself also know one thing very well, that is the greatest threat to the devil in the world, Paragon sorcerer has fallen in front of the terrifying different space Demon God.

Although it was said that Paragon sorcerer, who had long been considered missing or dead by them, jumped out at that time, which made them feel extremely shocked. But the final result let them know the fact that mankind has lost their greatest blessing on the mysterious side.

Without the supreme powerhouse like Paragon sorcerer, and the current sorcerer system is basically equivalent to collapse, and they hide in the human world in this way, they really don’t Think that the humans here can have a way to deal with them.

It’s like saying that human beings are things that exist in reality, and they are the shadows cast by these things on the ground. Humans do not hold great determination to abandon their kind in this area is impossible to destroy them, unless they have a way to remove the shadow of the light. However, it is the patent on the mysterious side. Judging from the technology side that humans are studying today, they are obviously powerless in this regard.

It can be said that this is an overly optimistic idea on the part of the devil. In the face of their fluke psychology, although Alexia saw it in his eyes, he didn’t mean to remind them.

She even said that she was still a little happy to see this kind of fluke, so she also had to shout without the slightest hesitation.

“Go, open for me and start your actions. Don’t try to escape from my sight. The curse from the scorpion will be imposed on you. If you dare to deceive, the scorpion’s giant The pliers will cost you the most painful price!”

Given the things that happened before, no devil would treat this kind of thing as a joke. They immediately turned into storm smoke, fog and shadows, and swarmed out of this underground cave. In an instant, only Alexia and the only remaining demon lord remained in the cave under the ground.

“What are you doing here, haven’t you heard my previous orders?”

“But my lord, I thought you would need me to give you orders?”

Faced with Alexia’s question, the Demon Lord’s ugly face resembling a lizard was directly distorted with a surprised expression.

For him, he obviously thought that his own status would give him some special treatment. After all, the dignified demon lord personally went to fight with a group of humble humans, which was a bit too cheap for him.

But it seems that Alexia does not agree with this view. Faced with the surprise of the Demon Lord, she was only coldly smiled, so she said.

“Why, do you think that the curse of the scorpion I mentioned before is cracking a joke? Or do you think you will be special, I will let you go and not put this curse on you How far?”

As soon as these words were said, the face of the Demon Lord changed abruptly, and then he dared not stay for a moment. His whole body was already turned into a pitch black The shadow flew away from the cave.

Unlike those demons, he is probably the person who knows the threats Ultron can bring the most at this moment. And now that this point is clear, he naturally understands such a truth. That is, with the large-scale actions of the devil, the conflict between them and the omnibus will also escalate. And under such a premise, the more you drag it back, the more difficult it is to grab the human soul.

Maybe oneself will get in by accident. This is by no means impossible. And since this is the case, the sooner you do it, the safer it will be.

He is aware of this, just such an impatient. After all, even he did not want to personally try to see what Alexia’s curse would be like.

The demons were successfully driven, which is a good thing. As for whether these demons would use their experience to fulfill the own command, Alexia didn’t care so much in his heart.

Because once the demons start to act according to the owner’s instructions, they will soon find that the arrangements made by Ultron are simply for them.

Sanctuary magic is definitely not unfamiliar to the devil, they can easily perceive the fluctuation of this magic. And for this kind of behavior that wants to drive them out of this paradise, even the stupidest devil is totally unacceptable.

Because of danger. The cataclysm from the European side is enough to make them feel the deadly danger, so they dare not take a step beyond the thunder pool. And the natural phenomenon on the east side will not be fake. Even if it is 10,000,000 li away, they can clearly perceive the weather of the ancient gods on the earth.

Let them enter the territory of that god patrol hunting, it is tantamount to let the prey oneself get into the hunting ground. For the devil who fears gods as if fearing natural enemies, even if you borrow them 10,000 courage, they will definitely not dare to do such a transgressive thing. So after all, the place where they can really stay is the only place where humans cannot. And under this premise, of course they couldn’t allow the formation of this so-called sanctuary magic.

It’s about survival, and it’s not for these demons to make an all-out effort. As for what their efforts can achieve, this is not what Alexia cares about.

For Alexia, the devil is only part of her plan. When conditions permit, with their Hydra’s consistent style, the plan is of course to be stable and stable. So what she has to do now is to arrange the second ring for the own plan. And it is precisely because of this that she moved to ancient Egypt, which is now the area along the Nile River.

Standing on the sphinx that was once world-famous, but now can only be regarded as a broken wall, Alexia looked around and even saw the ruins of modern Egypt.

Yes, ruins. As the source of the Apocalypse incident, it is also the hardest hit area of ​​the Devil’s outbreak. Egypt, the former capital of North Africa, has obviously come to an end. Whether it is the impoverished Egyptian government or other forces in the entire region, they do not have the energy and resources to rebuild such a city that represents a glorious past. .

They can only let it turn into rubble like this, covered in the dust of the sky. At this moment, looking at the ruins of this modern capital, Alexia’s blue pupils are already gradually burning with a radiance that looks like pure gold.

God, more precisely, the power that belongs to the Egyptian gods is flourishing in her body. The divinity from the poisonous scorpion Goddess Sel Kate is the key to her reshaping her body and existence, and the power that represents the resurrection of the dead Osiris is the reason why she is truly resurrected to this World as a living.

In order to bring her back from the catastrophe, Smith Zhou also spent a lot of energy. Of course, the greatest sacrifices were made among the Egyptian gods who had to leave Earth and fell into their own sleep because of the changes of the times.

Ser Kate, Osiris, Sekhmet, Set, Thoth, Nefertis, these famous Gods in this land are almost inevitable The way he was planted in the hands of Smith Zhou. And as if he was kneading a mud ball that he could make up at will, Smith Zhou had to tamper with the organization and even integrate the divinity of these Gods, and with this special power, he created today’s Alek. West Asia.

It can be said that even if Alexia is alone, it is equivalent to half of the Egyptian gods gathered here. And she was standing on this land that was once ruled by the Egyptian gods. Naturally, she said that it was because of a whim, she wanted to see what the homes of the Egyptian gods looked like, and then she ran all the way over.

She naturally has an own purpose.

Looking at the Nile before the Sphinx because of the power of Apocalypse. Alexia held her hands high, and the river that had been flowing from Mythological Era until now became turbulent under her will.

She began to murmur, and her voice resounded like Ayesha’s chants in the temple, solemn and solemn, resounding across the Nile River. And if someone who is proficient in ancient Egyptian culture and language is here at this time, maybe she can perceive that what she is chanting at this moment is the content recorded in the famous Egyptian Book of the Dead.

In the tradition of ancient Egypt, the Egyptian Book of the Dead is a religious book that is placed in the coffin of the dead and records the journey of the ancient Egyptians to resurrection after death.

Of course, for humans, this is just a kind of spiritual comfort, a religious ceremony means a heavier symbol. But this is not the case for Alexia, because what is recorded in the Egyptian Book of the Dead is the process of Osiris coming back to life, and at this moment Osiris’s authority is in her hands.

Holding the power of Osiris, the ruler of the Egyptian underworld, standing on the side of the Nile River where Osiris was buried and started his journey to the underworld, Alexia was not halfway there. Hesitating, started the oneself action!

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