Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2165

The surging water of the Nile, like a giant snake that has woken up, has become making threatening gestures.

The turbulent river struggling to beat the loose embankment along the bank, but in an instant, the naturally formed embankment was broken, and then the river was unimpeded, soaring, like thousands of horses galloping The same, rushing towards the ruins of modern Egypt.

The dilapidated and silent ruins cannot stop the impact of the water, and they are completely like a sand castle and collapsed by the river.

And when the river is rushing all the way, after it reaches the center of the whole city, it seems that the earth cannot withstand the extreme gravity brought by the rush of the river, in the thunderbolt muffled sound , The surface was torn apart, and the earth and rocks began to collapse layer by layer, and a pitch-black gap that was completely invisible was revealed, and it was like a huge mouth connecting Bottomless Abyss, swallowing the endless Nile water. Go in.

At this point, the Nile River is already connected with places that ordinary people cannot reach. For Alexia, this also means that the most important part of her ceremony has been completed.

As a river that runs through life and death in Egyptian mythology, the Nile River essentially possesses the ability to connect the Yin world. It’s just the sleep of the Egyptian gods that this power nearly died out. Coupled with the disappearance of mythology, the Nile River has lost this ability to communicate with the Yin world.

Now, Alexia relies on the authority of Osiris held by oneself, artificially constructing the edge of the world in the middle of this city. The ground that collapsed is connected to the gloomy world that Death occupies. And when the water of the Nile River flows into the Yin world like a giant snake under her control, the ability of her nature to penetrate the two realms of life and death has already manifested again.

At this time, if someone dared to take a boat along the Nile River and enter the Bottomless Abyss-like huge mouth, presumably he would be able to see a superb view that overwhelming majority humans would never see in their entire life. Of course, in this dilapidated city, you can’t find a living person, and you still have such a courageous living person to do such desperate things.

However, this does not mean that Alexia has spent so much effort to open this life-and-death river channel, which is just useless. Because living people naturally don’t have the guts to enter the Yin world where the dead are at will, but it doesn’t mean that the dead don’t want to enter the Yang world where the living people are.

Don’t forget, this is Egypt. The core of the Apocalypse event. Just an Apocalypse has created hundreds of thousands of casualties here, not to mention the devastation behind, and the death caused by earlier wars.

The conquest of Alexander, the demise of Macedonia, the control of the Roman Empire and the occupation of the Arabs. Later also Mongolian cavalry and Napoleon’s artillery, the alliances and Axis powers of World War I and World War II also launched their tug of war here.

The once glorious ancient Egypt is not worth mentioning before these conquerors. And behind every change of generation, countless lives were tragically killed by the butcher knife.

No one knows the suffering of the dead, and their tragic call signs have never been heard. They can only be silted in the abyss of the Yin World like silt, and what awaits them is supposed to be the eternal sinking. After all, the gods have gone, and the cycle of reincarnation built on this land no longer exists.

Without the guidance of the guides and the trial of the Magistrates and the Ruler, Osiris, they could not enter the cycle of reincarnation at all, let alone the resurrection of the ancient Egyptians yearn for something even in dreams.

This is a great irony, after all, not who can think that they will raise upwards on other people’s land and the outcome will be such a situation.

For the sins committed by oneself during his lifetime, they paid the price at this time for their once ambitious aspirations. This was supposed to be a permanent thing, but because of the influx of the Nile River, there was a turning point.

The Nile River, which runs through life and death, allows the gates of the Yang World to open in front of them, and even if they have been deposited like silt in this Yin World for too long, this does not prevent them from being almost instinctive. Yes, I want to cling to the Nile River, traverse the current of the Nile River, and return to the sun of the living.

This is the yearning for life, the almost instinctive response of all Death things. And when they started to act like this instinctively, what naked eye could see is that after the yellow Nile water poured into the huge mouth of the abyss, it began to be gradually stained with a layer of pitch black. Ink color. And the still gentle water flow started to become viscous gradually.

This is just appearance, or illusion that only the eyes can see. If you really use an instrument to measure it, you can discover what has changed in the not at all of the Nile. Its physical properties are stable and consistent. But in terms of the nature of the mysterious side, the Nile River brought the silt from the Yin World back to this World as it showed.

The long-lost soul is struggling like waves in the river. The surging river washed the black silt on them, and when they cruised hard to both sides of the river bank, their bodies had already changed their appearance. If they were human-shaped silt before, there was the kind of dark and dark silt all over their bodies. So now they have faded away that dark color, and began to reveal the essence of human beings after Death.

The yellow skeleton, the pubic muscles and body, plus the hollow eyes and mouth, are exactly the image of a mummy inherent in the Egyptian realm. Of course, if it is wrapped in a shroud, it will look more like it. However, it is a pity that their overwhelming majority are all dead and no one collects their bodies. In addition, the mummification culture of ancient Egypt has basically been cut off afterwards. So naturally no one will provide them with such treatment.

This is the most miserable wild dog. It can only be used for funerals during the most flourishing period in Egypt. But now, they are the mainstream. And with one after another dead souls climbed onto the shore, in just a few hours, the entire banks of the Nile River were already covered with their silhouettes, and gradually they turned the entire Egyptian ruins into one piece. The meaning of ghastly Ghost Domain.

The number has exceeded one million, and as time goes on, this number will only become more. Don’t think that this kind of change will quickly take away the siltation in the cloudy world. After all, this is the accumulation of nearly 2000 years in the entire Egyptian land. It may be an exaggeration to say that it is a few billion to tens of billions, but it is not an exaggeration to say that hundreds of millions of dead souls can be accumulated.

Alexia’s purpose is for these dead souls. Using ownership to make them return to the world is part of her plan. However, just such undeads are not enough, because she knows very well that under the changing times, such undeads are counted in hundreds of millions, even if they are counted as 1 billion or tens of billions, they cannot stand up to many times. Bombed by artillery fire.

After all, this is a real no-man’s land, and there will not be many places for living things. In addition, the territory itself has already been subjected to a nuclear attack. If a few more nuclear bombs were thrown on it, it would not be so unacceptable for those states.

Under the nuclear bomb, All living things are equal, Alexia would not believe that these dead returnees could survive the light radiation and impact caused by the nuclear explosion. In that way, they can only be regarded as cannon fodder at best, and the cannon fodder will not play a big role in the confrontation she expected.

She needs to make these dead souls change their faces and act in this World with another identity. As for how to transform such a number of dead souls to the point where they can support her plan, she already had an idea in her heart.

“Come here, souls!”

When no new souls emerged in the Nile, Alexia immediately uttered a call with divine power drink. The kind of authority rooted in Osiris, the Ming Sect ruler, made these souls subconsciously raised their heads and looked up at her, and when all the eyes were condensed on the owner, she was already high in the air, as if sitting on a throne. The same, said to these souls.

“In the name of the Lord of Ming Sect, I give you the qualification to return to the Yang world from the land of the Yin world. Come back to life, souls! Return to this World truly.”

The dead souls underneath screamed, not knowing whether it was wailing or cheering. And as Alexia spoke like a law, the yellow Nile water, and also the dust and sand all over the land of Egypt, are like soldiers who have been ordered, swarming towards the bodies of these dead souls. .

Sand dust and river water mixed into muddy yellow clay, and every additional piece of clay sent into the body of these dead souls will make their original mummified bodies more full one cent. Strengthen the skeleton, enrich the muscles, and even give birth to skin and hair.

This is the gift of divine force, and under this gift of divine force, there are already many dead souls restored to their predecessor appearance, and it can be said that they have reached the kind of non-cutting The extent of the difference cannot be seen at all.

In essence, they are still fakes mixed with water and soil, not living flesh and blood, that’s for sure. So once they are cut open, their cut flesh and blood will return to the dust. This is the truth.

Of course, apart from this, they will not be more different from ordinary living people. There is false Nile water in the body instead of the flow of blood, and the dust within the body will also be Fill the circulation while breathing. Perhaps it lacks the perception ability that humans should have. After all, it is a big project to reshape the nervous system of so many people with divine force, and it is really unnecessary. However, memories and emotions and so on, they are not indispensable at all.

What kind of memories and emotions did they have when they were alive, now they still have the same things, and they will only become stronger, without too much loss. Because, as a dead soul deposited in the Abyss of Death, this is already the only treasure for them to maintain oneself. If even these are lost, then there is no doubt that they have completely lost themselves. And a dead soul without self will only be swallowed by the abyss of the Yin World, turning it into the nourishment that’s all for its maintenance and expansion. It is absolutely impossible to return to the Yang world as a human.

The rules in the Death world are roughly similar, and Egypt’s Yin World will naturally be no exception. Although some souls have been struggling in the silt abyss for thousands of years, as far as a human being is concerned, their feelings and memories are really too strong. But who would call them humans?

Some people can fall in love for a thousand years, and some people can hate for 10,000 years. It will not change until death, the sea will die and the stone will not change, even more how is trifling death.

Human beings are such a kind of creatures who like to be willful in emotion, and from a certain perspective, their attachment to emotion can even be engraved on the soul. So even though thousands of years have passed, it is not surprising that also people can return to the Yang world in this pre-mortem posture, with memories and emotions of pre-mortem.

Alexia doesn’t care what these people have experienced before, so that they are so persistent, and don’t care what kind of vision they have to return to the world they once lived in. She just wanted to resurrect these former dead and use them to complete the own plan.

And in order to prevent these newly resurrected deceased from becoming a mess of sand, Alexia once again exudes the power of oneself as the lord of Ming Sect, with her Supreme authority for these dead, Said such words to them.

“People of resurrection, I have shaped your bodies with water and soil, so that you can enjoy the sun and rain for 30 days in this sun world. After 30 days of rising and sunset, the dust returns to the dust , The earth returns to the earth, everything I have bestowed on you will return to its origin, and the gates of the yin world will be opened to you again. And want to truly taste the sweetness of life, want to walk on the earth again as a living being If you do, then move on to the east.”

“Conquer all the living beings you see and build a kingdom belonging to Ming Sect. If you can really do all of this, then you will not be stingy. Reward, give you real recovery.”

“Go, the undead who are obsessed with this World, let me see with my own eyes how far you can achieve it.”


Alexia’s silhouette gradually disappeared, but her majestic voice still echoed continuously in the ears of these resurrected souls. At the same time, the rushing Nile River has stopped oneself from flooding, and has begun to return to the river where it should have been. In the huge mouth of the dark abyss, there was no such deepness and boundlessness that seemed to communicate the gloomy world, as if it were just a hole left by the crack of the ground.

Everything seems to be just a false illusion, but memory can never be false. The dead will never forget where oneself came from and why it stood on the ruins. Perhaps some of them are at a loss and don’t know where to go in the future. But in the same way, there are always people who can gain insight into everything around oneself as quickly as possible, and with a determined attitude, try to bring everything under the control of own.

For example…

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