Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2166

“I am Iskandar! Alexander III, King of Macedonia, Conqueror of Persia, Pharaoh of Egypt, Son of Sun God Amon, Conqueror from West to East, Commander Thousands of people want to conquer the people at the end of the world.”

The first dead person to stand out was the famous Alexander the Great. This king who has great talents and broad ideas, established the Great Empire across Europe, Asia and Africa, and is known for his bravery and wisdom, died an untimely death due to an emergency. There are different opinions about his death, but the place where he was finally buried was Egypt. Although he conquered it, he loved and supported him sincerely.

He also belongs to his soul, but because of the sleep of the gods, he has to settle in the abyss of Death. But this not at all killed his ambitions and lofty ambitions, so when Alexia reopened the gates of the Yin world and greeted them with the water of the Nile River, he, the king who has been sleeping for thousands of years, is not to be outdone. Yes, he almost rushed into the world of Yang that he had conquered with almost the top position.

At this time, he was also the first to make the call, and the reason for his call was also very reasonable.

“The dead who are fortunate to return to this world with me. My purpose is to complete my unfinished ambitions after a thousand years of great pressure. I am halfway through my death. Conquer in China! This is the mission God has given me, and it is God’s mercy for my unfinished life. Dead men, I am under great pressure and sincerely invite you to join me. Join me to conquer the entire world , And as a reward, I am under great pressure to share the entire world with you. Water and soil, blood and glory, everything! As long as you are willing to offer loyalty… So, what is your answer? “

As the resurrection of the king in this world, Alexander is special in that he resurrected on a horse.

A tall black steed, majestic like a legendary pegasus. This is Alexander’s favorite horse, Busifalas. A famous horse that Alexander had been tamed by him when he was a child, and had accompanied him in the north and south wars until the battle of the Sidapis River.

Alexander regarded him as a close friend, and after his death in the battle, he made a special trip to hold a grand funeral for him, and even built a city called Busifala to commemorate him. As far as treatment is concerned, the treatment of this horse is already heroic. And it is precisely because of such special treatment that the name of Bouciflas has been sung by countless masterpieces and even biographies, so that it still breaks away from the barriers of a horse itself, has mythical characteristics, and becomes Alexander The symbol of the emperor who wants to conquer the world.

Alexander, the most famous one of the kings in human history. How is his recovery? Just as in Egyptian mythology, many resurrected dead will possess unimaginable spells, powers, and even be promoted to gods. Alexander, as the former pharaoh of Egypt, may not have reached the point of being promoted to the gods, but he will never be just a brave mortal anymore.

Busifalas is just a symbol of the authority he possessed after his resurrection, and there are many symbols like this, for example, those who accompanied him in the North and South wars, bloody battles, carrying the same one Warriors whose dreams fell on their journey.

As the king who placed his dreams on the king during his lifetime, even if they were dead, they were willing to accompany him by the king’s side and sink into the silt of the dark world with him. . And now that they are resurrected in the same way, they are naturally the same as they were before they were alive, continuing to guard their king.

The majestic war horse, the traditional Greek armor, the high lance and dagger, along with their mighty cries, they are obviously the first to respond to this king’s call.

The number is not large. After all, the number of dead here is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. At best, they are tens of thousands of people, and they can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket. However, with such a large scale, organized people took the lead in responding, many of the dead who were still vacillating and unsure whether oneself should obey or not had already subconsciously moved closer to Alexander.

There will be the first, and soon there will be a second. Within a short period of time, millions of people have gathered around Alexander, and this number is continuously increasing.

After all, the prestige of Alexander the Great is really loud. Even if the dead are not characters of the same era, some people are even separated from Alexander by thousands of years. But living on this land, they can be said to have grown up listening to Alexander’s story.

This is a figure that even fanatical religion can’t obliterate his great achievements, and it is natural. It is natural that ordinary people born and they are easily subdued by this king’s courage.

Soon, Alexander was already surrounded by nearly half of the undead. And seeing such a large scale choose to follow the owner, even if it is a character like Alexander, it is inevitable that he is a little satisfied.

In his era, although he was known as the lord of the Great Empire and the conqueror of the world across Europe, Asia and Africa, in fact, his soldiers had never been hundreds Thousand this scale.

Whether it was the soldiers from Macedonia and Greece at the earliest, or the servants gathered from Persia, Egypt and even India, he had gathered tens of thousands to fight with the enemy at best.

This is the restriction under the productivity and system of the times. In Macedonia, a Greek-style country, soldiers are hired to work for their rulers. The people’s military service is basically voluntary, rather than national recruitment, which has led to the fact that these Greek countries are already stuck in the military.

It is not easy for a city-state in ancient Greece to train hundreds of qualified soldiers. Even if it was the wealthiest Athens at the time and Sparta, the most powerful military, there were at most tens of thousands of soldiers belonging to oneself city-states.

This is still a theoretical existence, because the city-state economy alone cannot support the expenditure of tens of thousands of troops. This is the same even for Spartans, where all men are qualified soldiers.

Because if the Spartans want to eat and pay, the economy of Spartans is based entirely on the exploitation of their slave, Black Rolls. Once the pressure of the war is too great, it is likely to lead to the uprising of Black Laoshi.

This is how Sparta in history has been eroding the strength of oneself city-state in suppression and uprising. They are eventually defeated and annexed, which is also a matter of as it should be by rights.

So you have to say they are strong, maybe. But if you want to say that they are the most powerful army in the world, this is not necessarily true.

Macedonia under Alexander’s rule is the most powerful country in Greece, without a doubt. This can be seen from his conquering Sparta, a symbol of military force in the Greek world. And even if he conquered Greece and ruled Egypt and Persia, Alexander’s army was not abundant enough to sacrifice tens of thousands without even blinking his brows.

In his time, under the territory he ruled, population, especially adult brave men, was a resource that was too scarce. Productivity, medical treatment, these all limit the development of his subordinates’ strength. If his empire can be inherited and has enough birth and nurturing, perhaps there will be monarchs holding hundreds of thousands or even millions in his offspring, but in his case, the hundreds of thousands are almost already The limit he can master.

To some extent, Alexander is also an arrogant person. Just holding tens of thousands of people, dare to give birth to the ambition to conquer the world. From today’s point of view, this is really some overestimate one’s capabilities, because it is said to be the same generation, in the East where he has not yet set foot, there are already mutual conquests, and a war can kill and wound tens of thousands. The kingdom exists.

However, being arrogant to him is really not a derogation. Because he is such a person, he was born to have the hottest dream, like a flame, he only thought of burning guys.

He once dared to conquer the entire world with hundreds of thousands in his hand, and it was true that he had almost stepped on half of the world’s civilization under his own feet. And now, there are tens of millions around him. It was a number that all the population of his time at that time might not be comparable. This strong foundation force made the conquering king involuntarily grin open his mouth, as if he had drunk a mellow wine, he made a bold laugh that shook his eardrums like a bull.

“This is really a gift from God to me. In the future after I have slept for a thousand years, there will be such a large crowd of people to follow my Iskandar’s orders. This is God’s I implied that this World will be stepped on.”

“With such a scale of military power, I really can’t imagine which country in this world can be my opponent. My soldiers, everyone With a spit, all can converge into a lake; everyone can build up a majestic mountain with a handful of sand; everyone can cast a whip to dry up the Nile. This battle of conquest from the very The beginning is doomed to victory. And such a victory with no difficulty really makes me feel regretful. I also want to fight with horses and enjoy the feeling of bathing in blood to win glory. But Now it seems that our enemies will lose all their courage just as they see us, and they will serve their city fortress and pray for our forgiveness just like a cowardly woman and child!”

Just an ancient time For the emperor, it is normal for him to say such things. After all, under the standard of cold weapon warfare where the number of people is the cornerstone of victory, tens of millions of soldiers who do not need to eat or drink, and can fight without asking for a cent are really enough to trample the entire world under their own feet.

But unfortunately, this is not his time. It is destined to be a joke to look at today’s world from the perspective of oneself.

Today, among the dead who have joined Alexander, there are many people who were born in modern times and died only because of disasters. Although they admire Alexander, the ancient king, but they don’t say blindly follow what he says, they just believe and so on.

Modern people may indeed have that kind of idiot who had gone to school and received a modern education, but they naively thought that ancient people were omnipotent, and a superman or God came out. However, modern people of overwhelming majority can still rationally judge the gap between modern and ancient times, and objectively give oneself analysis.

Just like now, some modern dead have already exhorted Alexander in this way.

“Alexander Your Majesty, today’s world may be different from the world you are in. After all, more then 2000 years have passed, and the production capacity of human beings also cannot be compared to your time. Yes. Maybe in your era, the population of one million is an unimaginable number, but in our era today, the population of one million is really common, even if it is a city with a population of over 100 million, there are still several Yes. So, Your Majesty, your current strength…”

The implication is that your current strength is not enough, so you’d better take it easy.

Those who reminded Alexander that although they were well-intentioned, they are more of oneself. After all, he himself is now linked to Alexander’s forces, and he doesn’t want this famous monarch to be brainstormed, so he blocks oneself as cannon fodder on the front line of the war.

This is not a good thing. After all, although he has not personally participated in modern warfare, he also knows that modern warfare is not comparable to before. Using ancient means to fight against modern military, this is not conquering, this is giving food.

Alexander heard this man’s speech, and immediately looked at him with light in his eyes. It was different from the faces of ancient Greeks and Egyptians, nor was it the appearance of Persians or Indians he knew well. That appearance looked more like the more oriental people he had heard of.

Such oriental faces are rare among this group of dead, but what Alexander cares more about is what he said before.

Alexander was born in Macedonia, and his teacher is the famous Scholar Aristotle. Personally, he is also the kind of king who respects knowledge and culture. So when he heard the Easterner’s speech, he immediately asked him with interest.

“Listening to you, it seems very organized, are you a Scholar?”

“Me?” Pointing to oneself, the Eastern Dead hurriedly shook the head and said. “I’m a supermarket. It turned out to be a Teacher for a while, but the world is bad, and if something goes wrong, I will stop doing it. I simply went abroad and settled here, but didn’t expect to encounter this Broken things… after all things are impermanent, human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation.”

The old dead man in the east showed an expression of emotion in the world. Looking at his expression, Alexander was even more convinced that he was a Scholar.

This is not surprising, after all, even people in his era who had the time or ideas to express feelings about the world were basically knowledgeable. Not to mention that he can still say such philosophical words.

“I haven’t asked your surname, sir.”

“My surname is Yu. People who know me usually call me Yu Uncle. My past students call me Yu Teacher. If you are If you like me, just call me old.”

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