Sun God Marvel

Chapter 217

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Twenty sonic cannons were activated at the same time. The invisible ultrasound enveloped Bronsky’s body in an instant. The waves of these sound waves are surging and fierce, almost distorting the invisible air. When they passed to Bronsky, he immediately felt the heavy pressure.

The muscles and bones all over the body revealed an unspeakable soreness, and the internal organs seemed to be squirming and twitching desperately, causing the whole person to have a nauseous impulse. And the brain is stimulated as if it is about to explode, eyes opened to see things. Everything in front of me seemed blurred.

This is only the inner feeling, the outer feeling also makes Bronsky feel painful. It’s like the body is piled up by layers of walls, if only one or two layers of walls are piled up on the body, it won’t feel much with Bronsky’s current strength. But now he is not suffering from the oppression that one or two walls can cause. It is the huge pressure caused by dozens and hundreds of walls. Every action feedback is huge pressure. The invisible air seemed to have turned into a hard solid, completely enveloping him. It made him feel like oneself like a mosquito in amber, even breathing is difficult.

He began to roar desperately, but even the air he roared out was squeezed back by the propelling ultrasonic waves. In the face of such modern weapons of state organs, he seems to have completely lost the power to resist. And General Ross who saw this scene showed a satisfied smile.

“Prepare a really strong tranquilizer. Even if you use a shuttle gun for whale hunting, you must inject the tranquilizer into him within the body. You understand?”

He had just started telling his subordinates, and at this time, Bronsky did something that surprised him very much. He began to beat the ground under his feet desperately, and began to dig the soil underneath with his large hand covered with scales.

Ultrasonic weapon strictly speaking is not lethal to him, it will continue to destroy his brain and consume his physical strength. But even if it continues according to the current situation, at best it will make him temporarily lose consciousness. But Bronsky understood very well that if oneself loses consciousness, what will General Ross do to him is a question of no guarantee at all. Therefore, he made a decision to dig tunnels before the sonic weapon completely destroyed him.

After making up his mind, Bronsky’s movements became swift. With his current strength, digging concrete and so on is not a problem at all. In just a moment, his silhouette has disappeared from the surface. And this immediately made General Ross startled.

But in the end, he is also a long-experienced character, and he didn’t panic at the critical moment. Instead, he gave the order calmly.

“Move half of the sonic cannons to control Hulk, and the remaining half stands by. Once the guy shows his head, he will attack immediately!”

He has verified this Weapons are also useful to giants at this level of Hulk, so he seems confident at this moment. Don’t Hulk, it’s bad luck.

Strictly speaking, his current strength is discounted. Although he broke through the limitations of Samuel’s antidote and forced his anger to complete the transition from Bruce Banner to Hulk, his body was still affected by the antidote. Compared with the previous Hulk, he is now very weak.

In addition to being dizzy and eyes blurred by Bronsky just now, he can’t even stand still. And at this time, the high-frequency ultrasonic waves emitted by the ultrasonic cannon hit him. The powerful shock wave aggravated the dizziness in his brain, and even made him kneel on the ground without holding his balance. Coupled with the strong pressure created by the ultrasonic cannon itself, Hulk’s angry wild beast was completely restrained. Although he desperately wanted to struggle, even the struggling movements were small and pitiful.

Looking at Hulk’s weak reaction to this weapon, General Ross finally smiled with a win-winner. “Quickly, hurry up and control it. Our mission is about to be completed soon.”

He quickly ordered, and a huge joy filled his heart. His dreams are within reach, as long as he reaches out to touch them. What a perfect thing. However, the more perfect things are, the more likely they are to be unexpected.

A black and green illusory shadow shot straight down from the air, and suddenly appeared beside Hulk with a huge air burst. When he fell to the ground, General Ross was stared wide-eyed instantly.

He couldn’t believe what oneself saw with his eyes, and he couldn’t believe that someone would destroy everything about him at this most important time. So he could only open his mouth, gnashing teeth and spit out the name of Abomination from his throat. “Dawn Knight!”

Yes, this is at a critical time. Zhou Yi appeared, and as soon as he appeared, all the plans of General Ross were completely destroyed.

He was in front of Hulk and propped up an all-round Telekinesis field. This force field completely isolates the external ultrasound and temporarily relieves the pain of Hulk. And after that, he shot high-energy heat rays from his eyes, tracing the probes of those ultrasonic devices like a sharp sword. Although this does not cause any huge damage, it is enough to make these devices useless. And without these ultrasonic weapons, the military has almost lost all the means that can cause harm to Hulk.

“What are you doing, Dawn Knight! Are you thinking of the military declaring war?” General Ross was almost mad now, he shouted loudly through the radio on the plane, towards Zhou Yi vented the anger in his heart.

“Don’t say it is so scary, Your Excellency General. I am just providing protection and assistance to a scientist who was chased by the military and was inexplicably persecuted in an accident.”


Faced with the threatening questioning of General Ross, Zhou Yi was not at all empty. You know this is a capitalist country. What is a capitalist country is where capital is greater than democracy, greater than justice, and greater than national interests.

As long as it accounts for the first three items, no matter which item you are, you can arbitrarily fight against this country. And the majority of the people of America will be on your side. This is the saddest part of the government of this country. Their people don’t believe them much at all.

“You are interfering with military operations, I can immediately want you for treason!” General Ross is still yelling, but in Zhou Yi’s eyes, this is just the cry of a defeated dog. He waved his hand casually and retorted.

“Please do it, General. But I need to remind you that you are already exhausted. You have nothing to do with Hulk. If I were you, it would be better to leave early!”

Zhou Yi’s words are harsh but also very realistic. General Ross really has no means. But let him leave the field like this, he was 10,000 points unwilling. Because once he leaves, it means he has completely failed. He knows exactly how failure will end up.

Gritting his teeth abruptly, General Ross decided to give it a go. Even if it is to fight the lives of these soldiers, he will bring down Hulk.

“Pass my order and continue to attack. We must complete our mission, attack and attack me!”

His words let all the deputies around him change color and let him He began to look at General Ross with strange eyes.

“Why, can’t you hear me?” Looking at the weird deputy of oneself expression, General Ross was furious. And at this time, the deputy took out the gun and pointed it at him. “Sorry, General. Commanded by the superior, we must retreat now!”

“Commanded by the superior?” An incredible expression appeared on General Ross’s face. “Who is your superior, who do you work for, soldier?”

“This is a secret, sir. But we have taken over your position, and everything here must be under our command.” The deputy laughed and responded. “Also, an order from the Ministry of Defense, all your duties have been removed, General Thaddeus E. Ross.”

Hearing this, General Ross looks like a person. It is the same as losing the strength to support, softly on the seat. He knew that oneself was finished, and he would become a victim of compromise between the Ministry of Defense and the outside world. Everything that happened suddenly took away his faith almost instantly.

His adjutant glanced at him sympathetically, and then pressed the headset next to his own ear.

“Sir, we have controlled the situation. Now we will retreat.”

“Very well, thank you for your hard work. Let our super gentleman take the rest.” Coulson’s voice came out of his headset, which meant that it was the huge monster that was hiding behind the scenes-SHIELD that temporarily gave General Ross a fatal blow.

Although a little has been made by the means, it is in its current form. This is the best solution. Listening to Coulson’s report by his own ear, watching the troops withdraw little by little. Only the police were left to maintain order at the scene. Zhou Yi nodded with satisfaction, turned around and said to Hulk.

“Now, let’s talk about it. Mr. Banner!”

However, the answer was Hulk’s unwilling roar, his green eyes fixed on the one just now The helicopter that heard the voice of General Ross, the heavy snort was enough to show how angry he was now.

Zhou Yi saw his eyes and immediately warned him.

“Mr. Banner, if I were you. I would refrain from oneself. You must know that it took a lot of effort to make people settle here.”

And this Jennifer, who came with him when he came, also quickly calmed Hulk’s emotions.

“Calm down, Bruce. Everything is over. Don’t be too impulsive. Impulse is not good at this time.”

However, the angry Hulk simply doesn’t listen to these two people of. For General Ross, the anger in his heart was as terrifying as a volcano erupting. In his eyes, owning everything was bestowed by this lunatic general, so when he heard this general’s voice, his anger exploded uncontrollably.

In this anger, almost no one can comfort him. He completely ignored the meaning of these two people, and Loudly Roared picked up a huge boulder and threw it towards the helicopter in the sky.

The huge boulder shot out with a terrifying whistling, the speed so fast that the pilots on the plane showed the most desperate fear. At this speed, he couldn’t avoid this attack at all. When the boulder was about to hit the plane, Zhou Yi suddenly stretched out his hand to the boulder.

The powerful telekinesis instantly stopped the impulse of the boulder and braked it in the air. As Zhou Yi closed his five fingers, the huge boulder was shattered by the huge pressure little by little, until it turned into a pile of dust drifting in the wind.

As Zhou Yi, who had done all this, asked Hank coldly.

“Mr. Banner, are you a provocation?”

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