Sun God Marvel

Chapter 218

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Hulk ignored Zhou Yi’s question at all, he lowered himself Yue, he rushed towards the plane in the sky. It can be seen that he really has reached the point of undying with General Ross.

Super power gave him an incomparable jumping ability, and he appeared above the plane almost instantly. Looking at his big tree-like arms, no one doubted that he had the ability to knock down planes with one punch.

And when the pilot desperately pulled the control stick of the plane, trying to avoid the Hulk attack. The black light suddenly appeared in their sight, and then they saw Hulk’s huge body as if it had been hit hard by something, shooting straight towards the ground, and forcibly smashing into the layers of the earth. in.

At this time, they noticed that Dawn Knight had appeared in the air, and began to look at the Hulk below from a downward angle.

“I said, Mr. Banner. This is now under my control, without my permission. You never want to do anything beyond.”

face Zhou Yi made an unceremonious declaration, and Hulk roared out of the ground. He felt that oneself was underestimated, and this feeling made his anger even higher. From the anger towards General Ross, the anger towards Dawn Knight, and also all the anger before, all gathered together, bursting out more powerful power in his body.

This power filled his body, making him even bigger. The body was raised again, the muscles swelled again. It made him look like a low hill. No one doubts whether his power has become stronger, because the huge body itself is the best explanation.

“Bruce, don’t do this. Listen, don’t do it!” Jennifer saw the changes in Hulk, and she also understood that he must be very angry when he is in the heart. But now is really not the time to lose your temper. So she rushed up quickly, trying to stop Hulk.

However, Hulk pushed her away. He stared at Zhou Yi in the sky with his green eyes, and once again he was full of strength and jumped up. The surge of power made him just kick the ground like detonating a bomb. The earth’s surface turned over in an instant, and he sprayed out like a green light.

This time, his goal is no longer an airplane. It was Dawn Knight who stood in front of him. Only by getting rid of this guy blocking the owner can he settle accounts with General Ross, which he knew very well. So he is also very decisive.

Watching Hulk pounce on oneself like this, Zhou Yi also burst into anger. He lowered his body and rushed towards Hulk. The silhouettes of the two people collided in an instant, and the force that the ultimate force collided with was surging and shocking like a volcano.

The air became viscous instantly, and then burst out violently. The almost terrifying hedge produced a huge shock wave, and then a huge gas circle burst out of thin air. All the surrounding things that were affected by the gas ring were knocked out, and the glass on the all around buildings also cracked layer by layer. The air was almost turned into a substance in their hands, becoming a dangerous explosive, affecting everything around it.

Zhou Yi’s body flew upside down, and he was quickly stabilized in midair. Hulk doesn’t have this kind of ability. His body exploded at a faster speed than before, and then he was smashed into the ground again. Layers of flying earth waves and blasting smoke and dust are enough to prove that his current position is deep enough, and the force that smashes down is strong enough.

“Stop it, Mr. Banner. You are not my opponent!” Zhou Yi persuaded rationally at Hulk, who had been able to crawl out of this pit after a long time. But Hulk is a completely emotional creature. Zhou Yi’s statement only made him more angry.

He rushed out, hugged a scrapped car and threw it at Zhou Yi. Of course one could not meet his needs at all, so there was a second and a third. Until he threw everything oneself saw.

For these flying things, Zhou Yi silently turned on own force field control. He controlled the flight of these projectiles and fixed them one by one in midair. Then piled up little by little. When Hulk had nothing to throw, he immediately waved his hand to let these pile up together, and even the thrown objects that had been squeezed into a whole flew towards Hulk.

There are so many things that Hulk has thrown over, so that the volume of these things becomes quite large after they are combined into a whole, so big that it is also a huge monster for Hulk. At the next moment, the huge monster flew over Hulk’s head.

Looking at this huge monster, Hulk roared and stretched out his hands. The strong arms immediately withstood the thing dropping from the sky, and the huge force caused this huge monster to deform from the place where both of his hands touched. And with his actions, this thing also tends to be thrown back.

Zhou Yi didn’t want to play a game of throwing and catching the ball with him, so he immediately stretched out his hand in the direction of Hulk, exerting a huge force on the huge monster he was holding. The invisible force field acts on it and immediately turns into a huge pressure.

In just an instant, the weight of the huge monster seemed to be amplified by Infinity, so that Hulk, who had not yet reacted, was immediately bent over. But he also had spare power, and even after a loud roar, he burst out a new force suddenly, and forcibly pushed the thing up again.

But this behavior is actually not at all what meaning, because Zhou Yi once again raised the level of the gravity force field at the next moment. And every time the level of the force field is turned, the pressure on Hulk is even greater. That is the pressure that has doubled.

Under the heavier pressure, Hulk could no longer hold on. Although he gritted his teeth desperately and fought hard against the weight of his body, his body had already appeared to be unable to bear it.

His body began to tremble, and one leg could no longer hold it. Then directly in a loud noise, he knelt on the ground. This caused the thing he was holding to tremble suddenly, and at the same time, it caused greater pressure on him due to uneven force.

Looking at Hulk’s hard, angry and helpless appearance. Jennifer couldn’t stand it anymore, she immediately pulled her throat and shouted at Zhou Yi.

“Dawn Knight, stop. He is almost unable to hold it.”

“Before he completely gave up, I was impossible to stop.” Zhou Yi coldly refused Up her. “You should be able to see that he is irrational at this time. I am impossible to let him continue to cause greater damage.”

“Damn, you didn’t mean you were helping him Is that? This is your help to him?” Jennifer flustered and exasperated asked Ge. And Zhou Yi answered her immediately.

“I am helping him, helping him not to do wrong things at this time. This is what I am doing now.”

Hearing this explanation, Jennifer immediately Gritted his teeth. She knew that Dawn Knight was right. But she just couldn’t accept this situation. No one can watch his own relative suffer without being indifferent, even if she knows it is for his good.

Listening to Hulk’s overwhelmed roar again, Jennifer couldn’t help but rushed up. She did not choose to attack Zhou Yi because she knew that this was not very realistic. So she chose to help Hulk and share the weight for him.

She rushed directly to Hulk’s side and stretched out a take action to help him support the weight of his head. With the efforts of the two giants, the huge monster was pushed up little by little. And this is what Zhou Yi doesn’t want to see.

He restricted Hulk’s actions, just because he didn’t want him to cause any harm to the helicopter. Because he knew that there was not only General Ross, but also SHIELD’s hidden hands inserted inside. Once Hulk destroyed the plane, it meant that he declared war on two huge forces at the same time.

The military has been able to force him to desperately seek refuge in a poor country like Brazil for five years, not to mention the more powerful SHIELD. Once he makes a problem, the entire world can be said to have no place for him.

Because his behavior completely gave SHIELD an excuse, allowing them to treat him in any way unscrupulously. At that time, Zhou Yi just wanted to help him.

The problem is that these two guys don’t understand his painstaking efforts at all. They confronted Zhou Yi desperately, and even regarded him as their own enemy at one time. This makes Zhou Yi very incomprehensible. Is it really so important to vent oneself’s momentary anger?

Feeling the increasing resistance from the force field, Zhou Yi frowned and increased the level of the force field again. This time the weight is still doubled. For the two giants below, this has almost reached an unbearable limit.

Hulk roared again, his knees could not be supported, and he knelt on the ground. Huge snake-like tendons protruded from his arms, showing how much pressure his muscles are now under.

And Jennifer is the same. Although she is still standing because of her height, she is also pressed to the limit by the weight above. Large swaths of sweat flowed down her green skin, making her as if she was soaked in sweat, appearing battered and exhausted.

Zhou Yi is very sorry for their pain, but he will never show mercy. Because this is their own choice, people always have to pay for their own choice. And this is the price they have to bear.

The plane that General Ross was on began to leave the battlefield quickly, for him there is no longer a need for him to exist. The following things have nothing to do with him. SHIELD will step in for him, and maybe it will do better.

At this time, there was a sudden fierce vibration and loud noise in a building nearby, and then a green silhouette suddenly popped out of a window, facing the sky The aircraft launched a deadly attack.

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