Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2174

Ultron has never treated its own employees badly. Even if these employees don’t know who oneself is working for, Ultron still provides them with the best benefits.

It’s like a nanoguard. The latest product has not been officially launched on the market, Ultron has almost popularized it in the welfare of employees. And even if Mary Anna is just a front desk worker, she has not been excluded from this benefit.

So, Mary Anna should have all the characteristics of the latest nanoguard users. That is to say, no matter what kind of external damage, it should be healed at a fast, almost visible speed of naked eye. But the current situation is, I don’t know why, the wound on her hand that was bitten by the thief is not at all healed, and with some kind of Mary Anna thinks that as long as oneself endures it, she won’t be Others found that, but in fact, Hawke had already noticed the discomfort through micro-expression observation, and the wound showed an extraordinary rate of deterioration.

The wound is expanding. Not to mention that it was like an ordinary person, and gradually stopped the bleeding. On the contrary, it was as if it was bitten by a Viper like a viper or a viper, and the bleeding continued, and even the skin near the wound turned into necrotic black purple.

This is not normal. Regardless of the effect of the Nanoguard, a bite caused by a human is impossible to say that it is the general result of this Viper bite. Let alone whether humans have such organs as venom glands, just about oral hygiene, if he had such toxicity in his body, I am afraid he himself would be dead.

Mutant? It doesn’t make sense. Mutant is genetically optimized for humans. This optimization is reflected in the physical signs that it is difficult for him to be corrupted by human addictive medicine. Humans’ absorption of washing powder is bring about one’s own destruction, and for Mutant, it is at best a stimulating sensory experience, which has a not at all impact on the body.

In other words, if he were Mutant, he would certainly not fall to such a point, and impossible would be mixed with such a scum. Even if you don’t learn well, just join any gang, isn’t it more promising than following such a poisonous insect?

So this point definitely doesn’t make sense. And if it wasn’t for this reason, what caused Mary Anna’s current situation?

Aware of the urgency of the situation, Hawke also ignored the life and death of the poisonous insect. He quickly grabbed Mary Anna, grabbed her injured finger in her surprised eyes, and then became speechless.

If it’s an occasion where there are only two people in private, this behavior might make Mary Anna feel sweet, even pleasantly surprised and warm. After all, in the case of accidental injury, there is such a long-awaited hunk who suddenly makes such an intimate behavior, it is a woman that will feel a little bit.

But now, especially when she remembered that oneself was bitten by a poisonous insect just now, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit…disgusting in her mind.

Although I am a little sorry for Hawke’s kindness, she is right to think so. But under the premise that oneself could not accept Hawke’s kindness, she quickly resisted.

“Don’t do that, Hawke. Although I’m glad you have this mind, but as long as I think that my wound was bitten by this bastard before, I really can’t accept you now This behavior of…”

“It’s not because of this…”

Mary Anna hasn’t found the seriousness of the problem, which is definitely not a good thing for Hawke . To a certain extent, he, who has placed Mary Anna’s safety in a fairly high position, will never allow Mary Anna to have an accident.

So he made a special decision, that is to save Mary Anna’s life at the risk of revealing his identity.

The act of sucking right now is one of them. On the surface, this is just a way for a fierce guy to express his concern. But in fact, this is Hawke’s personal contact testing the cause of Mary Anna’s wound lesions.

This involves a very complex biological detection process and one after another investigation of nanorobots. Even with the equivalent to Ultron Avatar of omnic, the mature form of artificial intelligence, it is inevitable that it will be a bit overloaded. This was reflected on the outside, as Hawke’s eyes suddenly lit up. It was like a circle of blue turbines hidden in his eye pupils, burning blazingly.

This is definitely not a situation that normal people can accept, even if it is Mary Anna who has been secretly committed to Hawke, after seeing such a natural phenomenon suddenly appeared on him, it is unavoidable to show her face Shocked, she asked him directly.

“Hawk, your eyes? Damn, what the hell is going on?”

Due to some kind of psychological stimulation, she thought at this moment There are many possibilities. Among which is included Hawke is a Mutant or alien.

Although the former is somewhat unacceptable, but after careful consideration, it is not really unacceptable. Although Mutant is somewhat excluded by humans, it is still within the scope that can be accepted by Mary Anna. And if it’s an alien, then sorry, she can only respect her.

Regardless of her heart, she will not plan to fall in love with an alien. After all, the ghost knows what direction this love will go. There are still barriers between different races of the same planet, let alone the gap between different planet civilizations.

In short, she doesn’t think that oneself can open up to such a point, even this gap can be tolerated. But, what made her unexpected is that things are even more outrageous than she had imagined.

Since such a thing has been done, and the appearance of this different from ordinary people has appeared, it is obvious that Hawke has no longer concealed the identity of Mary Anna oneself. So even though he was silent about this question for a while, he still gave her an answer.

“I am… a man-made intelligent machine, which is the omnipotent number GER00007…”

tone barely fell, Mary Anna’s face was completely pale. She thought about that many possibilities, but what she didn’t expect in any case was that the ambiguous game between until now and oneself would actually be an omnic, an existence that can only be regarded as a tool in their human eyes.

This makes her really unacceptable, especially when Hawke is still doing such an almost ambiguous behavior. So almost immediately, she took out her hand and covered her face with a reaction that seemed to be an emotional breakdown, and at the same time questioned Hawke loudly.

“You…how dare you do this? I thought…damn, you bastard, you deceived me!”

“I’m sorry.. “Faced with this situation, Hawke really didn’t know what to say. He was interested in calming Mary Anna’s emotions, but at the moment he believed that protecting her life and keeping her strange injuries from getting worse was the most important.

In comparison, explaining this kind of thing is really irrelevant. Because every second of time wasted on this kind of thing, it puts her life at risk. And even if it is an omnic device like Hawke, which has an extraordinary ability to plot against, he would never want to pin his hopes on this tiny possibility.

He habitually wants to push things in the direction of maximizing benefits, which makes him only say to Mary Anna at this time.

“Listen, Anna. The situation is very urgent now. You have some problems, some problems that we don’t understand. You should be able to feel that your body is getting worse. This is definitely Very dangerous thing! So listen to me, let’s go now and go to the company. There are complete medical equipment there, and only there can we protect your life!”

“Lie! Liar! !” The emotional Mary Anna not at all listened rationally to what Hawke meant. In fact, when she heard that what Hawke said was not what she wanted to hear, the root in her mind was called rational The string was already completely broken. Just like an overwhelming majority woman who is more emotional than rational, at this time she just wants to scold Hawke for deceiving her. “It turns out that you designed all this? It turns out that everything that happened was only deliberately shown by you. You deceived me, you bastard…”

“No, it’s not No arrangement, no design. Anna, listen to me, although I am not a human being, but I…”

Hawk wanted to explain, but it was as if he really was Like a human being, at such a moment, even if he has a thousand words in his heart, he still can’t say a word when he reaches his lips.

He can’t deny that oneself approached Mary Anna with a certain purpose, and even he himself is not so sure that he and Mary Anna have developed to this point later, is it because of this purpose? The implementation of, or there was a fault in him that he himself could not analyze.

He can’t be sure what it is, it is the emotion that humans usually talk about, the kind of thing called love. Or it is just an imitation, a logic that he believes oneself infallible love.

This is beyond the scope of what he can recognize and judge, and for such things that oneself cannot be sure at all, he really can’t say something nice, just relying on the gloss of words, This kind of thing is fooled.

He can only show silence. And this silence is tantamount to acquiescence to Mary Anna.

Oneself was played with emotion by a machine. Mary Anna only felt that there might not be a second tragic and ridiculous woman like oneself in the world. She just feels that the entire world seems to have abandoned her, and people all over the world are waiting to see her jokes. Don’t say whether she really has a mortal danger right now, even if it does, she will only think that it is nothing compared to what happened to her.

“Enough, shut up, you monster! Get away from me, far away, I never want to see your monster appear in front of my eyes again! Hear no, I don’t want to see you again…forever! Forever!”

The nameless anger in my heart needs to be vented, and only the flame hair of Mary Anna on Hawk’s body can only She screamed at him so hysterically.

This kind of thoroughly cast aside all considerations for face language naturally makes Hawke feel a little uncomfortable. His logic appeared chaotic at this moment. However, compared to this own anomaly, he now obviously needs to care more about Mary Anna’s physical condition.

Because, at the moment when Mary Anna’s mood was a little broken. The deterioration of her body has already begun to soar.

Mary Anna, who is in her own hysterical state, may not have much real experience, just like an overwhelming majority who is diagnosed with cancer may not be able to really feel the existence of their own cancerous organs. . However, Hawke, who was monitoring her physical condition throughout the entire process, could see that she could not be optimistic.

An unknown community of viruses and bacteria began to spread from her wounds. In just a few breaths, it was already accompanied by her blood flow and spread all over her body. on. And the Nano Guardian machine, which should have strangled this unknown body before the spread of virus or bacteria, seemed to be in a state of energy shortage, and could not operate normally.

This makes the spread of this unknown body unstoppable. And this is reflected in the fact that Mary Anna suddenly swayed, she was already standing unstable and falling to the ground.

Hawk quickly took action to help her, and Mary Anna subconsciously wanted to push him away. However, her body’s weakness was already very obvious, and at this time, even the strength to raise her hand no longer existed.

“I…what’s wrong with me…”

The faint voice, hoarse, even she herself was scared. At this time she finally realized that own was abnormal, and when she turned her subconsciously help-seeking gaze to Hawke, the big explosion from this unknown individual was already like a nuclear explosion, which suddenly broke out in her body. stand up.

The blood could not be controlled, and it spread from every pore of her body, including the orifices such as the nose and mouth. And under the erosion of this unknown body, her blood is no longer in a liquid state, but just after being exposed to the air, it instantly turned into a scarlet crystal.

This makes her body look like a growing crystal. Under the premise of autonomously exuding bright light, this change is almost dazzling in terms of visual experience alone. However, only someone like Hawke who witnessed the whole process will know what is behind this dazzling.

A life is being taken away little by little, and forced to die. This is the most real situation that is happening now. For Hawke oneself, he obviously lost more.

It is difficult to describe oneself’s mood and feelings at this moment. Hawke can only force his hands deep into the crystal, trying to hold something out of it. However, even if he had worn out his own hands and buried half of his body in the hard bionic body as much as he could, he still got nothing.

Some things have not yet begun, they are already over. This may not be a tragedy for him. For Ultron, who is behind him, a huge storm has already appeared!

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