Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2175

Mary Anna’s Death can only be said to be a coincidence. She accidentally hit a large Luotian net woven specifically for Ultron. With her small size, naturally there is no fluke.

She is not an individual case, but a microcosm of the problems Ultron is facing today. For Ultron, there are three huge troubles before him now, and these troubles are enough to shake the foundation of his cooperation with humans.

First of all, three new cities are still being built. Although, Ultron has reached an agreement with the governments of European countries to let them treat there with one eye and one eye closed. And they did. However, this does not mean that he can sit back and relax.

Because the protests have never been lowered, those in power will not let you take power from them like a tame sheep. Even if they can’t influence the government’s mainstream attitude, it is not a problem to plug Ultron with the contacts that oneself has operated in the past.

Be aware that for capital government, the government is the government, and the politicians are politicians. In order to seek personal benefits, these politicians may not necessarily stand on the same position as the government. In fact, the most true statement should be that under the overwhelming majority situation, they are more willing to antagonize the government.

This is not a thankless thing, even to say that this is the maximization of their interests.

Because the government’s policies will inevitably be supported by some people. Under this premise, even if they waved the flag and shouted, it was impossible to share too much profit.

The trust of the people, this intangible political capital will not be imposed on them. On the contrary, if they are against the tune, those who do not support the government’s current policies will have a way of confrontation, and the politician’s political capital can be promoted invisibly.

So, this is a routine operation of political games. Those who think that politicians are all liars and talk about one thing and do another thing all day long can only say that your ideas are too naive and have not yet clearly seen the essence of these politicians that’s all.

In short, for the benefits provided by those in power, many politicians have begun to try to attack Ultron. And it seems that the benefits are seen from it, and some politicians who do not have this relationship have also begun to follow the trend. Of course, they have no way to deal with the authorities in Central and Western Asia, but this does not prevent them from using this excuse to blackmail Ultron. As long as Ultron doesn’t want to make oneself the enemy of the world, and all Europe is saying bad things about own, he must find a way to communicate and buy some politicians. What they are doing now is to let Ultron know about their abilities, so that they can take out the money obediently and honestly.

Despicable? Sorry, this is also a normal operation. If you don’t have a bit of despicable hooliganism, then you, a politician, have no room for survival. To a certain extent, this is also a kind of culture and nature evolved by humans in natural confrontation, and it is a necessary skill for living creatures to evolve. To blame, Ultron can also understand the existence of this profession.

So, even if he was not very willing to deal with this kind of abuse, he still paid the political contribution obediently and honestly in accordance with the rules of the industry.

The same sentence, money has never been a problem for him. Some politicians can be bought with money to speak for him, so that he is no longer a state of isolation and helplessness in politics. This can be considered a cost-effective business. As for whether these politicians will choose to turn to each other, he believes that unless it is the kind of situation that is simply irreversible, as long as the money given by oneself is in place, they should still have these basic professional ethics.

The problems in the new city can be slightly alleviated by this method. But some other problems are not so easy to deal with.

As I said before, the story of Mary Anna is not a case, but just a microcosm. In fact, within just a few days, dozens of similar situations have erupted one after another.

Ultron moved quickly. He blocked the news in time. Before the government and the public learned about the situation, he had already gathered all relevant clues and information first.

This is to prevent panic. After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, all humans with this special disease are without exception the users of Nanoguards. Although Ultron can say with certainty, the Nanoguard manufactured by oneself does not have this defect. Their disease is due to another reason, but humans will not believe his explanation of intelligent life.

So instead of shaking things up and frankly and letting humans fall into this kind of distrust of him and panic about their own safety, it is better to cover the news first, and then explore as soon as possible The cause of this disease, and finding a solution to it, is more robust.

From a scientific point of view, this is the most correct approach. In the face of such a matter of countless lives, and even the stability of most European society, the so-called personal will and the right to know are fundamentally insignificant. This is a multiple-choice question. If you are able, do you save an unrelated person or a group of unrelated people? Choose one of the two.

Aside from all ignorant and hypocritical thoughts, the truly correct choice will always be the second one. As an intelligent life based on all rational logical operations, Ultron will only choose the second one.

This is the best choice. However, even with this optimal choice, the development of the matter still does not say how big a turn for the better.

From the current test results, Ultron can at best be said to have explored the cause of this disease.

An unknown spore bacteria, and its special way to spread to people within the body. Through the parasitic to the human body to absorb the energy in the human body, a special transformation is completed in a short time, which is to become the crystal structure that they can see at present.

Normally speaking, if it is only spore bacteria, then Nanoguard has enough ability to resist the invasion of this bacteria and exclude it from the human body before it develops.

However, this kind of bacteria obviously has a special ability, that is, before the micro-nano machine like the nanoguard reacts, it intervenes in the energy supply system of the human body. Before the Nanoguards can supply the human body, they cut off their Hus. In this way, even if the Nanoguards can react a little bit, they will not be able to reverse the condition that they are constantly proliferating spore bacteria and cannot give back to the human body. What waves are coming.

This is a very deliberate target. And Ultron can almost certainly say that this is definitely not a bacterial spore born under natural conditions. Because the conditions for this spore parasitism are very special, all of its preconditions seem to be based on the premise that the parasite is human and can provide sufficient biological energy.

There are few natural products that are simply targeted at one kind of organism. In rare cases, even humans are impossible to have such an efficient energy supply.

The step of converting human energy reserves such as fat and sugar into the energy needed by the human body is the key to the human internal energy system. At this critical point, even Mutant will not have such a high transformation efficiency to meet the parasitic conditions of this bacterial spore. Only nano-robots, special robots that can intervene from transformation at first, can achieve such a high level of efficiency. From here, it can be seen that this spore bacteria is clearly a black hand against Ultron by a certain force.

Of course, this alone is not enough to draw conclusions. Maybe this is just a coincidence. But judging from the results, the people infected by this bacteria are not only the users of Nanoguards. However, except for the users of Nanoguards, all other human beings are not life-threatening.

If this kind of bacteria does not get enough energy supply in the human body, it will quickly self-deplete, and then it will be accompanied by the body’s natural secretion, including sweat, urine and vomiting. Many ways are directly excluded. Except for temporary convulsions and discomfort symptoms, there are almost no other reactions and repercussions.

To put it simply, an ordinary person is exempt from this kind of bacterial invasion, and a strong person may be fine with a dip of yellow urine. Only the users of Nano Guardians will become the current crystal. And this is enough to prove that this bacterial spore is artificially precisely modulated and used to target the nanoguard’s biochemical weapon.

Ultron has stopped thinking about it, and he will only consider one question now, and that is who is secretly targeting him.

Those medical industry giants whose lives have been cut off by him? Although it is somewhat unlikely, after all, their technological level is there. But to say that there is no such suspicion at all, it is somewhat unrealistic. After all, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit bites in a hurry. Who can guarantee that in the face of huge interests, these former medical groups will not unite and make up for the disability to come up with such a powerful thing. As for how many casualties and innocent people will die if this thing is created. I believe this is not something that medical giants will care about.

Don’t think too kind of a company that engages in health care, they are actually capitalists. And capitalists always drink blood.

Some people may say that if not these capitalists are pushing the advancement of human medical care in one hand, then I am afraid how many people who shouldn’t die will die in the past century? This is true, but it is the wrong object. Humans may be grateful, but they are not grateful to these capitalists, but to scientists who are engaged in medical research.

They have researched medicines and technologies for various diseases, and this has allowed human beings to get rid of the influence of diseases to a certain extent, rather than those capitalists. The capitalists just waved the banknotes, and these scientists needed money to help them. Under normal circumstances, they also get generous rewards for this kind of help. Both money and goods are cleared, even with capital and profit. So there is really no need to be grateful to them.

As for the slogans they shout all day for the advancement of human civilization? Just listen. Capitalists have never just talked about this kind of thing, and they would never regard it as their own life creed. For capitalists, only interest is their pursuit. And as long as there are interests driven, you are letting them drag the pace of human progress, and they can do it without hesitation. Therefore, they can’t get rid of this suspicion.

In the face of Ultron, who has smashed their jobs, it is not surprising to them even if they use any means. They do not lack such motivation, the only difference is whether they have such ability.

Because of this, Ultron’s suspicion is still going to fall on Hydra.

In terms of motivation, Hydra has good reasons to target oneself. Whether it is the impact of oneself’s operations in Europe on Hydra’s layout, or the direct threat posed to them by the construction of three new cities, Hydra has every reason to do such a thing.

As for technology, this is even more not a problem for Hydra.

Now everyone in the world knows that Earth’s biochemical technology is strong, and the top nine in South Asia. Hydra, who had already used biochemical technology before the first major turmoil in the United States, wanted to come up with such a technology deliberately aimed at him, not to mention very easy, but it is not too difficult.

They are motivated and capable of doing this. Of course, Ultron is also more willing to believe that this is their secret trick. After all, from his standpoint, the enemy is a criminal organization like Hydra, which is better than oneself.

In short, no matter who does this sneaky trick secretly, it will always be a bad one. But what Ultron should do best now is to make remedies as much as possible. Not only for the situation faced by oneself, but also for the innocent people who have been affected.

They are dead. There is no doubt about this. However, Ultron hopes that oneself can get them a second life through remedy.

This is also the biggest role that Nanoguard should play now. That is, as he promised to mankind, to provide mankind with eternal life.

The body is infected by this bacterial parasitic, and it collapses into this appearance, which is not in the way. He can completely rebuild these people’s bodies through the reorganization of genes by nanomachines. This is very simple, just need to mobilize the kernel data of these innocent people, and according to the steps he set, this should be backed up when the death of these people is irreversible.

Because of the ethical needs of human beings, he personally did not intend to offend in this regard. The most critical step of the human immortality plan, that is, the reproduction of memories, emotions and even souls, was completed at the moment when humans died.

This is to prevent the situation of two Zhang San or two Li Si. Because just like the cloning technology in the past, this touches the moral level that humans cannot tolerate, that is, the situation where a person’s existence is usurped. Of course, Ultron is not willing to set foot in such a minefield, so others have to install another trigger mechanism, that is, the most critical backup part of the human individual can be triggered at the most critical moment.

In this way, morality and life, both are considered as the best of both worlds.

It’s just that, when things developed to this step, there was still an accident.

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