Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2196

The situation in society changed almost overnight.

It could have been so tightly guarded secrets and truths that everything about monsters will not appear directly in front of the public. The army will become full of loopholes for a while, and either directly or indirectly, the public will I have already made contact with those monsters from a different level.

This, of course, can make the person tremble with fright. But there is no shortage of people who have become inexplicably rational because of emotional ups and downs and immense grief.

It doesn’t matter if these people really discovered something, or if someone has contributed to it, they are secretly playing tricks. In short, the reasons for the emergence of monsters and everything they represent have swept the entire network at a time, and a stormy sea was set off on top of public opinion.

Where did the monster come from? Are they humans? Who is behind them? Whose conspiracy is this?

The public opinion of the people is like a wave, wave after wave on the dam built by the government. And if officials, as the constructors of the dam, can perform their duties, then from some perspectives, these public opinions will not cause any major changes. After all, they have no evidence in their hands, and at this special time, if they use unproven words to incite public opinion, the government is fully qualified to contain them forcibly.

However, the problem now is that the person who should play this role here, not at all at this time to do his duty.

As the first-line commander, the officials showed extraordinary indifference in dealing with this issue. He was only doing some superficial efforts, such as further using lethal weapons to attack those so-called The monster. As for controlling public opinion, he doesn’t even bother to do superficial effort.

As a result, when public opinion gradually ferments and reaches the eyes and ears of high-level governments of various countries, the situation has already evolved to a certain extent. At this time, the government wants to intervene, but it is a bit difficult to start.

High-level leaders can only anger the officials, but the officials’ deeds are there. He just lost his son and wife because of such an accident. At this time, he vented all his energy on dealing with these monsters. It is completely justified, and no one can refute the matter. They couldn’t even force him to dismiss get out of class, because at the moment his mentality, the ghost knew what he would make after he got him off.

So they can only condemn it on the surface, and then order him to control the trend of public opinion as soon as possible. Of course, they also affirmed the efforts of officials in dealing with these monsters. After all, they solved such a big trouble without going through Ultron, which really relieved them a lot of pressure.

They are also thinking about using the media to create public opinion to completely calm all this after the problem is solved, but they have never thought about it, but their subordinates have long been secretly thinking about it.

Controlling public opinion is basically impossible. Let alone whether he will do it, even if he does it, can the current trend of public opinion be controlled?

Worry about a reason that will change when it is late. Officials promote public opinion most quickly in private. As for the social status quo, which is itself a powder keg, his actions are undoubtedly throwing a flame into it. As for the follow-up development, he simply doesn’t need to worry about it.

The people themselves are good at skepticism. Even if it is something that has already been concluded, some people will rack their brains to compose hundreds of other reasons, and they often have a lot of support. Therefore, as long as it does not interfere with it from the very beginning, public opinion will often ferment into a monster. It’s like Area 51 of the United States guy.

See you poorly, there is really no alien technology in Area 51 of the United States guy. Because these things were basically taken away by SHIELD at that time. But people in Europe believe this, and even many Americans believe it. This leads to another argument, that is, the reason why the United States guys are so bad luck being invaded by aliens is that they did some inhumane things in Area 51.

This is basically the reason that three people become tigers. In the same way, after allowing public opinion to ferment for a while, public opinion about monsters has also risen.

The spear was directed at Ultron, which is because the officials secretly instructed people to manipulate. Of course, the other part of the reason lies in the fact that the people did get the results they wanted from the fragmented truth.

The so-called nuclear radiation is simply a lie. It is the government that first conceal the monsters that appear in their lives. The emergence of these monsters is due to the weird infection. This infection not only turns people into a crystalline structure, but also allows them to become this kind of fearful and hateful in the subsequent changes. monster.

People can accept the existence of crystallization disease. After all, compared with eternal life, that risk is really within the tolerable category. It’s as if people know that puffer fish is very poisonous, but there are always people willing to take the risk and taste it. This is their voluntary choice.

After all, let it go, it’s just a death. Anyway, they will die. In this case, what is the difference between becoming a lens and dying naturally. It’s better to give it a try, maybe you can get an immortal life.

But if you say you become a monster, and as rumored on the Internet, you become a conscious, but speechless monster that can’t even commit suicide. This is a result that a normal person cannot accept.

No matter how wonderful people’s dreams of eternal life are, they certainly don’t want oneself to get this so-called eternal life in this way. If this is the case, then they really would rather die. Really, death is much easier than that, at least you don’t have to feel pain and regret.

Look at the families that were torn apart because of the appearance of monsters, and look at the damage caused to oneself’s family by becoming monsters. This is enough to make all onlookers take warning.

At the same time, people who refused from the very beginning will use this as an example to prove how stupid human beings are to step into God’s forbidden zone. And those who at first support all of this, all of this has become a scam in their eyes, and they are even more angry with Ultron.

He should not give them such hope, let alone fool them in this terrifying way. There is only one result of this, and that is immense hatred and complete hostility.

The people marched almost spontaneously, and began to directly impact all the shops under the Ultron name. The first of these is New Era Corporation.

If mankind really regarded the New Era Company as a beacon to the future before, then now, they will only regard this company as the incarnation of hell in the world.

The hatred in it is enough to make them lose all their sanity. Even at this time, people can still maintain a certain sense of reason, stand up and say something fair, the angry people will completely ignore them and tear them together to pieces.

They have completely lost control. And this loss of control quickly spread to the point of looting, destruction and arson.

Some people cannot be oneself because of grief. They lost their loved ones in this sudden mutation, and of course they would want to ask for justice. On the premise that the government is indifferent, they are willing to do all the retaliation methods they can think of.

Of course, this is only part of it. But more often, someone wants to take advantage of this terrible situation and wantonly indulge oneself’s inner madness.

Being in such a high-pressure environment for a long time, the human heart itself is easily distorted. After all, don’t think highly of human beings’ endurance. Perhaps under the dual constraints of law and morality, humans will know how to stand up as a human being. But once these constraints are lost, many people may not behave much better than wild beast.

This is the situation right now. The government is almost letting these people do things in the name of the public because of the officials’ actions. This is tantamount to relaxing the shackles on them at the legal level. After all, where the law does not blame the public, it is the same wherever they are placed, especially in a country like theirs.

In addition, the people’s surging will and their call for revenge for their loved ones have also become an excuse for them to loosen their moral constraints. They are victims, at least most people think so. And since it is a victim, is it wrong to seek justice and justice and resist the persecution you have received?

Well, even if I am not the real victim. The people in the family did not suffer such bad luck. But this shouldn’t prevent me from doing justice to these unfortunate people in the name of justice. As for what mistakes will be made accidentally when justice is done, this is inevitable, and it is also forgivable.

Just like the well-known saying, justice, how many crimes are in your name. In today’s situation, some people are doing such things. And it was this completely unruly behavior that caused the situation to gradually collapse.

For example, Paris, one of the most prosperous cities in Europe, who can imagine that he will become what he is now? The crowd held up the torch, like a long dragon walking down the street. Behind them is a lit high-rise building, hung in the air like a torch, as if to foretell something.

Smoke billows in the city. It seems that this is not a city advertised as own and Ping City at all, but an isolated city on the battlefield. This is not the more terrifying thing, but the angry people can’t catch Ultron to vent their anger at all, but can only choose to vent their anger to those who work in Micro New Era.

These people were aloof and remote in the past. After all, New Era’s business capabilities are obvious to all, and naturally, as an upstart who has almost monopolized the healthcare industry, it will naturally not be too perfunctory in the salary of oneself employees. Not much else, the weekly salary of the cleaners in the company is more than three times that of other companies.

This also makes people who work in New Era companies basically have their nostrils upright, and most people in society admire them. This is not only because they earn more, but also because of the work they are engaged in, which really gives them a sense of mission and glory that has created the future of mankind.

Of course, now all this has come to nothing. They are no longer the enviable guys, but the devil’s accomplices, the villains who have cheated countless families, broken their families and scattered their wives. Such a sin cannot be washed away anyway. Even if they were also victims of this series of incidents, they also suffered the same bad luck, but because of the identity problem, people regarded this as retribution, and they did not intend to give them forgiveness and repentance. .

Dead people are already inevitable in the middle. First, the decent upper-class people, the guys who are in high positions in the company. Then there are the ordinary employees… back and forth, under the almost crazy turbulent public opinion, those fundamentally innocent guys have not even agitated even the slightest wave of resistance, they have been completely submerged by the tide. Go down.

This is not one or two, but hundreds or thousands. Even if many media are already following these lunatics, they have begun to indulge in the feeling of implementing justice. But when the statistics came up, most of them still felt a shudder from in the bones.

Different from the past practices in the Middle East and even Africa, there is the War Zone, which is truly impossible. They would not care even if more people were killed or injured. On the one hand, it’s because you can’t control it, and on the other hand, it’s because you can’t empathize.

After all, they are from the Middle East or Africa, and have nothing to do with them. Even if it is out of humanitarian sympathy, it is just sympathy for that’s all. How much is a handful of sympathy tears worth, is it worth a pack of cigarettes? The answer is not worth it. Therefore, more often than not, this kind of thing is the condiments written by the media, which is used to give oneself blog attention and seek a ratings.

But now it’s different. The deaths and injuries now happen in their world, in their country. And the most terrifying thing is not this. The most terrifying thing is that this is not a terrorist attack, nor is it a disturbance by outsiders. This is purely a farce where the own person kills the own person.

Yes, farce, the media is the media in the end, as the transfer station of information, they can see more clearly than the ordinary person. They can see that this is a completely meaningless vent by those who are already crazy, and they can understand better that all this will only be a beginning, not an end.

Europe will be plunged into chaos, and their lives will be transformed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down from this moment. But at this time, it’s good and bad, they don’t know. What’s more unclear to them is that they don’t even know what role they should play in this.

Point out all the bad things, try to contain the development of the situation, and let everything return to rationality? Or is it to continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb while making use of this terrible situation to make a fortune?

There may be one or two conscientious journalists who choose the former, but the media itself has to follow the trend.

After all, this is the general trend, and they can’t do things against the trend, and they won’t do it.

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