Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2197

Ultron never expected things to deteriorate so suddenly. Although he is in control of huge resources, and even said that he can hear the turmoil that many ordinary persons are basically impossible to know, but in the final analysis, he is also impossible to be an unpredictable prophet and discover the complexity of the human heart.

Precautionary work. He did it, but it was aimed at those he had doubts about, those who were not determined in the government. And for people like officials he likes, he basically didn’t take precautions.

After all, this kind of Miao Zhenggenhong is almost impossible to be bought by Hydra, and from this point alone, they have the potential to develop into partners. If he needs outside capital to support him, then Ultron will really extend this helping hand. However, he never thought that the other party suddenly turned the spear on oneself, and directly stabbed at the key of own.

It was completely unprepared, and he was already at a disadvantage. In the face of the current enthusiasm, the whole society has fallen into a crazy situation, Ultron can only use a move to break his wrist with a strong man, and hide in secret.

This is a blow to him. Because the significance of the New Era Company is extraordinary. It is equivalent to Ultron’s bridgehead to intervene in human society, and it is the best way for him to just and honorable apply the own means to human society. And now, the sudden blow to New Era Company not only means that his painstaking efforts have completely gone to nothing, but also means that it will no longer be so easy for him to intervene in human society in the future. Things.

This is the real loss, enough to make him feel a pain in his family. If it can be remedied a little, the situation may be better. But at this time, he has no time to start work in this area, because he can only mobilize all his strength and put his energy into rescue work.

Fortunately, those omnipotents can retreat if they immediately receive the order. And with the ability of the rioters to act, they can’t stop the evacuation of these wits. Therefore, the key lies in the employees who belong to the new era company.

There are tens of thousands of employees in the New Era Company, not counting the relevant personnel of those affiliated companies. They are all the victims of this riot, the targets of those who are already crazy to hurt at all costs. In any case, they all worked for Ultron and suffered this disaster because of him. Ultron asked himself and was impossible to let them go, so he had to save them before they were hurt. Even if it says that it can’t save everyone, but saving one more is good for Ultron now.

It’s just that this is not the future. According to Ultron’s current power, he can only reluctantly try to send them out of Europe before the mobs do anything to them. This is also under the premise that these employees are willing to cooperate, and in fact, not everyone is willing to get too close to the current Ultron.

After all, Ultron’s name is broken. The rejection of aliens in human nature makes it hard for them, even those who work for Ultron, to believe that he is really innocent. Out of self-protection or fluke, they are unwilling to get too close to Ultron that has been exposed.

They think that maybe they can not get involved in this way, maybe this way they can get lucky to save oneself’s life. But really, they underestimated the madness in human nature and the value of human life under this turmoil.

After the first victim appeared, this state of affairs was as uncontrollable as a wild horse. To hope that luck or human adherence to laws and ethics to protect their lives and property is tantamount to hanging the own life in the Old Hu machine, and only betting on whether the Old Hu machine can shake out a leopard. The odds are really slim.

After all, such a thing has already been staged in history. It’s like those middle-class people whose homes were destroyed by refugees during the Three Kingdoms Uprising, and the innocent women and children of the French Revolution, like Queen Mary who apologized for accidentally stepping on Bushwacker’s foot and the one who said “Freedom, how many sins are in your name” Luo Madam Lan.

You can’t deny the correctness of some things, but you can’t deny how much pickle and filth exists under some high-sounding reasons. Humans are such chaotic creatures, especially when there is no restriction on this chaos.

So, Ultron’s choice is correct. He didn’t take any chances, he just wanted to send oneself’s employees out of this place. After seeing the barbaric methods of those people, many people followed up with oneself’s inner fluke and had to hug the life-saving straw that Ultron passed over.

They may not want to get involved with Ultron, but for the safety of oneself and oneself’s family, they have to accept his kindness.

Of course, Ultron just wants to help them, and has nothing to ask for. But even if he made the quickest response, thousands of innocent people have been persecuted because of this. But he is powerless.

This made him feel guilty, but also a bit resentful. Not for those stupid people. After all, he himself knew in his heart that the guys who caused all this tragedy were at best a tool man. Of course, they had blood on their hands, but if they were to say that they were the culprits, they still looked up to them somewhat.

They can only be regarded as accomplices, and the culprit is naturally someone else. Under Ultron’s information channels, officials, the mastermind behind the scenes, have almost impossible exceptions.

Normally, since the culprit of all this has been found, Ultron should have launched the thunderbolt, and killed him directly, and avenged this arrow.

However, the reality is that he is a bit refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases and does not want to start such a war without authorization.

Although he can play Li Daitao’s stiff trick like before, it is not safe. Because he had been lurking in the dark before, and he hadn’t exposed any ability at all. At that time, few people would have thought that he would take action on some human beings and use the technology at hand to usurp the resources they have.

But it’s different now. He has been exposed to the public’s sight and has also proven the enormous capital power he possesses. Where does this force come from? It is impossible for the government to investigate this aspect. And even if only one out of 10,000 of them is a smart person, one can guess what he did in it.

On the surface, I don’t say it, but secretly it must be defensive. And if he repeats the old tricks at this time, it will be fine. But if it was discovered, it would be a big taboo.

Politicians are impossible to allow him to reach into their plates. This is definitely a transgression and a challenge to the bottom line of mankind. After all, he is just an intelligent life. And if an intelligent life is allowed to control the entire human superstructure, then the status of human beings is equivalent to being subverted, and this is definitely something that all humans cannot accept.

If things really develop to this step, they can only evolve into war. Regardless of the outcome of the war, will not be what Ultron wants to see. He knew this very well, so he chose to be patient. But this is the tolerance of human beings, not Hydra, the real secret mastermind.

Although the officials who made all of this are hateful, in the end they are also hateful. There must be pitiful things. Ultron has also heard of the tragedy that happened to him, so he knows that it is not surprising that this person made such a choice at this time.

Perhaps some people believe that this is ambition and conspiracy. But Ultron is more willing to think that he is angry with oneself because of the misfortune that happened to his son and his wife.

This is not the best answer, but it is definitely the most humane answer. Ultron would rather believe in such an answer, so he would tolerate such a guy so much. Of course, there is also a certain reason for this because he is in favor of the invincible.

No matter how hostile and hostile the humans are, he is also impossible to be defeated by humans. Modern technology is tied to him, and mankind is impossible to pay the price of reversing the times, only to eliminate him from the social system. He can hide in the dark and continue his own activities. He even said that he can wait for the situation to calm down, wait for human beings to regain their rationality, and prove that own is innocent, before continuing to put oneself on the bright side.

Of course, this requires government efforts. But think about it and know that they are impossible. If society is left in such turmoil, it will only hurt their own interests. Therefore, in this regard, Ultron only needs to wait with peace of mind.

Of course, waiting is not to let him do nothing. He is not the kind of character that goes with the flow, so he is also saving all the objects that can be rescued. After completely withdrawing his hand, he put all his energy on dealing with the secret mastermind of Hydra.

He stopped worrying about human affairs, and his progress was fast. It’s not that I caught some clues left by the other party, even if it was caught, it would be useless. Instead, he finally found the current Paragon sorcerer and contacted him through his men.

Using technology and conventional means to find this secret mastermind, he has already given up, because the facts have proved that in this completely chaotic logic, he simply cannot find any one. Can use clues. It would only be a waste of time to go on like this, and even to be manipulated by the other party in vain. Therefore, he has long planned to find another way, and Paragon sorcerer is his best and only choice.

He also took a lot of effort to find the Paragon sorcerer in this chaotic area of ​​Central Asia. After contacting him immediately, Ultron has already expressed his willingness to ask him for help. But at that time Paragon sorcerer seemed to have something important, and couldn’t get out of it. So after hurriedly agreed on a time and place, they hurriedly left.

Now is the time they agreed upon, and Ultron is also at the place agreed upon by the two. It didn’t take long for Ultron to see a circle of sparks lingering in front of own, and then, two figures appeared in front of him one after the other.

The former is a tall man with a bald head tattoo and a Paragon sorcerer dressed like a monk. This Ultron has already known him. The latter was even more familiar to him, so that when he saw her appear, he immediately exposed a beam cannon-like weapon from his hand, aimed directly at Strange, and asked loudly.

“Mr. Strange, I need an explanation from you, right now!”

Strange looked down at the mana formed by oneself’s hand Chain, sighed and raised his hand.

“This is a misunderstanding, Buddy. If I can, I don’t want to do this to her. But there is no way. If we don’t tie her up like this, she will immediately slip out of our noses. This way I can’t explain to the two Mr. Stark.”

“The reason is not sufficient, I don’t understand why you treat her like a livestock. You should know. , You are not qualified to do this!”

Ultron’s questioning is for good reason. After all, in his capacity, he had no reason to remain silent when he saw Maria being tied by Strange with her hands tied and led behind him like a slave.

Although neither Stark nor Maria admit it, in Ultron’s heart, Stark is his father, and even if Maria is not a mother, she is like a stepmother. He can’t let this stepmother be bullied in front of the owner, even if he says that the other party is the object of his cooperation. He wanted Paragon sorcerer, yes, but he still wouldn’t let him betray the principle of ownership.

Strange also knows that clarifying misunderstandings cannot be done with just one sentence, and he does attach great importance to Ultron’s request for cooperation.

Because he also felt the power of the mysterious side from inside. As a Paragon sorcerer, he will shoulder the responsibility of being a Paragon sorcerer. One of the most important of these responsibilities is that the mysterious side must not be allowed to cause any bad influence in human society.

This power can act as a protector of mankind, but it must not be a promoter or even a disruptor. He agrees with this very much, so he must also rely on Ultron’s help. Because of this, he quickly explained.

“Mrs. Maria’s matter was an accident. She accidentally ate the Golden Core left to me by Venerable Ancient One, thus gaining the ability to control Feng Shui and hide the invisible. You know, The previous void invasion has completely lost her mind. She is now unconscious and her whole person is crazy. Once she is slightly unprepared, she will immediately rely on this Magical Powers and disappear to us. In front of him. At that time, it’s not easy to get hold of her.”

“The world is so chaotic now, if she accidentally gets hurt, I can’t do anything. Explain. So using this method to trap him is also a bad decision I made in desperation. I really have no choice but to do this.”

“I will notify this. To Frank, I believe he should have a way to soothe his mother’s emotions. Before that, Mr. Strange, I hope you will not take any more actions that may cause contradictions. I don’t want to be your enemy.”

“Of course, we have a common enemy, and in the face of this enemy, we need to cooperate sincerely. There is no doubt about this.”

Strange’s nodded force is growing At the same time, he couldn’t help but show his condensed color. He knew too well what kind of opponent they were dealing with.

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