Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2199

“Let’s talk about it first…”

Strange didn’t dare to make any package tickets, after all, he would even pay for Ultron I don’t know anything. If this guy suddenly took out a piece of women’s underwear, do you say he is fortune-telling or not?

After all, it is a robot. Strange is not sure that the logic of thinking and ethics in Ultron normally are inconsistent with ordinary people. So after all, he retained the three-point line and didn’t dare to say anything big. And just after he had said this with reservations, Ultron’s eyes lit up, and he had already used the 3D projection function of the omnic which he possessed to project a picture on Strange. In front of.

“This is the basic structure diagram of that kind of artificial pathogen. I found the hieroglyphic elements of ancient Egypt. However, it is limited to the current Egyptian cultural faults and cannot be completely deciphered. At the same time, I also learned from Some special energy wavelengths were discovered, which are similar to the wavelengths I feel on some Gods…Is it okay to use these?”

Ultron is very serious and provided some necessary props. And looking at these special structures, Strange’s face slowly became serious.

As a former medical Court Academecian, although it is surgical, it does not prevent him from studying germs. He knew that in this world there are many germs with peculiar structures, such as the famous coliphage, whose structure under Microscope is like an eight-claw robot with a diamond-shaped mind.

It’s hard to imagine that nature will generate such a strange structure, but it does exist. So from a professional point of view, he at first does not think that the special described by Ultron really has anything to be praised. But soon he discovered that the things in front of him were indeed a little weird.

Ultron is unable to distinguish the full content of which hieroglyphs. That is because the modern era has a huge gap in the cultural research of ancient Egypt. To put it bluntly, the simple way of comparing the Latin alphabet with the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs when the European and American Scholars deciphered the ancient Egyptian characters was simply deceiving the world, because they simply couldn’t do it without the same reference. It is certain whether the own translation is correct.

It is like the deciphering of oracle-bone inscriptions and even inscriptions in archaeology in China. Even if it is said that there have been many years of research on oracle-bone inscriptions, no expert is sure to say that oneself will be able to decipher. Out the real content of those Oracle documents. This is still above a cultural root system. The Greco-Roman culture that originated in Egypt and Europe and the United States is simply not a system, and they naturally have no such qualifications to save others by themselves.

This is a big hole dug by the predecessors. And in such a big pit, if Ultron can decipher the real content from it, it would be strange.

Strange will not have any doubts in this regard, because Kamar-Taj’s own inheritance contains accurate records of the cultural inheritance of countries around the world. As a Paragon sorcerer, holding the divine tool Eye of Agamotto, he can watch the long river of time and learn the knowledge that has been forgotten.

So let alone the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, it is the completely lost cuneiform writings and even some of the older original tribal wall pictures, he can recognize it roughly. And it was this ability that made him see the true meaning of this special structure at a glance.

“People who come into contact with this thing will be cursed by the gods, and the soul and body will never rest forever. This is the text only used by the gods of ancient Egypt. It has their divine force, a A very severe curse, even in that era, it is rarely used by the gods… I think I probably know who our opponent is!”

Slightly pondered At once, Strange had already locked a target in oneself’s heart. And hearing him say this, Ultron also immediately tested his head and made a concerned look.

“A woman, I have seen in her the power of the Egyptian gods that have disappeared. She is the right-hand man of the head of Hydra. If I guess correctly, I think what you have encountered now , It should be her handwriting!”

“Alexia, are you talking about this woman?”

From the very beginning, Frank, who has been listening at this time, interjects Came in. He had been in contact with Alexia, so when Strange said that, he immediately reacted.

“The second daughter of the Alfred family, a genius biologist who is said to have passed away? If it were her, it would be impossible to create such a biochemical weapon… .”

Ultron can roughly judge the identity of Alexia as soon as he hears the name. As for the death record shown in the data, even he knows this thing, just a smile is enough.

Mankind’s written records of powerful people have always been weak spots. I’m afraid they don’t even know oneself. In the end, that record is true and that record is false. So just listen to it. If you really take this as the truth, I’m afraid you don’t even know how it is.

Ultron also deeply murmurs the truth in the middle, so he didn’t question Alexia’s identity. On the contrary, in the immediately where Strange showed the identity of the opponent, he mobilized all the resources that oneself could mobilize, and searched for the existence of this woman throughout Europe.

Of course, this is useless work. Because Alexia has changed his face. And Ultron, who simply used her original description to search for comparison, was of course impossible to find her true body.

“It’s useless, there is definitely a way to change the description of own based on her ability. You can find her in this way.”

Frank raised a wake-up call on The woman who had put him in a dangerous situation for a while, he still had the heart to see her slumped in the hands of who.

“Court Academecian?”

Ultron was helpless, he could only put his eyes on Strange for help. Because the current situation is obvious, to find this giant crocodile lurking in the dark, I am afraid that it really depends on Strange’s magical means.

On this point, Strange behaved a little duty-bound.

“It’s lucky to say it. If it’s the case before, I may not be able to give you a sure guarantee that I can find such a guy lurking in the dark from the vast sea of ​​people. . But now, because of Mrs. Maria, I already have a lot of experience in finding people.”

Seeing Frank rolled the eyes timely, Strange Knowing that oneself can no longer scream on this issue. So he gave a dry cough and quickly changed the subject.

“Give me some time, I can determine her location. But before that, I think I need to remind you…”

He said By this point, his face was already solemn.

“This woman named Alexia will not be easy to deal with. I have fought with her, almost completely at a disadvantage. Even now, I am not sure whether oneself has full confidence , Can deal with her. This will be a tough battle, you have to be psychologically prepared.”

“No matter what, we need to stop her. Her strength is not the reason for our inaction. Under the premise that she has created the current chaos in Europe, we can only prevent the chaos from spreading if we defeat her. There are too many innocent lives to save, and we must take action.”

Ultron’s answer was the same as the style he had shown before, and the nobleness made Strange, a human being, feel a little staggering. He thinks that Ultron’s claims are mostly show-making elements, but in fact, Ultron really thinks so.

He doesn’t resent the crazy people who make chaos, because he knows that the reason for these chaos is the root of human inferiority. This is not a problem that can be overcome in a half-time meeting according to the existing moral level of mankind, so he can tolerate and accept it.

After all, his loss is very limited. The biggest injuries on the surface are those of employees. But these are actually just numbers on the surface and cannot be regarded as real damage. All their information is stored on the heaven network. When the limelight has passed, he can naturally bring these people back to life. Therefore, his real loss is only those material, and the material loss can only be regarded as one hair from nine oxen relative to the resource body he controls, which is not worth mentioning at all.

It is the innocent people who are infected and the families of those who are unfortunately involved. As far as the different groups in human beings are concerned, most of them are willing to accept his existence as a different kind and trust him first. These people could have served as a bridge for further cooperation between him and mankind, opening the door to the bright future of mankind and intelligent life as he imagined. But now, all this is in vain.

More importantly, this made the results of his years of hard work become a bitter fruit, making him almost a rat-like rat crossing the street. Such a loss is truly huge. And because of this, even if it is for stop loss and rescue, he feels that oneself must find a way to recover the humans who have turned into such monsters because of this damn curse.

Opportunities are naturally very slim, but Alexia is undoubtedly the only way. He has this kind of cognition, and naturally he would not regard Alexia’s strength as a reason for oneself to hesitate.

And this is what makes Strange very satisfied. An ally who is used to shoulder heavy responsibilities and face a strong enemy is better than those who say it nicely on the surface, but in fact procrastinate, just want to drink the soup and share the meat, but don’t want to take any risks.

So he immediately nodded and promised.

“I will as soon as possible, up to two hours…”

He closed his eyes after he said, drawing with his hands empty, and his force is all over oneself Many existences like rituals have been created. These rituals are somewhat similar to those of ancient celestial observation devices. Many parts correspond to the positions of the sky, the earth and even different stars. It looks very complicated, subtle and mysterious.

And in this one, Strange held many of the precision structures in his hands, as if he was operating a complicated machine, and began to deduct and calculate little by little.

This is a comprehensive Divination Technique developed by Kamar-Taj sorcerer in modern times. It is a result obtained by combining ancient astrology and numerology. The basic knowledge of sorcerer is very test, but at the same time, because it is a comprehensive and complete means, it is also the most reliable in the accuracy of deduction. Basically, it can be said to refer to where to fight, rather than to say that there are some divination prophecies. On the surface, it tells you that no one can kill you. In the end, you will be stabbed to death by a woman.

Strange’s deduction is concentrated attention completely, while Ultron is intent on his just and honorable stealing. He is not a member of the magic world, and he doesn’t know how taboo this kind of thing is. But Frank knows. Although Kamar-Taj seldom cherishes own knowledge, it is also under the premise of targeting most decent sorcerers. There are two premises, decent and sorcerer. And Ultron, obviously does not meet the latter condition.

At any rate, they are also a cooperative relationship, and Frank doesn’t want to make them feel bad about this little thing. So standing in between the two of them, Frank said to Ultron in a warning tone.

“We need to talk about other things, Ultron…”

As two individuals closely connected to some extent, Frank said The implication Ultron can think of a serious problem after a little thought. Although it was a pity that he missed such a good learning opportunity, he was not the kind of guy who didn’t know the generality. So he turned his head quickly, and he set his eyes on Frank.

“About what?”

“Things about the three cities. If you pay attention to it, you will find that the situation there is not very stable… .”

Although the most recent energy has been placed on the European side, there is an omnibus arranged by Ultron in the Middle East. So Frank mentioned that Ultron immediately got in touch with those omnivores. Then the general information was already in his mind.

“A special regime? And unified nearly half of the warlord forces in a short time? Where did these people come from?”

The information surprised Ultron oneself, because as far as he knew, there was no force with such capabilities in that land, and it was really not an easy task to have a solid unity there.

Since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the entire Middle East has not yet seen a regime that can unify the powers of this land. In most cases, they have such ambitions with each other, but human brains are about to become dog brains, and no one can do this. This situation has continued from the First World War to the modern age, and it is almost now a place outside the law, without any change.

And now, such a special regime has emerged, and it is doing things that no one has been able to do in the past hundred years, which of course surprised Ultron.

“This is incredible. Who has such ability?”

“An almost impossible answer.” Frank shook his head and said with a weird expression. “Because their leader is called Alexander, the king of Macedonia who wants to conquer the world.”

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