Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2200


Hearing this title, Ultron and everyone’s first reaction was disbelief. Because the story about Alexander is very clear, the emperor belongs to the type of die an untimely death. Not only did he leave no serious heirs, even the empire he created was completely disintegrated due to the division and opposition of the generals under oneself. .

In history, there are many people claiming to be descendants of Alexander or his heirs, but they basically borrowed his name to fool people. Naturally, Ultron also considers this person as one of them. Because in the Middle East and North Africa, the land once ruled by Alexander, Alexander’s name still has some effect.

It’s just that Frank has a weird look. He smacked his lips and said.

“I at first thought the same way, but when I sneaked in and found a lot of guards in Macedonian armor, I didn’t think so. If it was just the cost, such a cost It is too big. Moreover, the title can be forged, but the human style is still imposing manner, I am afraid it can’t be forged.”

“Imposing manner?” This word is more metaphysical to Ultron. , Because he rarely sees the so-called imposing manner from humans. In most cases, what he thinks of imposing manner is manifested by human emotions and the environment at the time. For example, a person shows absolute self-confidence because of his rich knowledge and experience. This is probably an imposing manner of calm, as stable as Mount Tai. And if a police officer is backed by a whole formation of special forces to support him, and can 100% guarantee to kill the gangsters and rescue the hostages, then in the face of bank robbers, it is estimated that he may also show devotion to righteousness that inspires Reverence, an imposing manner that cannot be defeated.

This is Ultron’s perception of human imposing manner, and when Frank said this, he subconsciously thought that the imposing manner Frank said was that the ruler of this emerging regime was in great condition. , Stand by one’s word, a kind of self-confidence that is in power.

Of course, this is just his personal perception. As a person who always respects the ideas and opinions of others, I never simply want me to think that I don’t want the intelligent life you think, Ultron hesitated slightly, and turned his head to Frank slightly.

He wants to hear Frank’s explanation. After all, compared to him, Frank, whose structure is half of humans, obviously has a better say in this regard.

“Yes, imposing manner.” Seeing what Ultron meant by listening, Frank also uncovered his own feelings. And it seems that the people he saw really made him a little impressed, so that when he answered this question, he added a subconsciously emotional tone.

“How to describe it? It’s like you are not facing one person, but thousands of people. That guy speaks and does things very exaggerated, and there is a kind of almost Extreme emotional reaction. When he should laugh, he laughs louder than anyone else, and when he should be angry, he is terrifying more angry than anyone. Such a person should be rejected and disapproved by ordinary people. But what happened to him makes people feel a kind of innate… as it should be. It seems that he is the incarnation of thousands of people gathered together, the most vivid image of the human being. It’s more like a person than everyone dreams of. That’s probably what it means.”

“Is it more like a person than everyone dreams of?” This description makes Ultron felt interesting, and almost couldn’t stop it, became curious about such a life.

Humanity is always a difficult point for him to learn, and he will of course be curious about such a special existence that can almost represent a human model. However, it was just curious.

He might be willing to take a look if he has the opportunity. However, now he is more focused on dealing with Alexia. As for this Alexander, he only tilted some resources at most, and the prerequisite for tilting resources must also be that they are hostile.

“What is his position? I mean, in what way does he intend to unify the Middle East and what is his view of the city we are building?”

This kind of question is certainly not answered by most people. After all, the method of unifying one after another region may still be analyzed from the perspective of policy, but it is not at all confusing to think about this completely private thing without communication. No one is a roundworm in anyone’s stomach. You can count on patting your head to tell the inner thoughts of others, and you have to ask others if they agree.

Of course, Frank is not the kind of irresponsible guy who just makes up other people’s opinions. Ultron understands the behavior of this little brother very well. Since he has made a special trip to explore the true nature of Alexander in private, he can describe it like that. Naturally impossible said that there is no objective understanding of his point of view.

The idea that this thing is fabricated cannot be fabricated, but it can be heard from the daily performance and tone. After all, the cities they built are the top priority of the entire Middle East in both strategic and resource sense. He doesn’t believe that this guy named Alexander can normally not reveal his tone and attitude in this regard. come out. And since they have all made a special trip to inquire about the news, Frank also impossible said that he would ignore this aspect.

At this point, he guessed well. Frank did inquire about these things clearly, so as soon as Ultron asked about it, he already gave the own answer.

“If you want to ask him in what way he intends to unify this area, then I can only say that he is exactly the same as the Alexander in history, choosing to conquer as his own means .”

“Of course, he is not the type that blindly launches war and completely uses military force to rule the territory occupied by oneself. On the contrary, he is using the best skill. Doing what a ruler should do.”

“In external warfare, he makes good use of wisdom, and is always cautiously using oneself’s military force. It can be achieved through diplomatic means. He will not easily choose military force when he completes the conquest; in the face of those powerful opponents that are difficult to conquer for a while, he will use endless means to disintegrate the opponent’s power one after another, and finally finish his work. He declared his conquest with a big victory. Invincible and invincible may be the most suitable description for him at the moment.”

“And in dealing with internal affairs, what he did is also It was outstanding. Facing the differences in culture and customs, he showed sufficient restraint and tolerance. He accepted that the people under oneself had different beliefs and different cultures. For example, after taking over the refugees in Egypt, he For a time, he used Pharaoh’s name to appease the people. As for after reaching the Middle East, he gave oneself the name of a caliph to accept and rule the Arabs. “

“He The people under oneself are not allowed to have too much friction, and even at the expense of killing the chicken to warn the monkey, through the bloody suppression of those powerful troublemakers to control their conflicts with each other. Of course, he will also give these people Sufficient benefits, use the most vital things to meet their needs, so as to comfort them and allow them to accept this change.”

“Knowing others and making good use of it, so that all the capable ministers and generals under you Fully show own ability. Feeling and open-minded, without concealing own likes, dislikes and goals, so that everyone knows where they are going and how to deal with themselves. If it is not that Alexander has been dead for thousands of years, it is probably even bone If it has become ashes, I would really think that this is the legendary conqueror. Of course, even now, I don’t rule out this possibility. After all, it’s not that the resurrection of the dead does not appear in the myth. What’s so amazing about the ancient kings running to the present?”

Frank has a high opinion of Alexander. This is not determined because of his personal likes and dislikes, but a conclusion drawn from a certain degree of objective judgment.

He is not the kind of short-sighted person who would yell at the tip of the iceberg. In fact, there is a presidential father who often observes his own father’s handling of official business methods. He already has a deep enough understanding and cognition in this regard.

He knows what it means to govern a country. According to some people, this is an art, an art of compromise and uncompromising. In many cases, you have to compromise to achieve your own goal. But blindly compromising and retreating will not actually make you achieve something, and even say that it will make you passive.

Just like the United Kingdom before, Brexit broke out because of the referendum, and three prime ministers stepped down because of Brexit. This is basically a situation where there is too much compromise, so that even the basic determination of the government has been lost. Politicians only think about compromise, and don’t think about to offend the person. This is the end, that is, an entire state power becomes the laughing stock of others.

As for his father, he did not compromise, and kicked out capital forces from the United States consortium from the territory of the United States. It is not a particularly successful model.

At this point, Frank has his own judgment, he will not blindly exaggerate Tony because he is his father. To be honest, Tony may be a good president in his eyes, but he thinks can’t be called the best. Because, he obviously also had other better choices, but because of personal habits, he didn’t choose to do that.

In comparison, this Alexander’s wrist is obviously more brilliant than his father’s. So that even he had to compliment this guy’s methods.

Of course, this is an evaluation made from a neutral standpoint. And in a position that may be opposed, he will inevitably have some headaches for such a possible opponent.

“As for what he thinks of the city we are building, to be honest, I can’t make up my mind now…”

Ultron’s focus is on In Europe, Frank naturally took over the construction of the three new cities. This in itself is the idea he put forward, coupled with his second only to Ultron authority and Stark Group’s investment in this area, it is actually not impossible to regard the three new cities as assets under his name.

Obviously, Frank thought so too. He sees the three new cities as bridgeheads for oneself’s revenge, so it is naturally impossible to say that he is willing to let others covet it like this. It’s just that, in terms of ability, he may be lacking.

It’s okay to make suggestions behind the scenes. He has the resources, and has a level of wisdom far beyond that of ordinary people, he can be said to be able to do such things handily. But let him stand in front of the stage, let others believe in him, follow him, and listen to his instructions to give up life and forget about death. This is too high for him.

Human beings are selfish and superstitious creatures. Everyone has an own idea about who oneself should follow and who should fight for. This is not to say that you can change things by doing whatever you want. Unless you say that what you do is simply impossible for others, and you can convince everyone. Otherwise, most people will not waver.

Humans like to follow powerhouse and follow those confident and attractive characters. It’s like the grass and trees always Towards the Sun, and the insects always chase the light. This is a kind of nature and an instinct. And at this point, Frank was born with a huge shortcoming, that is, his age is too young.

A child will not be valued no matter where he goes. They are inherently weak, which is an inherent view. Even if it is a unique existence like Frank or Zhou Shang, it will not make much difference in the eyes of ordinary people.

No one would want to follow a child, that’s cracking a joke of own life. Frank also clearly recognized this, so he was so hesitant.

“That guy seems to be very interested in our cities. He even said that he has named them privately… which means that he has a certain mentality. And he always In terms of style, he wanted to acquire these three cities by nothing more than two, using military force to conquer, or allowing us to surrender willingly. The acknowledge allegiance is under his command.”

“I’m not afraid. His so-called military force. After all, with our level of technology, if we really want to fight, he may not be able to conquer us as easily as conquering other forces. I just hesitate, if we simply start from our point of view , I would like to express to him that the acknowledge allegiance would be a better choice?”

“After all, he is a qualified king. At least, it is judged by my standards. That’s right. And since he’s the king, with his style of behavior, he probably won’t tolerate a dangerous existence like Hydra next to own.”

“How can you allow others on the side of the couch? Snoring. If he really has that ambition, would it be better to entrust the power in my hands to him and let him fight Hydra instead of me?”

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