Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2201

In theory, this idea of ​​Frank is not at all wrong.

Let professional people do it instead of oneself, which in itself is a kind of knowledge on employment. However, this kind of thing has the risk of being occupied by a dove. Just like there are no shortage of managers in the world who have been kicked out, this World will not lose those board member shareholders who have been emptied.

So if Frank really intends to entrust his own power to this Alexander and let him replace oneself and Hydra as the enemy, then he had better prepare for such things as being occupied by a dove. .

In fact, it is not as simple as overhead. Ultron actually has another worry in this regard, that is, he is worried about another possibility.

“Maybe. But you need to think carefully before deciding whether or not to do this. After all, the origin of this person is a mystery, and we are not sure what kind of position he stands on. To say that he is really the emperor of the Legendary, then the reason for his appearance in this era is doubtful. And if his resurrection is related to Hydra in some way, then this approach of yours may be related to sending There is no difference between a lamb in a tiger’s den. You have to be cautious, because it is not only related to your personal interests. There are also tens of thousands of innocent lives. They are closely related to the fate of these three cities. Yes!”

Ultron was warning carefully. He guessed a possibility, and this possible outcome is undoubtedly the worst. The hard work for a long time is usurped and so on. Secondly, they will not care too much about this kind of thing. However, he cannot ignore the lives of innocents, and even from Frank’s point of view, the city that itself serves as a bridgehead can help people and become the enemy’s forward position in attacking Europe. This is probably not what he expects to see. Let’s end it.

Ultron does not have the energy to manage affairs in the Middle East now. He can only hope that Frank can think deeply and not be too rash, and put the good situation in. Frank also heard what he meant, but from his personal point of view, he still felt that the idea of ​​own would be the best choice.

The construction of the three cities is difficult. The devil’s intrusion continues until now. If it weren’t for the omnibus to control the power of technology across the ages, then I’m afraid it would have been the result of corpses everywhere across the field.

Even if the city has been built under such great pressure, it does not mean that they can sit back and relax.

If the demons don’t take the initiative to stop, the war will never end. When it comes to their fate, they will naturally not choose to give up easily. This is a difficult problem currently facing Frank. But this is not a difficult one.

The most difficult thing is not the devil’s siege, nor Alexander’s pressure to conquer, but from the inside, from the ambitions that have naturally grown from the people who have settled in the city and set themselves up as urban citizens.

At first, these people were just looking for a stable, a place where they could survive, without worrying about food and clothing. And at this point, the city easily satisfied them, and easily went too far.

It is precisely because of this too easy access that many people have got one thing wrong, that is, they think that the omnic force represented by Frank cannot be called a city. Masters, and on the contrary, they are.

They think it was oneself who built this city, if it’s just picking up garbage and tatters. At the same time, they also have an absolute advantage in comparison of the number of people.

The omnic can only be used for work, Frank is just a kid who can’t get on the table at all. They don’t want to live in such a strange combination, so almost instinctively, they begin to stir, wanting to get a higher position in this city.

This can be regarded as relying on omnics not to easily do something to them and so on, but Frank has to admit that it is this kind of confidence that is what he is most worried about.

He knows the nature of human beings, so he understands more how stupid these people can be when their stupid minds come up. And even if they are just clay chickens and pottery dogs, mobs, if they really want to assemble for a coup, he can call these dogs father with a charge. He is absolutely unwilling to see this happen.

On the one hand, the bloodshed that inevitably accompanies this will trigger conflicts between him and Ultron, and on the other hand, the city that has just been built is caused by such internal trouble and outside aggression, most The likely ones are yellow.

Cities are called cities because they are inhabited. And he built this city to attract refugees and use them to launch an offensive against Hydra.

For him, the most precious resources in these three cities are the people. And if it is said that because of this series of problems, the people are on the opposite side of him, then his plan will be bankrupt from the very beginning. If that were the case, it would be better not to build these three cities and let them live and die here.

But since he has invested huge energy and massive resources to facilitate the construction of these three cities, he naturally has no reason to give up halfway.

It’s just that the inability to convince the public is a problem. It was only after he had seen Alexander’s skills and abilities that he thought of this way of entrusting the problem to him and letting him replace oneself to play a power struggle with these idiots. As for the possibility that Alexander might be a pawn in the opponent’s hand, he considered it, but after seeing Alexander himself, he no longer had any concerns in this regard.

Hydra may have countless crafty plots and machinations, but he is also impossible to say that he plots everyone’s minds against in his own tricks. Some people, they can indeed use means to control. But there are also some people, but you have exhausted all the methods and they are impossible to control.

Alexander shouldn’t be someone they can control. This kind of willfulness is at its extreme. People who are always galloping on oneself roads are impossible to stop owning because of outside interference. If he were true, then in that era, he dared to risk being buried in a foreign country at any time. He who drove beyond ten thousand li, really had no reason to succumb to Hydra. Because even life and death have been ignored, he really shouldn’t have anything to fear.

Frank is thinking about Alexander in this way, and because of this, he is willing to take a gamble like this. If you lose, you can’t think of a way. Anyway, the bad luck is European. But if he wins, then he is one step closer to oneself’s revenge ambition, and this is what he wants to see most.

Of course, this cannot be said directly in front of Ultron. Because he will inevitably oppose this once said. In Frank’s eyes, Ultron, who has put a heavy yoke on oneself, is not an object to rely on completely. Because just like he would give up his own father at the end, he also firmly believes that when faced with a difficult choice, that is, putting humans and him on the two ends of the scale, Ultron is likely to choose the former.

This guy is already a bit crazy as an ideal intelligent life. He has gone so far on the ideal road that he has deviated too much from the reality. If it were not for him to control the highest authority of the entire omnic system, Frank might not be willing to talk to him so much on this matter. So in the face of Ultron’s warning, he just coped with a vague, not at all to give a clear answer.

Ultron can’t guess people’s hearts, so naturally he can’t guess what Frank thinks. He just subconsciously felt that Frank was insincere and might do something. And when he was planning whether or not to set up some insurance measures, Strange suddenly opened his eyes…

“I found her, right here Paris!”

After he finished speaking, he immediately swiped his hands and pulled out a Teleportation Portal directly to Paris in front of oneself. And without waiting for the other two people to react, he already plunged in.

Using spells to find a living God, it is almost impossible for her to notice. It’s just a matter of time, so the fastest response is in itself the most appropriate choice. After all, I missed this time, and the next time is a distant matter. So instead of wasting precious time in unnecessary hesitation, it’s better to just start quick sword cuts through tangled hemp.

Ultron has the same idea, after all, heaven knows how much effort he spent to find out the secret mastermind. Now finally caught the tail of this guy, he is naturally impossible to miss. It just means that he doesn’t need to be behind Strange like a tag-a-long. After all, he now uses just an ordinary omnic body that’s all.

This thing is not qualified to participate in this degree of battle. Even being a cannon fodder can’t make up the count. If you really want to deal with an opponent of God’s level, you still have to use Ultron’s Vibranium body. Only by relying on this thing can he be qualified to participate in a head-on battle with God, a creature at the top of the mysterious side.

No need to talk nonsense. Vibranium Ultron, hidden in the dark, was already dispatched. Seeing Ultron and Strange, who had already started Avatar, Frank hesitated for a while.

Speaking of theory, he who is eager for revenge will not miss this opportunity to carry out a beheading action against Alexia, the right arm of Smith Zhou. However, he is very clear that there is not at all oneself room for participation.

Firstly, her mother still needs his protection. Under the premise of properly arranging his mother, he dare not do anything to act blindly without thinking.

Secondly, his personal ability is not good. Now that he can only be regarded as a sorcerer introductory at best, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to watch such a fight, so naturally he doesn’t even mention such a high standard of revenge.

He hopes to find someone to help him, but he just turned his head and has been squatting in the corner. Zhou Shang, who is playing games with a headset, is already sensitive and shakes very simply. Started.

“Don’t look at me. I won’t and can’t participate in such things. After all, that is my elder, I am impossible to be an enemy with him…”

Zhou Shang obviously can’t count on it. Realizing this, Frank could only be deeply sighed, and then decisively chose to give up.

It is very clear that without Zhou Shang’s help, oneself’s going up can only be regarded as a free gift to him not at all, and his mind was blinded by the word revenge. On the contrary, he made the most sensible and correct choice.

To bear the humiliation, in order to make fun of it. He is so comforting owner. And just so comforting himself, he naturally placed his hopes on Strange and Ultron.

He hopes that they can succeed and eliminate this important subordinate of Smith Zhou in one fell swoop. Although it may not be able to do any real harm to Smith Zhou, even if it makes him feel painful, it will make him feel happy.

Vengeance is not as simple as wiping out the enemy. But to let him experience all the pain that oneself felt, and even say that it was ten times or even a hundred times back. This is also the reason why he tried his best to fight Hydra. After all, it is more painful to kill a person’s lifelong ideals and ambitions than to kill a person’s body.

Frank expects so. However, the reality does not necessarily develop in accordance with his expectations. Because fate never favors anyone, she is more like a bitch, vacillating between opposing sides. It seems that now, in the struggle between Alexia and Ultron, the situation is already moving towards a direction that is unfavorable to them.

Alexia is a god in the end, just as Strange was concerned. When he used magic to search for the true body of this God, she inevitably felt a sense.

Normally, she shouldn’t easily expose the own position with such a large layout. Even if it was detected by someone, it should be transferred as quickly as possible. However, she obviously didn’t think so.

Because the situation has changed. If it could be said before that she was the target of public criticism, now it is undoubtedly Ultron and his accomplices in this position.

What they need to face now is not oneself, but the vast sea of ​​people. And how to deal with the wave set off by the people, this is the problem they need to solve most now.

Ultron obviously missed this point. He simply didn’t expect that with Alexia’s noble status, she would actually choose to hide among the rioting people, and use them as an own shield.

This is the dilemma he is facing now. When he followed behind Strange and appeared in front of the crowds on the street with the familiar identity of Vibranium body, he faced the hideous faces of these people and their crazy, almost wanting to choose. Eyes biting people.

“Monster, go to hell! Get out of our world!”

People chanted like this, waiting to tear him into pieces on the spot. Faced with their performance, Ultron couldn’t help but stopped…

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