Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2202

“Please listen to me, I am here to solve all these things. She is among you. As long as you catch her, maybe everything is also restored. Opportunity!”

Ultron tried to defend, so that these already crazy people should not do that kind of unnecessary and wrong behavior. However, he obviously overestimated the weight of oneself’s words, and these people who have created all kinds of chaos after making repeated mistakes, the kind of thinking that can no longer be reversed.

To make these troublemakers believe in him, it is tantamount to letting them admit that the things that oneself committed before are wrong. On the surface it is under the banner of justice, but in fact it is just anger For innocent crimes. And as long as you think about the nature of what oneself does, anyone who still knows the majesty of the law will not be afraid.

Therefore, they would rather deceive themselves and insist on the justice of what oneself does. They are absolutely unwilling to hesitate at this time and put oneself in a dangerous place, which is likely to be truly justified. Location.

This is human nature, and the benefits of own are definitely higher than others. And it is for this reason that those troublemakers will not only not be persuaded by Ultron’s words, but go one step further, holding various weapons and approaching him.

“Go to hell, you damned thing!”

The closest and most unscrupulous person can’t help but bang a stick on him. . Of course, the metal bat not at all poses any threat to Ultron, but Vibranium’s spontaneous counter-shock force made him take the head.

The short-sighted ordinary person doesn’t know how powerful Vibranium is. His ruthless deeds just smashed oneself to the ground. But seeing blood, things are different in the end.

At this time, the people have been waiting for the bloodthirsty crazy monster. As soon as they saw bloodshed on the scene, they played the banner of justice time and time again, but in fact they couldn’t do anything. t be called The tyranny cultivated in the justice’s pickling measures has already grown unstoppable.

“Kill this monster!” “Avenge for the dead!” “Go to hell, you damn machine!”…

They shouted All kinds of slogans, it was like a fearless attack on Ultron. Hammers, saws, axes, crowbars, planks, bats…These tools commonly used in life have become weapons in their hands, and many of them have modified these tools to satisfy the tyranny of the owner.

For example, inserting steel spikes on the bat and so on…

Of course, this is meaningless. Because Vibranium’s defensive ability cannot be defeated by this simple mob behavior. Only with Vibranium’s counter-shock force is enough for these mobs to drink a pot. As if it was now, eighteen weapons greeted the past, but they bounced back in various ways.

Some people are clumsy and ask for trouble. Although some people are clever and agile, they are unavoidable to let others suffer this sin for them. With the intensity of their rushes, it is almost impossible that someone can really hide. And they themselves are for the purpose of killing, take action ruthless, they are also self-sufficient, and in this way of doing things for others, they have fallen under the black hands of their accomplices.

Of course, people who stand far away can’t see it. They only saw someone fall down and saw the blood spread. This caused them to scream immediately.

“Ultron has killed people, this devil machine has killed people!”

It’s fine for one person to scream like this, but the problem is that this is the situation where three people become tigers. When more and more people were bewitched and believed that the current bleeding was caused by Ultron, their emotions became more agitated and could not be suppressed.

Someone intends to rush forward, be a hero, and want to rely on oneself strength of oneself to defeat Ultron. People who think this way are basically underage teenagers, or fools who have not studied for a few years. Only this kind of innocent and unrecognizable guy can dream of oneself and oneself as a unique and unmatched hero at this time.

And like those who are older, who have been in society for a long time to go through arduous training or hard work, and have already recognized the reality, they will only shrink back. Because they know too much about the fragility of own and the terrifying of this kind of enemy.

Let them bully those old and weak women and children, they are naturally duty-bound. But let them fight against this invincible robot, they will always only shout “help!”. This is very realistic, but the reality is right.

People make troubles, rely on a large number of people. And now some people are rushing forward and some are backing, which undoubtedly broke the consistency of their team’s pace. Especially this is something that has not been negotiated and is very sudden. Therefore, after a while, trampling and accidental injuries will inevitably occur in the crowd.

This group of people has done everything about killing and arson, so naturally they won’t care about stepping on a few people. And it was this unscrupulous thought that soon someone died at their feet.

This cannibalism made Ultron silent, but Strange next to him was clicking one’s tongue in wonder, and his face was completely mentally retarded.

For him, these guys do have a problem with their IQ. He saw it very clearly from beginning to end, whether it was the accidental injury at the beginning, the bloodshed afterwards, or the stampede to death that occurred now. Almost all things are caused by these people oneself.

Ultron stood motionless here, and they played oneself half to death. The most interesting thing is that they also shouted “Ultron kills” on their faces. This kind of suffocating operation really made it difficult for Strange to look at them high and at the same time have the sympathy for them.

He is not Ultron, Ultron is a Holy Mother mind. For the so-called ideal, he can even give in. But Strange would not do that.

You know, he was a famous cold-blooded doctor when he was a doctor. He is the kind of guy who can even ignore the patient’s call for help in pursuit of the success rate of the operation. And even if he changed later, some things in his nature would not change.

It is as if we are now in this position of Paragon sorcerer. He knows his own position, and he also has the courage to take up this responsibility, not hesitating to fight against powerful enemies and even bravely, but this does not mean that he will become a Holy Mother, who puts the life and death of who in his heart.

Paragon sorcerer is not such a kind and compassionate profession that will save all sentient beings. It may be the guardian of human order and existence, but it will never be the guardian of the life and death of an ordinary person. It can be said that unless it is a crisis that has reached the fundamental order of the entire human world and threatened the survival of all human beings. Otherwise, no matter how many humans die in front of him, he will probably be indifferent.

You can say that he is cold-blooded, but cold-blooded itself is a necessary quality Paragon sorcerer should have. Having power that ordinary people cannot match, but simply interfering with human life and death simply out of sympathy is a disaster-like thing.

At this point, the power of Eye of Agamotto is enough for Paragon sorcerer to verify countless times. Therefore, he is showing enough hard heart at the moment. He even said that he didn’t even frown his brows, and he yelled at Ultron.

“Don’t worry about the life and death of these idiots, catching that talent is the most important thing.”

“But…” Seeing the casualties increase, the people are crying. Ultron felt somewhat unbearable. He will not blame the stupidity of these people, because he can accept such stupidity.

Humanity can change, just give him enough time. He was very sure of this, and he was willing to give humans enough patience and tolerance. Therefore, he does not want to see human beings pay such huge casualties for such stupidity.

Of course, if he can’t do anything about the current situation, I would say something else. He is not the kind of truly hopeless Holy Mother. He will climax desperately when someone’s life is threatened. Just like those things that happened in India, he thought that oneself was powerless, so he would choose to watch in that situation.

But now is different, he is not powerless now. As long as he thinks about it, the omnics hidden in the dark will immediately take action to rescue the injured people as quickly as possible.

The key to the question is whether he is willing to do so. And, can he bear the results of doing so.

repaying kindness with enmity, there are many things that humans can do. Even if he saved the lives of these people at this time, they may not be grateful to oneself. Even said that, out of inherent contradictions and prejudices, they might take his kindness as donkey liver and lungs at this time and this atmosphere, and turn their spearhead to attack them immediately when they see those omnic devices.

Those omnics do not have a Vibranium body like him. If they can’t fight back or scold them, it’s hard to say what kind of persecution they will suffer.

At the same time, the government’s feelings are also something he has to worry about. In this chaos, the government does nothing. But when the government is inactive, their wits almost replaced the government’s functions. Although he has no selfish intentions, it is hard to guarantee that some people think this is the usurpation of government power.

This is something that has already begun. He impossible said that he cared at all, and it was because of all these concerns that he was so hesitant, and did not respond for a long time.

Time is precious, and Strange is already a little impatient. He didn’t want to see Ultron squeeze like this anymore, so he immediately shouted vigorously in front of the turbulent crowd.

“All get out of my sight!”

With his voice alone, he naturally cannot deter so many thugs. However, he is not only using his voice at this moment, but also from Buddhism Divine Ability Big Lion’s Roar.

As the saying goes: The Tathagata is pronounced, and it is said to have destroyed it, such as Lion’s Roar and the beasts are terrified. This big Lion’s Roar, under Strange’s powerful mana, really roared like a thunderbolt in the dry land. Ordinary people could not even mourn in time. They were already shocked by the roar containing Magical Powers’ mana. As for the general sluggishness, one after another stood there motionless.


With a hello, Strange followed the aura left by Alexia and was already looking for it. Looking at the sluggish thugs on the ground, and the bleeding and casualties that hadn’t stopped, Ultron sighed in his heart, after all, he dispatched oneself’s omnic to rescue them.

He thinks oneself should do some things, so he still does it after all. And looking at his arrangement, Strange, while browsing tightly knit, is also unavoidable to say an excessive tendency to clemency in his heart.

Although he doesn’t say anything about Ultron’s situation, he still knows a little bit about it. And even from the perspective of an outsider like him, Ultron should do more than less at this time. It is better to touch some people’s nerves less.

Eye of Agamotto took him to survey the long river of time, and in the long history of mankind, he learned a lot of so-called experience and wisdom. Based on these experiences alone, Ultron’s behavior can’t be called absolutely wise. At the very least, he couldn’t do the kind of courage that a man should have.

This guy, I’m afraid he will suffer.

Strange thought this in his heart, and already had the idea to distance himself from Ultron. Of course, this is not now, after all, now he has to rely on Ultron’s power to be an enemy of Alexia.

As a defeated, although he really wants to shout that this is not the past, but I will treat each other with admiration for three days. However, he was still reluctant to take that risk and played the right one-on-one with Alexia.

He is very clear about the enemy’s terrifying. If this is lost for a while, he will not have the chance to escape as lucky as the last time. He has to be cautious, so Ultron, who can help, is really indispensable.

It’s just that it was delayed for a while, and time was dragged down by Ultron. Alexia’s whereabouts were already a little uncertain. Although he was sure that Alexia hadn’t walked far near here, he hesitated in the face of the heavily guarded base in front of him.

Singlehanded broke into the military base of the European Union. This sounds like a very prestigious thing, but if he actually did so, then I am afraid that he would be in the arms of Alexia.

The other party obviously has intentions to draw them over, maybe just waiting for a scene of framing. And although as a Paragon sorcerer, he doesn’t care about tearing up his face with these secular regimes, but he also has to admit that if this is a big take action, it will only hurt the loved ones and the enemies. One end.

Putting oneself on the opposite side of the human regime has become a target of public criticism in a certain sense. He is not so big yet. But the problem is that if he let him give up this hard-working opportunity, he would be reluctant. So after hesitating for a while, he turned his gaze on Ultron who was coming behind him.

“I’m pretty sure, she is here. But the question is, how do we get her out and not provoke these sensitive guys? Do you have any ideas?”

“Let me come.”

Ultron didn’t hesitate this time, just stepped forward and stood in front of the gate of this base.

“I am Ultron, I want to talk to your highest commander!”

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