Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2203

Time Reverse One day ago, Ultron had just withdrawn from oneself’s apparent power in Europe.

Although the officials have pushed Ultron into an embarrassing situation by taking advantage of the general trend, public opinion, and popular sentiment, this does not mean that he can sit back and relax.

First of all, it came from the government. After all, they are not fools. After the situation has become like this, when the indifference of officials has become more and more obvious, they still have a special taste.

Only at this time, it is too late to stop. Coupled with the fact that officials clearly had the upper hand when they entrapped Ultron, the capital wealth accumulated by Ultron was almost at his fingertips. The government is happy to see such a situation, after all, they also have a heart to pick peaches. So even at this time, they subtly chose an indulgent approach.

Wealth and silk are touching, and the capitalist government still wants money like this. But that’s fine, at the very least, they will leave enough time for oneself.

Officials who secretly control public opinion and use this chaos to take away capital from Ultron as soon as possible. While mocking the government’s ridiculous psychology, they are also inevitably worried about the current situation of oneself. .

He found that it was one situation when oneself envisioned it, but when the situation really developed to this step, then it was another situation.

For example, he envisions that under the impact of the people, those factories and various high-tech laboratories belonging to the Ultron consortium will go to empty buildings. At that time, he could send troops to station there logically, and then justifiably encroach upon these important capital wealth.

However, the reality is that the mob’s impact is to make these factories and laboratories even chicken and dog doesn’t remain, but they don’t at all leave what remains to the officials, but a fire Yes, I burned everything clean.

The mobs who just want to do things and satisfy oneself desires for destruction and all kinds of indulgence do not care what value these industries have. They only want this moment of happiness. That is to say, knowing that own ability is not qualified to attack the key points of the government, otherwise, maybe they will be all fired and directly light the government’s real estate.

If you can’t see the big fireworks, just put some small fireworks to cheer up. With such a thought, the mobs are naturally more indulgent. And this makes the officials only feel that oneself has suffered so much that they have to act in advance and deploy troops to protect these important assets and equipment to avoid this kind of bad luck from happening again.

This naturally has some problems. The wrong timing will cause some criticism, especially in the army, many people have begun to doubt his motives. This made him have to secretly hook up with some military officers and exchange some dirty deals for their support.

Of course, because the pie he painted is big enough, the result is naturally a result of the guests and the host having a great time. However, he himself knows very well that this level of agreement is most likely to be unreliable.

You will never be the only smart person. You can never hope that oneself can coax others to death with just an empty talk. The solid agreement that can be reached should be profit after all. In order to ensure that the interests can be firmly grasped in the hands of oneself, and not fall into making wedding dresses for others, the officials had to go out in person with a team of cronies and directly blocked the gate of the science and technology park behind the New Era Company. before.

He has been here, in the name of the government. Therefore, he is also very clear about the huge potential of this huge-scale, one of the very best science and technology parks in Europe and the world. Those complete, for the current human industrial system, are almost super-era integrated intelligent production and allocation devices, and all kinds of high-tech technologies based on artificial intelligence, even the production lines of nanoguards, are almost all in this park.

Mastering this is equivalent to mastering a core key. No matter how unfavorable things are, he will have a bargaining chip. Of course, the premise is that he must monopolize the resources in this area, so that all forces coveting such resources have to pass through him.

This is difficult because he is not sure that Ultron is outside of this on the surface industrial park, and there is no other similar alternative industry. And even if it doesn’t, as far as Ultron’s existence is concerned, his desire to develop a park with consistent functions does not seem to be impossible.

This is a very embarrassing situation, which means that the resources he occupies at the moment can only serve a symptom rather than a permanent cure. It’s okay to bluff people in front of a trump card, but if it is really used to fill up those gluttonous stomachs, it won’t do much.

What he really needs now is money, real war and industrial resources. And these are really very few.

He overestimated oneself’s ability to encroach on resources in this sudden occurrenceance, and underestimated Ultron’s ability to transfer oneself’s assets in such unexpected situations. Although it was said that immediately not at all wasted energy on this aspect, even if it was only a slight movement of thought, Ultron’s transfer of assets was far beyond what a nominal warlord could compare.

Not to mention him, even if the governments of various countries are tied together, it is not enough for Ultron to see. Under Ultron’s will, the major European banks are basically a display. As long as he wants to, no matter what the bank has done, even if they unilaterally freeze the assets under the name of New Era, it will not stop Ultron from transferring money from their bank to other places.

After all, for Ultron, this is a simple numbers game. And it’s the kind of game that can calculate multiplication and division more than ten digits faster than anyone else. For human beings, this counts for a while, but for intelligent beings, the answer is not right in front of them, it can be seen at a glance.

If you want to make a fuss about this, the officials are asking for trouble. That is to say, Ultron doesn’t have any thoughts to take care of him, otherwise, the funds he has eaten may not have been vomited out.

But it is precisely because Ultron has no time to take care of him now that he can collect a little leftovers from it in the name of the government to eat. It is not realistic to feed those greedy guys thoroughly, but it is not a problem to satisfy their appetite temporarily.

This gives him time, so that he has a way to realize the resources on his hands. So his main mission now is to take advantage of this opportunity to contact those capital forces that are interested in Ultron’s technology as soon as possible, and use this as a bargaining chip to achieve cooperation with these capital forces, so as to fill oneself’s best Lack of shortcomings.

The relationship is so important that he doesn’t even dare to fake his hands. And in this short day, he has received no less than ten representatives from various capitals.

Of course, there are forces interested in the resources he has, but more of them are peacemakers from the government. After all, Europe is also similar to United States. Perhaps it is not as serious as the United States, almost to the point where the government is completely controlled by capital. But it is absolutely impossible to say that there are few representative representatives of capital in the government.

Capitalism is the state form in which capital speaks. And under this premise, it is not surprising that capitals control state power.

They talk to officials, one is for the resources in his hand, and the other is that they don’t want to fight him either the fish dies or the net splits. With the official holding the army in his hand, the government actually did not dare to take any excessive measures against him. After all, no one is sure that this will trigger a war.

To calm things down, this may be the most appropriate approach in their eyes. Let the officials return to the established rules of the game by ceding their interests. This in itself is the best deal they have envisaged. You may be afraid of you, but the means of playing are all Politicians are used to tricks, who is afraid of whom.

Officials can see this idea without guessing, so he is basically insensitive to such people.

Whether it is for interests or emotional considerations, he prefers to cooperate with pure capital itself to achieve his own goals. It’s just that the amount of chips in his hand is not enough. Even if these things are enough to make the capital forces covet, they will not make them take this crucial step.

This somewhat discourages the officials, but he is not so easy to give up after all. So he still persisted, hoping for a turnaround.

But there is indeed a turning point, because a biotechnology company named Kureson suddenly got in touch with him and showed a meaningful intention to cooperate.

If this is a small company, then officials may not have any concern for him. However, this company, or the power behind it, is not small.

It can support half of the European market for crop cultivation and animal husbandry breed improvement, and every year several 1 billion funds are invested in environmental and species protection undertakings where there is no water splash. If not put the information in front of the officials, the officials will not believe that there are still such people in the capital market.

Do not seek a name or seek profit, just for the harmony of the world’s species. I am afraid that there is no such capitalist in the world to find a second one, because those who dare to play this way are almost dead. But this guy is alive and well. There are hundreds of large and small related companies under his name. If you say that this kind of force has nothing to tell you, that would really underestimate the world.

However, even after seeing this guy’s weirdness, the officials chose to meet him. Because he has no choice, so as long as it is possible to benefit oneself, he is willing to make a blog. In this fight, Alexia, as the CEO of Kureson, just and honorable stood in front of the officials and talked about cooperation with him.

“Hello, Lord General.”

“Hello, Ms. Proudmoore.”

Facing beautiful and alluring, compelling, and temperamental The awe-inspiring Alexia, as a male official in the fascinated immediately, immediately developed a strong sense of guard in his heart.

Beautiful women often cannot climb high positions, because they rarely have that ability and can only act as a vase. And if a beautiful woman is still climbing very high, then in terms of means, she cannot be underestimated.

Since the other party dared to send such a woman over, he must have confidence. And out of instinct, he also gave birth to a huge guard against this woman, as if facing a natural enemy.

The passivated sixth sense of humans gave him a fuzzy warning. This made him only slightly stiff and the first to show kindness to Alexia. As for this, Alexia just twitched at the corner of his mouth, and it was already straight to the point.

“You can call me Ms. Alfred, Your Excellency General. The first time I met, no, it’s not the first time. Maybe you don’t know, but I did follow you for a while. I have to. What I said is that your determination is really amazing. Under such a situation, you can resolutely make relief for the owner’s family. Should I say, really is a great and famous iron-blooded general?”

As soon as this word came out, the official suddenly changed his color, and the subconsciously wanted to get up and call the guards, calling for help. But Alexia just shook the head, and already mocked him who was stiff.

“Don’t waste your mind, General. There is a God in front of you. That’s right, as you think, the author of all this chaos now. The chief culprit who killed your son and wife The culprit. Are you excited to hear this?”

Alexia watched the officials’ performance, not what she had expected. The official’s eyes turned red in an instant, and the cracked eye socket almost had blood coming out of his eye socket. He started to breathe quickly, and the veins violently violently flared up on him. If it wasn’t because unknown forces were suppressing his actions, making him impossible to move even a little bit. Then maybe now he will rush forward desperately and come to fight Alexia desperately.

It’s just that he didn’t have this qualification from beginning to end that’s all.

No matter how excited he is under control, he cannot stand up from the coercion of a God. Although there is no lack of stories that create miracles because of feelings, it is a story after all, and this is reality.

In reality, he is not the protagonist in the story, so he can only be futilely agitated, watching the real enemy appear in front of oneself and laugh, but he can’t do anything. To.

This made his heart burst, but it was still useless. In this regard, Alexia was just a patted hand, so he sat back obediently and honestly.

“It looks like you are indeed very excited. The lives of these two people are really meaningful to you. In that case, let’s make a deal. One that is good for both of us Trading.”

“I can bring your son and wife back to life and come back to you again. You know, this is not difficult for a God who is in charge of Death, especially Their souls are in my hands. And you, in return, I want you to be loyal to me and dedicate all your strength. Of course, I will also satisfy your ambitions. How? Are you willing to accept Is this condition?”

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