Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2204

This is what happened yesterday, and now that the official can still stand here and give orders in a decent capacity, this in itself means that he has made a certain choice.

So, in the face of Ultron’s request for such a dialogue, he shook the head, already expressionless and ordered his subordinates around him.

“Get the soldiers ready for battle. Then pass the guards and let them tell Ultron. He is not qualified to ask for a dialogue. Since he dares to appear in front of us, let him be obediently and honestly. Obediently surrender, accept our arrest. If he doesn’t agree, don’t blame me for taking violent measures against him!”

“Sir…” A professional correspondent heard this order It was unavoidable that he was a bit staggering. If he wasn’t limited by his status, he really wanted to ask the officials face to face where he was so embarrassed that he dared to issue such an order. Co-authoring is not that you are guarding at the door, so you can pant for breath.

Of course, he dare not say this. So he could only express his opposition and incomprehension in such a slightly delayed way.

After all, as a subordinate, no one wants his Boss to be the kind of muddlehead that not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, and even hornet’s nest. If you don’t have the ability to take your subordinates to the sky, you can just forget it, and you just pull them into the Fire Pit. This is definitely a nightmare for every worker.

Provoke Ultron, this is definitely a huge Fire Pit. As middle-level military officers, they do not have enough voice in the political circle within the realm. But many things are actually almost half open to them.

Like the battle between Ultron and Victor, the battle that almost spread from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, but the traces have not been completely eliminated until now. And just by relying on the few words revealed by internal colleagues, Ultron, an intelligent life that can be called weird, already has destructive power no less than gods and demons. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a walking strategic weapon.

Facing such a powerful imaginary enemy is definitely a huge psychological challenge. It can be said that if not because he is a military post, he can’t just quit the burden. He really wants to throw the house in his hand onto the official’s face, and then spit on him. He went to play the egg by himself.

But the responsibilities are limited, and the military police are really not cracking a joke. He can only dispel this tempting idea.

What the subordinates think, the officials naturally impossible not to know. After all, he also climbed from this position, and their current thinking may not be much different from what he had at the beginning. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is just playing the rest.

However, just as the hero in the fairy tale hacked the Demon King to death, and after occupying their treasure, he will become the new Demon King. After he finally climbed to today’s high position, he will naturally no longer use the position that the big head soldier had before to restrain oneself.

As a superior, what he needs to consider now is his own interests. So when he raised his brow, he asked the correspondent in a questioning tone.

“Why, do you have any comments?”

“salop!” Cursed fiercely in French, the correspondent still dare not jump back openly. Therefore, he can only fulfill his duty of oneself, and he passed the official order directly to the front line.

And just like his reaction, after receiving this order as the frontline guard, he couldn’t help but bullshitting in his heart.

Just like in all Hollywood blockbusters, when the United States soldier acts as a background board, the first bad luck is always their kind of bad luck egg that acts as a doorman. Whether it is a spy movie or a science fiction movie. As long as the scene of attacking military bases is staged, these guards will definitely bear the brunt, and none of them can escape.

If this only happens in the movie, then forget it, just listen to a joy. But the problem is that the developments in the real world are even more mysterious than those in the movies. Demons and ghosts and so on simply are endless. Under such circumstances, all those who work as errands at the gate have to take precautions so as not to accidentally lose their own lives.

It’s like now, the reply from above just came. In order to curse mother in their hearts, one side was already cautiously avoiding Ultron from the side. Of course, they hadn’t forgotten to pass a word, but it was inevitable that it would have changed the tone when it reached their mouths.

“Sir, the chief in the base asks you to be obediently surrender. He tells you not to resist. If you do not accept this condition, he will use military force against you. Of course, this has nothing to do with us. . We are just a messenger, so whether you plan to accept or refuse, please ignore us.”

As soldiers, they have already made this degree of confession, and most people really don’t Hold on to them again. even more how Ultron didn’t mean to embarrass them, so as if they didn’t exist, he was already the first to walk into the base.

This approach seemed reckless to Strange. So he followed Ultron’s footsteps while whispering inquiries in his ears.

“What are you going to do? Just rush in? I don’t think this would be a good way.”

“It’s not surprising that he is hostile to me, after all, he is Some tragedies have indeed occurred.”

Ultron, who knows who the principal behind this base is, has an own idea. This is how he explained to Strange.

“I can’t accept his terms, because once he finds out that I’ll be at his mercy, he’s likely to take the tragedy that happened to his family as a reason for revenge. At this time Use his power to retaliate against me. This will cause unprovoked casualties and waste our precious time. Therefore, we cannot let him do this. We must also control him before he makes such wrong moves.”

“Okay, but what are the consequences? How do you plan to explain to the European government. They don’t think that you are attacking military bases for justice, they will only regard this as a provocation to them. In your current situation, I’m afraid this won’t be something to explain.”

Stranger gave him a rare consideration. After all, from the perspective of a teammate, looking at his own companion One step wrong is not a good experience. Especially this may involve him, and he certainly hopes that Ultron can be more sensible.

And is Ultron sensible? From his own point of view, he is really sensible. After all, he is considering more people’s lives, not just out of power and planning.

The trick of manoeuvre, in the end, is only the ability of plot against struggle between people, and any contention in this area must have a premise, that is, the existence of human beings, that is, their lives and society. Keep the integrity. Without this, any tactics can only become illusion, completely meaningless.

Ultron sees this clearly, so he doesn’t bother to care about the so-called gains and losses with these politicians. Because he certainly has the capital to come back, but human life will not have a chance to come back.

This is a result of his careful consideration, so in the face of Strange’s reminder, he just did not hesitate to replied.

“I know how to solve this problem, there will always be a way to give them an explanation.”

“Well, since you have an idea, then I will Not much to say.”

Strange said everything, and followed Ultron in strides toward the depths of the base. Looking at their swaying voices, while the officials burst their lungs, they also grabbed the microphone and ordered the soldiers who were ready to go.

“I am Commander General Noah, I order you to attack the intruders immediately and do everything possible to destroy them!”

He enjoys the highest level of the opponent’s army. Command power, so while he made this order, even if the officers who knew it were unwilling, they could only order the soldiers under oneself to drive toward the target with weapons.

Of course, there is a kind of clumsy character in it, and I don’t know the flexible role at all. But more officers still made a small nine in the heart of the owner.

They are still on the front line, and they are still a little different from the officials behind them, that is, they know to cherish the lives of oneself’s soldiers. And while knowing how difficult Ultron was to provoke, they also understood that the top commander behind oneself had a bit of a bad reputation, and they naturally greeted their subordinates quietly.

Just do it, but don’t take your life into it.

In this regard, the soldiers with the blood of France are of course men Qing. They may not have that ability when it comes to hard work with real swords and guns, but they are very experienced in terms of superficial skills.

This has led to what Ultron they are seeing now. That is to hear the war chariot of hong long long running and the endless shouts of people, but no one attacked them, and just and honorable stood up to hinder their progress.

At first, Strange thought it was a conspiracy, what a profound mystery method of warfare. But when he opened his eyes and saw a group of soldiers repeatedly retreating and reloading, the hua hua sound of the bolt pulled, that is, after the trick of not pulling the trigger, he immediately turned black and laughed at himself.

“I really worry about you. With such a group of soldiers, I understand why some people say that no one can conquer Paris before the French surrender.”

“Is your ancestor British?” Recalling Strange’s family origins, Ultron was nodded immediately and made a clear look. “No wonder.”

The reaction made Strange’s face a little uncontrollable. If this is said to be from a population, after all, people are biased. But these words came from the mouth of Ultron, the intelligent life, which made him unable to find a good reason for sophistry.

But he couldn’t eat this dumb loss for nothing, so he convulsed the corner of his eye, and he began to question.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Ultron didn’t want to speak frankly, it hurt the feelings between his companions too much. However, he does not like to tell lies. So after thinking about it, he brought out an example. “I just think of French books written by British.”

This is what this example says. If a French book written by British has a slap as thick as an adult, then all insult, contempt or laugh at France. People’s vocabulary is removed, and the rest may be similar to the weekly magazine of a magazine.

Britain and France have been fighting for hundreds of years, and they don’t know much about each other. It can be said that cultures and ethnic groups have become antagonistic. Imagine that even the colloquial appellations of Britain and France are full of mockery and contempt for each other, expecting them to speak the truth of each other from a fair perspective, this is simply underestimating the friendship between them.

The grievances between Anglo-Saxons and Gauls are just such hypocritical. And that is to know the urinary sex of both of them too much, Stranggenius will become more and more embarrassed in it.

I knew I would not interrupt this. He complained about oneself in his heart, but on the surface he can only pretend that he doesn’t understand what you are saying and so on. But to get rid of the predicament, he couldn’t help speeding up his own pace and ran to the front of Ultron in a few steps.

Perhaps ending this bad luck thing as soon as possible is a good way to get rid of your own dilemma? He was still thinking about it in his mind, but he didn’t even notice the strangeness coming from oneself’s feet. And just after the inaudible bang, huge fireworks burst out in an instant, raging, causing the surrounding camps to be buzzed by hua hua.

Landmines, a traditional and simple way of fighting. Strange didn’t expect that the times had changed to this point, and some people would actually choose the tactics of burying mines. What made him even more incomprehensible was why this group of people laid mine on the own site, and who did they want to deal with?

Could it be said that they have already plot against the arrival of oneself and Ultron? But how can they guess that oneself would just and honorable walk in?

Unbelievable, if all this is a plot against, then this is simply a ghostly plot against. And if this is the case, then their next actions will really not be underestimated.

The trifling landmine can’t hurt Strange of the Indestructible Diamond, but this kind of plot against made him unavoidable to be cautious as if he was facing an enemy. There are still human methods that can cause harm to them. If they really plot everything against it, then this base has really become a dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

“Be careful, this may be a trap.”

As soon as he pulled off his tattered monk’s robe, Strange showed his majestic body, and at the same time he was already aroused. The dragon soul on his body came.

Under the surging flames, the magic dragon instantly rides layers of fire waves, as if coming from the sea. And looking at this mighty, ferocious, huge, mythical monster that can almost take half of the camp. The soldiers who acted secretly swallowed their saliva and continued to bullshitting in their hearts.

Which damn bastard was he who buried the landmine on the camp side? Isn’t it killing them?

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