Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2207

There are many forms of ancient Egyptian curses, but they are often expressed in such several ways.

Plague, disease and natural disasters. The means are very limited, but they are sufficient for the humans of that era. Like illness, this is a small punishment and a big commandment. It is God’s kindness to just cause one or two people to suffer from incurable diseases. And if God does not intend to be merciful, then natural disasters and plagues are their best means.

The plague, even today, is the most terrifying thing. It requires the country to mobilize all forces to stop and extinguish it, so its destructiveness is aside for the time being. Just talk about natural disasters. For humans, especially those thousands of years ago, not to mention the catastrophe of earthquakes and tsunamis, heaven falls and earth rends, just a locust plague, can cause countless deaths and tragedies.

God uses this method to deter mankind and let mankind know their power and omnipotent. Of course, strong is true, omnipotent is not necessarily. But in the face of powerful, trifling ant-like humans are qualified to question God’s ability? Of course the answer is no. Therefore, this is the reason why in the last ages God is preached and worshipped by mankind. After all, it’s because of power.

It’s just that this force was used thousands of years ago to bluff people, but today, in the era when the people’s psychological tolerance of this World continues to rise, their old methods are somewhat obvious. Not enough.

Locust plague? You believing or not staged a locust plague in some places can turn into a gluttonous feast of natural gifts, frying and cooking will give you a whole life. As for earthquakes and tsunamis, such methods as heaven falls and earth rends do not mean that Gods cannot play. For the two extremely powerful Gods, this can still be used. It’s just that the price is so great that the gains often outweigh the losses. You can’t say that to scare the kids next door, order oneself’s yard.

Moreover, the human beings today are not the human beings back then. No matter how you bullied them, they would just kneel and lick on the ground. But today’s human beings, if you irritate them, they really dare to throw Big Ivan on your face. This thing is not something that can be eaten by everyone, and the entire Earth’s Mao gods are full of money and can eat this move. I am afraid there will be no more than five. So anyone who is a bit sensible will not use this approach that is almost perish together. That is to find oneself uncomfortable.

For Alexia, she naturally didn’t need to make things so rough.

She can barely use the means of heaven falls and earth rends, but since it is barely, it naturally means that the level is not satisfactory. This kind of exhaustion of full strength is just a small wave of waves. The result is not what she wants, so naturally her curse will not plan in this regard.

Plague, this is the most insurance. And the opponent she faced was Ultron, so she naturally wouldn’t take out a plague casually to pay the bill. Those things are not the opponents of Nano Guards, and naturally they are not even threatening Ultron. Therefore, if you really deal with him, you will naturally come up with a ruthless merchandise with added ingredients.

Since it is a ruthless product with added materials, it will soon show the power it should have.

The one who bears the brunt is the nearest official, as the only life in the entire command room. After all, Ultron has already escaped, and he is naturally impossible to escape from the curse of this plague.

In an instant, his body began to change. It has developed from a human form to a distorted deformity. Just like the monsters he had ordered to destroy, he was moving towards this form distortion at this moment, and the speed was much faster than the previous ones.

The previous aberrations somehow also existed in an intermediate state, and under the influence of this plague, he directly crossed this intermediate state and initiated a transformation in the most thorough twisting direction. .

This is undoubtedly a nightmare, but it is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that his consciousness is extremely awake, and he can completely, clearly aware of every minute, every corner of oneself’s body distortion.

He could feel the skeleton in oneself’s palm melting, and the flesh and blood Infinity grew into twisted tentacles, completely out of his control.

He can feel the complete extinction of oneself’s limbs, and the complete change of all the organizations that he could feel in the past into a strange and strange existence. He wanted to breathe, but without the compression of the lungs and the smooth flow of the trachea, he could not breathe. He wanted to scream, but he, who had no mouth or even a throat, couldn’t make a sound. The eyes are no longer there, and replaced by a completely unfamiliar way similar to induction. This way is foggy, it seems that everything is stained with blood, mapped into his brain, if he also has such an organization.

He can’t even think completely, but the emotional power is not at all lost in his body. And the two emotions he feels most deeply are pain and regret.

Remorse, this is the deepest. At this moment, he finally realized the price of dealing with the devil. The ancients never deceived me. All the old sayings that can be passed down in the past are based on certain facts. The funny thing is that he actually thought that oneself could really benefit from Alexia’s deal, and that oneself could really get everything he wanted with her support.

Looking back now, he didn’t even know where oneself came from. The courage to think so?

Did the funds provided by Alexia give him confidence? Thinking about it now, this is simply a trap. Because the funds she provided may not really meet its value, because when the turmoil continues in this way, and this kind of disaster continues to expand in Europe, then the entire European society will usher in subversive destruction. At that time, the role of the Euro may not necessarily be greater than that of a Toilet Paper. Don’t say it’s a few 1 billion, even if it’s tens of billions piled in front of you, don’t you have any other purpose besides lighting it? Even if you wipe your butt, you will feel hard.

Use a resource that is destined to be worthless to trick him into voluntarily acting as a bait. It is estimated that the woman named Alexia must be laughing in her heart.

As for the power he possesses, in front of Hydra, it seems to be more unremarkable.

From exposure in this world to the present, Hydra has not known how much he has done to destroy the city and the country, and the dead souls under him are hundreds of millions. With such a data, how can he put him in the eyes of a small politician who is still seeking a position in the political structure of a certain European country? No matter how high one’s self-esteem is, it shouldn’t even be self-knowing.

It’s ridiculous that he was blinded by desire and greed at the time, so that he has no chance to repent now. This is self-inflicted and cannot live.

He is also aware of this, so his heart is also extremely painful.

At this time, I finally understood what kind of feeling oneself’s son felt back then, and he confirmed again that what oneself did was indeed the right thing. Because of this feeling, life is better than death. Now when all this is happening to him, he really has an urge to die immediately.

No matter what it is, even if it was completely burnt to ashes by a cloud bomb bomb, he was willing. It’s just that he can’t give such an order at all in his current situation, even if he can do all of this, no one will come to fulfill his current wish for death.

Because it is not just him, the soldiers in the entire base are undergoing the same changes as him.

The so-called plague, since it will not only appear on such one or two people. And with terrifying contagiousness, it can spread to other individuals in a short time. This is the most deadly problem of the plague.

Of course, the plague arranged by Alexia is even more terrible, because its spread of terror is almost better than all current infectious viruses. That is, even if you only breathe a small amount of ingredients in the air, you are almost 100% likely to be infected. As long as it is an infection, it will inevitably mutate.

Thousands of people in this base, no one can be an exception, they are already under the infection of this plague. And as far as Ultron could see, every living thing he could see had already become exactly similar.

This situation is naturally terrifying, but what Ultron is worried about is obviously another possibility.

Be aware that the curse plague now is different from before. The previous infection was only to target Ultron, and more specifically to provoke the relationship between Ultron and humans. Therefore, the germs that can be created are only aimed at the users of Nanoguard. For ordinary persons, it may not be worse than a small cold.

The current situation is different. Ultron can clearly perceive that the entire military camp is not at all the use of Nanoguards. And since such a plague would spread to them, then it must be that Alexia had released certain restrictions, so that the kind of germs she created was enough to include the ordinary person. And this is the real nightmare.

The initial route of transmission of the plague was through the air, but this does not mean that it will always use this method of transmission as a route. From the observation of Ultron own, he clearly saw a person who was infected and mutated immediately because of being touched. This is enough to prove that this kind of infection is multi-channel and parallel, it is also a few other ways of infection, there is no way to know. And once any of these infection sources spread out in some way, it can be said that within a few days, all the cities and human gatherings near this base will become dead cities, one by one. hell.

He is already aware of the huge hidden dangers. And it is precisely because of this recognition that he understands the malicious very ruthless of Alexia’s methods more.

The curse was never prepared for him, or that the curse was not targeted at him. Because Alexia is not stupid. Dealing with an intelligent life, even if she has produced all the bacteria and viruses that can harm Vibranium, but what will happen in the end? Ultron’s consciousness transfer is not an intact thing. .

The price/performance ratio is too low, not a choice that a smart person like her would make. So she chose second as it should be by rights, that is, relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers, by means of roundabout and outflank, to plunge Ultron into death again.

Yes, the goal is still Ultron, but it’s a different approach. In front of Ultron, the soldiers in a base were turned into such infectious terrifying monsters. She wanted to see how Ultron would solve them?

From a rational point of view, Ultron can of course be indifferent. After all, this is the most typical self-inflicted crime. If it weren’t for own greed and stupidity, such things might not happen to Ultron. And since this has nothing to do with Ultron, it is naturally beyond reproach for him to stand by.

Just, can he do it? Watching these monsters here spread and spread, involving countless innocents, turning all human beings into twisted and brainless monsters?

This is not something impossible, but something very likely to happen. Faced with all this, does he have other options? The answer is, of course not.

Let mankind be destroyed in front of oneself, the key is that oneself clearly has the ability to stop it but has not done so. This is not his style, nor is it an acceptable result. So he must do something, and this is exactly one of his key points that Alexia grasped.

There are thousands of highly contagious infections in an entire military base. How do you solve it?

Isolation? Stop joking. Whatever you use to isolate, these distorted monsters will not be stuffed into the isolation room casually. Even if you can isolate them, can you isolate the air and soil that have been polluted?

Well, even if you possess great magical power, you can keep this entire base from the isolated air without revealing a trace. But don’t forget, what kind of identity you are, and where is this!

Ultron, there is no reason and no qualification to isolate the government’s military bases. Even if he has the most legitimate reason, he absolutely cannot do such things on his behalf before the government agrees. It is wrong to do it. And this mistake was enough to tear the last piece of skin between each other.

Of course, I want to know that with the government’s current urination, it is impossible to agree with him to make such a move. So this road from the very beginning has been blocked.

Ultron has only one option, which is to thoroughly disinfect this area before the infection spreads, and even an inch of soil and air cannot be let go. But the same problem, if he did so, it would be a complete declaration of war on mankind.

He can explain it, but will the human government believe it? Of course, he can also leave the problem to human beings to solve it alone. Can a government that habitually shirk responsibility can really fight against the clock to solve this problem within the most precious golden time?

He doesn’t trust those poor politicians, so he has already made a decision. This is necessary, for humanity!

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