Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2208

Ultron stood high in the sky, holding Strange, who wanted to leave. As soon as he did this, Strange had already guessed his intentions, and it became obvious that he was in trouble.

As a doctor, he knows how serious the epidemic is now. However, he does not think this is something they should deal with. First of all, this is a disaster caused by human oneself, they need to pay for own mistakes. Secondly, even from his politically dull eyes, he can clearly see that this is a Fire Pit. Randomly intervening in will only stir oneself into the great right and wrong. From this point of view, they have no reason to act on it.

However, when Ultron showed such intentions, he also had no reason to stop him. Because this is a very simple question of idealism, that is whether you are willing or unwilling.

Strange must admit that in the long journey of practice brought by Eye of Agamotto, his human emotional impulse was really consumed so much that He can still maintain a personal interest consideration for such things. In comparison, Ultron, this intelligent life, could completely stand by and watch, but he still made such a choice.

This is really embarrassing, so after guessing Ultron’s intentions, Strange made up and said to him in general.

“If you want to do this, let me do it. In that case, at least they won’t have a reason for you directly.”

Qi thinks this way. Anyway, he doesn’t need to have any dealings with secular organizations, especially with foreign-powered and hollow government organizations like Europe, so it is better to let him do this kind of hated thing. The European government does not have the ability to find his head, so if oneself comes to carry this pot, maybe it can solve some problems for Ultron?

For Strange’s kindness, Ultron still shook the head after all.

“It’s useless. It’s a trap in itself, it’s specifically for me. Even if you do it for me, the woman from Alexia will get me involved. Even more how, you already It was revealed that it was with me, so there is no need to worry about this issue.”

Ultron said that, it has already put a standard crucifix in the sky. . The thick Vibranium armor on his chest turned outwards like blooming petals. And under the petals, is the core of his Vibranium body, a high-precision nano power furnace.

The nuclear fusion core similar to Stark almost bursts out the energy of Infinity at this time, and under the action of the magic metal of Vibranium, the energy is almost constant without any loss. Convergence in conduction and refraction. With the chest armor that had been deformed into some kind of launching device, the huge energy instantly turned into a blazing light beam, and then silently, the strikes were already on the ground.

The principle is somewhat similar to the hammer of dawn, but after all, it uses the nano reactor instead of the powerful radiation of the sun, so the formidable power is naturally impossible and the hammer of dawn is synchronized. However, it is enough to disinfect the current military base.

Any germs cannot survive this pure heat radiation of hundreds of temperatures. The catharsis of such a huge amount of energy will never be as simple as just eliminating a poison.

Even if Ultron is already under the control of its full strength, this level of energy blow still created a small sun out of thin air in the sky, and its dazzling brilliance almost lit up the whole sky.

And the residents in the city are not blind, even if the location of the base is far enough away from them, but in the sky after the night, a different situation suddenly appears in the sky, they are naturally attracted Lost attention.

And with this attraction, they immediately saw the next scene. The small sun that gathered its brilliance dropped a straight and dazzling stream of light. Then at the moment when the light stream touched the earth, it seemed that the real sun had fallen on the ground, and the white radiance almost blinded everyone’s eyes.

Most people can’t look directly, only a few people see the whole process with polarized glasses or other things. They watched the setting of the sun and the light of fire rising on the distant horizon. Being able to see such a bright fire from such a distance made their faces pale in horror. But they are ordinary persons, even if they know it well, they can’t guess the reason. Unlike the government, they are crazy now.

Through the information revealed either intentionally or unintentionally, all the spearheads have been directed at Ultron. At first glance, with this result and the means shown by Ultron, the leadership of the entire EU has fallen into a strange silence.

There is no doubt that Ultron’s sudden move has become their confidant. As for the reason why he did this, everyone is guessing.

They don’t want to believe that this is Ultron’s unilateral declaration of war on them. If this is the case, then the result will undoubtedly be too bad for them. The impact is even worse than the current social unrest. Because no matter how much you look at the current social riots, it is only a disease of scabies for the ruling class.

This is not the year 1789, when people’s riots could create the French Revolution and overthrow the ruling class. In fact, since the advent of the world’s first Maxine, the simple bourgeois disturbance has already lost the market. If the people make trouble, can they still capture the parliament building like they attacked the Bastille prison? Can modern heavy machine guns not teach them how to be human?

It can be said that the result of the so-called people’s riots is still in the hands of the ruling class. The reason why these bad signs have not been directly pressed down is purely because their internal political struggle has not yet had a result.

Some people want to use the people’s riots to make trouble. This is a common occurrence in politics within the realm.

In the past, most people marched and demonstrated. In fact, these politicians secretly supported and contributed to the situation. Because it’s like a arena, where there are political winners, there are naturally losers. Generally speaking, the party in power is the political winner, and they hold most of the right to speak. Opposition parties are losers. They are not qualified to lead the formulation of policies. Most of the time, they can only reluctantly express their opinions symbolically. What is the difference between this and complaining? For any politician who desires power, this is an unacceptable result. Therefore, trying to seize power is what they will do best.

In modern society, it is impossible to rely on crafty plots and machinations like fighting and killing to play such high-level tricks. Therefore, drilling through the loopholes in society, inciting the people to attack the government, and sending oneself to power through public opinion is their most routine operation.

Although the current riot is a sudden occurrence, it is a rebellion planned privately by the bad luck official, but this does not mean that some politicians will not take advantage of the conditions. In fact, many politicians and officials in the government have got in touch with each other, and they have spoken out for him in secret.

Otherwise, I really hope that a few big-head soldiers who listen to the announcement will come to fight for oneself. I am afraid that they will be thrown to Elba Island and be accompanied by Napoleon if they can’t wait for a high position. Up.

To talk about it so much is to show one thing, that is, the so-called people’s riots may not be as serious as people think in the eyes of bureaucrats. It can be said that it is not only the individual politicians who are using the ignorant mobs to grab their own interests, even the government itself, it is not possible to rely on the riots of the fools to achieve the idea of ​​suppressing and even controlling Ultron.

It’s just that this idea seems a bit playful to them now. Because they thought Ultron would always tolerate concessions until a complete compromise. But he did not expect that he would have such an outbreak one day.

Have you found the secret mastermind and gave him a pot? Many people have this idea first in their minds, and this is the answer they are most willing to accept.

In fact, if the official really annoyed Ultron and caused him to take action to completely wipe out the official power, then it might be a good result for these politicians.

Because this is undoubtedly kill two birds with one stone. Not only has it dealt with the typical unstable elements like officials, but also grasped the handle of Ultron. And as long as Ultron knows that they are afraid or that they still have a need for the human government, they will be confident enough to use this handle to knock two catties of bones from Ultron to refine oil.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, everything must be done in private, or that it must not be exposed to the public’s sight. This is to preserve the government’s face.

They can’t let Ultron wipe out the group of officials in front of countless people, because after all, in name, officials are still the senior military chiefs they designate. His power comes from the government’s assignment, and in the same way, his existence also represents the government’s image. Putting aside the shameful things behind the scenes, at least on the surface in the public consciousness, things are right like this.

And Ultron in front of so many people almost made them wipe out an entire military base that they could not even cover up. This makes them want to compromise and negotiate with Ultron.

To do this kind of thing is to lose power and humiliate the country. The people cannot accept it, and it is absolutely impossible to stand politically. Therefore, the bureaucrats are almost all distressed now, thinking about how to explain this matter.

“Things have reached this step, and we seem to have no retreat. In that case, it is better to be a little bit more. If you can, not only can use this to change people’s hearts in one fell swoop, but maybe It may also allow us to get unexpected and generous returns.”

At this time, it is natural that someone needs to speak first. The person who spoke first came up with a plan that seemed to have no choice.

Don’t even think about it, this person is Alexia’s hidden son.

When the entire European government is infiltrated like a sieve, it is really normal for one or two other forces to place chess pieces. Not to mention that if Victor controls the general trend of a whole country like that, it is simply to cultivate one or two roles that can replace the voice.

Like before, there are one or two politicians under Ultron who are speaking for him. However, as the situation deteriorated, most of these politicians chose to be worldly-wise and play safe, so at this time, it is probably when Ultron has the weakest political foundation.

After this person put forward this opinion, almost no one jumped out and sang against him to give a general idea. And this statement of his probably poked the hearts of many people, so that some originally neutral people also nodded hesitantly at this time.

“Perhaps it is a way, but how should we do it? If we really declare war, we don’t seem to have any good ways. Considering the gap between each other, the future does not seem to be very optimistic.”

“Launch the army and create public opinion. There is always a way to attack him from the social and all levels. Don’t forget, this is our world and our country. In our home court Above, if we can’t deal with such an alien, then we don’t think about tomorrow and the future here. It’s better to just surrender at this time. At least we can still sell a good bargaining chip now. This is true for both Ultron and Hydra. But, are you willing to do this?”

“Acknowledge allegiance is an alien from Ultron, or is the acknowledgement allegiance under the lunatics of Hydra? As a master, can you still enjoy everything today, but it’s a question!”

Anzi has thrown out the cruelest reality, and the realities make them feel The future scenario of the hair. After a lot of chaos, they still made up their minds.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Ultron. Because his mind is already not in here, on the ending where he can guess the answer with his eyes closed.

Since he did that, he is already fully prepared for it. In comparison, he obviously thinks that Alexia at this moment is the most troublesome problem he should solve.

Leave her alone, she will only create one after another similar tragedies. And if you don’t want to let this kind of thing go on, then taking her to justice now is the best solution.

Strange has grabbed Alexia’s tail, and soon, she will be forced to appear before their eyes!

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