Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2214

After the world chaos, a terrible situation is to prevent the lifeline of oneself country from being hit by unpredictable turbulence. Many countries have begun to try their best to shrink their own industries and reduce oneself’s external demand, so as not to accidentally put oneself into a big pit.

At this point, the larger the land and the richer resources, the more advantageous the country with complete infrastructure. Because their own resources are sufficient to meet their internal consumption, even if external demand is reduced, it will not have much impact on them. In comparison, some countries with a single structure and biased facilities are impossible to live so easily.

The sharp decline in import and export trade first shakes the economic foundation of these countries. For example, in Europe, many countries’ economies themselves are not too prosperous, and they rely on foreign trade to hold this tone. As a result, the amount of foreign trade was at least cut in half, which directly caused these countries to hover on the brink of bankruptcy.

And those other countries that can slow down are naturally impossible. Watching these countries really go bankrupt. After all, it is an alliance, if one prospers, all prospers if one suffers, all suffers. If they go bankrupt, the complicated debt and asset issues are enough to make these fairly well-settled countries burn out, and they may follow suit. So if they can pull it, they will try their best to pull it. And the result of this pull is that oneself also tends to fall near the cordon.

This is also one of the reasons why the euro did not take advantage of the situation after the status of the USD was over. On the contrary, it appeared extremely weak. Own is not strong enough, just want to stand up and pick the leader to no avail, no one listens to him when he speaks. The most realistic.

Ultron is one of the people who knows the European economic situation best, because for a long time in the past, the entire European economy has depended on his maintenance and control.

Don’t look too high at the traders of the government team. In peaceful times, they can alleviate their own economic situation, so that they have to take the risk of offending the people and introduce some leek-cutting policies to maintain the country. economic. It is simply unrealistic to expect them to become the mainstay in this chaotic era and support the stability of the country’s economy.

It is the capital consortium that really plays the main role in this turmoil, more precisely, the capital consortium under the control of Ultron. It’s not like a beast-like, taking advantage of this kind of crisis and making a fortune, but using its own huge financial power to stabilize the social order. This is something that only he can do.

Ultron is very aware of the role of oneself in this. So he was very curious, how did Europe provide assistance to the United States without the help of oneself? Just relying on their half-hearted, even oneself economy is starving to death? Have they forgotten, what is the situation inside oneself now? Or do they think that oneself would be able to let the soldiers sell their lives for them without paying wages and relying on love alone?

Ultron is really curious. And looking at him with his head sideways and staring at own, it is not difficult for Nick Fury to guess what kind of problem he is thinking.

Some things cannot be covered up, and there is no need to cover up. The economic problem itself is the biggest weakness of the two regions in Europe and America.

In the past, relying on technology to monopolize the blood transfusion of also sweatshops, they can still maintain a decent life oneself. But with the collapse of various inherent orders and the subversion of their status, they have long lost such privileges.

Uncovering the fig leaf, underneath is the weakest reality. For Ultron, who is the maintainer of this reality, Nick Fury is really sorry to say something to cover up. So he was simply nodded and admitted.

“What you said is not wrong. We did reach some agreements with Europe in exchange for financial assistance. It can be regarded as getting what you need. After all, in today’s world, Holding each other to keep warm is the best choice for us to spend this cold winter.”

Holding to keep warm is human nature. After all, Europe and the United States can be regarded as having deep-rooted old relationships, and there will be such a choice, which is not unexpected for Ultron. He was just wondering why it was him who appeared here—Nick Fury, the reputation of this guy is not so good in Europe.

As the former director of SHIELD, he is also the backbone of the Stark government. Nick .Fury has almost the same position as the bearer of bad luck in the traditional capital gathering place in Europe. Many people think that this guy’s inaction led to Hydra’s growth. At the same time, many people attributed Stark’s cleaning of the consortium to him.

The agent’s background is not very popular, and he is a nigger. It would be unreasonable for him not to carry this pot.

It can be said that such a guy is definitely to be treated as a dangerous person in Europe. It is really surprising that such a dangerous person has now become a representative of the European government.

Why did the European government choose to accept him? Ultron felt that there must be some conditions for exchange. As for the specific conditions, he couldn’t help but guess secretly.

But before he could guess, Nick Fury interrupted him aloud. He was very direct, opened his mouth and asked something that Ultron had to pay attention to.

“Where is Stark’s kid? I think this question, you don’t know it, right?”

“You want to find him? Why?”


“Why? Are you embarrassed to ask him why?” Nick Fury’s face changed, and he condemned almost entirely in a condemning gesture. “Look at what he did?”

“Who gave him the power and qualifications to let him act like that and disrupt the basic order of the entire country? Doesn’t he know what he did? How much damage will it cause to the entire country?”

Is this a question of guilt? Ultron had a speculation in his mind, but he still opened his mouth to defend Frank.

“You should know that it’s not all his fault. If it weren’t for the group of people to push him hard, maybe things wouldn’t have developed to such a point. Maybe he did it. There is indeed something wrong, but you can’t attribute all the reasons to him. It’s not fair to him.”

“It’s not fair to him, so it’s not fair to him because of his willfulness. And for the innocent people who have suffered huge losses, is this fair?”

When he changed hands, he put a high hat on, and Nick Fury’s attitude became more and more tough.

“Whose fault is what you said, Ultron. Hand him over, and there will naturally be United States laws to determine who should be admitted in this series of accidents Take responsibility. You should understand that in the case of Stark already not in, that little boy represents the honor of the entire Stark family. You It shouldn’t be let him go, just trample the honor of the oneself family under your feet. “

Nick.Fury’s words are naturally sharp. And his aggressive attitude also made Ultron feel unstoppable. After all, Frank’s hand is indeed a bit too much, which he himself has to admit.

However, he still doesn’t quite understand. Logically speaking, Frank’s actions were most directed at restoring the government. As a member of the Stark government, Nick Fury should stand on the opposite side of the restoration government. Therefore, even if Frank’s actions do not give him any practical benefits, as long as it can cause trouble to the restoration of the government, he should be happy to see it happen. There is no reason to say that he would go against the tune like this.

If you say that Nick Fury is the kind of public servant of the people who is selfless and dedicated to the people, forget it. But in fact, what kind of stuff this is, Ultron oneself knows in mind. In terms of national interests, he may be clear about it, but if you want to say that he is selfless because of this, that would be too high for this guy.

The king of secret agents, how impossible is that kind of glamorous character. His ass was the same as his head, shiny black, and simply couldn’t stand the investigation. If you expect such a person to be selfless, why don’t you expect Captain America to just undercover to Hydra and endure the humiliation?

To be sure, Nick .Fury should not appear here under common sense. And if you don’t calculate the reason for his appearance according to common sense… Thinking of this, Ultron’s heart suddenly became awe-inspiring, and at the same time he couldn’t help but question him.

“Have you compromised with those who want to restore?”

This is the most reasonable explanation, and it can make Nick Fury change oneself’s position and say such things Most likely. Apart from this, Ultron couldn’t think of any other reasons that would allow the backbone of a political system to switch positions so clearly. The ass decides the head, it’s not that he sits on his ass crookedly, his shrewd head would never say such a thing.

Ultron was sure, but he still wanted to hear an exact answer from Nick Fury’s mouth. And this in itself is not something that can be concealed, so even if there is some guilt in his heart, Nick Fury’s black face still looks like nothing has happened.

“Yes, we compromised, sir. This is a matter of course. Under the premise that the whole country has become so chaotic and terrible, we don’t think we continue to do this kind of unnecessary struggle also What’s the actual meaning. Instead of wasting energy here, it’s better to do everything possible to make our country recover from the trauma. It’s not like some people who just leave after making trouble, it’s really lost. He lost his father’s face!”

He obviously changed the subject, but Ultron was still unmoved at all. Little tricks may not work all the time, just like now, Ultron’s focus is still on his mutiny.

Yes, betrayal. He used these words to describe the choices of people like Nick Fury. He didn’t understand why these people made this choice, but what he knew very well was that they made Stark for a long time, made great sacrifices, carried a heavy burden, and completely That turned into a bubble.

A wrong choice may make this country, which has already been reborn, consigned to eternal damnation. But who cares? Even if they oneself don’t care about this kind of thing, Ultron naturally has no right to say anything.

He only cared about the intentions of these people, and after learning about the change in Nick Fury’s identity, it was not difficult for him to guess that this guy mentioned Frank repeatedly and repeatedly. What is it for?

The same sentence, the wealth is touching. It was as if they had both hit the Stark family’s idea from different angles before they both got into peace. As the situation is getting more serious and the economic pressure they are under greater and greater, they also need to use the wealth of the Stark family to ease their pressure.

The words are of course well-spoken, and every sentence is inseparable from national interests and family glory. But for a country that writes the sacredness of private wealth into the constitution, this is no different from looting. At best, it sounds a little nice in name, but Ultron will not be easily fooled like this. So he simply shook the head and refused.

“No matter what you say, Mr. Nick Fury. I will not tell you where Frank is. The wealth of the Stark family should be in the hands of he himself, and no one has the right to cross over in any other name. I’m very sure of this.”

“Of course you are sure, because you are in a group, aren’t you?”

Since Nick Fury dared to come and ask for it in person, Naturally impossible to say that there is no preparation for this situation. It’s just that he is also a little lucky, and that’s why he has the previous scenes. And now that he was lucky enough to be broken, he didn’t mind being a little bit more so he just wanted to be a bit poor.

“I have always been curious about one thing, that is, why capital power is so weak and defeated under Stark’s attack. This is not in line with their usual temperament, and what they have shown The power that came out didn’t match the background they had cultivated in the United States for nearly 200 years. Now it seems that there is a reason for all this. And this reason is you—Ultron, right? I think you should explain, Where did you get the dominance of the consortium. Don’t tell me, the transition of power in the middle is very peaceful, and there is nothing illegal about it.”

Although Ultron is upright, it won’t be upset. At this juncture when it is obvious that the teacher is inquiring about crimes, the crime of owning is exposed. Even if he knew that his own behavior was a crime, he would not regard it as a mistake.

Whether it is correct and whether it is a crime is sometimes completely different. At least in his opinion, it is by no means a wrong move to sacrifice a few greedy capitalists who habitually monopolize resources in exchange for a happier future for countless ordinary humans. As for the law, it’s just a fig leaf. If you insist on trying him in the name of the law, please settle the crimes of those capitalists first.

In terms of logical thinking, he would not fall into such a trap. And from Nick Fury’s words, he also heard more meaning.

“So, the reason you are here is to ask questions. Then you got what you want from me and Frank? Those huge capitals that don’t belong to you? Yes, as long as With this, whether it’s the troubles on the European side or the chaos on the United States side, it should be temporarily resolved. Even in the middle, you can get even greater benefits. For you , This is indeed the best of both worlds. But the question is…”

“Why should I give in to you? Just because of your ridiculous remarks and your stupid greed?”

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