Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2215

Ultron’s rhetorical question made the sullen Nick. Fury instantly complexion stiffened. If it weren’t for the scruples of this, it would be seen in full view. I don’t know how many people are watching the situation secretly. I am afraid that a classic mom will provoke Fak on the spot.

As far as he is concerned, he is actually the least able to accept the emergence of Ultron, an intelligent life that is a huge threat to humans, in this world. It can be said that if he could predict in advance that the fellow Stark would study such a thing, if he was not in jail at the time, then he would absolutely desperately come to the door and smash Stark’s place.

Intelligent life with self-thinking and almost Infinity evolution ability, this thing is not reliable in his opinion. With a little bit of imagination, he can imagine 10,000 kinds of such intelligent life on the edge of the law, destroying the existing social order. Although Stark and the others seemingly shrewdly inserted a core rule for fighting for the future of mankind into Ultron, this is not a reason to reassure him. The reason is simple, in this world, are there few jerks doing bad things with good intentions?

Be aware that this is a life with self-thinking. His thoughts, his values ​​and worldview are not controlled by human beings. This often means that what most people think is beneficial to humans may not be beneficial to him; and the future he creates for humans may not necessarily be the result that humans want. There will definitely be a conflict in it, but what should I do when the conflict is exposed? Nick. Fury can only imagine the plot in the Terminator.

Don’t say that he is conservative in thinking, but judging from the current development situation, it is indeed possible that such a thing will happen. Ultron has huge social resources, but it has these but is not willing to cooperate with the government. It unilaterally only wants to operate according to its own idea. This in itself is a huge hidden danger. Especially for the government, how can they tolerate this kind of behavior that almost ignores them? Really think they are noodles, let you squeeze round and flatten?

Conflict is almost inevitable, and it is on the position of the government itself, it is very obvious who Nick Fury’s butt will be biased.

He took this for granted. In fact, putting this question in front of the overwhelming majority in the world, they will probably make the same choice as Nick Fury.

Ultron is an alien, and humans are always wary of aliens. Nick. Fury can only be said to be a representative of humans, because he is precisely the most suspicious type of humans.

He was wary of Ultron, and of course he anticipated every possible reaction Ultron might make. Right now Ultron’s answer was not unexpected, so he was also very direct, so he said strongly.

“So, are you not going to cooperate with us? I advise you to think clearly, Ultron. You should know what the consequences of doing this mean?”

“It means to be completely hostile to the government? I don’t think this is at worst. I should have said it clearly before. I am not afraid of such a war. If you insist on provoking such a thing In the case of war, then believe me, you will definitely not be the one who can laugh last.”

He didn’t save any face to the other party, but directly expressed his contempt for government power from the attitude. This is not a big remark, but he does have such confidence.

The United States standing in front of him was not 20 years ago, and he was able to give an order to make most of the world turbulent. In the current United States, the green and yellow are not connected, and even the normal operation of city functions has problems. In Europe, the big brother does not laugh at the second brother. Without the support of the capital power represented by Ultron, it is enough for them to drink a pot just to clean up all the mess left by this turmoil.

It can be said that Europe and the United States are typically old, weak, sick and disabled. As for Ultron, which has its own technological advantages and holds a large amount of capital power, they really can’t take out even the slightest advantage.

The only advantage may be based on the masses. However, it is a pity that whether it is United States or now Europe, it has almost reached the point where it is not worthy of its name. It is more realistic to expect that the people will support such a government, it is better to expect them to establish a new world, a grandiose revolution.

That’s the reason, so Ultron really doesn’t quite understand, where is Nick Fury’s confidence and dare to threaten oneself like this. They don’t even have a bargaining chip against oneself, so how dare they make such a gamble? Really think that oneself is not inferior to the past, and reputation alone can bluff people? This is too much to treat him as Ultron.

He was so confused that he only stared at Nick Fury, wanting to see what kind of surprise this famous and insidious guy could give oneself. What trump card can he produce? Or is he ready to represent the government once again and lower their stupid lower limit? Ultron had some wait and see, but didn’t let him wait for long. Nick .Fury has already resorted to killing move.

No more nonsense about Ultron. Because Nick Fury knows very well that words can’t shake the will of this guy. In fact, if it is not for some people’s imaginary request, he must test it out to see if it is possible to receive and use Ultron for oneself. He will not waste his tongue talking such nonsense.

The question and answer right now just validated his point more clearly. That is, there is a certain irreconcilable contradiction between their inherent ruling class and Ultron. Especially when they are preparing to take a big step and grab all the capital owned by Ultron in one step, this contradiction has reached the edge of a complete explosion.

I don’t want to be bombed, so I can only find a way to solve this trouble now. As for how to solve it, Nick Fury chose to use the power of science.

He raised his hand and made a certain gesture. Under his sign, Ultron could clearly perceive that the huge device that oneself was in was running at a fast speed.

Large Hadron Collider, this is the only equipment that exists in this facility, and it is also the most important equipment. After so many years of shelving it, it has revived like a giant beast that has been recovering.

Of course, this process can’t be called absolutely pleasant. The long-term shelving makes this equipment lack the most basic maintenance. It is a high-precision, cutting-edge equipment. If it runs without maintenance, there will be more or less problems and failures that are not planned.

That is, Nick. Fury brought a team of elite researchers who did some basic maintenance on this equipment in advance. This allowed it to barely move, instead of lying down. But even so, its condition is still worrying.

Maybe the next minute, maybe the next second. No one is sure that this thing can run stably. But Nick. Fury can only drive the ducks to the shelves and forcefully try such a wave.

He can’t wait, because the more time is delayed, the more likely Ultron will learn about their arrangement from various channels. For them, this may be the only opportunity for Ultron. So even if there is a certain risk, they must keep this secret and use time to fight for the only opportunity.

For now, the result of their betting luck is pretty good. Although some equipment inevitably stumbled during operation, in the end, they still reached the expected level of Nick Fury.

Gathering momentum, this is his standard. But having sensed Nick Fury’s actions, Ultron was also unavoidably surprised, and asked aloud.

“You started the particle accelerator? Why? Don’t tell me, you want to stage a hadron collision experiment in front of me?”

Ultron’s surprise is justified Yes, because he not at all understands the meaning of such operations as Nick.Fury. This is because regardless of how badly some media spread rumors, but in fact, the so-called hadron collider is only a scientific research tool that’s all.

It can hardly be used as a weapon. The only value is probably to explore the mysteries of the physical world through the collision of protons in a limited high-energy experiment.

This is actually a very lucky thing, because almost no one can be sure of what kind of answer they can get under hedging experiments with different mesons and different energies.

For now, the results obtained through quantum collision experiments are basically the conclusions obtained under rigorous mathematical models and accidental try one’s luck. And how many conclusions also have not been explored, this is probably a result of physicists all over the world getting together and unable to get an answer.

In general, this stuff is useful. But it is limited to playing an exploratory role in scientific research. As discussed by some conspiracy theorists, it is completely nonsense to talk about using the Hadron Collider to create a black hole and thereby destroy Europe.

Let’s not talk about whether the power of the Hadron Collider can create a black hole. Even if it could, no one would use this stupid method to destroy Europe.

A very simple truth, where is the mass of a black hole. A black hole the size of a coin, although structurally impossible, its mass will be a very terrifying number. And if such a black hole really appears on Earth, then it can swallow Earth almost quickly with the rotation of Earth.

Using this thing to destroy Europe is completely overkill. That is to say, those idiots who regard black holes as destructive power like an atomic bomb will have this unrealistic idea. As a purely intelligent life, Ultron is naturally impossible so stupid. That’s why he was even more curious, what exactly did Nick Fury start for?

This is something that only those with a lot of money are eligible to play, don’t look at the fact that the machine starts in just a few seconds. In these few seconds, the burning funds are probably hundreds of millions. meter. In the past, Europe and the United States did not dare to play around, let alone now.

Of course, you have to say that they have no other choice but to cut off one’s means of retreat. Generally, this kind of gamble can also be used against Ultron. However, this in itself is not a reason to stand up.

Ultron doesn’t think they are the kind of people who will take the stupid Minke as the truth, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and trying desperately. On the one hand, they have not really reached the point where they are exhausted. On the other hand, with Nick Fury’s consistent performance, he is not yet mentally handicapped.

The ability to make decisions for Europeans as a guest on the home court of Europeans is enough to prove the importance of Nick Fury in this. And Ultron has reason to believe that all of the current plans are drawn up by him. And if all this comes from Nick Fury, the king of agents of the wily old fox, would you say that he would be unsure and just want to gamble, is it possible?

The answer must be negative. Therefore, there must be something strange.

Of course there is something strange here, and now Nick Fury is spreading everything out for Ultron to see.

“Quantum Collider, I don’t need to elaborate on its efficacy. Anyway, my explanation is definitely not as accurate and vivid as your own. Of course, you who have a clear understanding of it may also not I don’t know exactly what the hell is happening now. I’m obligated to explain it for you.”

“Thank you to the aliens who have invaded Earth. Maybe they did it for us. A certain amount of pain, but at the same time, they also left us with a huge wealth. Although this wealth has been divided a lot, at any rate, we are also the most direct owner of this wealth, and some benefits have been gained.”

“Our scientists have deduced some basic principles from the technology of aliens. The specific embodiment is that we can copy what the aliens hold through quantum hedging on the premise of knowing the answer. Some energy bodies. Dark matter, those scientists explained to me this way, and they also expressed a certain regret. That is that we can produce this kind of energy through management, but for the technology we currently have , We can’t stabilize it yet.”

“In other words, it is very dangerous. If you are not careful, it will peng sound, making it thousands of times more terrifying than Chernobyl. Accident. I dare not research it at will, but if it is used to threaten you, I think it should be enough.”

“Do you think this thing can destroy me? Don’t forget, I It’s everywhere, this is just one of my Avatars!”

Ultron said a fact in a deep voice. The thing he worries most still happened, and that is whether human beings have devised a big conspiracy behind his back. In order to target him, they did not hesitate to achieve such a point. He really wanted to know, is it worth it?

He doesn’t know what kind of answers these humans will give. Especially under the premise that he thinks these guys are crazy.

In order to avoid the worst from happening, he had to threaten them in another way. Perhaps he felt that if these people were made to realize that they were doing useless work, perhaps they would not take this risk.

But obviously, he underestimated these guys.

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