Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2217

Believe…believe you are a fool.

Elite politicians of course will not easily believe Nick Fury’s words, but it is not a casual thing to say that they do not believe it.

This is a very delicate situation. Believing what Nick Fury said, and treating this as a scam against Ultron, then naturally everyone is happy. But this feeling of fooling oneself as a fool is always a little lingering, making them more or less a little bit responsive.

If you don’t believe it, then it’s equivalent to confirming that oneself has an active volcano under its feet. The sense of crisis that will burn them to ashes anytime and anywhere will make them extra special. torment.

It can be said that no matter what the situation is, it will not be a good experience for them. In comparison, it is the most stable situation for them to be kept in the dark, like Schrödinger’s cat, not knowing the result.

Someone has realized this and started to give up continuing to explore this issue. Some people are reluctant and continue to pursue the answer to Nick Fury.

Of course, Nick Fury is a fool who is disinclined to pay attention to. He has expended too much effort today, and he really doesn’t have that many spirit to deal with these fools. So simply, he ignored the existence of these guys and opened his mouth to other people instead.

“According to the agreement, I have captured Ultron for you. How can you really control him? This is your business. At the same time, should you also honor the part you promised in the agreement? Now?”

Leave aside those who are still guilty of crimes, most of the people who are truly rational and sober at this time are also those who have the right to speak. They are well aware of the deal between oneself and the forces behind Nick Fury. Although from the current point of view, they have been put on a suspicion. But at any rate the result is still within their acceptable range. So don’t worry about it too much, they have already replied.

“Related cooperation will begin soon. In addition, we will provide you with the location of Frank Stark as soon as possible. However, you can’t just throw a hot potato in front of us. No matter. The current situation is far from the level we negotiated before.”

The content of the negotiation is nothing more than the United States helping Europe to control Ultron so that they It can squeeze out Ultron’s benefits like a little by little. However, the current situation is that the constraints are restricted. Ultron is indeed squatting there, not daring to take a step beyond the thunder pool. But when it comes to thinking of him as a pocket of money that can be paid out at will, it is still a bit whimsical.

This money bag is tied tightly, and it is estimated that there is still a code lock on it. In the past, European governments who did little tricks were clear in their hearts. It would be difficult for oneself to open this money bag. They simply met Nick Fury’s wily old fox, and they simply threw the problem directly in front of him again.

Party A and Party B? Now that they are Party A, they naturally have the right to choose. If you are not convinced, you can. Don’t blame them for losing the chain for all kinds of assistance and support. You don’t need to use any other tricks, just a grind can drag you to tears.

Nick .Fury knows the tricks of these people, but there is no alternative. After all, he is the one who asks for others. No matter how ugly it is, there are hundreds of millions of mouths waiting for him to open for dinner in United States. He can’t do anything, nor is he qualified to be willful. So after a long smoke, he said to these politicians.

“Isolate this area and use lead plates and strong electromagnetic fields to cut off Ultron’s external connections. As long as you cut off the link between him and those omnic networks, you will have a chance to take over everything in his hands. Of course. , This may require very professional network information personnel, but don’t tell me, you can’t even find such a person.”

This is a palliative solution, and Nick Fury knows it clearly. But really, he has no better way. After all, it is Ultron, who has been ahead of them in information technology for an entire era. If the one who can with no difficulty owns everything he has, then it would be too unreasonable to take technical barriers as one thing.

This point, in fact, most of the politicians present are also aware of this. Therefore, in addition to the unrealistic take-all idea of ​​some greedy guys, the overwhelming majority are sensible and only have expectations for a part of Ultron’s wealth. And here, the nanoguards and artificial heaven network technologies that represent immortality are undoubtedly the wealth they want most.

Capital wealth can solve their urgent needs, but it does not mean that they will really die if they leave this. People have potential, and so does the government. If the belts of the pants were tightened for a while, with the precise control of national resources, they would be able to survive the current difficulties. In comparison, these Ultron technologies are standard, and there is no such shop in this village.

It is about eternal life and the huge interests behind it. It can be said that no one can remain indifferent in the face of this temptation. Even if it is said that this kind of immortality in disguise has led to all kinds of disasters and riots in today’s society, it cannot stop people’s inner greed. Therefore, in some unknown occasions, Europe has already been secretly surging.

Nick.Fury is also one of the people who plot against secretly. It’s just that his plot against is deeper, so he doesn’t intend to get involved now.

Pointed out the direction, and once again urged the European side. He began to use own manpower to search for Frank’s location.

This is one of the agreements he reached with the restoration government. After doing such a thing, Frank must give an explanation for own behavior. In the meantime, all he can guarantee is Frank’s life safe. And able to do this, he feels that oneself is worthy of his father.

In many cases, many things depend on how they are defined. It’s like everything Frank did. From his point of view, this is only the protection of private property, a necessary counterattack for those who dare to covet his family wealth. The United States Constitution and the Law on the Protection of Minors are supporting him, and the public opinion of United States should be biased towards him.

The problem is, he is too young, and things are different from what he imagined at first. Perhaps in terms of public opinion, it was indeed as he expected that people gave him some sympathy innately. But don’t forget, sympathy with this thing is the least valuable.

In this world, those who like to sympathize with others are always those who have a matter of no concern to oneself. Because there is no tugging on their interests, they can show their own sympathy unscrupulously. But if the things they sympathize with violate their basic interests, then things will have to be said otherwise.

It is like saying that certain animal protectionists always appeal to people not to harm animals and to be vegetarian instead of eating meat. Let alone whether they can lead by example, even if they can. If one day, the cost of vegetarian dishes is much higher than the cost of meat, and one meal would be equivalent to cutting them off a piece of meat, do you think they can still clamor like this?

For the same reason, public sympathy can give Frank such a poor and helpless Little Brat without hurting his own interests. However, when the gradual changes in their lives make them realize that the situation is terrible, and the increasingly severe life capital has begun to challenge their bottom line step by step, they will find it difficult to feel the same sympathy before Frank again. .

Selfish ghost, brat. This is what more and more people call him, and after the two governments reached an agreement and began to merge. A new term that was gradually being used as a cover made them even more disgusted with Frank.

The government said that Frank, who appeared in front of the public before, was just a stand-in, a substitute who was cultivated since childhood. The real Frank has long been at large, and started to withdraw the capital of the Stark family from United States step by step.

Not many people believe this at first, but it can’t stand the propaganda of hiding the sky and covering the earth. Especially when the disgust of the public has accumulated to a certain degree, it is really not too easy to reverse the situation.

As for the United States’ Constitution and the Law on the Protection of Minors, this is easier. A big crime of treason is hanging on your head, and you are the father of the country, Washington, who is not worthy of rebirth.

Although everyone like Nick. Fury knows in their hearts, Frank can’t really be blamed for everything in it. But who would let him not cooperate with his obediently and honestly choice? There is always someone to memorize the pot, and he is indeed an important cause of this series of events, so in the end, he can only choose to apologize.

Whole family loyal must look like whole family loyal. Since it is said that there has been a tradition of recognizing the country by one’s own body since the grandfather this generation, today, please also ask Frank to act like a Stark. As for his non-cooperation, it doesn’t matter. In the adult world, there are ways to make you cooperate.

Frank didn’t know that oneself had been arranged by someone. Now he is still in the surprise of Ultron’s transfer of power.

Although it has been trapped under the threat of the Hadron Collider, Ultron has not at all cut off contact with the outside world. Although the breakthrough government blockade is a bit difficult, it is technically an absolute crush. After all, he passed the most critical information.

In the message he delivered, apart from the most critical reason for oneself’s trapping, it was to temporarily transfer the control of the omnic to Frank’s hands.

Nick. Fury and the plan of the European government and this group of people only need a little guess, and he can guess a rough idea. And for these people’s various plot against, he naturally does not intend to let them get what they want.

To this day, he can no longer have any trust in human government. And considering that in the case of no leader in the omnic, these wily old fox guys would easily pry the corner. After thinking about it again and again, he decided to transfer the control to Frank, the number two figure.

First, this also provides Frank with some self-protection capabilities. After all, from Nick Fury’s remarks, it is not difficult for him to hear that the other party is also beating Frank’s idea. Second, he needs Frank’s help to ensure that everything oneself has worked so hard to manage will not fall into the hands of these greedy guys.

Own things oneself clearly. He knew too well how these things would affect the world if these things fall into those hands. It is unceremonious to say that the harm it causes can even far exceed the promotion of human civilization by this technology itself. It’s not easy to say that the human race is likely to be brought into the abyss by those who have obtained his technology.

He painstakingly created these, but not for a group of shameless people to lead mankind in the wrong direction. Therefore, he would rather give these to Frank than let them fall into the hands of these people.

Although Frank also has certain problems, at least one thing is certain that he will not compromise on these politicians.

Tony’s terrible ending made him completely disgusted by the existence of politicians. As long as he continues to maintain this resistance and non-cooperation, it will be an acceptable result for humans and Ultron.

This is not a perfect solution, but it is the best method Ultron can come up with right now. It’s just that Frank himself is a little confused in the face of this sudden heavy task.

No matter how nice it is, he is active, he is just a child who is crazy and busy for revenge. Mental maturity does not mean that he can shoulder heavy responsibilities, especially this kind of heavy responsibility that has been targeted by countless people and has almost become a target of public criticism, and it is also a weight that his thin shoulders cannot bear.

It’s just that he has no choice. He can’t say that he is obediently surrender. Let Nick. Fury put on oneself a big hat, and then find a place to imprison him. He didn’t have the skill, and he couldn’t cooperate with them to play this dirty political game. Therefore, she was forced to take over this authority, just like catching the ducks on the shelves.

This can be regarded as the real heavy responsibility. He has squeezed millions of omnipotent devices and the wealth of a small part of the world. That is, his mind is relatively pure, and he is also the kind of person who has no ambitions. Otherwise, he can easily stir up the entire world by relying on these resources in his hands.

Of course, although he has no such subjective ideas. However, it is inevitable that certain actions that are out of his personal will inevitably cause some waves.

This is an obvious gap. The roar of the tiger can only deter the forest at best. But if the strong dragon turns over, it needs mountains bursting and ground splitting…

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