Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2218

Frank continued to mobilize the resources he was working on to carry out what he called the expansion plan for Hydra. And as always, he didn’t at all realize that oneself’s current transfer meant what a huge capital flow.

European governments are staring at the direction of these funds, but the ridiculous thing is that they can’t block them at all, and they can’t even freeze related accounts. The authority of banks is a joke in the face of higher levels of information security. Even if the government forcibly closes all external channels of relevant banks, Ultron’s omnibuses can use the Internet to adjust the same numbers from other government channels.

This is actually a very rogue behavior. The specific behavior is as if your wife wants to buy something but pays out of your wallet. You look at it, but you can’t stop it, and you are so embarrassed that there is nowhere to tell. What a tragic word really.

Fortunately, although the miserable is a bit miserable, there is still some gain in the end. That is, by observing the direction of funds, they have determined an approximate location. In terms of probability, Frank has a high probability of where the funds flock.

“Middle East? Are you sure?”

When he heard the conclusion drawn from the European side, Nick Fury looked surprised. But after being surprised, he also asked with a serious expression on his face.

This is not good news, because the boundary of the Middle East is really beyond his reach.

Different from what it looked like more than 20 years ago, at that time United States could arbitrarily exercise long-arm jurisdiction through military bases and allies in the Middle East. The assassination of an important government role in the country is nothing more than a random thing.

The current situation is that unless there are local forces in secret, their people simply cannot move in this area. The result of the forcible insertion was that the lives of those agents and soldiers were simply lost. After all, judging from the current degree of danger in the Middle East, their involvement in it is basically without any security guarantee, which is equivalent to delivering food.

“Basically it is certain. Not only funding, but many industries suspected of Ultron are moving in that direction. Especially there is also an army of omnibuses. If I were the Stark family As for the boy, I will choose this relatively safest place.”

“That boy is not as simple as you think.”

Listen to Europe. The officer on the side gave such a reply. While Nick Fury retorted, he also pondered the probability of certain actions in his heart.

As an agent, he as it should be by rights will want to solve the problem through some inherent shortcuts. But there are two problems before him.

One is the complex environment in the Middle East. He has been isolated from the Middle East for too long, and he can’t figure out the context of events in the Middle East. Know that the situation here is complicated and the environment is dangerous. But how dangerous and complicated it was, he had no idea. Blindly send elite forces over, just use their lives to crack a joke. Judging from the capital he currently has in short supply, he must not have such a messy bargaining chip.

This is one problem, and the second problem is that brat that didn’t know where it came from. The first time that brat was intercepted face-to-face, Nick Fury was already concerned about his identity. No matter how he investigates, it is impossible to know the specific identity of this brat from the channels in his hands. He can only guess, and the result of guessing can only make him feel refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

Some identities are easy to say, but also some identities make him dare not even touch the brat. He couldn’t make up his mind, naturally he didn’t dare to move easily. And based on his usual thinking mode, at this time, finding a dead ghost to explore the water for oneself is the best choice in his mind.

“I ask the European side to provide me with ease of movement. It is best to dispatch some personnel to cooperate with our actions.”

He opened his mouth and asked people directly . According to his idea, as long as this person is in the hands of the owner, then the European side will not want to clean the owner relationship. They are bound to be implicated, and even said that as long as they operate well enough, even if they throw all the pots on these tool people, it will not be impossible.

It’s just that, although he thinks this way, people in Europe don’t cooperate this way. When it comes to conspiracy, they may not be Nick Fury’s opponents, but they are all old ghosts who have accumulated years of age. If you want to play this dirty trick and want to make them ignorant, this is a bit too despising. .

The relevant clerk simply didn’t want to talk to him. Facing his request, Hehe just sneered and said to him.

“I’m sorry, sir. I am only responsible for providing you with relevant information. As for mobilizing personnel to cooperate with you in action, I am sorry, I do not have such authority.”

“If you don’t have such authority, then go to your superiors to apply. Don’t tell me, in a huge Europe, you can’t find anyone who can execute missions to the Middle East.”

“In fact, we really can’t find talents in this area.” Seeing Nick Fury a little bit arrogant, the clerical officer started to talk nonsense with his eyes open. “We have given up related matters in the Middle East, all personnel have been transferred back to Europe, and even the most basic diplomatic work has been almost cut off. Over the years, we have very little knowledge about the changes in the Middle East. Even if it is true. If you pull out who to execute the mission, it may not be able to play an expected role. Moreover, there may not be people willing to execute this kind of mission. So I still advise you, it is better not to do this kind of extravagant hope.”

“That’s how you treat your own allies?” Nick Fury raised his brows and looked unhappy. As an upper-class figure who once held huge power, he is obviously not satisfied with oneself’s current treatment. For this reason, he even put out an almost threatening tone.

Using ally to provoke a topic is undoubtedly trying to intimidate the other party and tell him that he is responsible for his own words. If this affects the cooperation between the two parties, he can’t afford to go around.

Unfortunately, this trick may not always work. Since he dared to say such a thing, it undoubtedly means that the clerical officer has been instructed by relevant parties. He has sufficient confidence, so he will not back down in the face of this threat.

“Sorry, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can respond to my superiors. But before my superiors give new instructions, I can tell you only such a regretful answer. “

Bad answer, especially for Nick Fury. Although it is normal for Huluo Pingyang to be bullied by dogs, this change in status and treatment happened to the owner, which still made him a little bit angry.

He lifted up the table deliberately, and no matter how bad he was, he would walk away. But after a cold face, motionlessly watching the flat, hypocritical face in front of oneself for a while, he still swallowed the grievance.

I can’t say that I really cut off the cooperation with Europe. Everyone is an adult, how could it be so arrogant. And besides, doing so is just to follow the wishes of the European side.

They have already got the benefits. I’m not afraid that Nick Fury will turn his face and deny people. Even saying that they may have such an idea about oneself, and they want to find an opportunity to kick Nick Fury back from Europe.

At this point, Nick Fury is not afraid of saving others by himself. So he would rather submit to humiliation than give them such an opportunity.

“Give me all your information about the Middle East. Now that you have given up operating in that area, then I think this information is so important to you that it shouldn’t be someone .”

“Of course.” The clerical officer seemed to be prepared for a long time, and he directly moved a box of paper documents to Nick Fury.

Obviously, this thing has indeed been placed for a while, because it was directly splashed with dust in the sky following some rough movements of the clerical officer. The clerical officer had already prepared, after a big step back, he even hugged his arms to watch Nick Fury’s embarrassed appearance. Of course, this was carefully designed by him to probably anger him. However, he underestimated the endurance of this one-eyed dragon.

There are few people who can be agents and survive for a long time in this business, but few are so frizzy. Nothing else, but in terms of patience, they have a level that ordinary people can’t reach. And for them, this kind of superficial humiliation is basically a pediatric thing. Even if it is the insults under the crotch, it is really common.

Nick .Fury is completely remaining unmoved, and he rummaged through this pile of deliberately stacked paper documents. This search lasted most of the day, directly extending the time from the leisurely afternoon to the late night when there was no one.

He was wasting oneself time in a unique way. But at the same time, he was also trying to destroy the patience of the clerical officer. As an official handed over to him, the clerical officer did not say that he would go to get off work normally. According to common sense, all his work needs to be carried out around the requirements of Nick Fury. In other words, as long as Nick Fury doesn’t take the initiative to leave here, then he won’t even think about peace.

This is a very bad result. The place is located on the Mediterranean coast where the climate is not very suitable. In such a sultry weather, staying in the middle of the night, you have to face more than just sleepiness. Those pesky mosquitoes, those unbearable heat and humidity, are all the reasons why he feels tormented. He regretted it a little, why he wanted to find such an old safe house that didn’t even have a decent air-conditioner for the purpose of targeting Nick Fury. Doesn’t he smell good in a comfortable environment?

also, how can this nigger stay still in this ghost environment? Pulling the own tie vigorously, so that oneself can get a breath of fresh air from the tormented air. The clerical officer began to look at Nick Fury, who was still motionless in his black leather jacket, with a bewildered look.

He began to wonder if this Nigge is a human being, or is it a cold machine under that black skin?

The brain hole is getting bigger and bigger, and the consciousness is getting more and more loose. And it seems to realize that the time is almost ripe. Nick .Fury directly pulled out a large black-out document from the file, and bang fell in front of the officer.

“Who is Alexander? A new religious leader, or a separatist warlord who suddenly emerged?”


Suddenly I was so excited At once, the clerical officer obviously couldn’t keep up with the beat. And when he saw the document in front of him, he was also shocked for a while before asking back.

“In this area, it is possible to stage the drama of power transfer and armed coup anytime and anywhere. Is it strange that such a new character appears?”

“Of course. Do you think that the rise near the Persian Gulf and the rise near the Red Sea can be equated? If you answer yes, then I can only regret to say that your business capabilities are really not good. It is simply terrible. !”

“Is there a difference?” For the clerical officer who has just taken over the mess, he doesn’t care how many people Nick Fury mocks. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with him. He was just out of curiosity, but also to find some excitement for oneself’s current sleepy feeling, and asked subconsciously.

When he heard this question, Nick Fury just shook his head and said.

“The Iran-Iraq region is a traditional war zone. We have been operating here for many years and have already supported large and small, many forces. Therefore, after the disaster, there will be more It’s not surprising that this person has risen here. But the problem is that he did not rise here, but in North Africa and the Red Sea.”

“Egypt has long been It’s over, there’s nothing there. And Saudi Arabia, as the UAE’s traditional power zone, can maintain relative stability even after the disaster. Wanting to rise from here undoubtedly means getting their permission. And you think, if you change As you are the chiefs and kings of Saudi Arabia, would you allow such a power to appear in the own sphere of influence?”

“Of course not.” The official subconsciously replied, how can anyone snore on the side of the bed? Of course he does not understand the reason. Realizing this, he also felt wrong.

Saudi Arabia is a traditional soft persimmon, but they have always been rich and imposing, but they will not yield so easily. Even if you really encounter a strong enemy, relying on the wealth left over and the armaments accumulated in the past, it may not be without the power of a battle. If it doesn’t work, isn’t it also called the salvation?

Although everyone is not picking up now, but for the sake of money, it does not mean that there is not even one willing to support the scene. But the problem is that Saudi Arabia hasn’t done anything, so it just allows such power to rise and grow step by step. Looking at it this way, it is really full of disobedience.

At this time, the clerks began to feel the omissions in their work. Although the government intends to give up its suppression of the Middle East, it is Europe’s neighbor after all, and it is impossible to say that it will turn a deaf ear to him. It can only be said that the previous disaster really distracted them and caused problems in their work.

Nick. Fury can ignore these problems, he just continued his own analysis.

“This kind of thing certainly did not happen by accident. In this era, this reckless hero will not be allowed to rise. There must be a special force behind this guy, and it is difficult to say who it is. Support him again.”

Speaking of this, he changed his mind.

“I want to contact him as soon as possible, no matter what method is used. Don’t tell me, you can’t even do such a small thing!”

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