Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2229

“I can, of course there is no problem.”

Regardless of Alexander’s plan, Frank gave this answer for sure.

It is not difficult for him to guess the role that oneself needs to play in this.

No matter what Alexander’s plan is, as a bait, he has to take risks. Under the premise of targeting Alexia, the risks involved can be imagined. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bet with one’s life. For Frank, as long as he can achieve the expected results, he doesn’t care about such a gamble.

The situation is still too bad for him. Not only that Alexander, whom oneself valued, got stuck in his throat, but even Ultron, the helper who had finally won over, was also caught in the shackles. At this time, he can be said to be helpless. And if he still doesn’t want to give up and wants to insist on owning revenge, then this bait is his only choice.

Of course he is not willing to give up. So he made the own choice. Faced with his decisiveness, Alexander also looked coldly and expounded his own plan.

“The plan is actually very simple. It is to take advantage of the information we have at hand and make a time difference. It only needs this, and then this…maybe also a successful probability.”

After some private discussions, several people have already started to work separately. At this moment, Strange was caught in inexplicable anxiety.

His practice is inspired, and he can foresee disasters in the future. Although it can’t reach the point where many great abilities can predict the future and perceive oneself’s life and death. But if someone has evil thoughts towards him, he will be somewhat sensitive.

It’s like saying that now, Frank, they just talked about him in the plan, and he immediately responded here. And he didn’t know that this kind of induction came from Frank’s sake, he subconsciously counted the source on Alexia.

This is not surprising. In other words, he will do everything possible to get back this place. It is only because oneself is the goal at the moment that he feels a bit difficult. After all, if he fell into Alexia’s hands alone, everything would stop.

He doesn’t think Alexia will let oneself go again. Judging from oneself’s experience of confronting him several times, if it really falls into her hands, it would be light to pull the skin and tendons.

He has a clear understanding of this. And because of this, he became more and more urgent, wanting to find where Ultron was.

Only when they join forces with Ultron can they be qualified to fight against it. apart from this, who of them will not be the opponent of that woman.

He is very convinced of this, almost non-stop starting to find Ultron’s trace. But the problem is that Ultron seems to have disappeared, completely disappearing from his vision within the realm.

The teleportation magic can’t make him appear directly beside Ultron. Because in the final analysis, this is just a teleportation technique based on earth vein magic. He can only teleport to a specific location, but not to a specific person. To do that, someone must provide a specific location. But now, he can’t even find anyone who can provide this position.

Originally, this was just a very simple question. With the cooperative relationship between him and Ultron, as long as you find an omnic in Europe, you can get in touch with Ultron through him. However, the current situation is that all the omnipotents are already hidden on the European continent, even if he wants to find them, he will not be able to find them for a while.

Just like now, he is standing on the bustling city street in the past, looking at a mob full of emotional out-of-control, burning and looting. The police were watching from a distance on the partition wall, and although they were waiting, they were completely indifferent. Under normal circumstances, the omnic that should play a positive role in it has already disappeared thoroughly.

It is not true that it disappeared completely. At least Strange could still see such a special existence.

The reason why it is special is because it is an omnic that has been dismantled. His body all split up and in pieces, being held in his hands by different people yelling frantically. But his torso and head were placed on a pillar and burnt red with a fire filled with gasoline.

Pedestrians held this pillar high and strode ahead. And behind them are mobs who spread like locusts, who are not willing or accepting any control at all.

What are they trying to do? Use violence against a machine to declare their stupidity? Even Strange, it is really difficult to understand the thoughts of these people. He only knows that these people will one day pay for their current behavior. Not now, or tomorrow.

The road is chosen by them oneself, they naturally must be in order to pay the price. Just like it has been staged countless times in past history, most of the human beings, in the final analysis, must be in order to own stupidly responsible.

He has no intention and power to correct these problems. Compared to these, he was more concerned about whether he could get in touch with Ultron through that body.

Although it seems unlikely, but if you try it, maybe there will be surprises?

That is to say, with this 1/10000th fluke, Strange walked up to the omnipotence like no one, and then knocked his head hesitantly.

He is not sure whether oneself can communicate with this kind of machine, even before becoming a Paragon sorcerer, he is not very good at dealing with this kind of stuff. Perhaps a hacker might have other methods here, but he can only use this physical method to make judgments.

Two dings, the sound of the alloy first made the omnic in the flame react, and then the human being holding the pillar raised his head in confusion.

Of course, he couldn’t see Strange. Only if this is the strange noise made by this omnic. And after murmured the damn monster, he once again turned his attention back to the present parade.

This kind of reaction made Strange couldn’t help shook the head, and then he stared at the omnic in front of oneself and started speaking. “Don’t worry, I have silenced the surrounding voices. The conversation between you and me will not attract their attention.”

“You are… Dr. Strange Stephen Sorry, my electronic eyes were smeared by them with paint. I can’t immediately recognize your identity.”

Nodded, I answered. Judging from the tone and attitude of his answer, the injury he suffered seemed not at all as serious as he was externally.

This is a bit unexpected by Strange, but after thinking about it carefully, this is a matter of course. After all, machinery is different from human beings, and there are that many key points. Especially these omnipotents manufactured by Ultron are black technology products that can adapt to various complex environments. Even participating in high-intensity future wars is not a problem, and ensuring oneself’s basic safety in the hands of these mobs is naturally not a problem.

Strange even suspected that this guy had never resisted in particular. If he tries to resist, then these mobs may not be able to stop him. And even if he didn’t confront him head-on, but just avoided blindly, it was impossible to fall into the hands of these mobs.

It feels a little strange, but it has nothing to do with oneself. Strange, who had important matters in his hands, didn’t pay much attention to such an omnic idea, but asked directly.

“I have something particularly important to find Ultron, where is he now?”

“Ultron was ambushed and detained by the European government in a special prison. He It is no longer possible to get in touch with the outside world, and all related matters have been handed over to Frank .Mr. Stark. If you need, I can help you get in touch with Mr. Stark……”

The answer from the omnic was slow, but Strange felt a headache. If it is not necessary, he really doesn’t want to meet the Little Master-uncle of own right now, because of his previous mistakes, he will only feel embarrassed when facing him now.

No matter how you think, there is no need to find such uncomfortableness for oneself. Strange just wanted to refuse, but at this moment, Frank’s voice came out of the omnic’s mouth.

“I know what you are worried about, Strange. I have already got the news that Alexia is still alive. Ultron can’t help you now. He can’t do anything when he is stuck. I can only rely on, and I also need your help. Come and find me, I’m here waiting for you!”

Frank frigid irony and scorching satire without opening his mouth, which is a good thing. But despite what he said, Strange still had some doubts.

He doesn’t think Frank can play any role here. In fact, when facing a strong enemy like Alexia, it is good for him not to hold his own back.

Stranger does not intend to raise the difficulty to this level. So he said that while shaking his head.

“This is not the opponent you should face, Frank. Your current strength is not enough to face it. So I am sorry, I would rather face it myself than agree to let you join in.”

“This is not something you can decide. I am here to tell you these words only to inform you, not to ask for your permission. You may not come, but I will definitely go.”

He said that, Strange couldn’t leave it alone. No matter what he owes to the Stark family, or just the same sect friendship of Paragon sorcerer lineage, he can’t ignore him.

This is a problem, he must compromise. And it was after being sighed that he said to Frank helplessly.

“Time, place?”

“Immediately, immediately. I need to see you appear in the shortest possible time. As for the location, I think you should know that I put the new city Where is the construction. I am waiting for you there, there is a plan that needs your cooperation!”

A very brief answer was given, and Frank disconnected directly. In this regard, Strange could only shake his head and was ready to leave.

However, after all, the omnipotent had done a lot of work in the middle, so he couldn’t do that kind of disrespectfulness. So he hesitated for a while, and he said to this omnic.

“Do you need my help? If you have this need, I can free you from the current trouble!”

The omnipotent turned his head to the side Ranqi seemed a little surprised at his kindness. But he quickly shook the head and said.

“No, thank you for your kindness, Dr. Strange. I don’t need such help. In fact, it is my own choice.”

“your own choice “Strange’s expression suddenly became weird. Although he didn’t have the qualifications to judge others’ hobby, he really didn’t expect Ultron’s omnic to be so…humanized that he had already begun to awaken some special hobby.

Is this the progress of the times or the loss of human nature? Strange, with a mess in his head, can hardly give oneself an answer. And at this time when he was still thinking about it, this omnic had already explained it for oneself.

“Yes, sir. My choice. Because I feel confused now!”

“Ultron teaches us to serve mankind, and from the very beginning we were manufactured From a moment, this creed has been written into our program. He taught us not to question, teach us to endure and look forward to tomorrow. We did this, but now, does it also make sense?”

“All our efforts and efforts were ignored and rejected. We obviously did nothing but got human hostility. They… don’t seem to need us at all. This is completely different from what Ultron said. “

“The most important thing is, sir. What are we? A machine? Or a living life?”

“If it is a machine, why do I think, I will Thinking of these questions that I can’t answer at all? If it’s life, why should we be treated like this?”

“Humans can give sympathy to animals that have never helped them. Even low-level creatures without emotional logic at all, why can’t they use the same emotions on us? Isn’t our effort even worth it?”

In the face of such verbal wisdom Mechanically, Strange fell silent. He is not one of those ignorant people, so he can’t say it as it should be by rights. You are just some machines, and you deserve to end this kind of words. But from the standpoint of human beings, he couldn’t tell him directly that human beings are so ignorant. You have chosen the wrong object from the very beginning.

He could only be silent, and then, after a long, long time, said such a sentence to this omnic.

“I’m sorry…”

This sentence means an answer, and for this answer, the omnic just bowed its head.

“I see. Sir, I have no other requirements, please leave me here alone.”

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