Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2230

The center of the new pressure mountain city is an empty square.

This is the Central Zone reserved for the future cultural construction of the city. Surrounding the square, buildings such as cultural streets, parks, libraries, and museums will be readily available. But now, the owner of the city doesn’t have the time to take care of these aspects, so the entire square can only be so bald, alone and completely unattended.

Of course, it’s not that it’s not really unpopular. At least a few days ago, there was a massive protest demonstration. It’s just that I don’t say much in the end. Using flesh and blood to fight against the dictatorship with powerful violence is itself an act of bring about one’s own destruction.

The blood stains on the floor of the square that have not yet been cleaned and the corpses that are hung on wooden shelves and withered like mummies under the scorching sun prove this point. Alexander scared them, but also used this way to make them remember this lesson. As for the cruelty and cruelty shown by this method inconsistent with Mingjun’s image, Alexander didn’t care at all.

He is the king of horses, holding the army most loyal to him in his hand. With this alone, he can be fearless. As for what the people want? He believes that people’s hearts can be manipulated and manipulated. Just like when he became the Pharaoh of Egypt, he is also the identity of the conqueror. Persia is the enemy of Egypt, but he is the great savior of Egypt. Being pushed to the throne of Pharaoh by the Egyptians is a gap in itself.

He believes that even after 2000 years, people’s hearts will not change much. So as long as he can continue to use both grace and power, then this poses no threat to him.

As for those guys who try to fight for power by kidnapping these people. He can only say that he has reserved a place for them on this square. The sun in West Asia will always be right. I believe that under the sun, they will know exactly what mistakes oneself has made. It’s not that they shouldn’t have such ambitions, but that they picked the wrong method and the wrong opponent.

They are destined to become losers. As for own defeated, Alexander has never done much to retain him.

His attention is on the present moment, on the vast ceremony held above this square.

The gold that was assembled after breaking many utensils and sculptures was cast into a seven-eight-meter-high pure gold statue, which was erected in the center of the square. And around this luxurious statue, six huge pillars support the sky.

On each of the pillars is an exquisite sculpture. Among them are Alexander’s own king sculptures, and there is also a Scholar sculpture older than this which he regards as an auxiliary. In addition, soldiers, war horses, dancers, and farmers are all different, representing almost all classes under Alexander. And these are all built around Divine Idol, which is enough to reflect their respect for this so-called god.

Of course, this is just appearance. It really depends on whether people respect God in their hearts. And this, the crowd onlookers at the scene is a good example.

They are almost all the dead who have returned from the Kingdom of Death, so they understand better what kind of blessing oneself enjoys. To live again is luck in itself. And if they can get further blessings from God and truly regain a fresh life, they will certainly not be half-hearted in their faith.

Therefore, almost all of them knelt on the ground, occupying almost every part of the open space on the square. Only a few places are left for the dancing girls who sing and dance, and the priests who support the gold incense burner.

Here, the dancer is not a plaything. Their role is not to entertain the people, but to use their beautiful body language to dedicate to God. They are the most beautiful dancers in the history, and only God and the king are qualified to worship the most exquisite dance art.

The human heart is longing for it, but it must not be blasphemy. In the same way, as God’s servants in the world, the priests are naturally the objects they cannot desecrate.

Most of these priests have their heads bare. More precisely, there will not be a single hair on the whole body. They were smeared with olive oil all over, wearing gorgeous priestly robes in a shiny posture, and walking around the square with a gold incense burner in their hands. And the smoky smoke came from the incense burner, lingering on the square for a long time.

Different from the kind of incense used in ordinary temples, their incense comes from the ancient Egyptian dynasty thousands of years ago, and it is a magic incense with mysterious power. Mortals surrounded by this are prone to hallucinations. And if they were sincere and faithful in their hearts, then there might be various illusions of God coming to the world before their eyes.

This is a guarantee. After all, even God, it is impossible to say that they are watching their followers all the time. They will inevitably have a nap, and if such a solemn ceremony is held when God is dozing, but they can’t get the response they deserve, then it will inevitably be embarrassing.

As servants of God, priests should try their best to avoid such embarrassment. And using this incense with psychedelic magic effect is obviously the best way to alleviate this embarrassment.

After all, among so many people, there will always be one or two sincere and able to see illusions. And if you still question the authenticity of God and the necessity of ceremony at this time, then pulling these sincere people in front of you, can’t it just show that your heart is not sincere? If your heart is not sincere, is it not normal for the application to be unwilling to summon you?

Of course, this ceremony can’t use this method, incense is just to set off the atmosphere. Since Alexander dared to hold such a grand ceremony in this season, he naturally had his certainty. With such a certainty, the proud king has already appeared on the square.

Holding golden sickle knives, the samurai wearing jackal head and eagle head masks took the lead in the field, separating a passage from the crowd large enough for six horses to run side by side. After them, the dancers took graceful steps, throwing flowers all the way. The priests marched solemnly, and under their control, the smoke turned their feet into clouds.

The servants held aloft the gorgeous feather screen fans, uncovering layer by layer. After that, the huge male elephant was dotted with gold and precious stones, holding a magnificent golden robe, and walking from a distance step by step with heavy steps.

Alexander was sitting on the car, high-spirited and vigorous waving his arms to all around the crowd who worshiped and cheered at him. Personally, he has always loved such lively scenes. The cheers and worship of all around are undoubtedly evidence of his conquest of great deeds. As for the embellishment of blood, simply not worth mentioning in front of this.

He can draw the nourishment to keep working hard from now on, and in other words, he can get the satisfaction and pleasure that makes him happy.

In the past, this is something he enjoys alone. And now, he doesn’t care about sharing it with someone. So after haha ​​laughed and responded to all around, he patted the shoulder of the person next to him and shouted loudly at him.

“Look at it, Lao Yu. The great cause you and I have shaped together, in the face of such cheers, you can’t be as indifferent as usual, come, wave your hands, and let our subjects see you silhouette. This is the best way to build up your majestic image!”

The male elephant is strong and sturdy, so he can sit two people down. And under Alexander’s deliberate arrangement, Lao Yu also had a place by his side.

For this willful king, this is naturally nothing at the worst. Since he said he wanted to share with someone, he wouldn’t have the idea of ​​breaking his promise. But as the right-hand man he relied on, he was the most trusted leader, but Lao Yu couldn’t be overwhelmed by it.

He is a traditional man, but also a cautious man. It is fate that the monarch and the ministers get together, and it is a good thing that is just as good as getting a horse to meet Bole. And just because it was a good thing that didn’t get much, he just couldn’t let it become a bad thing.

Just like the eternal tales of Han Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. The reason why they can become a good story for the ages is not because of the sincerity of looking at the cottage and the wisdom of the world. It’s Li Tuogu in Baidi City, Liu Bei’s confidence that you can take it for yourself, and Zhuge Liang striving to the utmost, and the painstaking effort must also repay the kindness of knowledge.

If you can do this as a minister, you can be considered a wonderful and worthy life. This is something I’m not sure about, so in the face of Alexander’s frustration, he just shrinks his neck and hides oneself in Alexander’s tall silhouette as much as possible. Then he said with a smile awkwardly.

“Your Majesty, you can just take a picture of yourself, this kind of lively scene, I am older, but I can’t accept it.”

“That’s a pity I originally arranged for a few pure girls to come over and give you a kiss. Since you don’t like it, then forget it…”

Moving his own chin, Alexander is in Lao Yu’s somewhat rejoiced expression seemed to be a decision. And then, he also straightened his own posture, and began to sit up in a tight-knit manner.

Judging from the older understanding of Alexander, this is undoubtedly a difficult task. Because Alexander is an unstoppable temper. Rather than sitting high on the throne, watching the people under oneself perform. What he prefers is to get off the court in person and participate in all links. This is the most typical natural energetic type, and it is undoubtedly difficult to expect such a person to be obediently and honestly quiet.

But right now, he just calmed down. This made Lao Yu immediately realize that he suppressed his own nature for oneself. Whether it was deliberate or unintentional, this moved Lao Yu’s heart. And he also said aloud immediately.

“Your Majesty, you don’t have to suppress oneself. It’s an honor for me to sit next to you…”

“It’s no good “Alexander is stubborn and solemnly vowed at the same time. “I promised that I will share the glory with you. And now I let you sit here, not to make you feel embarrassed. Since you are not used to this kind of excitement, then we will be serious. Anyway, for ours As far as the subjects are concerned, I am enthusiastic or majestic. Isn’t it bad?”

He winked, and there was a bit of joking in his words. And this kind of joke made Lao Yu feel a little bit more emotional. He deliberately talked and talked about. But Alexander did not give him this opportunity.

Although he often consults and consults with Lao Yu, this does not mean that he can bear the nagging of Lao Yu in his spare time. In his opinion, being old is good in everything, there is no lack of wisdom, but also reasonable. It is this nagging problem that is really unacceptable.

Now is the time to rejoice, he doesn’t want Old Yu to disturb his own mood. So at the moment, he said to Lao Yu.

“You are all ready there, are you sure you are safe?”

I felt a little dazed. After all, it is not easy to swallow the words that rush to my mouth. However, as a qualified prime minister, Lao Yu answered quickly after all.

“Your Majesty, impossible is foolproof. But our hands and feet are fast enough, even if there is a problem, she wants to find out after the dust has settled. It doesn’t make sense.. ….”

“So, everything goes according to plan?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. It depends on your performance!”

This plan was first proposed, and Alexander naturally took over the most important work. The current Ayesha ceremony is precisely because of this. Therefore, when Nianjia came to Divine Idol step by step, he jumped off the three-meter-high elephant without saying a word. Then, under the gaze of the subjects counted as hundreds thousand, Divine Idol opened his mouth to the gold.

“According to the agreement, I am here, the great Goddess. These three cities are now under my command. I have taken my subjects to complete the agreement with you. So please follow As we agreed in advance, give us your gift. Please come, my Goddess!”

He was very direct, and Alexia had no choice but to respond.

This is the drawback of God. When they become Gods and demonstrate Gods Vestige, they will be closely related to those who believe in them.

The mighty God may be able to isolate this connection with own, but Alexia’s usurped ability can’t do this. If it was only the scale of the ceremony that Alexander did in private, it would be okay, she could bear it somewhat. But at the moment, this kind of huge ceremony counted as hundreds of thousand is enough to force her to the point where she has to deal with it.

She can’t stand the feeling of closing her eyes and feeling countless voices whispering in her own ear even if she closes her ears. So she was angry, and she simply appeared in front of Alexander.

There is no special natural phenomenon. Only the golden ship carried her abruptly on the square. She also suppressed her temper, and asked Alexander coldly.

“What do you want? My king?”

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