Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2240

Killing a living thing is easy. Whether it is cutting off its head, removing its heart, or burning a fire or flooding it, it is an effective way to kill life.

However, this method is not suitable for an existence like Alexia, because even without her head and heart, she can still survive.

God, especially this kind of god who has the power of Death. Their life and death is always a thin and complicated matter. The boundary between life and death has long been blurred on their bodies, and it is not feasible to judge their life and death in a conventional way.

This is a frustrating thing. So even though Alexander was a little angry in the face of this insult, he wanted A Tooth For A Tooth to spray back. But after all, it was because there was no way to pinch her, and I had to endure it.

“What should we do, I can’t say that it has been consumed like this. If this is the case, I am worried that we will not last too long!”

We still have a way to kill her.”

It’s not completely impossible. At least for Strange, this is not an impossible thing.

Ancient One is a sorcerer who has gone through a long time and can be compared to the most powerful gods and demons. And the legacy she left behind naturally also includes the knowledge of how to destroy these gods and demons. Strange has also studied this specifically, so when most of the teammates were at a loss, he was the first to speak out.

“Destroy her body and kill her divinity. Let her soul no longer be able to maintain a stable state. Then, when her soul is separated from the divinity, it is in A spurt of energy wipes out her soul. That way, she is naturally dead and can’t die anymore!”

This is the most violent method and the safest. Although it may take a lot of effort at this moment, the results that can be obtained can be called a once and for all.

Strange can be sure of this, so he insists on using this method to completely eliminate her. However, this is only his personal opinion. In addition to his opinion, other people obviously also have other ideas.

“Your Excellency Stephen, please forgive me for not agreeing with what you said!”

A sentence was inserted horizontally, and Alexander also used the most direct way to express oneself’s attitude at the moment.

“We have a very difficult problem to face. That is, under my command, there are countless people who rely on the divine force of this woman to exist. Their lives and deaths are tied together. So if you kill her by your method, what about my people? Do you plan to let that many people be buried with her?”

This is a very The reality. Because as Alexander oneself said, at least has one third under his command is the dead who Alexia resurrected with oneself divine force. These dead have now become a discordant or missing part of Alexander’s forces. If Alexia’s Death causes these dead to disappear, then it will undoubtedly have an overwhelming impact on Alexander’s empire.

As a mature king, he would not be willing to bear such a huge loss. So that was immediately when Strange put forward this point of view, he expressed disagreement and said his own idea.

“I think we can use the sealing method to deal with her. As long as we can divide her divinity and seal it. Then we can achieve our original purpose while ensuring that she is impossible to continue. Yes. This is one move, two gains, isn’t it?”

Although Alexander doesn’t know the things of the gods, but the gods and sorcerers under his hands are clear. Again, there were many gods killed by the seal in that era. So even though they are kneeling down, it does not mean that they are ignorant of this knowledge.

Even if there are only a few bits and pieces, there is still a Paragon sorcerer who can fight against God. He could even say that he would kill a god, so with their cooperation, it would be no problem to seal a God.

Alexander expressed this idea in the voice of an ally. In his mind, since they are allies who help each other, mutual benefit should be the most basic premise.

When allies request it, other people shouldn’t just go their own way. At the very least, they should ask for his opinion. Obviously, he thinks too much about this kind of thing. Because Strange doesn’t care how many dead people under your hand rely on Alexia to maintain.

He wanted to kill Alexia because what Alexia did was an unforgivable sin. Whether it stems from his disgust in nature or from Paragon sorcerer’s responsibility to maintain the magical order, he has no reason to say that such a dangerous god should continue to exist.

Seal is certainly a method, but this method has huge hidden dangers. Because under the premise of the existence of dangerous people like Hydra and Smith Zhou, no one can guarantee that Alexia’s seal will last for a long time.

Even if it can! The seal will be broken sooner or later. Who would dare to say that Alexia would be able to correct evil in the long seal? When the time comes, she broke out, isn’t it another foul wind and bloody rain, a catastrophe on earth?

He doesn’t want to throw such a big trouble to future generations to solve, it is truly irresponsible, it is stupid and ridiculous. So he insisted on own idea, that is, Alexia must be executed on the spot.

As for Alexander’s appeal, he doesn’t think this reason is justified. You know, the people in his mouth are the dead themselves, even Alexander has the same identity.

In Strange’s point of view, the dead should belong to the world of the dead, rather than pretending that oneself is alive, and dignifiedly competing with the living for the living space that should belong to them.

They shouldn’t exist in the first place, so naturally let alone making such unreasonable requests. For this reason, facing Alexander’s objections, he simply shook his head.

“Just using the seal alone cannot ensure her safety, Lord Alexander. You should understand that she is a god. And gods are creatures that should not be guessed by common sense. Once she breaks It will be a catastrophe for you to come out. With the hatred she has shown towards you, if that time comes, I am afraid that even Death will be a luxury. Do you really want to take such a risk? , Or, isn’t a decent death more acceptable than life is worse than death?”

Strange felt that oneself was just showing facts and making sense. But to Alexander’s sound, his this remark obviously has a special meaning.

What is a decent death more acceptable than death? Does this mean that they are persuading them to accept the facts in disguise and just wait for death?

Not to mention the negative impact this has on Alexander’s foundation. It’s just a person’s instinctive desire to survive, which would be nonsense!

Why do you want us to wait for death? We paid such a high price. Even the gods were on the plot against, and even the dirty work was done in person. In the end, could we only end up waiting for death?

That is to say, Alexander needs to maintain the dignity of a king, so he can’t directly yell at him. Otherwise, the sentence fuck your mother learned from Lao Yu must be blurted out.

Of course, if he doesn’t scold, it doesn’t mean that he won’t refute. Faced with this statement that oneself seriously hurt oneself’s interests, he naturally immediately became strict with his righteousness.

“Mr. Stephen, I don’t understand what you mean. Is our effort what we deserve? We are the objects of sacrifice? As an ally, such an argument really needs to be scrutinized. Now, there is no need for the cooperation between us to continue.”

Alexander’s rebuttal, or threat, is not without weight. In fact, in the current situation where this kind of restricted work is almost always maintained by the occultists under his hands, he is the most vital part of all links.

Considering that the entire previous battle plan was made by him, Strange suddenly felt that oneself seems to have done something like this, and there is a kind of abandon one’s benefactor after achieving Suspect of one’s goal.

Is this the next work? of course not. After carefully examining the thoughts, words and deeds of own, Strange can say with certainty that oneself is completely out of consideration for axiom, justice, and even the safety of the future human race.

He is not aiming at anyone, but the group of people represented by Alexander is indeed asking for things that oneself should not ask for. Especially when there was such a huge risk hidden behind the things they wanted, naturally he couldn’t let it go in a peaceful way.

“Your Excellency, what I mean is very clear. That is, I can’t sit and watch such threats continue to exist. No matter what you have in mind, at this time, I must maintain Paragon. Sorcerer’s duty!”

When he said this, he was already driving the Fudo King Law Body, letting him squat down, and opened his hand to Alexia’s place.

Combined with his previous words, this intention is already obvious. That is, he did not intend to pay attention to Alexander’s demands, and simply wanted to rely on his own power to execute Alexia, who was unable to resist effectively now.

He can’t believe the Alexander group anymore. Because the differences are very obvious, and when the two parties themselves are unwilling to compromise, they will inevitably have conflicts. In any case, this is absolutely impossible to compromise, so the best move is to act first.

He thinks so, and the Alexander group thinks so. It is even said that their wishes will be more urgent than Strange, because after all, it is related to the life and death of the overwhelming majority of them.

What kind of axiom and justice, who kind of fate, does it have anything to do with them? We must know that in the BC era, the level of human education was generally limited. And even though Alexander and even these occultists under his command were educated by one of the very best at that time, you expect them as a group of ancient people to always have the community of human destiny in their hearts. This is really too much. Overestimate them.

Their thoughts are still limited to individuals or a small group of people. This kind of thinking is just like what Lu Xun said, that is, human sorrows and joys are not interlinked, I just feel noisy.

They can’t understand Strange’s compassion. They are both unable and unwilling. So when Strange made this action, they also acted immediately.

In terms of strength, there is a big gap between them and Strange, but it is a group of people working side by side, which somewhat erased some of the gaps. In particular, they were still operating a divine tool such as the Divine Curse, so only seeing the golden light flashed, Alexia’s body had already escaped from the hands of the law body.

There is no way to fight Strange head-on, but it doesn’t mean they can’t flee with Alexia’s body. As long as they can find a place that no one knows and seal Alexia down, they really don’t believe what Strange can do to them.

The key is how to escape and the urgency of time. But also realizing this, Strange immediately roared “Don’t think about it”, and then swiped at the location of the Curse with a big wave.

He didn’t intend to let Alexia slip under oneself’s eyelids, because he realized that he couldn’t bear the risks. So as soon as he did this, he took out a thunderbolt posture, which meant that Alexia would be crushed by a blow.

Of course, this is unlikely. But this does not prevent him from expressing his determination in this way. For the occultists under Alexander, the difficulty is not how much strength he used, but what they should do to avoid his interception.

Single operation and multiple operations have always been two things, especially under the premise that so many people work together to control a divine tool. It can be said that they tried their best to escape from Strange’s big hands under the control of the Curse. But it is not so easy to get rid of him.

Their speed is fast enough, but the speed of the Fudo Ming Wang Law Body is not slow. Between the two chasing and fleeing, a stalemate has already formed. Even if Strange was unable to recapture Alexia for a while, it would be difficult for the occultists to completely get rid of his chase.

This seems to be a contest in which no one wants to give in. And that is, in such a contest, time has passed quietly and cleanly.

No one has time to inform them of such a problem. Frank is still far beyond a thousand li. And it was after another stalemate, the two sides fell into trouble. The voice from Alexia already resounded from it!

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