Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2241

“You damn bastards, all go die for me!”

The bitter roar with a strong resentment reflects Alexia’s most direct right now mood. After all, being robbed like a plaything was something she had never experienced in her entire life.

She is not one of those prostitutes who sell laughs, she would be honored for it. In fact, on the contrary, she only felt humiliation in this behavior. This kind of humiliation needs to be washed away with blood, which she is very sure of. Therefore, after a wave of explosive power continued, she also had an attack immediately.

The divine force brought strength to her broken body, and when she started struggling with her arms that were bound to death by the curse, the occultist immediately felt tremendous pressure.

They have wasted too much time and energy in the rivalry with Strange, so when this pressure suddenly came down, some of them were already a little bit tired stand up.

Their mana is unsustainable, and this is like the dumping of dominoes. When one such problem occurs, the chain reaction is the collapse and frustration of their entire collective.

The Tightening Curse was instantly torn open a gap large enough, and Alexia’s twisting of his arms pushed the owner’s body free from it. The occultists realized this, and they hurriedly tried to make up for their own mistakes. But they had already made a big mistake. They were destined to be too late, because under the premise that they could move a little bit, Alexia was already a curse on them fiercely.

“Go die for me, roll me back to the abyss of Death forever!”

Different from the vicious curses of ordinary people, it’s just not at all. Actual utility situation. Her curse itself is a manifestation of authority, and this effect on the occultists is that their false life is immediately deprived of cleanliness.

There is no time to react at all, and it is completely unstoppable. Only in an instant, the occultists of a hundred or ten people were already turned into sandy statues, disintegrated by the strong wind on the top of the mountain, and then turned into dust and water mist, completely dissipating invisible.

A false life is fragile after all. Alexander has already foreseen this, but after seeing it with his own eyes, it is still inevitable that there is some feeling of if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves.

Since then, he has completely lost the ability to fight Alexia, but also under the use of pre-existing means, his entire silhouette is also quickly faded and withdrawn from the battlefield.

Unexpected victory, anticipated defeat, this is not his nature, but it is a truth given to him by the church. As the core and pillar of his empire, he could not repeat the mistakes of 2000 years ago and let the own empire fall apart after the passing of oneself. Therefore, he arranged for oneself in advance. When this worst situation happened, he was able to exit safely.

This is a surprise, for Alexia. When she immediately pounced towards Alexander’s hill, trying to smash him into flesh in the most brutal way. All she could do was to forcibly crash a small mountain, and then didn’t touch a single piece of Alexander’s hair.

This is no different from a cooked duck flying directly in front of oneself’s eyes, and squatting at you proudly twice before flying away. Slowly mocking Alexia’s heart was filled with Infinity’s anger, even if she was in a very bad condition at the moment, she didn’t even reshape her body, but she still couldn’t help but face the mountain below oneself. Vented.

The sound of hong long long, this mountain that is only several hundred meters high was directly crossed by a huge force, and countless earth and rocks collapsed and capsized from the mountain, just for a moment , It set off a monstrous billowing smoke.

This is a signal, obviously telling some people how horrible this woman is going crazy. But Strange didn’t have time to pay attention to this. In the immediately of those occultist Death’s, he was already focusing on the dim radiance curse.

Lost mana perfusion and artificial control, this divine tool is now returning to its original appearance, a shining golden bracelet. Of course, anyone who has seen its formidable power will probably not underestimate the ability of this gold bracelet. Strange is even more so, and what he is doing at this moment is to hold this golden bracelet in his hands.

Not to mention the greed for the preciousness of this divine tool, he has not yet made it to such a point. Rather, he wanted to use this golden bracelet to bind Alexia again before she recovered completely.

This is the best way to solve the problem right now, and it is also a way to get things back on track. However, he was not the only one who realized this, Alexia had already recovered from it.

So before Strange had time to make an effective move, she was already grabbing a gold bracelet that fell not far from oneself. Then he showed a sullen smile at Strange.

“You won’t have another chance! Paragon sorcerer. The same thing, I won’t let it happen again. I want to see, without these bauble, what else can you get Come and fight me. Seriously, now I am starting to look forward to it. I am a bit impatient to hear the sound of me tearing your body to pieces!”

This is definitely not a joke, Her attitude is already very obvious. After clearly feeling her deep killing intent towards the owner, Strange stared at him deeply, and then no longer hesitated, turned around and fled.

This is something beyond Alexia’s imagination, because if he were to follow his previous style, he should stay here and continue to fight with oneself. Strange doesn’t seem to be a life-saving person, why would he choose to retreat in this situation? Could it be that this is another trap?

No wonder Alexia thought too much, that she really hates these tricks and so on. After having had enough of the pain, she no longer wanted to have any similar experience, so hesitating and wandering, this is completely understandable human nature.

However, a woman whose hatred haunts her heart will not easily let go of her own enemy. Let her watch Strange walk away from oneself, I am afraid it is more uncomfortable than killing her. So despite the hesitation, it was only a moment’s time, she was already engulfed in the dust and smoke, and chased Strange.

Although it is not long, she has considered it carefully. The probability that this kind of retreat would be a trap is not great, because from their previous conversations, it has almost been shown that they should also be tricky. Not so, they won’t have disputes at that time, let alone create a chance for her to comeback. So no matter where you look at it, there should be no problem.

Strange’s retreat should be a rational choice. After all, there is no chance to beat the owner, so to stay in the green hills may be the best choice for him.

As for the existence of Frank also Ultron, she felt that unless they were able to bring out an entire fleet of that level, they were impossible to pose such a big threat to oneself.

This in itself is not very realistic, after all, weapons of this level are already in an ultra-conventional category. The ability to build such a Ultron can be said to be Ultron’s ability. They want to draw a fleet under the eyes of the human government, unless the human authorities are blind.

It can be said that if you do not consider this aspect, the threat of Ultron’s existence will be compressed to a very small range. She could even say with certainty that even in front of Ultron, she would be able to take Strange away.

It’s not just Strange, each of them will have to pay for what the owner does. Strange will only be the beginning, and he can’t escape the palm of his own hand.

All the way to the end of the chase, Alexia did not have time to pay attention to the changes in all around the environment except for spending energy to restore his own health.

In this regard, Strange removed the own dharmakaya while fleeing, and only revealed the deity. This virtually increased the difficulty for Alexia to track him. The second is that the road is all kind of remote environment, except for the red-glossy soil and rocks, there are only dense forests. There is really no way to get her attention.

After falling from space to the surface again, the ghost knows where oneself is now. Anyway, there are very few things on the surface that can threaten her. As long as she is a little careful, she doesn’t worry about overturning the car in this kind of thing.

In short, chase after killing, or chase after killing. It seemed that she would not give up even if she reached the ends of the earth. And just after they enter a new area one after the other. Strange stopped abruptly, then turned back to face Alexia.

The bizarre behavior stopped Alexia in an instant, and the previous worries about this being a trap came to mind again. However, she was someone who had read Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and knew what empty city strategy meant, so for a while, she began to be undecided.

“Why don’t you run away? Or you have already chosen the land of burial for oneself, and plan to sleep here? If this is the case, you may be naive. I wouldn’t be so. Simply let you go, even if you die, I will play with your soul until I torture you to the end!”

This is what she said is good in her heart, but it is also to Strand A strange temptation. If there is anything abnormal in Strange’s answer, she really has to carefully consider whether or not to let him go temporarily.

It is indeed important to vent resentment, but it is not as important as the safety of her own life. If it was really a trap, then she would definitely not take this risk. The key is whether this is a trap or not.

For such a question, Strange didn’t show any expression at all, but said to Alexia with a calm appearance.

“The city is ahead. I can’t take that risk to let a dangerous person like you approach there. So, since I can’t get rid of you in front, then I don’t need to make unnecessary attempts. I can’t escape. , It’s better to give it a go, you may not be able to kill me now!”

Alexia is smart, but Strange is not a fool. Both parties are considered human spirits, naturally, this kind of temptation will only get the answer not one drop of water can leak out.

Strange’s estimate is not wrong. This can be seen from the current situation of Alexia. At this moment, although she has recovered her physical health, she does not at all maintain the appearance equivalent to the incarnation of the gods at first. She appeared in the form of biological evolution. Although the body of the biological transformation is powerful, it is not enough to compare with the situation of the incarnation of the gods. So judging from this point, you can roughly conclude that her divine force has been consumed to a certain level.

No one knows what this level is. So if this level is below a threshold, then Strange said that he has a fight, which is really not wrong.

Of course, no one knows if he is bluffing. But Alexia thinks that oneself can take a gamble to see if he can do it.

After all, she is not the only one who has been injured since the beginning of the battle. She didn’t believe that Strange was intact. The two sides are birds of a feather at most, and if starting from this premise, she still feels that oneself will be more dominant.

Opportunities are not always available, especially when Strange is growing at an obvious rate. Therefore, not at all too much hesitation, Alexia is already the first to move towards him.

And seeing her actions like this, Strange was immediately complexion changed, and the subconsciously figure shrank back. This action seemed to corroborate something, which made Alexia’s face gradually become hideous when he noticed this. However, after making up a certain determination, Strange finally stood firm, and once again revealed the law body of King Fudo Ming.

As he himself said, he has no more room to retreat. Seeing that he was really determined to cut off one’s means of retreat, Alexia, who already had a sense of winning, was also full of malice and laughed.

“Stupid Strange, did you make up your mind for the mortals behind you? Do you think what you do has a special meaning? No, believe me, they don’t They will know what you have done, let alone appreciate what you have done. Because on the contrary, they will not only not appreciate you, but they will curse you, spit on you, and let you be immersed in their resentment and hatred forever. “

“I have decided that after killing you, I will completely destroy this city. Before destroying this city, I will let them know that I did it because of you. This is a compliment to you and a reward for everything you have done. You made a wrong choice, and this is a price to pay!”

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