Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2242

After uttering these words in bitter words, Alexia rushed towards Strange like an electrician. In the face of such a sudden assault, Strange also raised a huge fist, and fell fiercely.

The turbulent air current tore open the dense forest, and the hard fist with the heavy power of the earth made the ground overturned in an instant with the rumbling noise.

Although both of them are damaged to varying degrees, they are God and Paragon sorcerer. Even if it is said that the tiger has fallen into the sun, it is not a good thing to be bullied by a dog.

So it is still the posture of mountains bursting and ground splitting at every turn, the fierce battle is at a critical juncture, and even the terrain has been forcibly changed by them.

Such movement is impossible to say. But Alexia was not worried about this, because she was confident.

In the face of their existence, people in this world overwhelming majority have no right to intervene. She shivered and hid on the side, and then prayed that the struggle that resembled a natural disaster could cross their sides safely. This was probably the only thing they could do.

Alexia knows this, so she doesn’t pay attention to the possible peeping at all. And just after she was fighting fiercely, showing her crazy and fierce attitude more and more, Strange was already a little tired, and she began to show a look of unsupportiveness.

The ebb and flow of the battle is an inevitable problem in itself. Strange’s performance of this disadvantage was not unexpected by Alexia. She took advantage of the trend and avoided the punch of Fudo Ming Wang’s Law Body that could no longer keep up with the rhythm, and then, as if dismembering a cow or a sheep, removed one arm from his long no longer indestructible body.

This further expanded her advantage, and at the same time made Strange suffer more severe damage. He already realized how bad it would be for oneself to continue like this. So after a chaotic fist forced Alexia away, he ran away again.

This is not the first time he has done such a thing. From a certain angle, Alexia is no longer surprised. She was even guarding against something like this, so when Strange had just started to move, she was already on his way, and laughed ruthlessly.

“Escape? Where can you escape? This is not the same as what you said before. Haven’t you already made up your mind to give it a go? Since you have such a determination, why do you want to escape? Who are you lying to? Lie to me, or lie to you yourself? I thought you would really care about the life and death of the people in the city behind you, but now it seems that this is just a lie that’s all!”

With words as an attack, Alexia doesn’t mind using this method to kill Strange’s faith. She was happy to watch this guy wandering about the fear of Death and the persistence of faith. Because she knows a truth very well, that is, unless you have never wavered at all, even if there is only a moment of hesitation, it is very likely that you will be completely distorted and transformed into what you at first do not want to be.

In this world, too many people change their appearance due to a momentary mistake. Just like those so-called traitors and traitors, most of them didn’t have such thoughts at the beginning. They were like Wang Jinwei, and even wrote, “Generously sing the city, calmly be a prisoner of the Chu. They lead the sword quickly and live up to their youth. “Such a verse, however, was shaken so that they lost their persistence in their beliefs, and once they went the wrong way, it was a consigned to eternal damnation situation for them.

Alexia really wants to see this so-called Paragon sorcerer become a sanctimonious, drag out an ignoble existence. Killing him at that time is definitely more enjoyable than giving him a happy one. Especially after thinking of him becoming that way, the soul will become increasingly humble and ugly in the hands of the owner. This kind of joy from the heart makes her seem like an orgasm in a somewhat cold person. feel.

Vengeance is such a feeling like drinking rain. As for some people who talk about the emptiness after revenge, that is a matter of course. After the climax, it is dull. Isn’t this human instinct?

In short, Alexia hopes to be more enjoyable on the road of own revenge. In the face of her ridicule and ridicule, Strange’s complexion changed changed again, and it still didn’t stop oneself from running away.

This seems to verify the theory that Alexia thinks that the person will change after shaking. And seeing him cowering so much at this time, Alexia took the first step, blocking his escape and blocking his up ahead.

“You have nowhere to escape, Strange. I won’t give you another chance to escape. But maybe there is also a way to choose, right?”

Pointing to the direction he just covered, Alexia showed the malice in oneself’s heart without concealing it.

“You can try to escape to that city and see if I can find you in it. If not, then I can only say that you are lucky, and you deserve your life. So. But if you’re unlucky, it’s a good choice to be buried with this city, isn’t it?”

She has seen Strange’s vacillation, so she is naturally more urgent He wanted to push him a step in this direction. As for whether this will have any reversal effect, she is not worried.

Because the left and right results are death, at most it depends on how he chooses to die that’s all. And judging from his current hesitation, he still has the idea of ​​stealing life. Once a person wants to steal a living, it is inevitable that there will be a fluke mentality.

Alexia gave him a fluke option, even if from a rational point of view, this option is almost nothing, it seems more like a trap full of jokes, but People will not let go of this thing, let alone go into such a trap.

Strange still didn’t expect Alexia, he turned and ran towards the city. Seeing his choice like this, Alexia smiled even more, but he really stood still and let him run away.

This seems to be laissez-faire, but only she herself knows the difference. She had locked Strange’s whereabouts, and he was impossible to escape from her in front of one’s eyes. So the rest is just a cat playing a mouse-like prank.

Make people see hope, and then extinguish this hope. This is Hydra’s consistent old trick, but despite this method is old-fashioned, but you can’t deny that this is indeed the cruelest and most enjoyable revenge.

Alexia is enjoying this process of revenge, so she does not hesitate to make more twists and turns. However, even though she was already ten thousand sure, Strange was impossible to escape from her palm. But as Strange moved away, she still noticed something strange.

An invisible force seemed to be interfering with her perception, and her tracking of Strange began to become intermittent.

It is very likely that Strange noticed her tracking and started to cut all of it consciously. And she was also impossible. Let Strange really slip from under the eyelids of her own. In that case, her behavior would be too stupid, so she immediately started to move and kill in the direction of the city. past.

Yes, kill it. Her plan was that from now when she left until she found Strange, none of the living people in the middle were going to let it go.

She said that she was going to use these people to bury Strange. So if she let go of these people here, then when facing Strange, wouldn’t she have one point missing the bargaining chip that can shake his heart? She doesn’t plan to drop prices so much, so keeping her words and deeds consistent is her most essential idea at the moment.

The city is already in front of her, and at her speed, it is just a matter of breathing. With this constant approach, she was able to perceive Strange’s location again, and he was on the edge of the city at this moment.

What kept him from going further? Ridiculous conscience, or boring guilt? Alexia calculated it in his heart, and immediately snort disdainfully for Strange’s approach.

This kind of muddled, hesitant behavior will only make him look more ridiculous and contemptible. If he has never wavered from the very beginning, then there will be no such lingering situation now. This will only look down upon people.

Of course, she will not have any sympathy for him because of this, he deserves it. Choosing the battlefield in this kind of place simply does not help him. He hesitates in this kind of place, worrying whether his own choice will affect those innocents. Simply is a non-existent problem.

As long as the battle is at first, he can’t decide where to go. She can spread the battle to the inside of the city, so that those people will be involved no matter what. You can’t bear it? Then I just let this kind of thing happen in front of your eyes, let you see with your own eyes, but there is nothing you can do.

That’s what Alexia thought. Facing the silence and pale face, Strange, who wanted to make a move but didn’t dare to move at all, she didn’t give him a chance to think much, and directly rushed towards him.

And Strange seems to be a little not knowing what to do. Just after revealing his golden body, Alexia grabbed his neck by his neck, and then he couldn’t control it. She was caught and flew out.

He seems to have given up resistance, not even a decent struggle or attack. This made Alexia feel more or less, so out of a certain nasty taste, she began to speak to Strange.

“Are you going to give up? This is your sad desire to survive? Maybe I will give you a little more chance, a little chance of survival. If so, you might be able to tell me where Frank and Ultron are . And I, can you give you another chance because of your humble betrayal of your own partner?”

“You said, give me another chance?”

Suddenly stretched out his hand and firmly grasped Alexia’s wrist. There was a cold expression on Strange’s face, and he couldn’t tell that there seemed to be a shake in his heart.

This bizarre appearance made Alexia shocked, and she hadn’t waited for her to figure out what it was because of. Strange had already pulled the corners of his mouth away and whispered to her.

“Do you think you won? No, Alexia, you stupid woman, you just stepped into another trap. You…over it!”

The sudden words shocked Alexia’s heart. She subconsciously wanted to fly high and escaped from this so-called trap right now. But before she had time to move, a huge silhouette had already appeared invisibly.

The huge bodies shaped like dragons and snakes, supporting the sky, have projections on their heads like the world. The left eye is like the sun, the right eye is like the moon, exhale into a wind and cloud, and speak with the thunderbolt. As soon as such a natural phenomenon appeared, Alexia was immediately immobile.

At her level today, of course she can feel the majestic divinity of the giant who suddenly appeared. Facing him, she even had the illusion of being ashamed of herself as the firefly and Haoyue compete for glory.

Of course, if this is the case, then it is fine. But the crux of the problem is that as soon as this huge giant appeared, he had already pulled out a mottled giant axe and started screaming at Alexia.

“Monster, Hugh is impudent!”

tone barely fell, the giant axe in the hands of the giant is already splitting heaven and earth apart and hacking at her. In the face of such a blow, Alexia screamed and immediately ran away. But at this moment Strange grabbed her tightly, and the ruthless smiled sternly at her.

“You can’t escape, Alexia. This is your end!”


Alexia’s Screaming didn’t make him shake. He waited for so long and endured it again and again. For this moment!

The original plan was originally a part of the whole plan. The real layout will always take the worst case into consideration and make a plan for it. And at this moment, including everything he has shown before, is to achieve this follow-up plan.

With superb acting skills, even betting on his own safety, in fact, the purpose is to introduce Alexia into this city. Huiyao City! It is never the place where people like her should set foot, and there is only one result of her setting foot without foreseeing, and that is to attract the current thunderbolt!

She has nowhere to escape, and it is true. When he entangled Alexia hard and didn’t give her any chance to escape, giant axe had already been cut down.

With an axe, she split her body apart, and then, unabated, also smashed his golden body. This in itself is a strategy to destroy the enemy, and now he has got his wish!

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