Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2250

“Retreat? Are you afraid that they will rush to kill me?”

Facing the undisguised malice of the people around, Frank is Without evasiveness, he returned with tit-for-tat eyes.

He doesn’t care how these people feel about him, because in his opinion, these people are just a group of courageous bandits that’s all bullying and fearing hardship.

Is his fault all what happened today? Don’t forget, in the middle, the United States Government now plays an equally important role. He didn’t dare to move towards United States Government and grinned, but only dared to show his viciousness in front of children like him. What does it matter if such people let them die?

Frank has no lack of such extreme feelings from his own perspective. In his current situation, he really couldn’t allow these unknown guys to stand in front of oneself and interfere with oneself’s current actions. If these people bring about one’s own destruction, he really doesn’t mind sending them a ride. Anyway, whether it is for him or for the United States Government today, they are just a bunch of existences that’s all without any value.

Frank’s malice cannot be detected by others, but the omnic facing him at this moment is very clear about how dangerous he is at this moment.

He can immediately know the information circulating on the Internet, and at the same time, as a professional medical intelligence equipment, he can also analyze the real situation of Frank from the professional perspective of own.

The suggestion he made to Frank was not entirely from Frank’s perspective. But as an omnic with the benevolent attitude of doctors, he needs to consider the safety of more people. On this point, he is also blunt.

“Mr. Stark, you have to understand your current situation. As the source of the walking transmission of this highly infectious virus, you should control your own actions as much as possible and avoid excessive contact with the people to prevent this The spread of similar infectious diseases. Especially under the premise that the patients admitted in such hospitals are mostly low-resistant people, you should keep a sufficient distance with them. So, whether it is for you or for the lives of other people For this reason, I don’t think it’s a good idea to have contact with them!”

As one of the earliest omnics that came into contact with humans, this omnic doctor has undoubtedly evolved to a sufficient the height of. He obviously has own ideas, own judgment. Although, because of Frank’s authority, he had to obey his orders to some extent. But obeying orders does not mean changing your mind. At this point, unless Frank forcibly hacked into his core with his own authority and formatted his core program, there was nothing he could do.

Frank does not want to deliberately target anyone. Again, what he wants most now is to save his own mother in his way. If others do not come to provoke him, he will naturally not think of causing oneself to cause any trouble at this time. So after fiercely throwing a glance at the psychiatric device and the turbulent crowd, he immediately helped his own mother and walked toward the emergency room along the road opened by these psychiatric devices.

However, even if he wants to calm down, it does not mean that angry people will have similar ideas. In fact, when they saw Frank, they already had an uncontrollable impulse.

Be aware that in addition to vagrant, the overwhelming majority are the low-level civilians. The way for such low-level civilians to maintain oneself life is basically to rely on related welfare policies and charitable activities as well as sufficiently cheap social materials.

For them, life is indeed not easy. It is possible to say that your utility bills have just risen a little bit, and they will be forced to reduce their expenses for meals tomorrow. The current situation is that Frank’s behavior is no longer a small problem such as a little increase. His struggle with the United States Government has greatly aggravated the life capital of these low-level civilians, making their lives worse and worse. Simply unsustainable.

Why are there so many low-level civilians in the Neuron Hospital? Not only because it provides them with free medical assistance, but also because it provides free bread and coffee, which allows them to make a living even when they are really unsustainable.

This is what Ultron thinks of them most. He knows how hard the people at the bottom of the country are living in, and he is willing to do his best to help them. However, it is a help in name, but it is hard to hide the fact that this is a kind of charity. As for this kind of substantive charity, it is somewhat unacceptable for people with a little self-esteem.

They have to accept this kind of charity for the sake of life. After all, many people are not just a child at home. For the sake of dignity, they can accept the fact that oneself is hungry. But if it is for children, in order to prevent them from starving, many people still choose to put their dignity under their feet.

This is not a pleasant choice, so as long as possible, they are of course willing to pick up the dignity lost by oneself. And for them who can’t understand the upper-level game at all and just treat it as something as it should be by rights, the solution to the problem is really simple, that is, let Frank give them a promise.

The Stark family still has some credibility and prestige for this country. So as long as Frank is willing to give them such a promise, then they are still willing to give him a certain amount of trust. Of course, it must be Frank who promised in front of them. As for the situation where they just want to leave without saying a word, they simply cannot accept it.

They don’t understand what the hospital is for putting up this kind of disease control and epidemic prevention card. For them, perhaps even the basic common sense of wearing a mask is not known to prevent infectious diseases.

The lack of education and living environment has caused them to ignore the words such as danger and far away. They are almost simply out of control. They are already breakthroughs. Frank, who had entered the isolation tent, rushed over.

“Grab him, don’t let him run!”

“Let him explain to us what he did for him!”

Call sign With similar slogans, these people have fallen into inexplicable fanaticism. Looking at this group of sudden breakthrough defenses, rushing to oneself and trying to intimidate the own people, Frank’s eyes only showed coldness.

Even though he has not had enough time to understand the virus in oneself, he already has a general understanding of the lethality of this virus.

Under normal circumstances, contact between an ordinary person and him for less than two minutes may cause a lethal reaction. And within a considerable distance, through the air or other transmission media, this virus can also cause fatal effects on ordinary cases within the distance.

The previous situation is typical. Without precautions, the entire hospital was wiped out because of this spread. If it is not because the omnics immediately took precautions against this and built multiple isolation zones including the ventilation system, then the same thing may have to be staged again.

It can be said that the omnic has already saved the lives of these guys. However, it is a pity that they have no way of knowing all this, and at the same time do not cherish it.

The wolves rushing and rushing have never cared about the omnics who stood in front of oneself, and even if each of these omnics has power far beyond ordinary people, they can only stop them. Then one or two, and impossible intercepts everyone.

This led to the fact that someone would rush into Frank’s face. After the first such person appeared, the virus was already inevitable and spread.

The tragic death is staged again at this time, and human life is almost as fragile as a moth dying. And this is the most shocking thing in the end. When such a tragic death appeared in front of everyone, even in the name of no matter how turbulent it was, the impulse to boil again was instantly extinguished like a basin of ice water on the head.

Death is so close, which completely awakens these fanciful guys. And when they really realized all of this, panic had inevitably spread.

Fleeing is the most instinctive response of human beings when facing fear. Unfortunately, this is not a problem they can solve by running away.

When the group of people who first rushed in and witnessed the death began to flee because of fear, they also spread the virus. And they have not waited for these people to run out of the hospital and to where they think it is safe. The violent virus had already attacked immediately, killing them.

The spread of Death caused more people to panic, and the intensified panic also made these viruses spread more and more. It was almost just a matter of just a few minutes. Amidst the noise and chaos, the original bustling hall was as if the tide passed by, and only deathly silence remained.

This is indeed deathly silence. The twisted corpses all over just make people feel like being in hell. Even those doctors who have been used to seeing life and death are trembling in fear in the face of such a sudden and terrifying situation.

They didn’t expect what oneself would meet. After all, they are doctors, impossible and do not understand the need for protective clothing. However, the fatal, almost nightmare-like illness in front of them was unimaginable by them anyway.

This is simply a terrifying massacre! And when they realized why this massacre was initiated, they immediately resisted it instinctively.

“What the hell is this damned thing? Are you going to let us get in touch with this stuff? Excuse me for not being with me!”

This is a typical voice, at the same time, This is by no means a person’s idea. For these doctors who are mixed in the capital world, there are many reasons to join the Neuron Hospital. A generous salary, industry status, and access to this medical technology that is destined to become mainstream in the future. It may be said that there is a sense of charity and serving the poor, but this is definitely not the mainstream in their thinking.

The same sentence, people who are aspiring to this kind of thinking have all gone to the Third World and the front lines of war. Instead of squatting in a comfortable and comfortable developed country with a high salary like them.

So, when a very serious problem is placed in front of them, as it is now, if they make a choice between life and professional ethics, the overwhelming majority of them will still Decisively choose the latter.

This is normal, and there is nothing to blame for them. It is true that the vocation of doctors is to cure diseases and save people, but before treating diseases and saving people, they are also a person, a living person. They are qualified to choose whether to save or not, and whether to replace them with their own lives.

In most cases, doctors can make choices that meet their professional needs. Whether it was the Spanish flu that originated in the United States, or Ebola later. Most of the doctors are doing well. It’s just that the current situation is different. This kind of illness is really too violent, and it is already beyond the imagination of these doctors.

Compared to the virus, they are even more willing to believe that this is a biological and chemical weapon. For this terrifying lethality, for this kind of probability that can be fatal to them at any time, they say that they will not be afraid that is cracking a joke. Especially, there are also countless bloody examples here…

The medical staff began to flee, and the protective clothing on their bodies did not give them more confidence. Regarding this, the omnipotents not at all meant to stop them, because to some extent, it is no longer necessary.

They already know what Frank is going to do on the internal network. As far as what he has to do, the cooperation of two or three omnipotents is enough to solve the problem. The reason why the medical staff are required to take action is mainly for the safety of them and the many patients here. The current situation is that the safety of these patients no longer needs them to consider.

People are already dead, no matter how much work is done, it is futile. They could only watch things develop to this worst point, and then in desperation, they just said to Frank.

“Mr. Stark, please do it as soon as possible. The current situation does not allow you to continue to waste precious time. Whether it is for the sake of your mother or for the safety of more innocent people, we We must start acting immediately!”

Although this is just the voice of an omnic, it undoubtedly represents the common idea of ​​the majority of omnic.

Frank can perceive all of this on the Internet, so he can only cut off the only hesitation left in oneself’s heart instantly, and then resolutely said.

“Then let’s start!”

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