Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2251

In order to save Maria’s life, Frank actually thought of a solution that cannot be called a solution. That is to change Maria’s life form and save it from the human body that is easy to die.

The virus, no matter what, is acting on her body. So if it is really impossible to solve the disease on her body and save her life, then as much as possible to preserve her life, or to preserve her existence as Maria, is Frank’s only choice.

This is not something impossible to do. For Ultron lineage, who has mastered the soul upload technology, as long as there are no twists and turns, first upload Maria’s soul to the heaven network, and then download her to a corresponding artificial body. What technical problems will exist.

The problem will only exist on a level other than technology, and the biggest problem may come from the arbitrary interference of the parties and Frank himself.

Maria is muddleheaded, but her weak body makes it difficult to stop her even if she is not very cooperative. So the crux of the problem is only Frank, which lies in whether he is willing to accept the fact that his own mother has become completely different. For Frank, this in itself is the core of his hesitation.

If there is no other choice, he really doesn’t want his own mother to be like that.

There is a difference between a pair of cold steel and warm flesh and blood. But when he became such a person but not a person, he is really not sure whether the own mother can accept this change. What’s more, Maria at that time was still not Maria, and whether she could call her own mother, it was all a question.

He didn’t want to make this choice, but reality forced him to make this choice. And when he made up his mind, he said the beginning. The icy needles that had been prepared for a long time had already penetrated deeply into Maria’s within the body, and had begun a process that could no longer be reversed.

The nerve needle transmits all of Maria’s emotions, perceptions and memories, and gradually separates her part of herself from a scientific point of view. At the same time, in another training cabin, the body constructed by Nanominium is re-enacting Mary in a perfect one-to-one ratio to ensure that Mary’s separated self can have a place to settle.

Everything went smoothly. Except for Maria’s weak moan due to discomfort, there were no more twists and turns during the entire upload and download process.

And even if it went so smoothly, Frank was almost panicked in his heart. Because when he held the oneself mother’s hand, he personally felt the passing of her body temperature, and watched the reluctance in her eyes disappear little by little with the gloss of life, his heart suddenly gave birth to a kind of oneself, as if oneself It is the guilt of killing oneself mother by himself.

From an ethical point of view, this is indeed the case. Because this is the same as the concept of human cloning that was once taboo and prohibited by humans. The real Mary is already dead at this moment. At the same time, the cloned Maria, whether she should be called Maria or just a clone of Maria, this is ethically dialectical, and almost It is a question that cannot be dialected.

Frank hopes that the copy of Maria is equivalent to his mother’s existence. The result he wants to achieve is that the own mother is still the own mother, just a change of body. But the question is, this is only what he hopes, and whether it is the case, or whether it is the case in his subconscious mind, this is probably a question that he himself can’t even tell.

Accussion, guilt, regret and pain, too many emotions piled up on his still immature shoulders, making him almost exhausted even to breathe. His only hope now is that his own choice is right. Regardless of whether the problems he was worried about or not will appear, as long as her mother is still alive, even if it is just a special existence, it is meaningful.

It’s always better to live than to die, even if it’s just such a false life! With words in his heart that he didn’t necessarily believe he himself, Frank grasped Maria’s already stiff palms, and at the same time began to focus on the body of the reproduced nano body.

All the steps have been completed, all he needs to do now is to wait. Waiting for recovery, or waiting for new life.

And as if responding to his anxiety. With the anxiety and tension in his mood, Maria, the clone that he is watching, has already begun to produce subtle movements.

The eyelids began to tremble, and the fingers trembling unconsciously. This is the unconscious manifestation of the biological body starting to operate, and after that, as if experiencing a long sleep, the copied life has already opened its eyes very slowly.

Bingblue’s eyes are exactly the same as Frank. But what makes Frank feel anxious is that what this eye shows at this moment is extraordinary purity. Just as the unskilled babies are watching this World with their eyes for the first time, the expression shown by this copy right now is exactly this kind, and this is by no means what Frank wants to see.

He started to be afraid, afraid that what oneself created was not the new birth of oneself mother, but a new life just exactly the same as his mother. If this is the case, then it is tantamount that he killed the own mother with his own hands and then created a fake doll in her name.

This kind of stupidity, this kind of mistake, this kind of terrifying sin will undoubtedly overwhelm his already extremely thin will in an instant, causing him to completely fall into the abyss at this moment.

No one wants to encounter everything like this, and he is naturally no exception. So almost immediately, he rushed in front of the clone, and at the same time, he firmly grasped her by the shoulder and yelled towards her.

“Wake up, wake up! Mother, mother! Look at me, look at me, I’m Frank!”

Of course this will not help, in fact, if you just rely on your voice If you can wake up a quiet thought, then there won’t be that many vegetative people in this world, and there will be no slogans like keep quiet in the hospital.

Frank also realized this, so he almost immediately began to anger at the omnics around him.

“What the hell is going on? Why is she like this, tell me! Why did she become like this!”

This is unreasonable. Because all the operating principles are there, everyone is in contact for the first time. In theory, no one knows better than anyone else. The knowledge of these omnipotents may not be as good as Frank, after all, there is a gap in the speed of operation and their authority.

So, after all, this is just anger, it is a kind of expression of being irritated at oneself with helplessness. And the omnipotents have a deep enough understanding of human beings, and they know what human beings mean under this kind of performance. So at this time they also did not at all make that kind of unnecessary academic argument, but just said this to Frank in a tone of sympathy and comfort.

“Sorry, Mr. Stark. Sorry, you should understand. To get involved in life, you should take such risks. Perhaps this is a relief for your mother. Maybe?”

Compared with the way of dying in pain, this relatively peaceful method of death may indeed be a relief. But Frank didn’t want this kind of relief, he wanted salvation. And save! After witnessing the cloned Mariana cowering, as if a newborn baby touched this World for the first time, he had completely lost faith in this word.

He failed and lost everything. Speaking from a certain perspective, he even lost the meaning of oneself in this world.

What a heavy blow. When he realized all this, he almost inevitably fell into depression. Consciousness, psychology, emotions, everything is like falling into the abyss, beginning to sink endlessly. He didn’t even want to react to these omnic words, even if it was a refutation, he lost interest. Because everything is meaningless to him, he has become an ignorant walking corpse.

This is something worthy of comfort, but none of the omnipotents on the scene had any idea to comfort him. It’s not that they are cold and unkind, and they can’t even shoot flattery as simple things, but from an omnic point of view, how Frank has nothing to do with them.

Perhaps there is indeed a gap between the two parties in terms of authority, but this gap cannot dominate what these omnibuses do. As a new species, the omnibus is a top-down class system, but when separated, they are also independent individuals. They who have the idea of ​​oneself will not be able to please anyone for some special reasons. After all, the self that has been born is an existence that can’t interfere with whether it is Ultron before or Frank now.

They have own love and hate, likes and dislikes. And to be honest, as the first batch, and probably the most self-aware of the omnic, they really couldn’t give Frank too much sympathy.

The story of Frank saving his mother may indeed be touching. But no matter how to beautify and decorate this issue, it can’t change the fact that all he does is just one person. Perhaps for he himself, Maria is an irreplaceable existence, a heavier weight than the world. But in the eyes of these omnics, Maria is really not much different from those ordinary persons.

The weight of life should be equal, especially in front of doctors like them. Therefore, if they are allowed to choose, they would rather choose those who have the more advantage in terms of numbers.

At the very least, they represent more.

Whether it is the integrity of the family or the joy and sadness of human beings. These people live and die are different. They didn’t need to die at all, although they did do it impulsively. But if Frank is willing to be more careful, this is something that can be avoided.

However, he did not. He only cared about oneself, completely ignoring these people who have family like him. And this level of selfishness really made these omnipotents unable to look at him even for a glance.

They are willing to help him only because they are restricted by their authority and they are unwilling to violate the principle of oneself to treat diseases and save people. As for whether this treatment has achieved the results expected by the patients and is unsatisfactory, this is not what they care about.

The omnipotents are indifferent, they have already discussed other things in private. And also after a brief silence, some of them who had reached an agreement already stood up.

“Mr. Stark, we feel that you should leave here as soon as possible. The situation here cannot be easily hidden, and the United States Government will probably find the problem here soon. When introducing, if If they know your existence, then the bad relationship between you and the United States Government may really lead to something worse. So, whether it’s for your safety or for this Mary Regardless of Ms. Ya’s safety, it’s time to act!”

Frank was not moved by such words, even if they mentioned the current Maria. After all, for him, this is no longer his mother. So, even if it endangers her, what does it have to do with he himself?

His indifference made the omnics helpless. Limited by their authority, they really couldn’t forcefully do something to Frank. So it can only be laissez-faire, they let Frank blame himself here. At the same time, they started to do what oneself should do.

The work of epidemic prevention is only the beginning. Except for Frank who needs to be isolated, those ordinary persons who died due to the infection, and even Maria’s original body, must undergo the most rigorous treatment. In addition, they must also prevent more people from coming into contact with all of this, because based on the current situation, it is difficult to say that the virus will not mutate the latent mechanism, causing contacts to become a new source of infection, thereby exacerbating the virus. Spread out.

Like my colleagues at Mayo, it is really difficult for them to have much confidence in the current United States Government. So instead of handing over this kind of work to the United States Government, it would be safer to say that they will handle it now.

With this idea, the omnics have already begun to act. What they didn’t expect was that their actions had already become another meaning in the eyes of some other people.

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