Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2252

Does such a diligent and prompt finishing touch to this kind of terrifying matter also mean that you are playing a disgraceful role in it?

Faced with the actions of the omnics, the agents who have gathered at the periphery of the Neuron Hospital at this moment and have completed the encirclement work are really hard not to have such an idea.

They can’t think that this kind of calmness, or even some cold-hearted actions, are regarded as the normal scope of epidemic prevention work. They can only regard this as a kind of indifference after some kind of slaughter. And if you think about moving towards this aspect, as human beings, they really can’t help but give birth to a feeling of have one’s hair stand on end.

It is clearly a place where a hospital treats patients and saves people. It is clearly a charitable organization with a good reputation in the entire society. The result is so bright and beautiful on the surface, but in the dark it is such a shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing. Such a contrast naturally makes people nauseous, and at the same time it is more and more disgusting.

The hell is empty, the devil is in the world. In this world, capitalists really do not have a good thing.

The silence of Wireless Electronics does not prevent these agents from instigating current abuses in their hearts. As a member of this country, they can really feel the hidden pain that this country has endured in the turmoil.

Perhaps it is better than those at the bottom who can’t even pay for water and electricity, but in fact, it’s also very limited. Otherwise, it will not be said that there will be such a situation of defecting.

They are not those ignorant civilians. Impossible does not know whether the Stark government and the original capital government are better. And the reason why they would abandon the better Stark government and choose to return to the old government is not loyalty, but more practical interests.

Loyalty is not worthless. It’s just being compared under more immediate interests. In fact, if the Stark government can provide them with a salary that meets their psychological expectations in a stable manner, no one except a few people will choose to betray at this time.

In the end, people still need face and self-esteem. And the reason why they made that choice is because, after all, the Stark government can’t even meet the bottom line of their needs.

This is not the government’s fault. They have eyes and can see that the Stark government is trying to do its best. Blame, blame, bad luck, all kinds of disasters are always coming one after another. The restorationists were given a chance, but they also had no choice.

Even if they make such a choice, it does not mean they can feel at ease.

Human beings always miss the past when things get worse. Like now, when the capitalists re-ruled the country and re-planned the order of the country under their original means, those who were in the key positions could immediately feel it. Finally, the country itself suffered all kinds of tortures because of the greed of these capitalists.

Capitalists have no conscience. When they regain control of this country, their first consideration is not the stability of this country, but how to make up for the losses suffered by oneself in the past. And where does this loss come from? Of course it was scraped from the people. This people, including those at the bottom, the poor who can’t even pay for electricity. Including them, they seem to be glamorous, but in fact they are just a middle class of migrant workers.

Everyone is being persecuted, except for the capitalists. Compared with the previous Stark government’s method of cutting the flesh of capitalists to fill the vacancies in the entire society, this ugly appearance naturally makes every persecuted person feel contempt and abomination from the heart.

They hate these capitalists. If they had a choice, they would rather have never betrayed in the first place than would just be the object of exploitation by the capitalists. It is a pity that there is no room for recovery until this step. Because in addition to the capitalists who have regained their control, the Stark government without Stark’s leadership has also chosen to surrender when it is difficult to support it. Without such a backbone, they are naturally unable to fight against capital.

This is a great irony. Anyone who can figure this out will inevitably have a feeling of frustration and anger accumulated in their hearts after thinking about it in this way. Of course, they can’t openly resist capital, after all, life still has to go on. However, if such an infighting occurs between capitals, then they will not have even half sympathy for these damned guys.

As it is now. After they characterized what was happening in front of them as a dirty trick of the capitalists, their fingers were already subconsciously placed on the triggers of their weapons.

For these lackeys who serve the capitalists, they feel that oneself is unnecessary. Although it is not appropriate to say this in their capacity, it is true. They are almost full of a feeling of revenge for these people, killing them quickly.

Just waiting for an order, some impatients want to pull the trigger. And that is, at this time, the command from the superior is already coming from their headset.

“Prepare to break in. Pay attention. The goal is to subdue the enemy as much as possible and reduce the damage. We need these people to live!”

As always, the superior’s orders run counter to their ideas . Of course, this is also a consideration for higher-level decision-makers.

Anyway, Neuron Corporation is a multinational company with a complex background. The capital and national power represented behind it are unwilling to provoke the current United States Government and the capitalists behind them. Therefore, even if they are determined to win for Frank, they feel unwilling to provoke oneself to a group of opponents who cannot afford to offend at this time.

Of course, it is the subordinates who are embarrassed. The agents who were going to be gearing up to kill him without leaving a piece of armor at first heard such an order, and immediately felt as if they were swallowed. They really couldn’t accept this kind of joke order, so someone immediately retorted in Wireless Electronics.

“Sir, I don’t understand. This is obviously a massacre, and they will use those terrifying weapons to kill those innocent civilians. It’s clear that the matter has reached such a serious level, do you want to Let us have a grand welcome party for these demons?”

“Obey the order, soldier. What is the truth of the matter is not up to you. And even if it is, as a subordinate, You didn’t question the qualifications of your superiors. I repeat, obeying the orders, it has nothing to do with you, do you understand?”

Faced with confrontation, the superior’s performance can be said to be thunderous. This is also normal. After all, because of the reconciliation of the two governments, most of the violent agencies in the hands of the United States Government are reorganized. Among them, in order to prevent low-level personnel from clinging together to resist the orders of the new government, among key Intermediate officials, the United States Government must arrange for those henchmen they trust. This often means the birth of airborne officials.

There is naturally no problem with airborne officials who have the ability to overwhelm the people under their hands. The problem is often those who do not have this ability.

It’s like sheep impossible commanding a pack of wolves and tigers. It is unrealistic to expect a group of flattering and fawning people who are licking dogs by the capitalists all day long to subdue these proud soldiers and heroes who are really killed out of blood and fire.

If he wants to maintain his own prestige, he can only rely on the authority suppressed by his superiors. And always emphasized, obeying the words of superiors, that is, his only capital next to him.

Of course, he said this not just for a reason to maintain the prestige of oneself. The more reason is that he must consider the boss behind oneself.

The difference in empathy with these agents and soldiers is that the objects he empathizes with are not the civilians of United States, but the capitalists behind him. It’s like a dog must protect the interests of its owner. As an object supported by capital, he must always consider the interests of capitalists.

From the perspective of capitalists, what does the life and death of civilians have to do with them? Don’t forget, these civilians are the lowest level, that is, a group of guys who can’t even pay basic taxes. As far as capitalist countries are concerned, they have almost no use value, and even cutting leeks will not be able to cut their heads.

Capital is aligned with benefits, so these poor people who can’t even provide them with a little benefit, are approximately equal to the thinnest paper figures. For such paper figures, the United States Government has always had a precedent. Didn’t they think that when the pandemic flu broke out for more than ten years, tens of thousands of people died?

Compared with the number of people who died in the turmoil of the past few years, these people are simply drizzle. For this level of loss, the superiors behind these soldiers believed that there was no need to report, and he could make the decision alone.

The right not to expire. With such a thought, even if he didn’t give a chance to refute, the superior had already ordered the soldiers.

“Now, everyone is ready to act immediately in thirty seconds!”

Speaking of which, even if the soldiers feel resentful in their hearts, they can only forcibly give Restrained. Because everyone is well aware of the truth, that is, no matter how you stand up to it, the final result will only be to go to a military court. And with the current political attitude of high-handedly cracking down on dissidents, if it really goes up, it will not be a matter of just peeling it off.

Most of them have wives and children and cannot patronize them for a while. So even if there is any dissatisfaction, in the end it is just that it’s all that you can do.

The sadness of a nobody is basically the same. As the preparation time ran out, there was a loud noise, and under the combined effect of C4 and shock bombs, the soldiers who had already been ambushing by this gang had already entered in accordance with the order.

This is not within the expectations of the omnic, and they really did not expect that there is such a group of chasing soldiers behind Frank’s ass. However, compared with the threat posed by these soldiers’ sudden intrusion, they are obviously more worried about another problem. So it was also immediately, there was already an omnipotent holding both hands high and shouting at them.

“Leave! There is a powerful infectious virus here, and those who don’t want to die will leave here! Did you hear that!”

He may shout loudly, but to be honest, In the ears of the soldiers who were also slightly affected by the shock bomb, this was not much louder than the sound of mosquitoes.

Because of inner anger and prejudice against what they think of as capital lackeys. In addition, the behavior of the omnic was somewhat abnormal, and the soldiers who broke in immediately regarded this as an offensive performance of some probability, and then within the scope of reasonableness, immediately shot at him.

He admits that there is a loophole in it. The above command only talked about uniforms, and didn’t say that you can’t fight back. As for the ever-changing situation on the battlefield, he said that he was stunned for a while, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

In short, this is a deliberate move. However, after seeing a shuttle bullet sweeping onto this doctor, only a tinkling spark was splashed, he immediately condensed the clever triumphant expression on oneself’s face, and then shouted in surprise.

“Be careful, omnic!”

As the first batch of soldiers in the world who came into contact with omnic, although they said that they were a little surprised because of the identity of the other party, they would never be panicked. Point. This is also due to the Great America’s strategy that everything is a threat. When they think something is a threat, they will always spare no effort to develop all the methods to deal with these threats. And Ultron and omnipotents, as the top figures in the ranking, naturally have this treatment.

So, hearing the yelling of this soldier, the others immediately began to load accessories for oneself’s weapon. And in that two or three seconds, a grenade with a powerful penetration was already ejected from their under-mounted grenade launcher.

Such an attack is far more violent than omnic imagined. They didn’t have time to make an effective response, the grenade had penetrated their bodies, and then the ultra-high temperature white phosphorous flames had already burned on their bodies.

Human outer shells and protective clothing were directly burned to ashes, even if the omnipotence itself was damaged internally, there were various damages.

One hit did meritorious service, but this was still not safe for the soldiers, so they immediately took out some kind of special grenade and threw it towards the omnipotents.

In the low buzzing sound, countless small lightning spread under the action of the magnetic field. And under the impact of these electromagnetic waves, the omnics lacking outer protection were immediately paralyzed in the blue smoke, just like the large and small electronic devices in the entire hall.

Just as humans have learned to make firearms in the past, after thinking of a way, killing something naturally becomes no longer difficult. At this point, the same is true for omnics. So when these soldiers just knocked down and broke through them, there were only one or two of them who were not completely paralyzed. They could only stand there and repeat to them like an old radio.

“Leave…away, dangerous…danger…”

No one cares about the warnings of the omnic, whether it is these soldiers or Regardless of the capital power behind them, this is true.

The soldiers marched toward the depths of the hospital like this, and when they kicked the door of the emergency room with a violent kick, Frank and Maria were already very clearly exposed to them.

“Find the target!”

“Catch him and bring him back! Must live!”

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