Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2255

An article about how big a corpse can be is something that many people have never thought of. After all, for an ordinary person, death means death. People die as big, and overwhelming majority people can’t think of such an evil thing as desecrating corpses.

However, politicians are different from ordinary persons. In their thinking, there seems to be nothing that cannot be used. Whether it is a living person or a dead person, as long as it can bring benefits to them, as long as it can add obstacles to their opponents, they can do everything with pleasure.

This is an example. After asking Frank to escape from their palms, and they only got the corpse of Maria, they also started to make a fuss with the corpse.

Reporters from all walks of life were gathered, and even ambassadors from many countries to the United States were invited. First of all, the United States Government took a serious enough gesture that they have important things to announce. And what kind of important things need to be put on this posture?

The Republican congressman who obtained the position of speaker through some competition and shameful means stood on the podium at this moment, first thought it reserved and smiled at the crowd all around, and then spread his hands. The speech in here says so.

“Today, I invite you all to this. It is a very serious and very regrettable thing to inform you. Before that, I sincerely hope that everyone who is doing it or watching this time through the media The audience of government announcements can be psychologically prepared in advance. Of course, I will not announce any preparations in advance. You can treat this as a surprise, um…or shock.”

Most of the people he said were pouting because it was obviously nonsense. Now they will wear solemn black suits and appear in this national cemetery with a nearly mourning expression, which in itself shows that they have received certain news.

To say something bad, some people may even have already written the speech. In this case, it’s too obvious that the spokesperson added drama to oneself.

Of course, having said that, those who deal with the United States Government all the year round still know exactly what this speaker is thinking. It is nothing more than using this opportunity to give oneself more impression points, fortunately, in the future general elections as much as possible to occupy some advantages. The left and right are just a few nice words to set up a good person. Why not lose a piece of meat?

Of course, his calculations are loud in his heart, but whether it is useful in the end is a matter of two things. After playing with the United States Government for so many years, it is not easy to say that they have seen a lot of these little tricks, and I am tired of watching them. Perhaps the previous Stark government can still give these Old Foxes some freshness, but if they want to change to these old friends, they really don’t have the least thought to accompany them.

The traditional United States Government has always regarded lying, deception, and theft as its own motto, and it does everything it can to protect its own interests. They implement the robber mentality into every aspect of the state administration, whether it is old rivals like China and Russia, or hard-core boys like Canada and Australia. In his eyes, there is only one difference, that is, the enemy and the leeks waiting to be cut. .

Under this premise, none of the foreign envoys here has not been pitted by them.

In the past, United States was indeed Only I Am Supreme. Although the country was so strong that it was uncomfortable by him, he had to submit to humiliation in many cases. However, times change, when the entire United States has fallen to what it is today, and when the overwhelming majority countries present show their faces, they naturally don’t have to be as polite as before.

That is, in the cemetery, the atmosphere is really inappropriate, otherwise it’s a bit more straightforward, like Maozi’s ambassador, I am afraid that on the spot, it was just a sentence like “Laugh a fart, you’re laughing.”

In short, there is one sentence, that is, the envoys of various countries present have no good feelings for the restoration of the government. That is to say, no one is willing to carry a pot of interference in other countries’ internal affairs in this situation, otherwise, how many people will take advantage of this time to give United States some eye drops.

United States is unpopular. This is related to his years of tyrannize and behavior. However, most Americans have no compelling numbers on this point, especially for this kind of elderly people, who engraved believe oneself infallible into in the bones. They seem to think that oneself is a sociable player by nature and can be popular wherever they go. Even if many people have rolled their eyes right now, the spokesperson is still talking nonsense that he thinks is humorous.

Of course, there is always time to say all the nonsense. After all, with a thick-skinned face, he has been talking about it for ten minutes. Almost almost turned a national announcement into his personal show. If this does not enter the subject, it will be a little too insatiable.

This speaker may indeed be a little unsatisfied, but his competitors will not allow this guy to continue to give oneself a sense of existence. Almost every two minutes, someone came on stage to urge him again. This made him feel unhappy, but he still had to get into the subject.

“We have just reviewed the setbacks and difficulties that America has fallen into in the past few years. We have reason to believe that this is because we have chosen a wrong path. Of course, I also believe that many The people have no such thoughts, they still have expectations for past mistakes, and for this, we hereby hold this press conference in order to dispel your fluke and let you realize that mistakes are ultimately wrong!”

“Before I explain the above remarks, I would like to give you a brief description of the infectious diseases that have appeared in the United States in recent days. I believe many people have known about the tragedy , And have doubts about this, then the following is the official statistics from the government.”

“In the early morning of the 28th, the first case of illness occurred in the Nevada State Hospital. There were 27 medical staff in the hospital. And all the one hundred and 36 patients who came to seek medical treatment were killed, none of them survived. In the afternoon of the same day, the California Neuron Center Hospital broke out again and more than 300 people were killed as a result.”

“Due to the condition The spread is rapid and the infection is intense. So far, no medical institution can effectively prevent and cure this. Everyone, this is an incurable disease. But where did such terrifying diseases spread from? Regarding this point, Mei The doctors of the Austrian Clinic can give us the answer!”

“The Number One patient in United States visited Mayo before noon on that day. The identity of this patient is very interesting, because She is Maria Stark, the widow of the late former President Tony Stark.”

“This venerable lady went to the hospital with her son, Frank Stark. According to the statement of the Mayo Clinic doctor at the time, Mrs. Maria’s condition was extremely bad, she barely managed to maintain it in some abnormal form, and did not die immediately. Considering that the Stark family has always been The genius capital and their huge family power, it is certain that this should be the result of Frank’s efforts.”

“But this does not stop the pace of fate, as can be seen from the previous casualties. What kind of horror is this terrifying disease. Frank is powerless, so he has to resort to some other means. And under this circumstance, a heinous thing happened.”

Everyone knows about severe infectious diseases. Although many people take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, there is a meaning that it is finally your turn to brat. However, in line with the human nature and humanitarian spirit that human beings should have when facing such disasters, the overwhelming majority countries are willing to express their condolences and provide assistance to a certain extent.

It’s just that they didn’t expect. This was supposed to be a cliché, a scene of screaming and screaming, but was suddenly turned into a condemnation in a certain sense by the spokesperson. Although the spokesperson’s tone was very euphemistic, and the words were not at all meant for whom, as a group of old yin and yang people, they could almost hear that the spear was directed at Frank in secret.

This is going to be explosive. Everyone was excited, and even the sleepy guy who had originally heard it could not help but cheer up. Without letting them down, the spokesperson had already seen Tuqong.

“As an old friend of the Stark family, someone who has dealt with the Stark family for many years, I personally don’t want to believe this scene. However, the reality does happen.”

“According to the return of our agents who traced the source of the disease, in the California Neuron Hospital, we found Maria and Frank of Stark’s family. Unfortunately, because of a serious illness, Mrs. Maria Already died at that time. At the same time, because of the heavy blow, Frank made the most wrong and intolerable thing in that situation.”

” To prevent his mother from leaving him, he cloned his own mother in a biological sense. That is to say, after the death of his own mother, he chose to use an inhumane and unethical means to continue. Her life.”

“Of course, we cannot be sure whether Madame Maria born in this way of cloning can be regarded as our kind. I think, in this world’s overwhelming Most people should be the same as me. They would rather have the deepest memory and mourning for Mrs. Maria, who has a compassionate heart and devoted great efforts to charity, and would never hope that her life will become what it is today. This look. This is a blasphemy of life, and at the same time, it is also a tarnish to the reputation of Stark, the once-famous family in the world.”

“Frank, the only heir of the Stark family, in After the death of his father, he has gone farther and farther on the wrong path. If before, his behavior against the current government can be regarded as his own willfulness and stubbornness, and the creation of his own father For the nostalgia of his career, after he maliciously undermined the social and public interests of this country, after he spread this terrifying disease wantonly, after he scorned the ethical principles of mankind and trampled on the dignity of human beings. , All the excuses have become pale and weak on him.”

“He is certainly a child, yes, but as a member of the Stark family, he has already committed all kinds of evils. A human being. Any law, especially the Law on the Protection of Minors, which protects the interests of children, can no longer be applied to him.”

“It was him who laid the grave for oneself Therefore, here, in front of the hundreds of innocent civilians who died because of him, in front of the coffin of his mother, Mrs. Maria, I formally declare in the name of the government of the United States of America that Frank Stark will be deprived of all laws. And political power, and…be denied the right to be a human . “

“We cannot tolerate this kind of crazy, evil, trampling on human dignity and basic social morality, and we are called human beings. We also call on all countries in the world to actively respond to our call to punish such villains with the most severe punishment. “

“Everyone, Stark has completely ceased to exist, and we don’t have any expectations for it anymore. “

When he said this, he pulled out a document from his own speech, and pointed to this document, and he said to everyone present.

“This is a document signed by the Reorganization Congress with the highest legal benefits, and this document is the most solemn statement about depriving Frank Stark of everything. The greatest kindness of America’s government to him is that this document will take effect tomorrow, just after the sun rises, that is, after seven in the morning. And the reason for this extra kindness to him is purely because we don’t want a mother to have hatred for this World before she truly rests in peace. “

“Yes, everyone. I invite you all over today. In addition to the announcement of the above, another very important thing is that we hope that you can join us in the memorial ceremony of Mrs. Maria Stark. There is no doubt that no matter what kind of mistakes Frank made, Mrs. Maria, as a fraternity and compassionate woman, is understandable after all. “

“She has devoted a lot to this World. In charity alone, she has invested 1 billion in funds. Such a woman deserves special tolerance. And as a member of the Stark family, her passing will also mark the end of Stark, a brilliant, great family that has contributed to the human world. No matter what, may her rest in peace. “

When he said this, he took care of his clothes in public, and then took out a white rose from his own lining pocket. As he walked all the way, the envoys of these countries present Only then did they discover that just around their press conference, in a delicate small sect hall, one of the protagonists who just declared was already lying quietly in a coffin.

Lifelike peace The appearance and the dignified and beautiful dresses all prove that the current United States Government has indeed spent a lot of time to make this superficial article. It is just that, seeing it right in front of you, it seems that Mary is just sleeping and not Death at all. Mrs. Ya, and those United States politicians who gave her flowers as if they were all right. Some of the envoys of the countries present couldn’t help but weaken their hands and feet immediately, and then they couldn’t help but screamed in a low voice.

“Damn, these idiots, what do they want to do? Are they going to die? “

Maria is a good person, which they admit. However, a good person does not mean that she is not dangerous. Especially at this time, when there is no protective measure, How dare they just put a source of disease here and use it for their political articles? Are they really so stupid that they only know that they do this kind of political tricks?

Think carefully, it seems that Really. This is not the first offense of this group of United States politicians, they have a precedent!

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