Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2256

The President of the United States more than ten years ago publicly declared on a pandemic in the United States that it was just a cold. It would be better to take two aspirin and go home and sleep. of.

Then, then there is no more. The elderly president was unfortunately recruited because he had too close contact with the patient. As the general election approached, he had to give up oneself’s re-election appeal because he could only lie on a hospital bed and rely on a ventilator to maintain his life.

This is not the only example. For these politicians in the capital world, for the benefit of many aspects, they sometimes have to do things that are contrary to common sense. Those who are a bit more common can only be said to be stupid at best. And like this, it is a classic that can be called a great reward for human deceptive behavior.

The envoys of many countries simply cannot understand. This kind of mystery is that Mrs. Maria was the source of infectious diseases two minutes ago. The next moment will lead people to her. The behavior. Even these idiot politicians in the United States are not afraid of death, they still regret their lives one by one.

So, many people have already retreated in their hearts. In the face of the coowering they had already shown, the spokesperson smiled slightly, revealing that everything was under control.

“Don’t worry, gentlemen. This is not as terrifying as you think. She is dead after all, and a dead person cannot spread the disease through breathing and movement. even more How, our experts have also done sufficient disinfection work for this…If you are not at ease, maybe I can also provide some hand sanitizer and anti-virus alcohol.”

Listen It seemed safe, but the people present had no sense of security at all. Don’t forget, lies and deception exist in the motto of the United States Government. Therefore, even if he gave a positive guarantee, it seems that he has a certainty of 1.2 million points. However, according to international practice, the United States Government’s words are discounted. If you round up, there are definitely no more than five credible words in this remark.

The hand sanitizer and antiseptic alcohol may be true, but to say that they have done disinfection work and the dead cannot spread the virus, some of the people present can only Hehe in my heart.

Why did the Black Death burn corpses at that time, and why did Ebola burn all the villages ravaged by the virus? Really thought it was due to ignorance and barbarism? If it is not for the fact that the spread and spread of the virus has exceeded the scope of ordinary people’s understanding, who would be willing to do such a thing, is it really good to be pricked?

Almost all choices made under any situation have some considerations. No one can say that at that time, their choice was really useless. Therefore, using this as a reference, American’s current operations are really fascinating.

Where are they confident? With such a question, some ambassadors opened their mouths and asked unceremoniously.

“Your Excellency, please forgive me. I want to know how far your research on this disease has reached, and how effective it has been to prevent and control the spread of this disease. So, have you developed a corresponding vaccine?”

“This…I am not a relevant staff member, nor an expert in pathology. I am afraid it is difficult for me to give you one Accurate answer.”

The spokesperson began to think about him. I am not an expert. I don’t understand what you are saying and so on, in an attempt to confuse him. However, things have risen to the point where they may threaten their lives, and no one present has the meaning of letting him fool the past so easily.

“Then your consultant, you said that your expert has done adequate preparations here. Then please come out and answer your expert, what kind of analysis has you reached for this virus? At the same time, can you confirm that your work can really effectively kill this virus, thereby ensuring our safety?”


The spokesperson didn’t want to say that his so-called experts were just a bunch of people from the CDC and walked through the scene in accordance with the standard anti-virus process. As for the analysis of such viruses, they do not have the extra time to wait for the long and unnecessary investigation reports of the CDC and several virus laboratories.

This is a political show in itself, to deprive all of Frank’s power legally, so that they can better seek the wealth of the Stark family. Countless capitalists are waiting to feed themselves. They are not willing to suppress own greed for a few more days because of a so-called virus investigation report.

As representatives of capitalists, these United States politicians naturally have to meet their needs. With limited time and the imminent political show, they can only slightly reduce this aspect.

Is it dangerous? Maybe it was a little bit, but in terms of how serious it is, this speaker didn’t believe it in his heart.

As a politician, he knows too well what kind of style the people under oneself will adopt when doing things. To put it bluntly, sometimes in order to complete the mission, or to make the mission look beautiful, they are not afraid to use some illegal or even illegal behavior.

It is like saying that in the face of hostage-taking by a criminal, the United States police can directly shoot the criminal and take the hostage to the west. The violent agency of United States is also likely to cause some accidental casualties when executing the mission. Of course, these will be counted on the other party afterwards. They have always been good at things like splashing dirty water.

So in the opinion of this spokesperson, at least half of the casualties in the entire epidemic incident were moisture. If this disease had such a lethal power, the soldiers who had been sent to carry out the mission would have died long ago. It is basically impossible to bring Maria’s body back to Enron. Therefore, any to make a fuss about nothing can be regarded as an excessive reaction, and it is not necessary at all.

Be aware that the Stark family is good at weapon development, mechanical physics. Rather than such a biological virus, they are not like Hydra. A group of country bumpkins, I am afraid they can’t tell the difference at all.

With such thoughts flying in his mind, this congressman has also compiled a countermeasure in his mind.

He spread his hands first and made a helpless look. Then he said to everyone present.

“I understand your caution, and I know what you are worrying about. Although in my opinion, this seems unnecessary. But in order to dispel the worry, I think I still need to do something Special instructions are better.”

“The first thing you need to understand is the infectivity of the virus. Our experts have reached the conclusion that the infectivity of this virus is very limited. Not only is the distance limited, but it is also a restriction for the crowd. If it is not for Frank to take Mrs. Maria, the mobile source of disease, to run around in the hospital, to contact the crowd, and the overwhelming majority in the hospital are all elderly, weak, sick However, this number of casualties may not be as serious as we see now.”

“It is limited by space, and it is also limited by method. If it is not the kind of close range, there are Contacts such as sneezing or coughing are basically harmless. We have no evidence to prove that this thing will spread through droplets, direct or indirect contact like a flu virus. Therefore, it is not necessary to do this Nervous.” “In addition, this virus may not be as deadly as you see. Mrs. Maria, as the first patient, only died after persisting for so long. This is enough to prove that this virus itself is It is very difficult for healthy people to play their due role. In addition, don’t forget that our soldiers had immediate contact with Mrs. Maria, and they are still healthy. This in itself explains the problem.”

“To sum up, as long as you can look at it rationally from a scientific point of view, then this so-called disease is simply nothing to be afraid of. Everyone is a decent person, not a vagrant on the street, Maria Madam is just lying there now, and won’t suddenly stand up and kiss you. Even more how the virus in her body has already lost its activity with her Death. Under this premise, you really don’t have to worry about it. Yes.”

“If you still don’t believe me, then I am willing to make a demonstration for you. I believe you will never think that I will use my own life to make a joke with you.”

There is no proof to speak. Seeing that oneself was almost exhausted and slobbered, few people were willing to sell his face. This congressman simply clenched the teeth and resorted to killing move.

Anyway, he really doesn’t believe that there is a virus. Even if it does, he firmly believes that with the United States medical level, this is only a disease of ringworm and scabies. It was nothing more than going to the hospital for a few days and getting two shots. Compared with the huge interests and support behind the political show, he is still willing to fight for his own political capital.

This is a real warrior. From the beginning of his speech, the surrounding politicians and even the reporters have fallen into a state of shock. It is hard for them to imagine what kind of courage was able to make this guy make this amazing decision. What’s more unimaginable to them is that he doesn’t seem to be just nothing serious. But actually paid for the action.

No one came out at this time to stop him. He seemed to have a deep friendship with Maria, and walked to Maria. First, he put the white rose in his hand on Maria’s body, then lowered his head and gave Maria a close-up veneer.

It seems to be full of ceremony remembrance. Of course, whether it is really memorial or just a show, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise. In short, he did give some people confidence. Under the premise that he took the lead, there are still people who are willing to continue this bewildering behavior in the face of the Stark family and the entire United States Government.

This situation has the first, there is the second. And as all those who are willing to make such an attempt have gone through this process, and are left there with motionless, or even taking the initiative to stay away, there are only a few who are unwilling to treat United These politicians of States have trusted countries.

“I think we should leave here. Seriously, this kind of environment makes me feel like I’m on the battlefield of World War I, the kind that just started to sprinkle mustard poison qi on the battlefield. The time.”

Mao Zi’s ambassador gave an apt description, and facing his proposal, the old friend countries that have always been advancing and retreating on the United States issue were immediately nodded, and then Said.

“Indeed. I feel that they seem to be crazy, whether it’s the attitude towards the Stark family or the current way of showcasing. It seems to be completely irrational. Such a guy, It is almost certain that we are already on the path of self-destruction. And based on the principle of gentlemen not standing under a dangerous wall, we really shouldn’t stand in the same boat with them.”

” So, what do you mean?”

“Let’s go without delay. It’s dangerous to stay here for a second!”

A few people will do it right away. Decided to come. And compared to the matter of losing face of the United States Government on this occasion, these envoys are obviously more concerned about the fact that they do not want oneself and entourage of oneself countries to pay a heavy price for such stupid political shows.

It is not a particularly formal occasion, and it is also impossible to raise this issue to the level of national diplomacy. At most, some offend this congressman who seems proud of one’s success, but who cares about this kind of thing?

A trifling councillor, don’t need them to pay attention to it. And this is reflected in reality. The parliamentarians who are smiling and chatting with the envoys of the surrounding countries watched them leave. Except for a twitch in the corner of their eyes, they did not dare to show even the slightest embarrassment. .

He may be scolding his mother desperately in his heart, but he dare not do anything to offend the person on this occasion. The ghost knows how many of the envoys around are other people’s licking dogs and little brothers. If they really say something that shouldn’t be said, maybe they will be on the diplomatic blacklist on the 2nd day.

Times have changed, and he knows this too well. Compared with the indulgence and unscrupulousness of being able to offend the person by relying on the country behind oneself, now they need to be a human being.

Not only that he can’t to offend the person, he even needs to make friends with others as much as possible. Although he was not used to this kind of thing, and it was indeed a shame for the United States in the past, but considering the reality and interests, he was still willing to take this face off.

“Maybe these two have something important. Don’t worry, guys, I believe they will appear at the evening banquet!”

He is smiling It seemed to give confidence to the envoys of the countries that approached him, and it seemed to give confidence to oneself again. However, what he didn’t at all noticed was that as the expression on his face changed, the eyes of people around him began to gradually become frightened.

The person who bleeds from the seven orifices but still keeps a smile is what the thriller looks like. Now, the thriller has come to reality, and it is staged right before their eyes.

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