Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2267

Coulson got his wish. Ultron’s intervention finally gave him a glimmer of hope.

Of course, although it is true to say so, but it is somewhat inevitable, he has some troubles. Ultron’s ability to solve this problem is only a possibility that Jarvis told him, and whether this possibility can be realized or not is an answer that no one can be sure of.

This may be the most promising choice, but it does not mean that it will be the one that will be successful. Sometimes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. And such things have gone through so much, Coulson really doesn’t want it, and oneself is getting such a disappointing answer right now.

So, he is really worried. He was eager to know the result from Ultron, but he was a little afraid and afraid, and he learned a bad answer from him. This made him toss and turn, and in the end, the desire for the truth made him suppress all anxiety, driving him directly to Ultron, who seemed to be sitting still, and asked him.

“Are you sure to deal with this virus?”

“Of course!” Looking up at Coulson, Ultron directly gave him an answer that made him feel at ease. “Although Alexia is extremely talented in this regard, in the final analysis, she is only one person that’s all. The change in Life Level does not mean that her thinking has also changed, and as long as her talents remain Within the scope of human beings, then this is not indecipherable.”

Such an answer really made Coulson let out a sigh of relief. There is a big rock in his heart that was finally put down. The relaxed feeling. But years of caution not at all made him completely relieved. After a little hesitation, he asked again.

“So, how long will it take you to develop a relevant vaccine?”

“Soon, if you need it, about two or three hours, I will be able to subordinate me To make the first vaccine in our laboratory. This is not a problem. At least, compared to several other questions, it is not the hardest part.”

Ultron’s answer made Coulson Feeling puzzled. What he didn’t understand was that when the most difficult, that is, the vaccine problem was solved, how could they have other more difficult problems to solve. This is not in line with common sense.

Ultron’s answer clearly told him that he obviously lacked consideration on this issue.

“Vaccine research can only be the first step to prevent everything you worry about from happening. The next question you should worry about is how to make people aware of the existence of the virus, and how the virus spreads and even Before causing irreversible consequences, this vaccine should be popularized.”

“At present, although this virus has evolved a latent mechanism, from the perspective of its own destructiveness, This latency should also be just a short-term process in order to intensify transmission and respond to the body’s immune system. It will eventually burst out, and the result of this outbreak should be a sudden death. And according to what you get Data, then the current situation is that there will be several millions and even tens of millions of people suddenly die because of this.”

“You must prevent the virus from breaking out in the first incubation period. This vaccine will continue to spread. At the same time, you must make people aware of the terrifying of this virus as much as possible, consciously avoid contact, safe isolation and vaccination. All of these must have a strong centralized authority The top-down implementation and implementation of the agency will work. And seriously, Mr. Coulson, I doubt that the current United States Government can do this.”

This is not a need With regard to doubts, Coulson can almost certainly say that the current United States Government is unable to achieve this step.

The fighting among politicians will inevitably lead to support and opposition. And when they wrestle with each other and pull their hind legs, the best opportunity to control the virus outbreak is probably missed before their eyes. At that time, even if they wake up, what can they do. Countless lives are probably the humiliation that has long since guarded the illness, and the white bones are probably covering every inch of America’s land.

He has realized all this, but he can’t change it at all. Maybe he had this ability, but unfortunately, their appeasement policy has completely thrown them out of the center of power, and at the same time completely lost the ability to change all of this.

Everything is like retribution. The cruel reality makes Coulson simply unable to believe it. He has been absent for a long time, and his mouth is full of bitterness. He thought that oneself had tasted the bitter fruit, but he did not expect that the real pain was still waiting for him here.

What did we do? He asked himself, and of course it was impossible to get the answer. After all, the future is something unpredictable. At that time, they naturally thought that their concession would lead to the scene like today.

He thinks like this can only be regarded as a mediocrity. From Ultron’s point of view, apart from letting them have no desire to improve, this is not at all. What’s the meaning of not at all, so he said immediately.

“Mr. Coulson, if this kind of news makes you depressed. Then I don’t think you need to listen to another news, because that news will only make you more I’m so embarrassed, I’m very worried that you will be tempted to commit suicide after hearing this news…”

This is not a cracking a joke, but a certain degree of experience. And lessons. Thanks to the proliferation of guns in the United States, many people commit suicide with guns every year. Except for some accidental or stupid factors, the overwhelming majority are all because they have suffered the unbearable burden of life, and collapsed under this burden, thus choosing such a path of self-destruction.

This is a normal state of mankind. A person, no matter how strong he is, his heart still has limits after all. In the face of the complex facts and unpredictable fate, few people can say that they can face it with a smile. Especially people like Coulson who float up and down at the top of the wave of the times, they have to bear more than ordinary persons.

It is normal for this kind of people to choose a narrow sense of relief because they cannot bear the pressure. It is undeniable that Coulson did have such an idea for a moment.

He really wanted to die to thank the world. However, reason told him very clearly that this was not a problem that trifling could solve once he died. His death can only be an insignificant addition to countless casualties, and this will not help at all for the upcoming disaster.

If you want to solve the problem, you still have to face the problem. So, even if he felt that oneself had no hope of stopping all of this, he still forcibly cheered up and said to Ultron.

“You’re right, Ultron, it shouldn’t be a time of depression. Sorry, I lost my self-control.”

Slap the own face hard, working hard Let oneself look more energetic. In this way, Coulson allowed oneself to re-enter the familiar combat state.

“Now…you said that there is also a problem that needs to be solved, and this problem is more serious. So, what exactly are you referring to?”

“Source, Mr. Coulson, I It refers to the source.”

Speaking of this question, what does Ultron not at all mean to avoid. He pointed it out very clearly.

“Frank, he is the source of what I said.”

“This virus is strictly speaking divided into two parts. One is the part you know, This is the virus that is currently circulating. It is strictly speaking only a derivative, a product based on the curse power of the mysterious side and the original strain of the virus mixed with various bacteria, microorganisms and other viruses in the natural environment. The reason why you think it is difficult to cope with is here, because it is adapting and changing very quickly.”

“I can use nanomachines to remove it in a targeted manner, which is enough to cope with Earth. Under the premise of all bacteria and even viruses, no matter how complicated this change is, it is impossible to deal with. However, I cannot clean it from the source. Because its main body, which is the source, it has already It’s another form.”

“This form is more based on the curse power on the mysterious side, attached to Frank’s body. It takes the form of plundering his life force to produce its own transformation. Unless it is said that Frank’s life disappears or is terminated. Otherwise, this virus will always be created continuously, and will spread to any place in this world following Frank’s activities.”

“The vaccine impossible always protects the comprehensiveness of mankind. And this also means that as long as he exists, it may pose a threat to mankind. Then the problem will follow. For him, you and me How should I solve it? Seriously, I hesitated…”

Ultron could say this, but Coulson can only hide it in his heart at the moment.

He understands what Ultron means, that is, if it is for the future of mankind, then Frank, as a potential threat, cannot be left there. Whether it is to wipe out him completely, or just put him in prison. It must be all actions.

However, this is not what he is willing to do. Because even people like him will inevitably feel guilty when facing goals like Frank.

They already owe Stark a lot, do they really want to ruin the last bloodline of Stark’s family here? If so, it would be too cruel.

Of course he couldn’t bear it, but when he thought of the result of this unbearable heart. Thinking of the terrifying and fatal threats to countless families, countless men, women, old people and children because of his existence, his sense of responsibility in nature made him dare not have any thoughts that could not bear it.

Because, being intolerable to Frank at this time is the cruelty to countless innocent people. One is more than one billion or even several 1 billion. Anyone who faces such a situation can make a choice.

Similarly, he is the same. In other words, he has made a choice in his heart, but emotionally, he has not been able to admit that’s all.

The hypocrisy inherent in human nature prevents him from speaking such a despicable thing so calmly. And even if his silence had already indicated his attitude to some extent, he still chose this way of self-deception.

This is not what Ultron wants to see. He is not qualified to make decisions between humans, especially since it also involves a person like Frank who has a close relationship with him. All he can do is deploy from the side and provide them with all the necessary help, and how to choose depends on these human owners.

They shouldn’t have an excessive tendency to clemency, because there is no room for them to do such unnecessary kindness. So it was a little urging, he already said to Coulson.

“You need to make a decision as soon as possible. You should understand that there is not much time left for you.”

“Yes, time is running out. …..”

Mumbling bitterly, Coulson still had to put oneself in the sand and be pulled out. He knew that oneself needed to face reality, so after a hard struggle, he gave this answer.

“I will find a way to inform Congress of this matter. I think if there is such a chance to target Frank, what they shouldn’t be missed is the right thing. The only problem left is now. One, that’s where I should find his whereabouts. Jarvis won’t let us find him easily…”

“You don’t need to worry about this kind of thing anymore. , If you have this need, then I will naturally help you find where he is. But you need to understand that since you have made such a determination, then you have no room for mercy or compassion.”

“Frank will not tolerate betrayal. Whether it is yours or mine, it will only be the same for him… a betrayer. His character has never been extreme, so when he recognized this fact, He will inevitably retaliate at all costs. This kind of retaliation cannot be described as a trivial matter. I can’t say that he will do everything possible to destroy everything you have and cherish.”

“If you don’t want to suffer such retaliation, then there is only one choice.”

“Kill him?”

Staring at his hands, Coulson is already The voice gave an own reply. He fully understood what Ultron meant, and by now, he did not have any hesitation.

“If it must be done…then it can only be done. Tony might hate me if he is still alive. But I have no choice, right?”

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