Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2268

Coulson made the final choice, citing no choice as a reason. And under this kind of consciousness, he set foot on the land of Washington again.

Capitol Hill is a feather at the moment, and Coulson’s actions in Europe have made Europeans furious. They recognized Coulson’s identity, and naturally the fire will fall on the United States Government.

For the current United States Government, this can be regarded as a disaster. No one thought that an outdated character who had been squeezed to the edge of power would actually poke them out of such a big basket at this time. You must know that United States’ current dependence on Europe can be said to be very huge. To some extent, the two need to rely on each other to barely maintain oneself’s current international momentum and status. This is a true ally, far closer than NATO in the past.

With such an intimate appearance, suddenly something like this happened. It’s as if the godson raised in your house suddenly came to my house and stole his wife. The situation is so serious that they can’t wait to take out the knife and fight with you. On the European side, even after threatening war and asking the United States to give an explanation, even the arrogant politicians had to convene a congressional meeting quickly, hoping to come up with it as quickly as possible. A practical charter.

Of course, because the politicians of the United States Government have always liked urination. Even in such a congressional meeting, there will be the kind of fucking things that you agree with and I oppose, anyway, I will do it against you.

The focus of their debate is on whether to take a tough response to Europe, or to save the relationship between the two sides as much as possible, and achieve the goal of calming people with some concessions.

The reason for the former is that I have not bowed my head to anyone since America was founded 200 years ago. If we really recognize this, then we American will have no shame in the future?

The latter argument is, save it, you, now this dilapidated family property, what kind of big money do you have? Is it obediently and honestly to recognize the reality and bow your head in front of it?

Both sides hold their own words, but one thing is certain, that is Coulson, the twenty-fifth boy who has driven them to the present situation, his fate is absolutely impossible and will not be too good-looking.

Some people are clamoring to throw him in the nationality court, while some people simply think about restarting the high-voltage electric chair that has long been disabled. In short, they all wanted to kill Coulson. The only problem now is that Coulson has not fallen into their hands that’s all.

None of them knows where Coulson is, nor do they know what his motives are for doing this? Of course, this does not prevent them from exerting oneself’s usual expertise and guessing. And the result of their speculation is that this is the revenge of the Stark government, the kind of people who are pushed to the edge of power, that’s all, when they can do nothing.

Saving the belly of a gentleman with a villain’s heart, they often do this, and this time is no exception. And just as they were in the lobby of Capitol Hill, you said each other verbally and ridiculed each other. By the way, they didn’t forget to slander Coulson. A chubby thing suddenly appeared in the center of the entire parliament hall, and then suddenly , Broke out a harsh roar and dazzling radiance.

A shocking bomb with additional materials is enough to let these lords on Capitol Hill experience the excitement that ordinary people basically have no chance to experience.

The oversized decibel made many people cover their ears and started screaming, and the dazzling radiance made their eyes flushed and tears flowed. That is, the space in the congress hall is large enough, otherwise, how many masters will become deaf or blind.

In the midst of such a sorrow, a shadow suddenly appeared from the field, and then Coulson walked out of it as if there was nothing wrong with him.

He didn’t mean to cover up at all, which also made the recovered congressmen immediately aware of his existence. And he was already full of resentment against him, and he had also made such a surprise attack before. These councillors, who had never been willing to suffer from a loss, yelled at him even if they were excited.

“Phil. Coulson, did you dare to appear here in grandeur? Don’t you know how big a crime you yourself committed?”

“Criminal? Maybe “With a non-smiling expression on his face, Coulson looked around all around, and then slowly kicked away the speaker who was still rolling because of the excitement, and he took his position in one butt. on.

“But if you want to talk about crimes, none of you in this room is bigger than me. So if you just want to denounce me, I think you should save your time and forget it.”

“fuck! Coulson, fuck!”

He has always looked like a good old man, but at this time, Coulson, who was uncharacteristically sharp and sharp, said this remark, as it should be by rights Received sincere greetings from many people. In the face of this greeting, Coulson not at all gave the same level of counterattack like a shrew, but took out a posture of self-action, letting them curse said with a slight smile.

“Don’t you have a bit of self-consciousness? Think about the ugly things you have done in the past, think about the black-hearted money you collect. If you stand in a place with a high enough moral point of view, how many do you have? This guy shouldn’t be hanged.”

“Fuck! Shit, do you know what you’re talking about?”

Coulson’s straightforwardness makes these people’s faces begin Discoloration. Although these men and women are not at all wrong, they are only private. On the surface, everyone still needs to show their face. Even if they know that they are a bitch, they still have to maintain the appearance of oneself as much as possible.

This is like the former five-star Emperor MacArthur, the politician general who said “veterans are undying, veterans are only withered.” Judging from his famous sayings, he really seems to be the kind of general who loves soldiers like a child. However, if you don’t turn over his resume, how can you know that he is the kind of grandiose dispatching army to use tanks to run over the veterans of World War I protest?

MacArthur is still the better of these politicians. If you dig up to the lower limit, some of them are simply disgusting. That is to say, there is oneself tacit practice among politicians, and they have always covered this kind of mess under the blanket, and this has not been exposed. And now that Coulson said so, they all had ghosts in their hearts, and of course they were a little flustered and exasperated.

This is to overthrow the old rules and customs, breaking their consistent tacit behavior in the past. Based on Coulson’s identity as a politician, it is all right to directly characterize him as a betrayal. Like any group that will not welcome outliers, Coulson will be unanimously resisted as the breaker of this rule as it should be by rights. This is also rare for them, and they have reached a consensus.

“You traitor, how dare you show up here, and dare to speak such despicable words. See what you do in Europe? Do you want to provoke America and Europe Is it a war between you? I know you guys are undying, you people from Stark are simply potential insurgents in this country. We shouldn’t have any pity for you, censorship, and cleansing, this is what we should treat most What you are doing!”

Politicians do not need to use a knife to deal with a person. Simply buckle down a big hat, enough to make people breathless. Of course, the former Coulson may have feared such a method, but now he does not. So facing the title of the traitor, he just smiled, and then he was not polite at all, and pulled out the gun at the most clamoring guy among them, and pulled the trigger.

As a special agent, I don’t know how to get hits, but it’s not much different. And right now, he is not facing any elite agents or super villains, but just fat-gut politicians, how can he escape from his gun.

As soon as it hits the center of the eyebrows, the white brains rushes along with the blood in an instant, and many people’s faces are sprinkled. Many people felt ridiculous about Coulson’s appearance at first, and regarded it as a kind of walking right into a trap. But now, when he raises the butcher knife without any consideration, these people obviously don’t think so.

They are afraid of death, and they are much more afraid than ordinary people. So when the first victim appeared, they were like hornet bombed, noisy and screaming, trying to escape from this dangerous environment. And it was beyond their expectation. Just when they were about to flee to the exit, the clown-like figures in their eyes had already jumped out of the shadow one after another.

“This road is nowhere, gentlemen!”

A person with extraordinary abilities can cause more damage in this situation than a Trifling Coulson is much more powerful. Coulson is only one shot at most, and they, especially the characters who are used to fighting like Wade, can really cut a large slice like a leek.

Capitol Hill, which symbolizes America’s majesty, is destined to be contaminated by blood at this moment. And it was not what Coulson expected. Under the blood and butcher’s knife, the politicians of aloof and remote in these formerly chose to lower the noble head of oneself, cowering like a quail, kneeling down on his before.

This was what he expected, but it was completely unexpected by these politicians. Because no one thought that Coulson, who was a good man in the past, would be so bold and crazy at this moment. Isn’t he afraid? Is it fearless? You must know that this is really provoking United States and trampling on America’s dignity, and how dare he…

No one can figure this out, so they can only be trembling with Fear asked.

“Coulson, what on earth do you want to do? Are you crazy?”

“Crazy, maybe. But you are driving crazy, right?”

Faced with this problem, after Coulson was silent for a while, he also stroked oneself’s dwindling hair and slowly opened his mouth.

“I can’t stand your stupidity and procrastination anymore, and I don’t have the mood and time to play that kind of boring political game with you. I need you to make changes, and I must also let you do Change. So after thinking about it, I decided to use such a method to wake you up!”

“Damn it, is this your idea? What are you crazy about, how dare you?” I thought of using this method. Do you know what it means?”

Some people exclaimed that Coulson must be crazy. In fact, Coulson is indeed crazy. Not crazy, not live. His current situation is probably like this, so in the face of such a question, he just showed a nervous smile.

“Trust me, gentlemen, I am more awake now than ever before. I know what I am doing, and I know what it means to do it. Don’t worry, since I dare If you do, then naturally there will be follow-up arrangements. This is not something you should be concerned about. What you have to do now is, according to my statement, continue this Congress meeting!”

With a snap of his fingers, Wade drew his knife very cooperatively, slashing the back of many people’s neck with a cold blade. This is not fatal, but it is enough to make them feel pain, and the coldest fear. And after a wave of tremors and swallowed saliva, someone was already unable to restrain the panic and made a noise.

“What the hell are you going to do!”

“Drafting the bill, gentlemen. I ask you to draft a country that immediately enters wartime conditions, and all factories and medical institutions start The bill to produce medical protection materials and related vaccines in a state of war.”

“You should know that the virus is not a joke. And what I want to do now is, in your aloof and remote Before the official lords cause endless disasters and death, stop it from spreading. Whoever stands in front of me will die. This is my current attitude, understand?”

This The appeal is a bit special, and it definitely exceeds many people’s expectations. They thought about many other possibilities, including Coulson forcing them to announce the dissolution of the government. But the only thing he didn’t think about was that he would do it for this.

Is this necessary? Of course some people couldn’t help but mutter in their hearts. But in the face of the blood that hasn’t solidified in front of the butcher knife and oneself, no one dared to sing an obvious counterpoint at this time.

It’s just one bill. The so-called acting every time, who is not proficient in this? But the problem is, such a bill has to be complied with.

In name, they are the controller of this country and the ruler of the national government. But they know in oneself that those capital forces are the masters of this country. They are just microphones placed on the table by the capital. And can the sound made by a microphone without the owner’s permission count?

The answer is of course no. Coulson should know this. But he didn’t seem to realize this at all. Then the question is, if he finds that things are not as he wants, and blames them on people like this, doesn’t it mean that their lives will be lost?

No one wants to take his own life because of this ridiculous thing. So also immediately, some people justified the issue.

“This is impossible…Even if we sign the bill, those consortiums may not act in accordance with the bill. What you want to do is simply impossible to achieve. You are taking oneself and our lives. cracking a joke !”

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