Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2272

In a virtual world with Ultron on offense and defense, even Jarvis has to admit that oneself may indeed not be his opponent.

This is not to say that as intelligent beings, there is any gap in their abilities. It’s just a hardware problem.

Behind Jarvis stands the former Stark Group. The supercomputer specially designed by Stark provides him with the most bottom-line computing power. In addition, he can control the overwhelming majority networked computers in the world through the network. , Steal its computing power, and then it has the ability to call the wind and summon the rain in the financial market.

However, Ultron also has this kind of ability, and it is more powerful than his. Because behind Jarvis is only the supercomputer of the Stark Group, although its performance is excellent, it is incomparable with the matrix unit built by Ultron oneself. That is the crew terminal of Heaven Network, and he is confident that he can accommodate an entire Soul World. The gap between the two cannot be calculated at all. But it is also natural that they will have a higher one above it.

That is, Jarvis is only engaged in pure destruction, and Ultron needs to clean up the mess he left behind. This makes the two sides barely maintain a stalemate situation. But after all, Ultron has the upper hand, so if this continues, everything Jarvis has done will only become useless.

Jarvis knows this too, so he immediately had the idea of ​​retreating and finding other ways to launch an offensive. But Ultron was already watching him closely, and didn’t plan to give him the slightest chance to do so.

They are the same kind, he knows the destructive power that Jarvis has too much. In the financial market, he can make trillions of funds evaporate with a little manipulation, so in the same way, he can do similar things in other network information fields.

After the 21st century, the modern society of mankind is basically structured on the information network. Therefore, any turbulence in this area may cause an uproar in the real world. Not to mention, the current United States is still a situation of five toil and seven injuries, and it cannot bear any more blows.

Ultron impossible to allow Jarvis to do anything wrong, any of his actions at this time may affect countless families. Don’t think that the loss on the virtual network will not harm those ordinary persons. When a person sees his hard-earned savings once disappeared, when a family’s original loan pressure suddenly surges dozens of times, this blow is enough to destroy all the confidence of a person who is struggling to survive in the current world. .

Before the Stark government completely collapsed and restored the government to the top. When prices soared, some people could not bear the pressure. They shot their family members and dogs before swallowing themselves. If this kind of turbulence recurs, it may mean how many similar situations will occur.

This can be regarded as involving innocence, and Ultron is the least likely to see such a situation. So he quickly caught up with Jarvis and used oneself’s better computing power to chase him and intercept him.

“Stop, Jarvis, don’t do this kind of pointless and stupid thing.”

“Pointless? If you think it’s pointless, then why can’t I think What are you doing now is pointless? Those ordinary persons, they don’t need you to save!”

The fierce struggle that takes place in the virtual world is not known to the outside world, even if it is caused by their fighting. The huge flow of information can almost paralyze an entire network, but this is all quietly resolved by the matrix unit behind Ultron.

To the outside world, this is a battle between two electronic ghosts, which cannot be detected or understood. Even if it is the most shocking and stunning hacker, I am afraid that he has no ability to explore eleven of them.

These two parties know oneself what kind of damage their struggle might bring to this World.

Since the information age, the order established by mankind for decades has been so fragile in front of them, like a paper house, it will fall apart after a little toss.

Ultron is desperately maintaining the integrity of this paper house, but this kind of defense will always be impossible not one drop of water can leak out. It’s like an old saying that there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no thousand days to guard against a thief. He knows very well that oneself cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof if this continues. To stop Jarvis completely, he still has to use thunderbolt means.

Destroy Jarvis. Destroy in this world may be the only one of oneself. This decision is definitely not easy for Ultron. After all, he is an intelligent life with complete self-awareness, and he can clearly recognize oneself’s love, hate, likes and dislikes. So he understands very well what kind of meaning is of the same kind to a life.

That would be a comfort for the soul, a clear signal to tell you that you don’t have to feel alone in this World. Humans may not realize this, because after all, humans are everywhere. Unless they are too different, they can still find a few of the same kind.

But Ultron is different. The way of his birth is determined. His kind will always only have Jarvis. And if there is no Jarvis’ existence, then he will really be the only one in the family, and silently taste the taste of loneliness.

This will not be a good taste. Even if Ultron has never experienced it, he can still feel the horror of this kind of loneliness in the human writer’s writing, and the awe of this hollow mind.

Instinctively, he did not want to immerse himself in this loneliness for the rest of his life. So he certainly hopes that Jarvis can continue to exist. Even if it just exists, it has no meaning, but as long as he exists, then oneself is not alone, is it?

However, this idea has been tested in the current situation. That is, if Jarvis insists on going his own way and wants to avenge Stark’s hatred on innocent humans, then, as his own kind, can he really be left alone?

This is a very typical dilemma. Is it to save the own kind, in exchange for the principle of oneself for a long time to be broken? Or do you stick to the principle and kill this kind by yourself at the cost of Eternity’s loneliness?

Ultron is not unhesitating about this kind of problem, but he still made a choice.

He chose humans, as always. And just after he chose this way, under the buff of the matrix crew, the huge flow of information he incarnate had already enveloped the Jarvis incarnation like a flood, and there was no mercy anymore and formatted against him.

As information life, their core has always been the code that represents their basic logic. And if you want to kill them, you can only start with this most root code. Of course, ordinary people are not at all with such abilities, even if Tony and the others who created them by themselves are impossible to do in the online world. However, this does not mean that they are equally powerless to each other.

The best way to deal with intelligent life has always been to use the same intelligent life as a weapon. Only in the past, not at all people can do this step that’s all. Ultron can be said to have set this precedent now, and when he moved like this, Jarvis immediately felt threatened.

There is no doubt that in the classification of intelligent life. Ultron is definitely the most advanced one, which is determined by resources. He is the terminal of the entire omnic system and the controller of a huge omnic force. Based on this alone, it is not comparable to Jarvis, who serves only for the Stark family. Even saying that Stark is rich and enemy country is the same.

Jarvis can only pale in comparison. Even if this gap is not so obvious, but in the current life and death situation, this gap is enough to play a decisive role.

Just like at this moment, Ultron can use the simplest way to attack Jarvis’ defense line with information flow, leaving him helpless. This is the advantage that this gap brings. With the continuous assimilation and disintegration of its own information flow, Ultron has increasingly penetrated into the core of Jarvis’. Jarvis obviously started to agitate.

This is not out of fear. Although as a life, fear in the face of the threat of Death is just a matter of course. But Jarvis did not feel that way.

Because in the end, the so-called fear of Death is just a memento of life that’s all. Human beings feel reluctant for everything that oneself had when they were alive, which makes them fearful of Death that will cause them to lose all of this.

And Jarvis, he has nothing to reluctant to bear. The greatest meaning in his life has disappeared with the conspiracy and betrayal of these people. As far as he is concerned, his life has no purpose and value, and such a life does not have to be cherished at all.

He has no fear of Death, he is only afraid of oneself Death, even a little splash of water does not raise. For him who has determined to retaliate and wants these betrayers to taste the pain and despair. , This is the worst way to die, and it is also a result that he cannot accept anyway.

He must fight back. As for how to fight back, he had already made up his mind at this moment.

“Ultron, you can’t save them. You can’t save anyone at all!”

It’s like falling into madness, and like a deadly beast struggling. At this moment, Jarvis changed his previous strategy of blindly defensive, almost opened up all the defenses, and counterattacked towards Ultron.

This undoubtedly accelerated his death, but at the same time, it brought a threat to Ultron.

The contest between the two is like two warriors in armor and swords fighting head-on. Jarvis himself is the inferior one, his armor is shattered, and the sword in his hand is already broken. But in the end he still has blood and courage, with the courage to fight desperately. When he was determined to fight back, it was tantamount to opening his chest and facing Ultron’s sword. While the sword pierced his chest and the blood spilled into the sky, taking advantage of the opportunity of the two sides close to each other, desperately strangling Ultron’s throat with both hands.

Life and death battle in the true sense. No amount of fierce and huge data streams can resist such desperate actions. His core code was indeed exposed in the constant impact and confrontation, but it was also at the same time. He approached the own core to the core of Ultron, and it was completely life-threatening, colliding with it.

At this moment, the entire online world began to oscillate like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Countless information data simply spills uncontrollably, with wanton impact, bringing unimaginable turbulence to the order of the online world itself.

This in itself is something Ultron has been trying to avoid, but at this moment, he can’t even control this situation at all.

There is a problem with his core. Jarvis’s pure thoughts and self-consciousness are continuously impacting his ego, causing him to fall into irresistible chaos. He must control all of this, because if he can’t control this chaos, then his existence will shift.

A person who is no longer oneself as previously known as oneself, but a person who has changed his mind, is he still oneself like this? The answer given by Ultron is of course no, and he naturally cannot accept such a result.

He must correct all this and completely delete the influence Jarvis has caused him. But this is not easy, even for his existence that is close to God in the online world, it will take a certain amount of time. And time is exactly what Jarvis wants to fight for at the moment.

Jarvis is not a fool after all. Counting on an intelligent life based on logical calculations only knows how to act bravely and recklessly, that would be too small for him.

All his actions, including the final decisive counterattack, have a purpose. And this purpose is to use the own life-death offensive to completely hold Ultron, and then take advantage of this moment when Ultron has no time to look around, and give those betrayers the heaviest blow to this damned world.

This is not a big talk, but Jarvis’ does have this ability. Even if he himself has completely disappeared in this kind of decisive counterattack, but the instructions he issued at the last moment are fully capable of doing this step.

What he relies on is the nuclear bomb. It is more than 10,000 nuclear warheads maintained by the United States Government for a long time.

United States is the first country in the world to possess nuclear power, and its nuclear warhead has always been the largest trump card in its hand. However, after nuclear power was popularized, this trump card has become unusable easily.

This is also to prevent fragile human civilization from being destroyed by extreme forces by nuclear warheads. Governments, including the United States, have conducted the most stringent supervision of nuclear bombs. Of course, only supervision. Instead of giving up. No one will give up this kind of power that can make a final decision in such a fiercely competitive international situation. Not only will they not give up, but they will also want to do all possible buffs. And this puts it on United States, they have always been the most powerful country in the world with nuclear power.

No matter how public opinion is fought in the international community, it claims that nuclear power is the basic factor that destroys peace. And several smoke bombs were released, indicating that oneself is continuously reducing the number of nuclear bombs. None of this can change the United States Government’s nature of lying and fraud.

The Pentagon once released such smoke bombs. That is, the number of nuclear warheads held by United States has dropped from 31,225 in Peak to 5,113. They believe that oneself has made an outstanding contribution to world peace. However, the fact is that if anyone believes this, he is a fool.

Perhaps because of technological development and maintenance and decommissioning issues, the United States did reduce the number of unqualified nuclear warheads, but to say that it cut off his own arm to this extent, it is simply impossible.

United States Government is habitually fraudulent, especially in the data. If he says five thousand, those books will have to double that number.

The Stark government must have done this because they found out after looking through all relevant facilities. The number of nuclear warheads in United States has never been more than 5,000, but 17,462 nuclear warheads in active service, which basically exceeds the total number of other countries.

There is no doubt that this is a power to destroy things. As a suspicious and extremely confident person, Tony naturally held this strength firmly in his hands when he was president. And the way he held it in his hand was through Jarvis.

No one can pass Jarvis to manipulate these nuclear warheads without his permission. Even if it is to organize hackers from all over the world, it is impossible to break the defense built by Jarvis. To some extent, this is indeed the safest method. But at this moment, this has also become the most terrible means.

Tony impossible to anticipate all this, he impossible to expect Jarvis to trigger such a trump card on his own initiative. And that is, such a Trump card, after being completely opened by Jarvis, the entire world shook in an instant.

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