Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2273

This World is a world of mutual restraint and balance. Whether it is now or before.

If the current international situation is that all countries in the world have to unite to some extent to deal with Hydra’s increasingly cruel and evil aggression. Then in the past, America, the only super-hegemony country in this world, was the object of overwhelming majority countries to guard against.

From the era of the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, all capable countries in the world have been guarding against the possibility of being attacked by nuclear weapons. At that time, although the United States and the Soviet Union were afraid of the powerful destructive power of nuclear weapons and their threat to world peace, they were not willing to easily use such super-standard power. But they would not say that they were really willing to put it on the shelf as a display.

In fact, during the Korean War. United States’ coalition commander MacArthur has threatened more than once to use nuclear bombs to attack the Black Dragon River area, and destroy the aid of the North Korean Volunteers by dumping nuclear waste near the Yalu River.

This is certainly his arrogant remarks, but it does not rule out that American does have such a mind. At that time, the Soviet Union also used the attitude that you dare to release a nuclear bomb, I would dare to bomb Europa, and then start the Third World War, to put the United States right.

This kind of grandiose attitude threatening the world with super power really scared many people. It also made many countries bear the burden of humiliation and must not be controlled by people’s minds, and painstakingly researched the own nuclear power.

However, the possession of nuclear power does not guarantee one’s own safety. At best, it’s just one more scrupulous means, a possibility of either the fish dies or the net splits, that’s all. .

So, how to effectively avoid nuclear strikes on own land has become an important military issue.

A large part of anti-missile technology and high-altitude reconnaissance technology was developed in response to nuclear threats. As the most powerful and technologically developed country in the world, United States has always been ahead of the world in technology. This has also enabled various countries to develop and upgrade related technologies while simultaneously aiming at him.

No way, since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, United States has become the only superpower. The military power it possesses is so powerful that it can definitely fight the entire world. And with United States’ consistent overbearing and nonsense nature, no one can guarantee that one day United States will target oneself in war. And even for the consideration of precautions, treating United States as oneself’s biggest potential threat is completely within logic.

It can be said that all countries, as long as they are not stupid, will choose to monitor the United States’ nuclear forces and target their nuclear weapons to the United States as the most effective countermeasures. Because they can be sure that United States will definitely target its nuclear weapons at every country including Africa. They have no friends in their eyes, only enemies and leeks. So the so-called global nuclear strike is by no means nothing serious.

It is also for the above reasons. When Jarvis took control of the nuclear warheads of the United States and let them start to lift off, all capable countries were immediately aware of this trend.

For a moment, I don’t know how many people and languages ​​are greeting American’s mother-in-law. Because at any time and under any circumstances, such unannounced nuclear weapons strikes are strictly prohibited. Especially after judging from the ballistic trajectory that many of the nuclear warheads were directed at oneself, they hurriedly responded.

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that due to the shrinking of traditional United States forces, most of the original overseas bases have been removed. And this also made the United States take this as a jumping-off point, and most of its plans for a global nuclear strike have died. He can only launch nuclear weapons from the mainland, and the long distance in between is enough for many countries to come up with countermeasures.

The bad news is that not all countries are so lucky, have the time to respond and the ability to respond.

For example, Canada and Brazil are two countries neighboring United States. Due to the repression of the United States for a long time and political bias, they basically did not have any preparations for such an attack.

This also caused the nuclear warhead to fall on their homeland before their government had time. And when the formidable power of nuclear weapons destroyed their cities like a meteorite, killed their citizens, and turned their lands into scorched earth, the entire world became crazy.

Some people thought it was a joke on April Fools’ Day, even though it was not April Fools’ Day. However, the cruel reality awakened them and made them completely give up their illusions about peace.

At this time, it is no longer a problem that can be solved by protest or condemnation. To deal with this situation, the only way to completely destroy the culprit is to protect the owner as much as possible. According to the long-standing tradition, the Maozi were the first to respond. Before they intercepted the nuclear weapons launched by the United States, they had already launched their own nuclear weapons towards the United States mainland. The speed makes the United States Government too late to react.

The United States Government also became aware of nuclear explosions in neighboring countries and Russia’s Ross fired nuclear bombs at their homeland. In the meantime, they did not realize that own nuclear weapons would be activated without their knowledge.

Great fear and despair like the doomsday came to their minds, so that they immediately used all means to prevent this doomsday.

Thousands of nuclear bombs, excluding those that have not been loaded on intercontinental ballistic missiles or are only used for bomber throwing warheads, there are also thousands. Even if it is one after another, launching without interruption at all, it will take a while.

The United States Government wants to use this time to prevent the continued activation of nuclear warheads, hoping to keep the situation within an acceptable range before things worsen to the worst. However, their plan did not work. Because the launch system is completely locked by the Jarvis command, it simply does not accept any of their commands.

Unless they are intercepted manually, it is simply difficult for them to cause any interference with these nuclear warheads. But human intervention? Let alone how many kinds of man-made intervention plans they can come up with, even with this consequence, how many nuclear bombs can they withstand being detonated on their own land?

For a while, the politicians of the United States fell into great anxiety. They can’t make up their minds at all, because no one has the courage to bear the consequences for such a thing. Up to now, they can only do everything possible to justify oneself. The only thing they can do is to prove the innocence of the owner to the countries of the world in the shortest possible time to obtain the ultimate forgiveness.

Unfortunately, the Canadian and Brazilian governments have no way to forgive them. Because as the first victims, the major government departments of Canada and Brazil are the first targets of nuclear strikes. Their administrative system has been completely paralyzed, and all citizens have fallen into endless panic under the horror of the nuclear explosion.

They can only do their full strength for the survival of their own, and they don’t have the slightest amount of free time and room to listen to United States’ defenses. As for the others, let alone.

Australia is the next target, follow closely from behind. The nuclear explosion almost destroyed all the cities along the coast. The huge formidable power made the waves rise a few ten meters and washed the embankment, causing the forest to ignite and the Heavenspan burning.

Although Europe has urgently dispatched fighter jets and anti-missile weapons, the lagging weapon development for a long time is no longer sufficient to fully cope with this degree of war scale. Although the European Community is a huge force, it is a pity that the mentality of being independent and having their own ghosts makes them not at all play the role of one plus one greater than two, but at this time dragging each other’s back Legs made matters worse.

The most typical point is that Germany does not own air force. He can only rely on the joint defense of the European Union countries if he wants to defend. But at present, only a few countries such as France are capable of defending the air force in Europe. And if they are too late to take care of themselves, how can they put their precious vitality on their so-called allies?

The same is true for warships and ballistic defense weapons. Anyway, if you die Fellow Daoist undying Poor Daoist, no one will be noble at this time.

It can be said that at this time, almost all Europe is busy in intrigue, but there is no time to deal with the perfidious United States Old Brother. Of course, they are not that absolutely does not have to deal with it, but the way to deal with it is the same as Maozi, which is to launch their own intercontinental ballistic trajectory over that’s all.

It’s worse, but United States does not intend to give up. They still hope to get people who support them. As long as one such person can appear, it may be a turning point for their situation. However, this is destined to be a delusion.

Maozi’s attitude towards American has always been this thief who has hurt my heart for a long time, and today’s event is by no means accidental. So of course they are reluctant to listen to these American sophistry. A dry word already expresses their thoughts and attitude vividly and thoroughly.

Of course, this is not unexpected by American. After all, the opposition between them for a long time has already left them no room for negotiation. Trusting this thing, along with the repeated buckling of shit bowls on the head, is already exhausted.

They negotiated with Maozi, just in case. What if the other party suddenly feels soft, or drank too much vodka, and his brain is pretty funny? But the facts have proved that Maozi Vodka may drink a lot, but for American, they have never softened, let alone showy.

Putting hopes on Maozi is a stupid mistake. They may also know this oneself, so in the end, they still set their sights on Dongfang World.

I hope that in the East, in line with their usual principles of dealing with things, they will give a little bit of tolerance to this matter and settle things down. It even said that they should play a leading role and make the world believe in their innocence. This may really be the last straw that these United States politicians can grasp.

Like Mao Zi, Dongfang has enough strategic time and strategic space to deal with this sudden problem. It is not a waste of effort to prepare for this situation for decades. .

It can be said that under the current round of nuclear attacks by the United States, they and Maozi are the least damaged countries and are the countries that have the best capacity to fight back. Based on this, United States politicians have illusions about this. But after all, in this matter, they are still a bit too unrealistic.

Forbearance is not a bottomless concession. Sometimes for the sake of the overall situation or many international situation considerations, the East will habitually make some concessions, but this does not mean that they will always be like this. .

We cannot accept this kind of behavior by the US, which is tantamount to declaring war, and the damage and pain that this kind of behavior brings to the world can never be offset by a simple mistake or accident. The U.S. is bound to pay a price, and if the U.S. side is unwilling to repay this price, then we are willing to listen to the voice of the people of the world, and with the common will of the people of the world, to personally repay the price.

Just like Dongfang World’s speech, this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be compromised at all. No matter what role the United States Government plays in this, they still have to shoulder certain responsibilities in this mistake. They want to disassociate themselves, impossible. If even this kind of thing can be distinguished, then who should pay for the pain and blood of the innocent people who have lost their lives because of the nuclear explosion, and the broken families of tens of millions?

This is an unsolvable problem. Therefore, when seeing countless nuclear weapons targeting the United States mainland, the moment they swarmed, these politicians and the capitalists behind them completely gave up the struggle and began to seek individual survival. .

They can no longer take care of others. Nuclear warfare of this level is enough to destroy every city and every piece of land in this entire country. They can do nothing, let alone take care of others. At this time, perhaps oneself flees for their lives and escapes to those refuges specially built to cope with the outbreak of such a nuclear war. Perhaps it is their only choice, the only room to preserve their own.

Power? money? At this time, it is also important that no life comes. And just when these politicians, these capitalists flocked for their lives. Coulson heave a long sigh and fell softly on the seat.

He knows that everything is over. After he made this wrong decision, the fate of this country has already begun to end. He can do nothing but hide his face and cry. After giving up a lot of precious things, and even trampling his own conscience under his feet, but only got such an ending, he was really powerless and didn’t know what to do.

Perhaps, sitting here and waiting for the death knell to ring is the only thing he can do. It’s just that when he thinks of the country being destroyed because of the mistake of the owner and the people suffering because of the choice of the owner, he still cannot bear the grief in his heart.

“What the hell did I do?”

At this time, I can’t get the answer by asking myself. Because this in itself was the worst joke that fate had made on him.

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