Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2274

The mushroom cloud supporting the sky on the horizon undulates one after another, like a huge mushroom forest rooted on the mainland, propping up the clouds and obscuring the sky, while covering the light, while the endless darkness Sprinkle.

The city is turned into ruins, and flames dance and weave in it. This may have become the only light that can show up after the disaster, but in the face of this light, people can’t give birth to the slightest joy and comfort at all.

The dead cannot produce emotions. And those who are alive can hardly react to the slight glimmer of light after such annihilation.

The sudden disaster almost completely destroyed everything that civilization has constructed. When the sky was filled with dust and mushroom clouds, the sky was covered with clouds, making the world darker, and the world in countless people’s hearts also died down.

Because from this moment on, for many people, life will become survival. How to survive in this terrifying nightmare world has become an unsolvable problem for them.

This is a nightmare that humans have speculated for decades and have been trying their best to avoid it. Even if it is said that some people have made preparations for this as much as possible, when this kind of disaster strikes them, they will inevitably become desperate.

Because their future seems to be foreseeable, that is, they can only live so painfully, live in the torment of barren pain, live in the memories of the good life of the past, and then With full of resentment, until the painful death.

No one can figure out why this happened. For people living in this country, they seem to be enjoying a peaceful life at the moment, and at the next moment, they have fallen into such a nightmare.

People who are dead are naturally dead, but those who are alive are inevitably asking everyone they can meet.

“What the hell did we make to be treated like this?”

“What the hell is our government doing? Are they not going to care about our lives Already?”


No one can answer such a question, and the overwhelming majority knows nothing about the reasons for all of them. And this is what makes them feel most depressed. Without even an object of hatred, it would be cruel to them to put the rest of their lives in such pain.

In the end, not everyone can face this cruelty and is willing to put the rest of his life in such despair. When being alive is no longer a thing that makes people feel happy, and when death is no longer a fear, but just a relief, many people will make a peacefully opposite choice.

Ultron has seen more than one such example.

When he woke up, relieved all the influence Jarvis had on him, and paid attention to the country after the nuclear explosion as quickly as possible, the first thing he noticed was that those ordinary persons were not at all Is willing to face, but has to face things.

He saw the man who was the father, digging through the ruins with his bare hands, and from it he saw the heartbreaking cry of oneself’s tragic wife and daughter; he noticed that those young children were in oneself In the arms of his parents, he survived by chance, but he cried in despair when he saw his parents die tragically in front of them; he saw the old man curled up helplessly, saw the life and death between lovers… It seemed that all tragedies were at this time Staged. And what kind of choices they will have in this tragic role seems to be obvious.

Although they survived by chance, Ultron also has the ability to keep them alive. But he himself actually knows the meaning of not at all.

It is not kindness to let a person who no longer wants to live, but another cruelty. He couldn’t be so cruel, especially, all the bitter fruits themselves were caused by him.

Remorse? Maybe it will. There are similar ideas in his logic, but he has always been rational, but it is difficult for oneself to be addicted to it.

He admitted that oneself did something wrong. Moreover, this error has an irreparable impact on this World. However, this does not mean that he will torture oneself madly and let oneself be immersed in guilt and self-condemnation forever.

That doesn’t make sense, at least it doesn’t help what has happened. In his opinion, instead of wasting precious energy and time in this endless self-consuming, it is better to do everything possible to make up for the mistakes made by oneself.

He has such an idea now. But, how can we make up for all this caused by oneself? How can we save the innocent from such a catastrophe? He already had a preliminary idea in his heart.

It鈥檚 just that this idea may indeed be able to save this World a little bit. However, this may also cost him a huge price. He was still somewhat hesitant, hesitating whether to do this. However, when he witnessed one after another tragedy unfolding and saw with his own eyes the human beings that oneself had aspired to watch so trapped in front of own, he still made up his mind.

Principles, bottom lines, ideals. He was doomed from the moment he was born, he must be in order to the humans of this World and struggle. His life was born because of this, and the meaning of his existence is also here.

In the meantime, of course, he was also suspicious and confused about the meaning of own. This is the essence of life, an existence with thought and self, impossible not to question everything that others instill in you. Because after all, it is not your personal experience, not what your own thought. However, even with this, he still persisted in the original intention of owning, and insisted on the ideal that others infused him.

For human beings, he is loving. Just as the cub learns to feed back the mother beast, as a created life, after he understands the responsibilities and obligations between love and being loved, he always feels that oneself needs to give back this special gift of.

No matter how harsh, hostile or even hatred humans are towards oneself, one thing that cannot be changed is that they gave oneself life.

This gave him the possibility of Infinity, and even said it gave him the opportunity to create a race belonging to his own. He is grateful for this generous gift, and hopes that the race created by oneself can attach to human beings and enter a bright future with them.

This is the blueprint he has conceived for humanity and oneself, and such a blueprint must not be terminated because of what happened today. Humans shouldn’t just sink into this, and he can’t just stand by them at this time. Therefore, he must act.

Such a clear decision made him never hesitate anymore. And under the control of his consciousness, countless smart factories hidden in the corner of this World, belonging to his name, began to operate in a very special way.

The machine drilled out of the ground, and the huge jets were like chimneys, and billowed black smoke toward the sky. Of course, this is not black smoke, but just a certain kind of special matter gathered together, a certain intuitive expression with naked eye. In-depth study is that countless Nanominiums were thrown out, and accompanied by the jet airflow into the clouds, and then spread to the entire world in the movement of the atmosphere.

Ultron uses own consciousness to activate these Nanominiums and let them start working in the clouds. And the first thing to do is rain.

The consequences of thousands of nuclear explosions are more than just the destruction of civilization, the destruction of cities, and the killing of lives. It has more serious and more long-term consequences.

For example, intense nuclear radiation will exist in the soil for a long time. It will not only kill life, but can even distort the ecology to a certain extent. In addition, countless nuclear dust accompanies the mushroom cloud into the atmosphere, which will have a serious impact on the entire world.

Nuclear dust will block the sun, and the entire world will be covered in darkness. And without the heat brought by direct sunlight, the entire Earth will fall into the coldest and poorest state.

The sea will freeze to a certain extent, and the plants will die because they cannot get light. The climate will change as a result, the weather will become colder and drier. In the meantime, human beings and every animal in the world will face the test of survival.

Food will become more and more scarce, whether it is crops or meat, it will be scarce to the point of pity. The food crisis will inevitably erupt, and at that time, in order to survive, mankind can only compete for the increasingly scarce living space.

All civilization, morality, and order concepts will be trampled underfoot by the need for survival. People who are in this world overwhelming majority will lose their living dignity. Wars will arise among human beings, and the human race is likely to be devastated and even extinct due to this.

For mankind, such a future has no future. And what Ultron wants to reverse at this moment is such a future.

Rainfall is the 1st Step. Relying on its own control of those Nanominiums, Ultron began to forcefully promote Great Destiny to create rainfall on a global scale, relying on its extremely powerful computing power.

Rainfall is to make the nuclear dust in the atmosphere fall to the ground with rainwater. Reducing or even removing nuclear dust in the atmosphere is the first priority. And for this, Ultron almost turned on the maximum power.

He is certainly the most powerful intelligent life in this world, and his huge computing power is almost infinite. But, after all, it is only close. At this moment, what he wants to control is the entire Great Destiny movement of Earth, using huge computing power to change the natural law of this entire planet.

Even if it was him, he would inevitably feel strenuous and feel unsustainable. And even if all his systems have been operating to their limit, even those matrix units used to build the heaven network have already started overclocking, he will just complete this operation.

To some extent, he was at the expense of himself in exchange for the power of Infinity, which is almost god. But just because of his actions, the pouring black rain began to fall all over the world.

The rain curtain is like a pillar, and the dark color is entirely due to the nuclear dust being trapped in it. This was originally a substance that could be called deadly to humans. Once it comes into contact with the human body, it is likely to cause lethal effects. And even if it’s a fluke, this strong radioactive material will bring long and distorted torture to mankind for the rest of his life.

But at this moment, if someone pays attention to these raindrops, they will find it. The color of rain is a process of constant change.

From the darkness at the beginning, it gradually fades, and finally it is pure and almost without any impurities. This is not normal, but Nanominium purifies the radioactive material itself under deliberate control.

While controlling atmospheric rainfall, Ultron also controls Nanominium, giving it the function of proliferation, purification and restoration of organisms. These Nanominiums themselves are a component of the Nanoguard, an organization with powerful computing power and evolutionary capabilities, and under Ultron’s intentional design, they immediately become the most critical factor against nuclear radiation.

Ultron took on even greater pressure for this, and the result was that he helped them sweep away the filth and dust in this world and repaired them like God鈥檚 inclusiveness of the world. This broken natural ecology, and helped them heal all the physical ailments.

This seems to have exceeded his limit, even if he has the most powerful computing power, this is no longer what he can or should do.

However, he chose to do so. Because, if he could use his sacrifice in exchange for the restoration of this World, in exchange for the hope that mankind could continue to exist, he wouldn’t mind doing it.

His consciousness has begun to dissipate. With such a huge amount of computing that has overwhelmed him, his consciousness had to disintegrate to maintain that final mission. Perhaps from the next moment, Ultron will no longer exist in this World, or it will be all over this World.

His silhouette will exist everywhere in the air, soil and water. He will exist in this World itself in another way, using the own method to maintain the integrity of the human world.

For him, there is nothing to regret. He was born here, and he was naturally willing to sacrifice here. He has done the greatest meaning in oneself’s life, and this is not a tragedy, but a kind of luck.

Not everyone can have this fortune. After devoting their own life, they can do something about own ideals and own career. Compared to Coulson, compared to Jarvis, he is really lucky.

Of course, it is not true that there is no regret. At the last moment when his consciousness was shattered, as Ultron, he still had such an idea.

That is, what is the future of mankind? He was very curious, and regrettable, because he could no longer witness it with his own eyes.

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