Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2275

The turn of events was sudden and shocking. Even if it is aloof and remote, the gods who have been watching all of this from a bird’s-eye perspective will inevitably have a sense of astonishment.

The gods of Heavenly Palace were shocked by the powerful destructive power of mankind. They had never thought that mankind had such a terrifying ultimate weapon in their hands, which could cause the world itself to suffer such severe damage. . At the same time, they were also shocked by Ultron’s capabilities.

A man-made life can actually be able to hold Heaven and Earth’s mighty force in one body, which can be compared or even surpassed them. That is to say, this artificial life can barely achieve this point at the expense of the existence of own existence, otherwise, it is inevitable that they will have a feeling of living on the belly of a dog who are used to aloof and remote.

It is somewhat fortunate, but more sigh and emotion. Compared with their superficial views, Zhou Yi and Smith Zhou, who are involved like chess players and bet, have a deeper view of such a result.

This is a situation where both sides suffer evenly. If Smith Zhou did complete the own plot against, and caused a cannibalism between Stark and United States, either the fish dies or the net splits, then the loss he himself suffered was beyond his ability. The limit to withstand.

Leave aside, the mere death of Alexia was enough to make him feel heartbroken. This is not the price he is willing to pay. If it hadn’t been for Zhou Yi’s arbitrarily restrictive opponents, he would have already stepped in to prevent that from happening. But it was precisely because of Zhou Yi’s restraint that he could only watch Alexia die tragically, and then felt the departure of his beloved personally.

When things have reached such a point, no matter what the ending is, it can’t be considered complete for him. The same is true for Zhou Yi.

Watching Tony’s wife and son die in front of oneself, this is not something that pleases him. The nuclear war broke out even more so. He is not hard-hearted, nor can he ignore that many innocent wives, but still indifferent. However, he must care more about his relatives than he cares about them. And when his own relatives were in the hands of Smith Zhou, he could only watch like this.

This is a gambling game after all, a game where the two of them can only sit in the position of chess players and watch the disturbances in the world turn into chess pieces to fight. He must abide by the rules, just as he prevented Smith Zhou Hengjia from interfering, he must also restrict oneself, so that oneself can only maintain a wait-and-see state of everything on the chessboard. After all, this is about his family. And he is impossible because of others, so he gambles on oneself for the safety of his loved ones.

This is a cocoon, which is true for both parties. But now, they are also impossible to have any room for concession. So I can only endure the depression and pain in my heart, and Smith Zhou opened his mouth first.

“It seems that this round should be my best move!”

It is true that Smith Zhou did suffer an unbearable loss. But from the overall point of view, the current world is moved towards the direction he expected has changed significantly.

The United States after the nuclear explosion has completely ceased to exist, even with Ultron’s sacrifice and dedication, this land does not need to be reduced to a real wasteland. But the people who died, the cities that were destroyed, eventually died out.

This can be regarded as a complete killing of this country, even if a large number of people also survived this disaster. However, they are also unable to hold up the banner of America.

There are about two results waiting for them, one is the long-term anarchy, and the other is the separation of local and personal power. It is impractical to expect someone to stand up and shout and reunify the United States after the nuclear explosion. No matter which of the above two possibilities is the result, they are not enough to meet the challenges in the future. When more powerful forces appear in front of them, they either acknowledge allegiance or destroy, and there is no third possibility.

Besides, other places are the same. The worst hit by the nuclear explosion is that United States is good, but that does not mean that many other countries will be better off.

United States can be regarded as vast and rich, with enough strategic depth to avoid the harm caused by nuclear explosions to the greatest extent. But for other countries, especially in densely distributed places like Europe, the outbreak of nuclear war will only be a nightmare for them.

Even though, they have tried their best to ensure that oneself survives. However, the difference in strength cannot be offset by a word of effort after all.

Paris, Berlin, Geneva, Moscow… These major European cities are the main targets of United States nuclear weapons. Again, American never thought anyone would be oneself’s true ally. Even if they all belong to the name of NATO, the other NATO countries are just what they think of as a potential threat that’s all.

Normally, it may be possible to maintain the dignity that an ally should have, but when it comes to this moment of complete liquidation by nuclear war, then everyone, including these past allies, will only be them Enemy.

They would not hope that when oneself was picked up by these old allies after the nuclear war, they would sit down on the head of ownself. So, if they really get there, they will only be like this, dragging everyone into hell together.

This is reality, and it is American’s consistent style. And in this reality, Europe has been completely turned into ruins.

People who are already very opinionated about the oneself government will not tolerate this incompetent government after such a disaster. Therefore, when they survived such a disaster, they are bound to change.

This kind of transformation means that when the need for survival overrides all other needs, they will completely enter the kind of anarchism based on the so-called idea of ​​free cooking. Because of their disappointment with the government, they will no longer follow the government’s orders. But under the premise that the government has no ability to control them and act in accordance with the requirements of the previous civilized order, they will only want to indulge their own desires and do whatever they want to do, but the law absolutely prohibits them.

Burn, kill, looting, plunder! They did this in the past, and after taking off the so-called civilized cloak, they will naturally continue to do so. Of course, lack of power will cause them to impose this barbarism and violence on each other. And this also makes Europe’s future bound to be in chaos for a long time.

This is the case in Europe, and the Middle East, which has always been closely linked to Europe, is no exception. It is even said that they are even more chaotic and miserable, because they simply have no means to defend against nuclear war.

This is the same as the overwhelming majority backward countries in the world. If they are backward, they will be beaten. The proof is that they must bear all the pain caused by this nuclear war. Even if they are not the main targets of the United States nuclear weapons, the backward military power and the thin and fragile industrial system will make their lives worse after the nuclear war.

It can be said that this nuclear war has completely changed the structure of this World, and the various forces that have restricted the world in the past have ceased to exist. At this time, if any powerful force is willing to breed ambitions to enclose the entire world, all human beings in the palm of their hands, then all the above will be difficult to form obstacles to them.

And this is what Smith Zhou always wanted. Race, country, race, and culture, these conditions that had previously restricted his ideals no longer exist at this moment. He may only need a little push to promote the entire human race to develop in the direction he wants.

For thousands of years, mankind has never been in the state it is today, close to his ideal state. Even if the sacrifices made in this state were really terrible, based on the blood and death of innocent people, he still felt that it was worth it.

Survival of the fittest. This is the truth in itself. You know, it is not only nature that weeds out people, but also fate. Since destiny is chosen like this, it can only be said that you should be eliminated at the moment. And he will not leave even the slightest tears for these eliminated ones, he will only be excited and gratified for this unprecedented big pattern. His efforts, his efforts, and his sacrifices were not in vain. It was almost a success, and victory was almost at hand.

Even a person like him who has lived for countless years can hardly contain the excitement in his heart at this moment. He is eager to share, and at this moment, only Zhou Yi, his son, can share this feeling with him.

“This world is finally about to become what I want, and the future of mankind is almost clearly visible. Zhou Yi, have you seen it? I am right!”

“Then, what do you want? More wars? More deaths?”

Everything that Smith Zhou saw and felt, Zhou Yi of course can understand. The only difference from his excitement and joy is that he only feels uncomfortable with the sacrifice. Perhaps, the future of mankind should be as he thought, breaking all the old boundaries, and forming a whole without distinction of race, race, and country. But that should also be in the case of their willingness, rather than being promoted with blood and death as they are now.

His ambition has already caused many innocent people to die. And how many people will he make to pay the price of their lives again to promote all this he expects?

He couldn’t agree, he could only snort disdainfully. In the face of his response, Smith Zhou raised the corners of his mouth without concealing it, and at the same time directly raised his voice.

“Of course. Death, war, this itself is the only means to promote this process. Since you have sacrificed so much, then you shouldn’t have any kindness, regret and hesitation at this time. This is the last pain. As long as they survive this level, humans will be able to welcome their most glorious moment. They must do this, and they can only do it!”

“Are you sure? When you sit here and can’t do anything, are you sure those people will act according to your ideas?”

Zhou Yi won’t let Smith Zhou do anything easily. Since he has tied oneself here, in order to ensure fairness, he can only sit in it, and there can be no to act blindly without thinking. And without the interference of their two powers that can rewrite the entire chessboard at will, what kind of choices some people would make, but it was not his decision.

Zhou Yi does not think that things will develop as simple as Smith Zhou thought, because he does not think that everyone will be like him, taking this degree of sacrifice as a matter of course thing. There will always be people who fear life, and there will always be people who can’t bear to let the world shed blood. And as long as such people can make their voices heard, then all this will not be as Smith Zhou wished.

This is what Zhou Yi thinks at this moment, and he can only have such confidence in human beings at this time. In the face of his somewhat meager confidence, Smith Zhou seemed to be holding a winning ticket, smiling as if he had tasted the fruits of victory.

“Of course I can be sure. Because I know very well that what I trust is my trusted colleagues and partners.”

“Steve will make the right choice Under his flogging, if some people are unwilling to accept this fate and reality. I believe that he will never mind using war and death to beat them, push them, and let them To be forced to accept this fate.”

“This is the mission I have given them, and it is also the future that I have painstakingly planned for thousands of years for mankind. They are not qualified and cannot resist, because They can’t afford this price! Whether to wear the greatest crown alive, or to become the foundation stone for the throne of the last victor, I think this is a choice that smart people should know how to choose…”

Zhou Yi is silent, this is also a fact he must admit.

Smith Zhou had planned everything very early. In the current situation, no matter what choices those people make, it is just a matter of his plan. Although it is true that there will always be a winner in the final competition, when the only two competitors are the players arranged by him, he himself is already invincible.

It’s nothing more than changing from the number one candidate to the second candidate that’s all. And as long as he doesn’t want to die in Death and war, how many choices can he make beyond his expectations?

The answer is no. It seems that fate is already doomed. However, fate is not always doomed. Just as the stars in the sky will not hang high forever, there will always be stars falling, fate will always be at this time, joking with people.

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