Sun God Marvel

Chapter 228

(Um, it should be the last chapter for the public. It will be on the shelves on the first day of 2016, I hope there is a good start.)

People were originally They are complex creatures, they are controlled by reason, but they cannot escape perceptual thoughts. Even sometimes, perceptual thinking will even affect their judgment.

Many times, many problems arise from impulse. People have to pay for the own impulse, and once they have this awareness, it actually means that they have to bear a layer of responsibility.

Now, Zhou Yi has added an extra layer to own. Before, he could handle this kind of thing very well, but now he doesn’t know what oneself should do. After all, he still didn’t control oneself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi laughed self-deprecatingly. He fumbled for a cigarette from the bedside and lit one for oneself.

“It is not a good habit to smoke in bed, you should know this kind of thing!” A snow-white arm stretched out in front of him, and the jade-like luster exuded amazing charm. This beauty once made Zhou Yi intoxicated, but when she took the cigarette out of his mouth, he was unwilling.

“You need to know, I need to think about some problems.”

“Are you thinking about how to deal with me, or thinking about how to keep me from messing around with this kind of thing Say?” Ada’s chuckle sounded in his ears, which made Zhou Yi couldn’t help turning his head and staring at her face.

Ada’s face is close at hand, those bright and intelligent eyes are staring at him at this moment, and the emotions inside are so complicated that he can’t see it.

For this, Zhou Yi immediately tightened his arms, making the things he was holding in his arms and oneself closer. At the same time, he stared at Ada’s eyes very seriously and said to her.

“You should know what I mean, now that this choice has been made. I will take responsibility for you!”

To Zhou Yi’s very serious With a look in his eyes, Ada was very uncomfortable. She turned away and struck back.

“Don’t crack a joke. I don’t need you to be responsible for me! This is not a game of love, just comforting each other if you wish. This should be normal for adults . Don’t tell me, Daqingsheng. This is your first time!”

“Of course it’s not my first time. I’m sorry. Ida!” Zhou Yi stretched out to take action, lightly Ada’s awkward face pulled back and asked her to look at oneself. “But it’s yours, isn’t it?”

“This kind of thing that even I don’t care about, is it meaningful to you?” Regarding Zhou Yi’s tough move, King Ida can only complain. Sighed. Her identity and character destined that she can’t ask him for anything like an obsessive little woman. It’s better to just let it go, and at the same time make oneself more dignified.

“Listen to Ada, I don’t care what you think. But to me, it makes a lot of sense!”

Zhou Yi said it seriously, and let Ada seriously Want to laugh.

“What the hell is wrong with you, don’t forget how the outside world evaluates your past. It’s a playboy, only a little better than Tony! So please, don’t make it look like this? This is not like you at all, and at the same time I think it will make those women who have an affair with you sad.”

“I admit that I was really absurd, but at that time I gave it Enough price. And now, Ada. I want to take responsibility for you.” Zhou Yi said this in a low voice, and at the same time he hugged her even harder.

This kind of tight embrace made Ada uncomfortable. She felt surprised, and at the same time, there was a feeling of overwhelming surprise. She wanted to agree and find a support like an ordinary woman. But she knew that there was still a gap between them, some very crucial things.

The feeling between them does not seem to have reached the point of that kind of love. And this is the most critical issue.

“What do you want to do? Marry me?” With this deep understanding, Ada asked aloud. She really wanted to know what level of responsibility Zhou Yi said.

“If you agree, I don’t have any problems.” To Ada’s surprise, Zhou Yi was simply nodded. “It’s not easy to find a woman who accepts all my secrets. And maybe it’s the same as the teachers in the school said, I really want to find a mother for the children!”

“This is yours The real purpose, you just want to find a mother for the two children.” When Ada heard this, he pushed his chest angrily, expressing oneself’s inner displeasure to him. Regarding this, Zhou Yi just grabbed her hand quietly and said harboring malicious intentions.

“Okay, okay. If you think so, I can’t help it. How about it, did you agree?”

Ada’s face instantly changed. An expression of hesitation remained on her face for a long time, and it was a long time before she quietly sighed and said listlessly.

“Forget it. I don’t think I’m ready yet! Getting married and so on, it’s still too far away from me!”

“Are you sure?” this time It was Zhou Yi’s turn that he couldn’t figure it out, he thought everything should go well.

“I’m sure, it’s fine for the time being. We haven’t gotten further.” Ada pushed Zhou Yi’s shoulder like a complaint, and found one in his arm Pillow in a more comfortable place, then turned over and lay in like a lazy cat.

“I’m tired, I just want to sleep. This topic ends here!”

“Ha!” Watching Ada just ended the topic, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but Spit out such a questioning tone. He wanted to say something more, but found that the woman sleeping in oneself’s arms was already breathing evenly. This made him immediately laugh bitterly.

Because he knows that what oneself said at this time is useless, no matter what you do, it is impossible to wake up a person who pretends to sleep. Ada’s attitude is very obvious, just unwilling to continue entangled with Zhou Yi on this issue, so she just pretended to be asleep.

This makes Zhou Yi really helpless. In the end, he could only fall into a dream like the woman in his arms, obediently and honestly. Then one day, so quietly to the end.

Early in the morning on the 2nd day, Zhou Yi was quarreled by the surrounding movement. He knew that the movement was coming from oneself, so he didn’t even bother to open his eyes. Sometimes people are like this, when they relax to a certain realm, they will progress to a point where they are too lazy to extricate themselves.

For example, Zhou Yi now, he clearly feels that Ada has gotten up, and has even begun to make the sound of dressing. But he just doesn’t want to get up from the bed. It can almost be said that he has now contracted the problem of lying in bed.

Ada, who was already wearing his clothes, pushed Zhou Yi hard, who was still unwilling to move on the bed. Seeing him twisting and twisting like a caterpillar, his face suddenly changed.

“Damn, can’t you get up yet? You will be seen by the children if you come down like this!”

“Oh, Ada. I think my lovely children must I will appreciate the hard work of their father yesterday. You must know that I was really working hard last night, especially after I came back!” Zhou Yi is still wrapped in the quilt, like the entire world only has a bed. And this is the last thing Ida wants to see.

Know that this is her room, not Zhou Yi’s. If the children see their father actually sleeping here, then Ada’s face and so on will be stripped all over.

Under Ada’s push, Zhou Yi opened his eyes unwillingly. This feeling of being forcibly pulled out of the comfortable dreamland of nostalgia is not good at all. But after seeing Ada, his mood was inexplicably relieved.

At this time, Ida was wearing a lady’s shirt made of white spun silk. Through the gaps of silk weave, Zhou Yi could even clearly see the scenery inside. And her slender and beautiful legs are wrapped in black silk suspenders in a black corset short skirt also, forming a beautiful scenery.

To be honest, Ada has a very good figure. Although she is not the type with particularly exaggerated curves, she is definitely the perfect golden ratio. Especially the slender legs, definitely have the charm of making people be infatuated. Coupled with her slender waist with only two hands and almost perfect female body curve, it is enough to make 99% of women in the world retreat in front of her. This is just the figure, not counting her charming face.

From a woman’s point of view, she is already a nearly perfect type. Smart, wise, capable, and very beautiful. This makes Zhou Yi somewhat complacent, after all, such a woman already belongs to him, how can he be unhappy?

“Good morning, dear Ada. I thought you would sleep for a while?”

When I heard Zhou Yi’s words, even with Ada as a spy, Some blushed. She still remembers how absurd they were last night. However, she quickly reduced the blush and threw Zhou Yi’s clothes on him instead. At the same time scolded quietly.

“Stop messing around, get up quickly. I don’t want those two Little Brat to misunderstand what happened.”

Zhou Yi put on his own clothes and happily Said.

“What are they misunderstanding? What can they misunderstand. Ida, I think you must be too much.”

“You must be deliberate!” Listen to him If that happened, Ada gave him a blank look.

“Maybe, who knows?” She put on her clothes and put on her shoes. Zhou Yi stepped forward and hugged Ada’s waist. In Ada’s panic, he lightly moved his face closer, and at the same time sniffed her neck slightly. At last he kissed directly in Ada’s bewilderment.

After a long time, he was forcibly pushed away by Ada, who was awakened. At this time, Zhou Yi had a smirk on his face.

“This is a good morning kiss, dear Ada. In addition, I find that you are more beautiful than yesterday.”

After that, he came from Ai like a thief. Dada sneaked out of his room. In fact, it is not only Ada who is worried about being discovered by children, but he himself is also worried about this problem. Before the relationship is officially confirmed, anyway, as long as it is seen by children, it will be annoying.

Watching Zhou Yi slip away so sneakily. There was a feeling of sex in Ada’s heart. Does this count as **? She felt a little wrong, but no matter what, she was still in a good mood today. Especially after seeing the radiant oneself in the mirror, this joyful mood is even more wonderful.

Maybe this step is not at all wrong for oneself!

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