Sun God Marvel

Chapter 229

“If you say I have committed such a crime, show it to me!”

When Dawn Knight said something like this, the Senator Judge immediately smiled stand up. He put on an upright and majestic appearance, and said to the surrounding bailiffs.

“Summoning witnesses to enter, I think we really need all the strong evidence to prove the crimes committed by this hero!”

The bailiff opened the court with a little cringe The door of the side summoning room allowed the three people who had already sat inside to walk out.

Justin Hammer came out first. This slick businessman who just couldn’t come to Taiwan at a recent hearing about Iron Man. And then there is a lot of information in one hand, which looks like a middle-aged man doing accounting. As for the end, it is an Old Lady. An Old Lady who looked a little scared and kept her head down.

Seeing these three people, many people were taken aback. Because they didn’t know what kind of relationship these three people had with Dawn Knight. Justin. Hammer is just a businessman. The only connection between him and Dawn Knight may be that he has heard of each other. The remaining two do not even have this connection.

No one knows exactly what the Senator Judge wants to play like this. Only those who really understand the insider know how many conspiracies and plots are in between.

“First, I invited Mr. Ahmadinejad Hermes to show us a set of data. Mr. Hermes is a professional accountant in the Finance Department. We were specially invited to collect a set of statistics. . And this set of data is about the detailed loss statistics of all the serious damage in the New York battle where Dawn Knight participated. Mr. Hermes, you can start.”

“Yes, Your Honor “The accountant, Mr. Hermes, who had already passed the anger in advance, ignored the noise below, but read the report in oneself’s hands. “According to the statistics of our professionals, there is already a basic loss assessment for the malignant destruction that occurred in New York. In this malignant incident, a total of 69 large buildings were irreparably damaged. Serious damage. Along which is included Broadway Theater, a special building with a certain historical value. In addition, the roads of three streets have suffered the same damage. More than 600 acres of public land must be completely rebuilt. More than two thousand people The property has been damaged to varying degrees, and the work of more than 10,000 people has been greatly affected.”

“So, in the end, we concluded that the total economic loss caused here is about 50 billion. USD. This is only the pre-reconstruction work and the resettlement costs for the affected people. In the future, it will be necessary to continue to invest 10,000,000,000 USD in the area each year, at least five years of continuous investment, to completely restore this most prosperous area The old look, and let those who have been hurt initially return to their normal lives. The above is the report I have to make, Mr. Judge.”

A man named Ahmadinejad worked on business. After talking about own data. He sat down, his face was completely stiff like a wood-carved clay puppet, and he didn’t seem to care about anyone at all.

“Thank you for the data, Mr. Hermes. Then, Dawn Knight. What do you want to say about this?” Knocked on the own mallet, and stopped the growth below The noise. The Senator Judge pulled his throat and said to Zhou Yi. “After hearing these appalling statistics, don’t you have any thoughts of pleading guilty?”

“Do you want to count this to my head, Your Honor?” Faced by the judge Zhou Yi asked the question naturally and calmly.

This made the Senator Judge’s face a little stiff. He tugged at the corner of his mouth, and showed a somewhat awkward smile.

“No, of course I have not thought about it that way. Let us now call on a second witness. Mrs. Bertis Di Diloa will continue our identification. Now, Madam, you are ready Is there anything you want to say?”

Hearing the judge’s question, the Old Lady, who had been bowing her head, raised her head in a wince, and then replied it with a slight, barely inaudible voice. .

“Yes, Mr. Judge. I’m ready!”

“Don’t worry too much, Mrs. Didiloa. No one here can threaten you, you You only need to answer some of my questions.”

The judge sitting there showed a smile on the Old Lady, and then started following the own procedure.

“Mrs. Didiloa, can you tell us if you have been harmed because of Dawn Knight? Whether it is directly or indirectly.”

Old Lady He suddenly looked up at Zhou Yi who was standing there, and when she saw Dawn Knight looking sideways at own. Immediately he couldn’t help but shrank back, showing a dodge look. She didn’t seem to want to be watched like this by Zhou Yi. But how could she not be watched, who has already begun to face the thin court?

So she can only lower her head and force oneself not to look at him. Then he whispered into the microphone.

“He didn’t directly hurt me…”

“But he hurt you indirectly, did he?” The Senator Judge saw her Hesitated from the bottom of her heart, so she just inserted the words in before she finished speaking. At the same time, he said in a warning manner. “Madam, you don’t have to worry that someone will trouble you. You just need to answer yes or no.”

Faced with the judge’s attitude, Old Lady lowered her head and replied for a long time.


“A liar, you liar!” As soon as these words came out, someone immediately yelled. And hearing such a rebuke, Old Lady instinctively shrank her body more and more. She didn’t just dare not watch Zhou Yi anymore, she didn’t even have the courage to watch anyone else.

“Quiet, quiet. This is the courtroom.” The Senator Judge struck two hammers hard, suppressing the discordant voice. Then he asked before the Old Lady was completely frightened. “You once said in the report that you had suffered serious mental damage due to Dawn Knight’s actions. The reason was that in the Battle of New York, Dawn Knight made you chase the giant It was caused by being a hostage and falling into Esha’s hands. Is that so? Madam!”

“Yes.” Old Lady’s voice began to tremble, but she still said the word. This naturally made the audience below even more dissatisfied.

“Perjury, this is perjury. We demand judicial justice, true justice!” Someone began to clamor. And his words and deeds clearly angered the judge above.

“Bailiff, expel him to me.” He knocked the hammer hard and shouted. “I have a medical certificate presented by the hospital. The wife of Luo Rhodeyah is very serious. This is not perjury, it is a fact! If anyone interferes in this sacred court, I promise that he will stay in jail for a while. “

The guy who clamored for the unfairness of the court was reluctantly asked out by the bailiff. The Senator and Judge who saw all this pulled his tie and continued.

“Mrs. Rhodey, thank you for your speech. Now we have our third witness, Mr. Justin Hammer. Because of the original Chief-In-Charge Thaddeus E of the Ministry of Defense. General .Ross is still under investigation by the military court, so we ask Mr. Hammer who knows everything about this to replace him as the third witness!”

See finally It’s oneself’s turn to debut. Justin Hammer stood up sharply. He looked at Dawn Knight who had no idea what his face was and laughed, then turned around and spoke to the audience and the camera behind him.

“I’m here today to explain to you a plan of the Ministry of Defense. This plan is the Hulk Capture Project. In this plan, the host Thaddeus E.Ross The general made great efforts to hunt down the green giant named Hulk. As everyone knows, Hulk is an extremely powerful monster, and his destructive power is amazing. A considerable part of the huge damage that New York has suffered is due to him. However, these damages are not all. Part of it is also caused by the Superhero in front of him. I think no one will deny this.”

“He needs to be responsible for own behavior , Responsible for those losses. Because before he appeared, our army had relied on own to suppress the Hulk and drove out the monster named Evil. In theory, everything that follows has been taken by us. Controlled. US Military will reclaim the Hulk, and naturally the remaining losses and damage will not happen.”

“But at this time, our hero appeared. He destroyed our weapons and started Fight with Hulk and Evil.”

Speaking of which, Justin shrugged. There was a dazed expression on his face.

“Seriously, I really don’t know the meaning of this battle. He is completely avoidable, as long as our hero is on the side that defends our army. But we The hero doesn’t seem to think so. He insists on acting according to his own idea. In the end, he fought with Hulk. I think this seems to be a completely uncontrolled battle, and the aftermath it caused still exists. And this Fighting, to some extent, shouldn’t exist, shouldn’t it?”

“It’s just because the owner quickly took action with the National People’s Congress and destroyed our most beautiful big apple like this . Can I think that this is an act that endangers the security of the country and the people? What do you think, Mr. Dawn Knight?”

“Is this what you want to say?” Listening to Hammer’s speech, Zhou Yi turned his gaze back to the judge played by the senator. “I’m very curious, what is your purpose? What can you do if I plead guilty, what can you do if I don’t plead guilty?”

“Just put your attitude, Dawn Knight. You are in court. Come on!” The senator, who was staring very uncomfortably by Zhou Yi’s gaze, let out his own eyes, but still insisted on owning purpose. “Tentatively let us think you have pleaded guilty!”

“If you plead guilty, we will judge you to be included in the current military system and use compulsory service to ensure that you will not be Do such uncontrolled behavior again. After all, you are our Superhero, we can still leave a way out to treat you. What is your answer, Dawn Knight? Do you confess?”

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