Sun God Marvel

Chapter 231

Hearing what Nick Fury said, the guy he called the chief who just wanted to target him almost didn’t let his lungs out.

What is meant to give us some surprises. You are sure to wait for Zhou Yi to tie the spies to the police station and attract a bunch of reporters. That is a surprise. Also, what do you mean by caring about own family? I can’t tell if a woman is acting or not. It’s just plainly speaking. Be careful. Did your wife do something you don’t know about behind your back? This is fortunately someone stopped, otherwise this guy will definitely rush up. Have a one-on-one contest between men with Nick Fury.

“Director Fury, you can go to your own business. This mission, let us treat it as if it had never happened.” The Security Council hurriedly set the tone for this mission. Nick Fury, who was approved, left the conference room without looking back.

It is not the first time he has dealt with these guys, nor is he the first time he has seen their creative idiots. So what to do and how to walk is just a familiar road.

And after he left, the council member who was so angry he was going crazy was still yelled endlessly.

“Let go of me, Pierce. Let go of me, he dare to talk to me like this. I want to challenge him, I want to show him how good I am!”

Faced with such a tossing pig teammate, the guy he called Pierce who stopped him really wanted to press him to the ground now and let him see how capable oneself really is.

Nick.Fury is also someone you can compare to a politician who is running with his mouth full? That was a tenth-level agent, a guy with the reputation of being the king of agents. The man he killed can fill up all the rooms in your house. Don’t stop you, I guess I’ll look for the entire world like the stamp album next time I’m looking for you.

Because there is no doubt that the parts on your body will definitely cover every angle of the world.

However, even if there are too many things in his heart for this pig teammate, Pierce still persuades him, and little by little wipes out the anger in his heart. This is ridiculous politics. Only by being a man can you stand tall. And this is also the life creed of Alexander Gu Duwen Pierce, the former SHIELD director and current chairman of the World Security Council.

Leaving the Security Council meeting which is a waste of time for oneself. Nick. Fury returned directly from SHIELD Trident headquarters to Helicarrier. Strictly speaking here should be where Commander Hill is responsible. But because Trident has a bunch of idiots now, Nick Fury prefers to stay here.

Here is a right-hand man who can help him resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind. There are also many secrets that he can’t tell others and can only be held by himself. And the most important thing is that here he can completely ignore the idiot orders of those idiot committee members.

Seriously, if it wasn’t for the matter to be exposed. He really didn’t know Umbrella, the military’s Super Soldier plan, and the Mutant elimination plan of mental illness, and there was also a silhouette of the Security Council. Sometimes he even wondered whether this group of idiots was the World Security Council or the World Security Council.

Anyway, Nick Fury has already identified this group of guys as pig teammate. If possible, as far as SHIELD can be with this group of guys, as much as possible. Sooner or later, it will be taken to the big ditch by this group of pig teammates, which is the end of consigned to eternal damnation.

But there is one thing Nick Fury also knows very well, that is, SHIELD cannot be separated from the Security Council because they are directly affiliated. SHIELD is just a tool of the board, and the tool is impossible to escape the master’s control.

So he can only try to do something oneself can do, for example. Hide some secrets in SHIELD and become secrets that no one knows except him. Only secrets can guarantee sufficient security, which he firmly believes.

At oneself’s most familiar podium, Nick Fury immediately entered the working state.

“Is Coulson back?”

“Sir, Coulson just left here to go to the center. You should know what he found in the chaos when he was looking for New York “Commander Hill, who was a little pale, appeared in front of him, as she always did, she was as quick as a robot.

“Of course I know what he found. A big hand, tell the person in the center, after the research is over, send the report to me directly, and hide the hand and send it to the most secret place. “Waving a hand directly decided the follow-up question, and Nick Fury looked at Commander Hill strangely.

“I remember you seem to be sick, why are you still here?”

“I feel better, it doesn’t affect my work.” Commander Hill replied rather simply. But it made Director Fury’s expression strange.

In fact, Commander Hill asks for leave at this time of every month. This is a woman’s monthly mission. Until today, Fury did not know that the hardcore women of the original Iceberg attribute were different from ordinary women when they came to menstrual holidays.

Should I praise Commander Hill for her resilience, or should we praise her for her endurance? Fury went through this question in his mind, and finally decided to ignore the past question.

“You should actually rest at this time!” He can only express concern for this assistant who is like a daughter. He still showed different emotions.

“Coulson alone can’t control the situation. Without me, he can’t deal with those in the military!” Commander Hill said flatly, but Director Fury knew this was not the real reason. .

She is here because she cares about a certain person in the Superhero chaos in New York. And this person is definitely not Coulson.

Coulson thought he was hiding it well. But he didn’t know that the one who knew Commander Hill the most was not his friend of women, but Nick Fury who grew up watching Maria Hill like father. He knew exactly what Maria Hill was thinking. The reason for not specifying it is just to make she herself wake up.

But now, it seems unlikely. Maria Hill seemed to sink deeper and deeper, but she didn’t even notice it.

Nick. Fury wanted to enlighten her, but when he thought of some news he just heard today, he felt that there was no such need. She will give up, as long as the news comes back.

So if he finally decides to maintain oneself’s cold image, it’s better to maintain it as much as possible. He doesn’t want his subordinates to regard oneself as a close mother, whether it is for his majesty or internal management. Neither is a good thing.

Continuing the topic of work, Director Fury began to ask about other things.

“Find out who stabbed the Super Soldier project?”

“It seems to be a civil organization at the moment!” Commander Hill flipped through the information in his hand and found it The conclusion of the intelligence personnel analysis.

“Civil organizations? When did civil organizations have such a large capacity to invade the Ministry of Defense system and obtain confidential information of this level.” Nick. Fury felt that oneself was like Listen to another joke. “If even non-governmental organizations have this kind of ability, then the Intelligence Section under our hands is doing and so on? Sometimes I really find that everything is good for others. Even the subordinates are so high. Salary, but it’s useless. Otherwise, why do we even have to be told about Umbrella’s affairs before we discover that there are that many shameful things?”

For Nick. Fury’s Mi Tai , Commander Hill wisely kept silent. In other words, like Director Fury, she is also quite dissatisfied with the work results of these intelligence personnel. Even if a non-governmental organization cannot be overwhelmed, then the value of their existence is really questionable.

Faced with the doubts of oneself’s two immediate bosses, those engaged in intelligence work couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts. They are all elite characters transferred from various departments, and now they are so embarrassed by a group of grassroots characters. No one can bear who it is.

“Now tell me, my elite, intelligence staff. Have you found news about this organization?” After embarrassment, Nick Fury still gave them a chance. He is impossible to really kick these intelligence workers away, without them. It is equivalent to removing SHIELD’s eyes and ears.

As the intelligence personnel of SHIELD, their response is not slow at all. The moment Master Chief gave him the information he wanted, someone immediately gave him the information he wanted.

“This organization is called Rage Tide. We have obtained the list and information of some of the principals in this organization. The arrest can be carried out at any time!”

“Finally, you did not let I was disappointed once.” To these intelligence agents’ peace of mind, Director Fury finally didn’t use that damaging mouth to taunt them. He nodded and arranged their mission. “Arrange for manpower to monitor their every move, I want to know what they have in their hands. Also, what method did they use to get this information? The most important point is not to beat the grass to scare the snake. Tell Coulson, He is responsible for this mission.”

“The missions you have assigned to Coulson recently are a bit too much!” For Nick. Fury, he asked Coulson for everything, and Commander Hill did not understand. She knows that for Director Fury, Coulson also oneself is like a right-hand man.

But this does not mean everything has to be handed over to them. After all, Coulson was only an eighth-level agent. Throughout SHIELD, other agents with him at Level 1 had no more than two hands. This practice of handing everything over to Coulson can easily arouse some people’s special thoughts.

Be aware that even agents will fight fiercely for rights. Especially when fighting for the authority of SHIELD, a large organization with amazing power, this kind of battle is often more intense and serious.

“That’s because you are the only one I can trust.” Director Fury only said the own trust, but he didn’t say the own worry. He has already discovered some clues in SHIELD, and it is precisely because of this that he is so wary of some people.

If the secret cannot be kept, it will only lead to disaster. He was worried about how many people had infiltrated in to find out his secrets.

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