Sun God Marvel

Chapter 232

A few days later, the whole New York seems to have recovered from the trauma of this time. Because no matter how you say it, life still has to go on, even if you have suffered endless suffering the moment before, but next moment you must be in order to run around tomorrow. There is almost no exception to this point.

In the bustling Times Square in the past, there are now countless more construction teams. They have to repair this once the busiest area in New York in the fastest time, and this mission has to be said to be very difficult. But they are still working hard, not for anything else, just for the huge reward.

It is not only the United States Government that is paying them, but even a few large companies also offer generous remunerations. For example, the corona has invested a lot of money in the reconstruction work here, and the price is a piece of land on the edge of Times Square. A brand new building will be built here, of course it belongs to the name of the Corona Group.

Not only the corona, Stark and Osborn did the same. They are all big sharks in the capitalist world, and there is no reason to give up such a good opportunity to expand the interests of capital.

The devastation of Times Square gave many people an opportunity to take advantage of, not only these capitalist financial giants, but also a Mutant special police team looking at the opportunity directly.

They are not capable of participating in that level of battle, after all, they themselves are just grown-up children. But this does not mean that they are useless at all. In fact, after this disaster, they played a very important role.

Rescue the injured and trapped people, control the spread of accidents, and even treat those seriously injured and dying. Rogue seized the best opportunity, they immediately intervened in the rescue work after the disaster. And with own efforts, most people in New York recognized their existence.

Many people have seen what they have given and are grateful for what they have done. Not and so on people can rush into the fire sea regardless of everything, nor who can risk collapsing again to rescue the lives buried under the rubble. Not even who has the ability to make a person on the verge of death return to this World again.

Although some people still talk about their Mutant’s identity, they say that these Mutants are just relying on their own ability to make impression points. But in the face of the age of these young Mutants, this statement became ridiculous and absurd.

Regardless of whether they are doing this dangerous or not, this ridiculous reason cannot be an excuse to attack them. After all, they are just a group of seventeen and eighteen-year-old children, and being able to do this is a good deed in itself that can be recognized by everyone.

Some people want to make trouble and interfere with the behavior of these youngsters. But underneath the seemingly calm waves of New York now is a huge powder keg, and the citizens of New York City are holding a wave of anger. And anyone who dares to play with fire on the side of this explosive barrel will have to pay a heavy enough price.

The seething crowds and crowds of detention centers proved that now is definitely not the right time to cause trouble in New York. Therefore, many restless people at this time obediently and honestly withdrew their hands, and now this time, New York is quietly weird. Even the gangsters who had been commotion quieted down.

Of course, a large part of this must be due to the fact that New Yorkers have begun to put guns in their bags even when shopping.

Robbery? don’t crack a joke. Now, even stealing can kill people. There have been many restless guys who have paid the price of blood, and even many people who have taken this path have no future. This is the most painful years for the gangsters.

And this has nothing to do with Zhou Yi. He is busy with other things now. One thing that is very important to the Corona Group.

Stark Technology Fair, an old tradition left by Tony’s father, Howard Stark. Stark Industries has the old habit of demonstrating their strong technological power to the entire world on such traditional large-scale programs. With the growing scale of the company, this technology expo is no longer just a technology show for the Stark family.

Large enterprises will promote own new technologies and new ideas at this event. And those small enterprises or research institutions will bring their own technology to seek a suitable investor here. This expo has become more and more diversified. It can almost be said that it has become a platform for world technology companies to show off their strengths.

Whether you are engaged in military technology or civilian technology, as long as you can step onto this platform and have a place at the Stark Technology Expo, you can basically guarantee that you will not worry about it in the next 20 years funding problem.

Because this is not only a place for big companies to show off their technology, but also a place for local tyrants to choose those geese that will lay golden eggs. Almost all investors in the world will focus on Stark’s technology expo at this time. Among them, there are even some important military personnel in certain countries. These guys who hold the power of military procurement are big customers that even large companies like Stark will covet.

In short, Stark Technology Expo is definitely a grand event, and it is also an opportunity for Tony Stark and Zhou Yi.

Stark Industries has just completed the transformation. Just like Tony said, they lost the original weapons development department and officially transformed from an arms company to an energy development company. And this means he has to deal with some very difficult enemies. For example, General Electric. The energy sector is not so easy to intervene. The blows of those established companies are enough to make Stark drink a pot.

This is also the reason Tony organized this expo. He needs to start own products at this expo. The Ark Reactor, a new energy source that is clean enough, safe enough, and cheap enough. There is no doubt that this new type of energy will definitely have an impact on the traditional energy industry, but Stark doesn’t care. Because Tony felt that it was time to change the unchanging pattern of the energy sector.

For Zhou Yi, this is also an opportunity to start the corona group. As a company that has just been restructured and rebuilt, there are also many Umbrella’s shadows in the corona. Now, what Zhou Yi has to do is to remove the impression of Umbrella in people’s hearts, and let the corona appear in the public with a new image of self enough.

And for this, it is necessary for the Corona Group to come up with a brand-new, cross-age technology product that can play a role as an endorsement.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi does not lack this thing. Then the rest is the question of admission tickets.

Ordinary people or companies who want to enter the venue need to go through the internal review of Stark Industries one after another, while Zhou Yi only needs a phone call.

“Hello, Buddy. I am very busy right now. If you have nothing very, very important, I suggest you call me next time!” Tony soon came on the phone When he heard this sound, Zhou Yi was pretty sure that this guy had gone to the laboratory again.

As the successor of Stark, Tony is a playboy like his father. He is also a genius inventor. They all have a problem, that is, they don’t care about others at all at work. Just like Tony complained about his father when he was a child, he didn’t care about his affairs at all. Once he starts to work, he doesn’t care about anyone.

Zhou Yi knows his problem, so he doesn’t bother to talk nonsense with him. Just speak directly.

“Tony, the booth of the Stark Technology Fair, I want one.”

“Damn it, wait!” A crackle sounded, it is estimated that Tony is squeezing juice There must be something wrong. After a while, Tony’s voice came again. “What did you say, you said you want a booth?”

“Of course, do you think I have nothing to display on my hand?” Zhou Yi laughed frivolously, holding it in his hand Even people like Tony would be shocked if they took out the stuff they were holding.

“If it’s Umbrella’s old foundation, I suggest you don’t take it out. Of course, if it’s the Nanominium in your hand, I think it’s normal. However, it won’t expose you. The identity of the owner?”

Tony thought very thoughtfully, since Zhou Yi did not want to reveal his identity. He naturally did not want to violate his original intention because of his own reason.

“Don’t worry, I am more than Nanominium this thing. Do you remember what I said to you once?” Thinking of what oneself would take out, Zhou Yi was a little impatient and wanted to tease own Losing friends, this is the biggest investment he has missed over the years.

“What did you say?” Tony was puzzled by Zhou Yi’s question. “You told me a lot, Buddy? But there are only so many things I can remember. After all, you have to know that most of what you said to me is nonsense!”

“Okay Okay, then let’s do it again. Do you remember that gathering in Bern, yes. It was the one where Yinsen was there.” Tony can’t remember this, it doesn’t matter. Zhou Yi didn’t care at all to repeat the situation of the day with him again.

“Oh, I remember. I was drunk that day, and it seemed that there was also a beautiful girl by my side. By the way, I remember Hogan was there too!”

“Of course, he was here. At that time he still had a ridiculous big back! I was talking about this night, do you remember what I said to you in the elevator?”

” What?” Tony scratched his head, and then he said that oneself couldn’t think of anything. Except for that beautiful girl, he had no impression. “Well, Buddy. I admit that I don’t remember what you said that day. Hurry up and tell me, I don’t believe it has anything to do with today’s affairs!”

“Of course it does. Let me tell you Buddy. That day, we carried the girls on the elevator. Then a guy named Aldrich Kilian came in. He recommended his newly established scientific research studio to us.”

“Kilian, it’s such a bad name. As a result, I don’t think I had any communication with this person?” Tony curled his lips, he had a bad feeling.

“Of course, you released his pigeons. Ask him to go to the rooftop to blow the cold wind, but oneself took the girl to have fun.” Zhou Yi Hehe laughed, this kind of laughter Tony doesn’t sound that comfortable anymore. With his understanding of Zhou Yi, he knew that oneself absolutely missed something. “But I am not as bad as you. I went up and chatted with him, and then I found a good investment direction.”

“Don’t tell me, what surprise did that guy bring you? Buddy, this is much harder than winning the first prize!”

“Of course!” Zhou Yi heard Tony’s upset, and naturally smiled happily. “He gave me a big surprise, and it’s not just Mr. Kilian!”

“Don’t tell me, what else did I miss?” At the beginning, Tony said Knowing that oneself must have gone wrong again. And soon Zhou Yi gave him the answer.

“It’s not wrong at all, Buddy. The girl you took away that night, the geneticist. After you play with others, you don’t care about her. But she didn’t expect Joined Kilian’s laboratory and advanced a very promising technology. Now, Tony. I can pick fruit.”

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