Sun God Marvel

Chapter 233

What exactly Zhou Yi and Tony said, not many people know. Even the last call log was completely deleted by Tony, the little mind’s eye guy. However, through the faces of both parties, we can still clearly understand that Tony Stark must have suffered another loss in front of Zhou Yi.

In short, Zhou Yi got his wish and got the best booth from Tony. This is good news, and for some time to come. The Corona Group will devote part of its energy to the upcoming Stark Technology Expo. There are many things that need to be prepared, but for huge monsters like the Corona Group, it is not a problem. Professional problems are solved by professionals. Obviously, this kind of trivial matter is not the turn of Zhou Yi, the chief boss of the group to worry about. Therefore, Zhou Yi has a lot of free time.

Using this free time, Zhou Yi began to carry out some actions in the oneself scheduled plan. He was about to go to Europe. First, he went to visit oneself’s mother who had transferred to the United Kingdom and successfully found someone. Then go to Hungary again.

Although the information SHIELD gave him is very vague, or it is not accurate to a certain degree at all. But Zhou Yi still decided to try one’s luck. Maybe he can find the Holy Blood of Vampire legendary? This kind of pure luck has a conclusion that it is impossible. Only after doing it can I know the answer.

I didn’t bring Ada, because the corona group still needs a trustworthy principal. I didn’t bring two children, because it’s not a vacation time. Zhou Yi traveled lightly alone, and came to United Kingdom with the exception of a few people.

In the past, United Kingdom was called Wudu. Of course, a large part of that was the cause of the Industrial Revolution. Countless coal turned into power to make this country once a glorious Infinity empire, but it also brought endless smog to the city.

Now that the glory of the empire has come to an end, the billowing smoke has disappeared into the past. The fog has become history, although the city is still slightly humid and cold under the blowing of the sea breeze, occasionally with some fog. But it is far from the point where the crazy murderer in the horror story can easily hide in it.

To some extent, the environment here is pretty good. Especially when you are walking alone on a street full of ancient buildings, a feeling of being in the past comes to mind. This may be a pleasure for those who like nostalgia, but Zhou Yi does not like nostalgia. And he has something to do when he comes here.

Getting off the taxi, Zhou Yi came to a house that Zhou Lan bought in London. There used to be a widely known saying that the most wonderful life is to take a job in United States (weekly salary), live in a house in United Kingdom, marry the wife of Russian Ross (beautiful), and eat Chinese food. Although this is just a conjecture, it is enough to prove that these things are indeed the best choices on the entire world.

Among them, United Kingdom houses are widely sought after by countless people because of their excellent taste and comfortable environment. In this unanimous applause. Zhou Lan bought an old villa on the outskirts of London, near a beautiful village.

It is said that this was once a residence built by a certain knight in the Victorian period, and it has great historical value. Of course, no matter how heavy the historical value is, it has now become one of countless items for sale.

The glory of United Kingdom has long since passed away, and the United Kingdom now basically has nothing to take action except for the memory of the most glorious moment.

Standing in front of the villa that Zhou Lan bought, Zhou Yi looked at the all around environment. I found that oneself mother’s vision is indeed very unique. This villa is located on the edge of a tributary of the Thames River. Both sides of the river are planted with plane trees. If you go deeper, you will see a green area. The lush meadows occupy about several acres of land. The past suddenly makes people feel relaxed and joyful. It can be said that this is a good choice whether it is horse riding or golf.

The most important thing is that in Zhou Yi’s impression, these lands seem to be under the name of the villa. Zhou Lan bought this villa for more than 30 million pounds. Now, let Zhou Yi see, the money was not lost at all, and the pasture alone could be worth the price.

even more how, this villa is more than just this pasture.

Secretly stepped into the door, Zhou Yi experienced the feeling of going home in another way. And when he walked into the depths along the avenue of the villa, he found that the villa was simply a house surrounded by green.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see lush and green. The neatly constructed shrubs are placed like a maze in the vestibule of the villa, and they grow extremely lush. Some shrubs are so high that you won’t find them even if you stand on the opposite side. And in these layers of interlaced bushes, there are also many unique statues.

These statues are mostly feminine female statues, and there are even some fictional women such as mermaid or angels. And these statues are placed in this green wall just right, and at a glance, it immediately makes people feel amazing. Just like flowers set off by green leaves, even if you know that these are just statues, you will be amazed by their beauty.

Walking past the green wall, the villa immediately appeared in front of her. It was a very elegant villa, full of Victorian style in both style and design. Elegant and chic, there is no lack of nobleness and atmosphere. The milk-white walls have a faint halo in the warm sunlight, and the sea-blue color glazed tiles are like blue gold, which is unusually eye-catching.

Walking to the front of the hall, Zhou Yi also saw a huge fountain pond. Crystal splashes poured out from a stone-carved water bottle, and Goddess, who was sitting upright, held the level, his eyes gentle and joyful. The gurgling water flows quietly along her calf into the pool under her feet. The pool is sparkling, and even many golden radiances are in Blink.

Only when you look carefully, you will find that there are many Chinese koi swimming. The brilliant scales flashed with dazzling luster in the golden sunlight, making people happy at first sight.

Should I say that I am engaged in art, is my taste high? Comparing where oneself lives with this place, Zhou Yi can only chuckled and blames all problems on his mother’s profession. No way, who told me not to learn this? With this kind of self-deprecation, Zhou Yi knocked on the door of the villa.

The ancient pure copper doorknob knocked on the oak door, and the strong sound was easily transmitted to every corner of the villa. Soon, someone opened the door. It was a lady who seemed to be a little older, and the meticulously groomed lady’s suit and neat and tidy hair all proved that this lady was a very strict person. She looked suspiciously at the tightly wrapped man in front of oneself. After a while, she said in an interrogating tone

“Sir, who are you looking for? I can be sure of Mr. No in our appointment. Exist. If you can, I still hope you can leave consciously! This is a private property, and strangers are not welcome!”

Take off the knitted hat worn by oneself, and take off his own eyes by the way . Zhou Yi said with a smile to the lady.

“You must be Mrs. Hamilton. The first time I met, I was Zhou Yi!”

“Zhou Yi? Oh, my God!” Mrs. Hamilton was visibly stunned, and then Immediately exclaimed. She welcomed Zhou Yi into the villa while apologizing. “Sorry, sir. I didn’t know you would be here. I thought it was those youngsters who are idle again, wanting to get some benefits from here. By the way, how did you get in? There is no sign at the gate. “

With the help of Mrs. Hamilton, he took off the oneself coat, Zhou Yi smiled and replied: “Ha, I came in over the wall. So naturally there will be no reaction at the door. By the way, I What about mother?”

Mrs. Hamilton was still smacking about the thing Zhou Yi just said about breaking the wall, and when she heard Zhou Yi’s inquiry, she immediately responded.

“Madam is on the balcony in the back garden. She invited guests today. She is having afternoon tea with the guests!”

“Guests, what guests?” Guest, Zhou Yi is still very curious. And soon, Mrs. Hamilton gave him the answer.

“It’s an aristocratic Young Lady. She and his wife can talk very well!”

As Mrs. Hamilton, who once served the old aristocratic families, she knows how to speak oneself. How to answer the host’s questions, how many answers should not make people feel overly and rude, and at the same time satisfy people. These all are knowledge, and obviously, Mrs. Hamilton has a deep knowledge in this area.

She is good at observing words and colors, and soon saw the curiosity of be eager to have a try in Zhou Yi’s eyes, so she asked quickly.

“Sir, do you have a place to stay in London?”

“No, I just got off the plane. I came here directly!”

“Are you alone? Also other luggage?”

“Just me. Mrs. Hamilton, I didn’t even bring any luggage. This time I just came here to simply take a break and visit me by the way Mother.”

“I see, sir!” Mrs. Hamilton said in a polite and complete manner. “I’ll let someone clean the room for you and prepare a few changes for you by the way. Also, sir, do you have any special requirements for dinner?”

“As long as it is delicious, everything is fine. Dear Mrs. Hamilton! I’m not that picky, besides. I can hardly be picky in United States!” Zhou Yi smiled and gestured to Mrs. Hamilton to keep everything simple. But the rigorous female steward thinks otherwise.

“Then, I will ask you to prepare some French meals as much as possible. I believe you don’t like the food from United Kingdom. However, you can try the English roast beef. Sir, your mother It’s here. Please do it yourself, and I’ll prepare a tea set for you!”

Mrs. Hamilton led Zhou Yi to the balcony of the back garden while he could see When it comes to oneself mother, she starts to bow and retreat. And this professional accomplishment really makes Zhou Yi a little astonished.

Seriously, this time he thought of the little maid own Vampire. And obviously, on this path, the lovely little Vampire maid also has a very long way to go.

However, he has full confidence in Serana. Because she has enough time to experience. As long as she finds what he wants to find, Serrana can definitely become a better steward than Mrs. Hamilton. Zhou Yi has no doubt about this.

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