Sun God Marvel

Chapter 234

Zhou Lan is still holding a tea cup and chatting with the woman sitting with her back to Zhou Yi. At this time, Zhou Yi walked up and shouted at her.

“Look here, the surprise is coming!”

Zhou Lan unfathomable mystery looked back. When she saw Zhou Yi, she immediately stood up and walked quickly to welcome him. Come up.

“Yi? My dear child, why did you come here?”

Zhou Yi, who was hugged by Zhou Lan at the waist, smiled and hugged his own mother And explained to her.

“You know, I’m a little overwhelmed by the things I’ve been working on recently. So I finally came to an end, and I couldn’t help but run out to relax. I can just come and visit you. “

“Are you on vacation, that’s not bad. It just so happens that you can stay with me for a while in London. Oh, yes. I also want to introduce you to our guests.” Listening to Zhou Yi, Zhou Lan’s expression of joy exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech. Nothing makes her happier than a child being by her side. However, she was not at all overwhelmed by this sudden surprise, and forgot all the own guests. Instead, Zhou Yi immediately introduced own guests to Zhou Yi.

“Yi. This is Susan Storm Young Lady. Susan, this is my proudest son, Zhou Yi.”

Looking at the one who had After the two-sided bond, the intellectual beauty with long hair like golden sands, Zhou Yi laughed, learning the etiquette of the United Kingdom gentleman to pay tribute to ladies, and slowly bent down.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Susan. It’s still great news for me to be able to see all your health and beauty.”

Susan in her black knitwear and milk-white trousers also smiled and handed it over, and said in a slightly cheerful tone.

“It is also my honour, Mr. Zhou Yi. I did not expect to meet you again at this time. I thought we should meet in United States next time!”

lightly kissed the beautiful woman in front of her with the moist back of her hand like fine jade, Zhou Yi behaved a little confused. Why go to United States to meet him. He didn’t think that after only seeing oneself once, this beautiful Storm Young Lady would embrace oneself and even cross the oceans. Things that only idiots could imagine at that time basically did not appear in the real world.

Seeing the puzzlement in the eyes of oneself’s son, Zhou Lan began to help him.

“Susan and his classmates from own university formed a research team together, but now they are having some troubles and they need someone with special ability to help. So I recommended you to her. It happens that you are now I’m here too. Why don’t you have a chat with Susan now?”

“Special ability?” Zhou Yi immediately thought of his ability or his relationship with Mutant. But he immediately realized something was wrong. Zhou Lan is impossible to help others in this respect, and it is even more impossible to reveal secret problems in oneself family to outsiders easily. So he immediately came to the conclusion that this kind of help must have something to do with his power.

The corona group, in Europe where the overall decline is headed, definitely has the ability to call the wind and summon the rain.

“Can I know what kind of special ability can help you, Susan?” After trying to understand this, Zhou Yi sat down and smiled confidently at Susan.

Facing the person who oneself wants to ask for help, Susan’s face is not at all humble or overly attentive. She just spoke with a charming smile.

“I don’t know if Mr. Zhou still remember the Reed Richards I saw at the last Alfred Manor party?”

“Call me Yi , Or just call me by my first name. It’s a bit too strange to use the title of “Mr.”.” Zhou Yi seemed to correct Susan’s address problem before starting to answer her question. “You mean Mr. Richards. I remember him, the last time I planned to invest in him. But unfortunately, this genius rejected me!”

Heard Zhou Yi’s words, Susan Insignificantly sighed. For this own old friend and ex-boyfriend, she is really desperate. A real gold master puts his thighs in front of you and asks you to hold you, what do you want to do. Thinking of the bills she received for the building under Richards’s name, she had a toothache.

In order to help this old friend, she really got oneself into a big trouble. However, there is still a chance. Susan looked at the man who had given oneself hope to start a new life, and her smile became more charming.

“Reid is a fool who knows nothing but scientific research. Zhou Yi, I hope you don’t lower yourself to somebody’s level with him.”

“Of course, Talented people have some privileges. I understand!” Zhou Yi agreed in a blink of an eye. His somewhat humorous character made Susan feel that own hopes were a little bit bigger.

“I don’t know how to tell you, Yi!” It seemed that she had made some determination, and she used this name. “We have made new progress in the scientific research topics we are now conquering. Great progress, but we need more accurate information, and this type of information can’t be obtained by ordinary means.”

“Wow. “Mrs. Hamilton came over and put a cup of milk tea in front of Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi took a sip, and suddenly admired. “Madam, your craftsmanship is very good. I like it!”

“I am honored to receive your praise, sir!” Mrs. Hamilton laughed and quietly retreated. And Zhou Yi continued to Susan.

“Uh, you said it’s not the information that can be obtained by ordinary means. Let me think about it, you don’t want me to get you any state secrets, do you? If that’s the case, I guess you will need time I’m ready to deal with the soldiers who kicked in. Seriously, I was sure to get this thing. But I was not sure to clear the little tail behind.”

Zhou Yi is obviously cracking a joke. The tone made the atmosphere a lot more active, and Susan immediately relaxed oneself. She heard the kindness in Zhou Yi’s words, so she immediately shook her head in response.

“If we really want this thing, I think it would be a wiser choice to find Tony Stark. I believe his Iron Man Armor will definitely make the little tail behind obediently and honestly shrink I got up.”

“no no no, trust me. It is definitely the worst decision for a beauty like you to find a guy like Tony. He is far more terrifying than you think!” From owning to hurting friends, Zhou Yi naturally spares no effort. And this naturally aroused Susan’s curiosity.


“It’s more real than any expensive gem. Dear Susan, you know, Tony’s notoriety is not only spread in the United States.”

Watching the beautiful Storm Young Lady being fooled by oneself, Zhou Yi had to give Tony a thumbs up. How should I put it, Buddy. Your hard work for so many years has not been in vain.

Watching Zhou Yi selling his teammates like this, Zhou Lan couldn’t stand it anymore. You should know that Tony will give her a gift every holiday season, this good friend’s mother. So naturally she can’t look at Zhou Yi and just say bad things about her own friend. Although from a certain perspective, these words are true. But it still has to save him some face.

“Okay, child. Treating friends is not like you. If Tony finds out about him, he will definitely trouble you again.”

“Don’t worry, mother . He doesn’t have this leisurely mind now. But well, listen to you.” Zhou Yi shrugged, turning the topic back. “So, Susan. Let’s go back to that at first question.”

“You said you need special materials, so what kind of materials need a beautiful lady like you to run around? “

Comb the long hair on oneself’s side behind her ears, and Susan, with her delicate profile face, sat up and replied.

“It’s so easy. Our team is studying the development of cosmic rays. Now our research has entered a bottleneck. We need first-hand information. And this information, It can only be obtained in space.”

“In the next few months, there will be an ultra-large-scale solar quantum storm passing over Earth. Reid thinks that is the best time. The opportunity to obtain cosmic ray data. However, his relationship with the NASA is not enough to apply for a launch permit at all. Of course, even if he applies for a launch permit, there is no space station for him to use.”

” We are likely to miss this opportunity, so I wonder if we can get help from a private person?”

After hearing this, Zhou Yi understood what they needed. A set of solar quantum storm data obtained at the space level. To get this information, they need a rocket to send them up, and there is also a spaceship and space station for them to use.

Zhou Yi can now imagine how ugly the boss of the Manhattan Space Agency was after hearing the story of Reed Charlize Court Academecian. Within a few months, it will be ready to load transport rockets, data collection equipment, and free up a spaceship that is also in use.

This is just like cracking a joke. Not to mention the capital, manpower and material resources that need to be spent in the process. It’s just that the time comes up completely too late.

Manhattan Space Agency impossible urgently halted all the plans of oneself for one experimental data, and invested countless energy and money to do this kind of thing. Likewise, any reasonable person will not be willing to do this kind of thing.

Because the investment is too large, the income is almost unpredictable. A little carelessness may ruin a company’s future. Except for those madmen who recklessly want to turn back on a gambling, only large companies like Cream of the Crop have this ability.

Zhou Yi is naturally not a madman, but what he happens to be holding in his hand is one of the world’s cream of the crop companies.

“How long is your plan also?” He asked, and at the same time, he was also calculating the benefits that oneself could obtain.

“The solar quantum storm we predict will arrive in four months, and after that. It is likely that it will take hundreds of years before a quantum storm of the same scale passes over Earth. “Susan explained, adding weight to the importance of this experiment.

“Three months ago, the space station with the corona in the sky had just been emptied and all personnel were repatriated. As you know, it belongs to Umbrella’s space station and the equipment inside is very advanced. But because of the reorganization of personnel I have to bring back the astronauts inside. In other words, the space station is now it’s empty.”

“In addition, I can arrange for NASA to arrange a launch within three months Plan. Enough to send you up. From the above two points, I am pretty sure I can help you. But, Susan. What can I get in return?

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