Sun God Marvel

Chapter 240

“First question, sir. I want to know what exactly is the holy blood you are talking about, and what’s the use?” Zhou Yi amiably asked Vampire in oneself’s hands. And hearing this question, Vampire’s face suddenly appeared bitter. This question is really not something that can be said casually.

Seeing the hesitation on his expression, Zhou Yi slightly increased his strength. And this strength is reflected in Vampire’s body, that is, all the bones on his arm are crushed into shards.

The tremendous pain caused his entire face to rise to the color of pig liver in an instant, but he was very smart, and he was holding back from start to finish, and he didn’t even make a shout. He knew that oneself faced an unreasonable existence. For the sake of his own life, he endured it to the limit.

“You are not the only person I can interrogate, sir. For the sake of your life, I suggest you answer me obediently and honestly. Even if it is a secret that you will die if you say it, But it’s better than dying right away in my hands.”

In the face of power, people who can disregard some resistance are still very few. Most people still cherish their own lives. The same goes for Vampire. When Zhou Yi said such words, the leader of Vampire nodded desperately. He knew that he had to exchange secrets if he wanted to live, and whether he should do it or not, he obviously had a decision.

“Antonidas, you can’t tell our secrets to an outsider!” Seeing Vampire nodded, another Vampire yelled at him immediately. He is the leader’s deputy, but also a certain degree of supervisor. He is monitoring whether he harms the interests of the council, and now, he is obviously performing his own duties.

Zhou Yi admires this kind of dedicated person, so he let him finish his sentence. And when he finished talking about nonsense, a huge fire immediately burst out from under his feet. The incandescent flame not only engulfed him, but even the few guys around him turned to ashes in an instant.

The reinforced concrete on the ground was almost burned into a dark red lava, such a terrifying formidable power immediately made everyone present silently pull a distance away, and then began to look scared Look at Zhou Yi. In their eyes, the danger level of this guy who suddenly appeared was obviously more than one.

No one wants to crack a joke with own life, and these people are no exception. The first person has died so miserably, how can there be a second person willing to come forward.

“Now, no one will keep you from talking. You can answer my question, Mr. Antonidas!”

Swallowed oneself, the fear and pain in his mouth With the saliva, Antonidas began to answer Zhou Yi’s questions obediently and honestly.

“The holy blood in your mouth is the earliest sacred relic handed down in our ethnic group. It is said to be the god of Mythological Era, the queen of the Red Sea, Lilith, who forced him to stay because of the heavy damage to the Lord in the struggle against the Lord. The blood. The queen cursed this holy blood after being sealed and turned it into the sacred relic of our race. It is said that anyone who drinks this blood will gain a new life and God-like power. But specific How, I don’t know. This is just a legend, my lord. I only know so much.”

“A new life? The power of God?” After finding the information oneself wanted, Zhou Yi Frow your brows deeper and deeper. He has always hated things like Myths and Legends. Because whether it is true or false, as long as it has something to do with mythology, it will always become ambiguous, and even simply a cloud of fog. To explore the truth of the myth, most likely to rely on guessing. And guess, how many truths can you guess?

Zhou Yi, who was not satisfied with the answer obtained by oneself, once again set his sights on Antonidas.

“If you don’t even know what the so-called holy blood does, why do you have to work so hard to find it. Don’t tell me, you just want to find some antiques and witness own true history.”

Antonidas was crying and replied.

“I’m just a nobody, and the order given to me by the upper council is to find the Holy Blood. I don’t know what is really useful and what they want to do. My lord, I’m really only I know so much. Please, let me go.”

“An Xin, I am not a bad person.” Zhou Yi showed a gentle smile on his face. “Since I have promised you, I will let you go, and I will definitely let you go. I have never broken my promise. You can trust my character.”

“Of course, I am sure of you, Sir I believe it.” Antonidas laughed and cried, but he quickly nodded up. His life is in Zhou Yi’s hand, how dare he say anything that he doesn’t believe.

“Very good!” Released his hand and put down the Vampire of this bad luck. Zhou Yi smiled like a devil to him. “Bring me a message to your council, tell them the holy blood and so on I want it. If you have any comments, ask the guy in your council who can talk to come over and chat with me. Don’t worry, I This person doesn’t like to use military force, you don’t have to worry about his safety. Just ask them to just come.”

I don’t like to use military force, then how did the bunch of dead people here come from? Whether it was Vampire or the werewolf hearing this, they slandered like this in their hearts. However, none of them just said it in person.

After all, this World is still a world where power is paramount. As a heterogeneous race, obviously they agree with this law more than humans. As long as there is power, no matter what you say is right. The weak can only listen to the words of powerhouse. They think so, and do so.

Looking at this group of aliens being so obedient, Zhou Yi was a little surprised, but more satisfied. Compared with the clansman on the other side, they are obviously more calm and smarter. In this case, Zhou Yi doesn’t mind letting them live.

He ignored these aliens who looked at him trembling with fear, trembling like quail. Instead, he walked directly to Selena’s side, lowered his body and said to her.

“If you can walk, I suggest you yourself stand up. Then follow me!”

This is shelter, and Selena knows what Zhou Yi means. She could see clearly that the powerhouse that was inserted halfway was obviously a person interested in the Holy Blood. Not many people know how valuable the holy blood is. But since so many people are taking action for it, it means that it at least has value worthy of these people’s taking action.

So in an instant, she also made a big bet in her heart. She looked at Zhou Yi with a decisive expression on her pale moonlight face.

“I may know the whereabouts of that thing, but you have to promise me one thing, so I will tell you the whereabouts of that thing.”

This woman still has secret? Almost everyone has such thoughts in their hearts. Zhou Yi is no exception. He looked at this stubborn woman with interest and grinned after a long while.

“Let’s listen, if I can do it. Maybe we can make this deal!”

Get the answer oneself wanted, Selena immediately I want to open my mouth and let Zhou Yi kill the werewolves and Vampires present, so as to preserve the Victor ethnicity that remains. But soon she wanted to understand one more thing.

The Victor family is the target of their kind of alien ruler, Dark Council, ordered to punish them. Even if these people are killed, they will suffer the same fate in the future. Unless the Dark Council orders a pardon, they will never have peace.

But can this person influence the council? Selena is very doubtful. At the same time, she also knows that the own news may not be worth a huge monster like a powerhouse and a council.

What people are most afraid of is actually not seeing the value of own. Once this point is clear, many problems can be easily solved.

“I hope you can keep my clansman. Let them live.”

Selena made a request that was not excessive, and this request happened to be in Zhou Below Yi’s tolerance. A secret trades dozens of Vampire’s lives, and to some extent this transaction is fair.

“Yes! But I have to follow my idea.” Zhou Yi nodded, he turned his attention to the Vampire just now. Obviously, he wants to put these problems into the hands of such instigators.

“My lord, you value us too much.” Antonidas held oneself’s arm, which was no different from abolished, and said with his head down. “We are only thugs under the parliament, and we have no right to veto the meaning of the resolution meeting. Once discovered, it is estimated that even us will be executed by the parliament.”

“Then tell him that things are in my hands. These people are undying, we may also talk about the opportunity. If they die, then let your council go down to find this secret. You know which one I am referring to. Seriously, if it develops to this step, I don’t mind giving you a ride!” Zhou Yi randomly found a reason that seemed completely unreliable and delivered it to Antonidas.

And hearing this, Antonidas’s face was even more bitter.

“My lord, you let us crack a joke of life.”

“I have high hopes for you, in short, don’t let me down.” Zhou Yi waved his hand and walked outside like a cracking a joke.

Is this cracking a joke, of course not. He just made a small decision, tying the lives of this group of Vampires who were going to die and the rules of the Dark Council they called them. Of course, it may also be linked to the lives of these people. Others believe or not, he doesn’t know. But he was prepared to do so. And in doing so, no matter what the result is, he can be regarded as having an explanation.

Selena heard what Zhou Yi meant, although she was not very satisfied. But right now only this person’s method can save their lives. She bit her lip, stood up and followed Zhou Yi’s back.

Vampire and the werewolf on the road all gave way, allowing her to follow along unimpeded. At this moment, they dare not make any criticism, because the own life is pinched in the hands of others. It was not until they disappeared before Antonidas and Lucian looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

“What should we do?” Lucian asked.

“Don’t move them first, I want to contact the council. See what they say!”

Antonidas said helplessly. However, he did not have much hope. Whether it is the council or Zhou Yi, it is enough for him to crush the own giant. In the hands of the two, he didn’t even have the strength to resist. Now, he can only hope that the parliament can be reasonable and show kindness. Maybe they can survive.

This is the sadness of a nobody. Their destiny is actually in the hands of others.

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