Sun God Marvel

Chapter 241

Zhou Yi took Selena to a hotel.

He was impossible to bring Selena to his mother’s house, so naturally this place became his first choice. Although it’s not concealed enough, it doesn’t matter whether he is concealed and so on. As long as it is comfortable enough to settle in another person, it is actually better.

This hotel achieved everything Zhou Yi requested, although the front desk looked a little strange. But for Zhou Yi, it is nothing incomprehensible. He used to see a lot of this kind of look, but now it has reached the point where it is not strange.

Walking into the room, Zhou Yi sat on the sofa first. Then he gestured to Selena.

“Just sit down, before those people come to us, this should be your residence.”

Selena sat on another sofa somewhat restrained She looked at Zhou Yi carefully, her eyes were full of guard and fear. In her opinion, oneself is a rabbit, and Zhou Yi next to him is a dozing lion. The rabbit sat next to the lion, even if the lion promised not to hurt her, she would not easily go there.

This is a gap in biological level, and it can’t be resolved in one or two sentences.

Zhou Yi can see Selena’s mood, but it is not important to him. He only needs to be able to figure out what he wants to know, and Selena is afraid that he has nothing to do with this. After lighting a cigarette, staring at the Vampire woman with sharp eyes in the smoke, Zhou Yi said to her.

“I have given you an explanation for what I promised you. Now, can you tell me where is the Holy Blood?”

“I don’t know, my lord.” Celine Na lowered her head and said something like this, and this answer was obviously not what Zhou Yi wanted. He frowned, looking at this valiant and formidable looking beauty with short hair, his fingers making a crisp knock on the wooden armrest of the sofa.

“Madam, this is not the same as our transaction content. Can I think so, are you kidding me?”

The percussion sounds in this paragraph are not Not big, but for Selena, it was like a drum beat in her heart, almost making her heart pop out.

How many years have you not experienced this kind of fear? She herself has forgotten. But now suddenly recalling the taste of fear, this feeling has become extra difficult. Time seems to have become extraordinarily long, but Selena feels that own thinking has become completely rigid. In this long time, she didn’t even know how to explain it.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi is very patient. He has been waiting for Selena’s answer.

“My lord, I only have one guess. If that thing really exists, there is only this possibility.” After a long time, Selena gave Zhou Yi an answer trembling with fear. And Zhou Yi is eyebrows raised. Gave her one last chance.


“The treasures of our clan are generally in the hands of three Elders. After a hundred years of awakening, the Elders will hand over authority to wake up another sleeping Elder. Control the power of the family. Our two Elder Victor and Marcus were forcibly awakened and killed by the Dark Council when they were sleeping. But they don’t at all get what they want. Then there is only one possibility, Things are in the hands of the awakened power Elder. And now Elder is awakened by Emilia, she rarely contacts us, only her cronies know her traces.”

“Maybe, because of this , She took the divine tool and avoided the vision of the Dark Council, and she might have escaped a catastrophe.”

For such a statement, Zhou Yi is naturally not satisfied. He thought for a while and asked again.

“Where is Emilia now, do you know?”

“I don’t know!” Selena shook her head and responded. “Emilia Elder has an own team in the family. She never does anything within the steward clan. Even when she is in power, she also delegates power to the manager in the family. She doesn’t care about anyone except oneself. “

I have heard so much, but there is not much useful content. Apart from knowing that the Holy Blood might be in the hands of this named Emilia Elder, he knew nothing at all. Zhou Yi suppressed his temper and continued to question.

“Do you know any other clues about this Elder?”

Selena thought for a while, and Bingblue’s pupils suddenly lit up.

“also one month is the day of Elder’s handover, Emilia Elder may not know what happened in the family. She must have begun to return secretly. Just wait for her in the family residence , Maybe also hope to get her trace.”

wait, wait. Zhou Yi now finds that this word makes him particularly disgusted. Can you do nothing but wait? What is the difference between this and wasting time. Thinking of this, his face grew more gloomy.

Seeing Zhou Yi’s gloomy face, Selena is trembling in fear. She has seen Zhou Yi’s thunderous method with her own eyes. The same Vampire, a burst of unfathomable mystery earth fire flames completely burned them to ashes. The werewolf, who was much stronger than them, was also beaten to death by an invisible force. Although Selena considers herself to be an elite warrior, but for this invisible power. She still had fear in her heart, it was not a force she could resist at all.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi did not embarrass her. He smoothed the fluctuation in oneself’s heart and stood up. At the same time, he threw a cellphone into her hand.

“You will live here in the future. In addition, the mission to monitor whether Emilia has returned is also placed on your body. Contact me as soon as there is a situation. I will rush over immediately.”

“I understand, my lord.” Selena lowered her head and carefully put the cellphone in her pocket. Watching her movements, Zhou Yi suddenly said.

“You should know that now, except I can keep you, no one has this ability and leisure. So, I don’t need to teach you what to do.”

“Yes , My lord.” Selena felt the involuntary pain, but she had no other choice but to whisper the acknowledge allegiance. And this is what Zhou Yi currently needs her to do.

“I only need holy blood, after I get that thing. I will give you the freedom you want.” Putting down these words, Zhou Yi silently disappeared into the room. And it was not until he had gone for a long time that Selena dared to lift the head.

She looked at the empty room and finally let out a long sigh. Then the whole person seemed to be pulled out of the bone and collapsed on the sofa. Logically speaking, Vampire will not sweat. But at this moment, she felt a cold sweat. Communicating with Zhou Yi is too terrifying for her after all.

And just when Selena was already startled and drowsy. On an old castle on the European continent. But a blood moon rose quietly.

The moonlight fell on the castle, and almost the entire castle was stained with a faint scarlet. It looks particularly coquettish and weird. At the same time, it also appears that the ghost qi of the entire castle feels like a haunted place that often appears in horror movies.

Actually, this place is a haunted place. But it is not a ghost, but an alien like Vampire. At this time, under the castle, a group of people wearing black cloaks sat in a circle around a huge pool.

Among them, there are men and women, Vampire, werewolves, and also the kind of wizards who are talented and possess magical powers. They have lived on this continent for more than ten centuries, hiding in the darkness that will never be discovered by normal people. They manage the darkness, so they named oneself Dark Council.

However, even they are just managers. These alien races under the darkness actually have another owner. At this time, their master is waking up.

When the blood moon shines through the vacancy above the castle into the pool surrounded by the council ruler, the entire pool suddenly begins to roll like boiling. The originally clarified pool water became turbid and gave off a bit of disgusting bloody smell. And soon, the entire pool became a pool of blood.

The red blood was surging in the blood pool, and then slowly calmed down. In the end, the water in the pool was completely calm, as if a blood-red gemstone was ground into a mirror and set in the pool.

And this is just the beginning. As the brilliance of the blood moon became more and more prosperous, red light began to appear in the blood pool. Seeing this radiance, everyone around the blood pool knelt down. They raised their own arms and began to sing chants in an ancient language that no one knew. As they sang louder and louder, the radiance in the blood pool became more and more prosperous.

Finally, a woman’s hoarse and seductive voice came from the blood pool.


As soon as this voice came out, everyone present buried their heads deeply and dared not say a word. From the bottom of their hearts, from in the depth of one’s soul, they were in awe of the existence that made the sound, so that after she spoke, before the command. They don’t dare to make an own sound at all, and have an own idea.

“How did I arrange your affairs?”

The charming female voice rang from under the blood pool again, but his words made most people tremble. ,tremble with fear. But no one dared not respond to her question, and finally someone stood up.

“Your Majesty, please forgive us for our incompetence. We wiped out that non-my family. But the clue we got was robbed by an Outsider.”

“Hmm “The enchanting voice suddenly became majestic and domineering, even though it was still a female voice, it gave people a sense of inviolability and majesty. “So, the mission I gave you. You failed?”

The blood pool boiled instantly, and the red blood snaked out like a snake with life, and quickly entangled. On the person who made the noise. And when the blood snake entangled him, bursts of green smoke immediately appeared.

His body is being melted and corroded, little by little, but it cannot be stopped at all.

“Forgive me, Queen Your Majesty. Forgive me!”

The corrupted man screamed in pain. He did not dare to resist, so he could only plead like this. After a few breaths, the blood snake suddenly turned into blood water, quickly faded from him, and returned to the blood pool. At this time, the majestic and charming female voice rang again.

“This is the last chance. Next time, I will not be merciful. Now, tell me why you failed? Is it too incompetent? Or is there any other reason?”

Looking at the dying companion on the ground, but somehow saved his life. The other guy swallowed and began to answer the queen’s questions.

“Your Majesty, a powerful man has intervened in our actions. Our men are not his opponents. He has taken away the only one who has clues. And I hope we can tell him that the Holy Blood Use!”

“Interesting, really interesting. I dare to snatch my holy blood, but I don’t know what it does. It doesn’t look like a person from heaven? Who will it be? I suddenly became interested. Up.”

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